DiscoverCharm Words: Daily Affirmations for Kids
Charm Words: Daily Affirmations for Kids

Charm Words: Daily Affirmations for Kids

Author: American Public Media

Subscribed: 232Played: 10,771


Charm Words is a daily affirmations podcast for children of diverse backgrounds that will help to inspire and bring self-worth to the forefront of young minds at the start and end of their day. Help your kids deal with feelings of emotional distress while learning new self-care abilities. These simple Ph.D.-approved charming affirmations free kids from invasive troubling thoughts, build resilience to stressful situations and help them develop positive ways of coping. Also a perfect classroom meditation for students.
588 Episodes
I Like Sharing

I Like Sharing


Sharing is wonderful! It can bring joy and fulfillment to both the giver and receiver. Whether we're sharing our time, favorite items, or even just a smile, the act of sharing can create a sense of connection and community and make others feel valued.Elevate your child's world for free with our 'Forever Affirmations' audio tracks and '56 Charm Words Printables'—just a click away at Unleash a universe of positivity and inspiration in your little one's life today!
We're faced with countless decisions every day - from the small, inconsequential ones to those that can have a major impact on our lives. Sometimes that feels pretty overwhelming, but it's important to trust ourselves and our judgment. When we tune into our intuition and lean on our values and past experiences, we'll find that we have all the tools we need to make choices that are right for us.Elevate your child's world for free with our 'Forever Affirmations' audio tracks and '56 Charm Words Printables'—just a click away at Unleash a universe of positivity and inspiration in your little one's life today!
There are so many opportunities and challenges in our lives - so much so that it can sometimes feel daunting. But in order to grow and achieve our goals, it's important to take risks and step out of our comfort zones. Embracing the unknown and being willing to take a chance can lead to great rewards and a sense of fulfillment. In this episode, we'll explore the importance of taking risks and how we can build the confidence to take the leap.Elevate your child's world for free with our 'Forever Affirmations' audio tracks and '56 Charm Words Printables'—just a click away at Unleash a universe of positivity and inspiration in your little one's life today!
I'm Good Enough

I'm Good Enough


It's easy to fall into the trap of self-doubt. With so much media to consume, we tend to compare ourselves to others or hold ourselves to unrealistic expectations. When this happens, let’s take a step back and acknowledge our own worth. We all bring so much value to the world just as we are!Elevate your child's world for free with our 'Forever Affirmations' audio tracks and '56 Charm Words Printables'—just a click away at Unleash a universe of positivity and inspiration in your little one's life today!
When we have hang ups, the past can sometimes hold us back. This prevents us from fully embracing the present and working towards a brighter future. Though it can be difficult, moving on is a crucial step towards personal growth and self-discovery. Today’s Charm Words highlight the importance of letting go and looking to the future with optimism.Elevate your child's world for free with our 'Forever Affirmations' audio tracks and '56 Charm Words Printables'—just a click away at Unleash a universe of positivity and inspiration in your little one's life today!
I Believe In Myself

I Believe In Myself


Believing in ourselves is the key to achieving our dreams and reaching our full potential. It's the inner confidence that fuels our determination and drives us to overcome challenges. When we build our confidence, we’ll have an easier time seeing opportunities instead of obstacles. Being our own cheerleader is one of the easiest ways to empower ourselves!Elevate your child's world for free with our 'Forever Affirmations' audio tracks and '56 Charm Words Printables'—just a click away at Unleash a universe of positivity and inspiration in your little one's life today!
Every accomplishment is a testament to our hard work, dedication, and resilience. Celebrating these wins, both big and small, can boost our motivation and help us build momentum towards achieving even greater things. Today’s Charm Words explore the importance of recognizing and celebrating all our accomplishments, as each one brings us one step closer to our dreams.Elevate your child's world for free with our 'Forever Affirmations' audio tracks and '56 Charm Words Printables'—just a click away at Unleash a universe of positivity and inspiration in your little one's life today!
In life, we all face challenges that test our patience and make us feel angry or frustrated. When that happens, it's important to remember that these emotions are normal, and we have the power to choose how we respond to them. In this episode, we'll explore how we can take control of our anger and use it as a catalyst for positive change.Elevate your child's world for free with our 'Forever Affirmations' audio tracks and '56 Charm Words Printables'—just a click away at Unleash a universe of positivity and inspiration in your little one's life today!
How can we change the world? By tapping into the power that is inside all of us! Today’s Charm Words are all about recognizing and embracing our own power to make a difference. Together, we’ll learn what we have in common with the amazing change-makers who have come before us, and see that making small changes for the better in our own lives and communities can have a ripple effect for the rest of the world. Join us as we welcome our own power, and learn how to use it to make an impact.Elevate your child's world for free with our 'Forever Affirmations' audio tracks and '56 Charm Words Printables'—just a click away at Unleash a universe of positivity and inspiration in your little one's life today!
I Welcome Change

I Welcome Change


Can you imagine if nothing in our lives ever changed, and everything stayed exactly the same? It might be comforting to never have to worry about doing something new, but…life might get a little boring! Learning to embrace new experiences can help us replace fear with excitement. When we shift our attitudes toward change, we open ourselves up to incredible possibilities!Elevate your child's world for free with our 'Forever Affirmations' audio tracks and '56 Charm Words Printables'—just a click away at Unleash a universe of positivity and inspiration in your little one's life today!
I'm An Action-Taker

I'm An Action-Taker


Imagine having a treasure trove of incredible ideas waiting to be brought to life. To make those ideas happen, we need to tap into our courage and determination to take action! Today, we're encouraged to make moves. Taking chances and trying new things is essential for achieving our goals. It might not always be easy, but that's okay! Each time we try, we grow stronger, more resilient, and more confident. It's a learning process, and with each attempt, we’ll get closer to making our dreams a reality.Elevate your child's world for free with our 'Forever Affirmations' audio tracks and '56 Charm Words Printables'—just a click away at Unleash a universe of positivity and inspiration in your little one's life today!
Our creativity is a reflection of our individuality, and it's something that we should celebrate! When we allow ourselves to be creative, we tap into that special something that sets us apart from everyone else. In today's Charm Words, we're reminded that our creativity is unique and special. We don't need to compare ourselves to others, because we already have something valuable to offer. It's important to remember that creativity isn't just about art or music - it can be found in every aspect of our lives. Whether we're problem-solving, designing, or inventing, we all can bring something new and exciting to the table!Elevate your child's world for free with our 'Forever Affirmations' audio tracks and '56 Charm Words Printables'—just a click away at Unleash a universe of positivity and inspiration in your little one's life today!
When we’re part of a team, we should be supportive and helpful to our teammates no matter who they are. That means listening to their ideas, and showing a willingness to compromise. We can also recognize each other's strengths and weaknesses and offer help when needed. If problems arise, we can approach our team calmly and respectfully to find solutions that work for everyone. To be a good team player, let’s make sure we’re reliable, flexible, and willing to communicate.Elevate your child's world for free with our 'Forever Affirmations' audio tracks and '56 Charm Words Printables'—just a click away at Unleash a universe of positivity and inspiration in your little one's life today!
I Am True to Who I Am

I Am True to Who I Am


What does it mean to be authentic? How do we make choices that reflect the things that are important to us? Join us for today’s Charm Words as we explore how staying true to ourselves can help guide us in making decisions. We’ll also discover that even if we regret a decision, it’s never too late to change our minds and make the right choice. Staying true to who we are gives us the power to choose and the power to change!Elevate your child's world for free with our 'Forever Affirmations' audio tracks and '56 Charm Words Printables'—just a click away at Unleash a universe of positivity and inspiration in your little one's life today!
I Am Open Minded

I Am Open Minded


In order to have an exciting and fulfilling life, we need to be willing to try new things and consider different perspectives. This way, we can explore all sorts of experiences that can help us foster personal growth, empathy, and joy! When we’re open to the richness of life, we open ourselves to all sorts of incredible adventures.Elevate your child's world for free with our 'Forever Affirmations' audio tracks and '56 Charm Words Printables'—just a click away at Unleash a universe of positivity and inspiration in your little one's life today!
Receiving compliments is great! Hearing people tell us that we’re kind, funny, and thoughtful can give us a confidence boost. But sometimes, we might feel shy or uncertain because of our insecurities. When that happens, we can remind ourselves of today’s Charm Words! Accepting praise is a wonderful way to show ourselves that we’re worthy of love, admiration, and respect. It’s a way of embracing the beautiful qualities that make us so special!Elevate your child's world for free with our 'Forever Affirmations' audio tracks and '56 Charm Words Printables'—just a click away at Unleash a universe of positivity and inspiration in your little one's life today!
I Love The Way I Look

I Love The Way I Look


Our appearance can have a big impact on how we feel about ourselves. That's why it's important to take a few minutes out of our day to celebrate how amazing we look! By showering ourselves in some much-needed love, we can embrace our unique qualities and feel confident in our own skin. It's okay that we don't look like everyone else - that's what makes us special. We all bring different shapes and sizes of beauty into the world!Elevate your child's world for free with our 'Forever Affirmations' audio tracks and '56 Charm Words Printables'—just a click away at Unleash a universe of positivity and inspiration in your little one's life today!
I Am In Control

I Am In Control


We are the masters of our own lives! We have control over who we are, what we do, and what we like. While there will always be situations that we don’t have full control over, we can remind ourselves that we have power over our own emotions and actions. That in of itself is an incredible thing, because choosing how we want to feel and react can change everything! Elevate your child's world for free with our 'Forever Affirmations' audio tracks and '56 Charm Words Printables'—just a click away at Unleash a universe of positivity and inspiration in your little one's life today!
I Am Smart And Capable

I Am Smart And Capable


Today's Charm Words celebrate our intelligence and skill-sets! Let’s take some time to recognize and embrace our unique strengths and abilities. We all have incredible potential to learn, grow, and achieve great things. By believing in ourselves and our capabilities, we unlock a world of endless possibilities. Join us as we celebrate our brilliance. Nothing stands in our way!Elevate your child's world for free with our 'Forever Affirmations' audio tracks and '56 Charm Words Printables'—just a click away at Unleash a universe of positivity and inspiration in your little one's life today!
When faced with intense situations, it's natural for our emotions to flare up. However, we have the power to manage the way we respond. We can take a minute to gather ourselves and think things through. This helps us make better choices. With today’s Charm Words, we'll practice transforming challenging moments into opportunities for growth! When we show others that we are willing to engage in a calm and thoughtful manner, we become catalysts for positive change. By modeling these behaviors, we create an environment where understanding and empathy can flourish.Elevate your child's world for free with our 'Forever Affirmations' audio tracks and '56 Charm Words Printables'—just a click away at Unleash a universe of positivity and inspiration in your little one's life today!
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