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Eckhart Tolle: Essential Teachings
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Eckhart Tolle: Essential Teachings

Author: Oprah and Eckhart Tolle

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Oprah Winfrey is delighted to introduce a new weekly podcast series from one of the great spiritual thinkers of our time: Eckhart Tolle. Eckhart’s wisdom will help you learn to quiet your mind, separate your ego from your true self and live a fully present life. Essential Teachings by Eckhart will provide a path to discover an enlightened state of consciousness. Oprah says Eckhart transformed her life and hopes these Essential Teachings will inspire you to seek your own higher purpose.
175 Episodes
In this podcast, Eckhart inspires a crowd in New York City. He talks about the importance of rooting ourselves in the transcendent dimension especially when we feel overwhelmed by the insanity of the world. He explains it’s easy to believe that we are a species who lost its way - just watch the evening news. He says most people’s attention is consumed by thinking. He says they may gaze at you, but they don’t really see you. He believes once we release the mind’s constraints, our awareness becomes clear like precious stones transparent to the light.  He says consciousness is what remains when thought comes to an end. He says it is only by taking our attention deeply into the present that we encounter the transcendent. Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more of your favorite OWN shows on your TV! Visit  
In this episode Eckhart talks to an audience in New York City.  He reminds them of life’s fleeting nature and that in eighty or ninety years the names of the people lit up by the bright lights of Broadway will be gone. Success, fame and fortune do not provide immunity from what Eckhart calls the burden of self… the identity we fabricate from our problems…including health, careers, finances and relationships. Eckhart explains that the greatest source of suffering is not just created by the mind…but by our unobserved thoughts. They drift in and out of our awareness and we believe them without question. Over time, we weave them into a sad story called my life and we become victim to these narratives. Eckhart explains that we cannot go through life without challenges. He explains even if we are awakened spiritually, difficulties will continue. However, the difference is that we will no longer turn adversity into suffering. We have the awareness to liberate ourselves from the shackles of our thinking.Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more of your favorite OWN shows on your TV! Visit  
In this episode, Eckhart talks about how far we have yet to go in our spiritual growth.  He says what’s critical is that we transcend our thinking because it’s absolutely necessary for our survival. He says the dysfunction of the ego dates back thousands of years. Eckhart explains we need only look at history for evidence: creating enemies, war and endless cycles of violence. He says the same aberration still exists today. Yet, science and technology have amplified it so greatly that the collapse of civilization and worldwide destruction are imminently possible. Eckhart believes we are in crisis and in order to make a shift we must evolve beyond our current state of consciousness. He says when a critical number of people connect more consistently with their transcendent selves, an entirely new world will be born which Eckhart calls A New Earth. He says that is our destiny and the secret to all life. Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more of your favorite OWN shows on your TV! Visit   
In this podcast, Eckhart talks about the spiritual evolution of humanity. He says our development is far from finished. In fact, he says it coincides with the transformation of all life on Earth. Collectively, we are on the way to awakening, but we haven’t arrived yet. Eckhart asks: what does it mean to be awake?  In spiritual terms, he says it’s reaching that deeper dimension of ourselves that is higher than thinking. He believes it’s the secret behind all spiritual teachings. Both Buddha and Jesus described this state of heightened awareness. Eckhart says we will find it when we relinquish our so-called normal state of consciousness which he describes as a relentless stream of compulsive thinking. Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit  You can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more of your favorite OWN shows on your TV! Visit   
Original Air Date: May 21, 2021Eckhart Tolle answers questions about how to deal with our fears, especially when confronted with a crisis. He says we can’t take intelligent action when we’re gripped with anxiety. When the world threatens to overwhelm us, what’s needed is wisdom, looking at the totality of the situation, not just one aspect of the problem. Eckhart says we must free ourselves of the negative thinking that accompanies fear and align ourselves with the vertical or transcendent dimension. That is where we will find our answers.Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more of your favorite OWN shows on your TV! Visit  
Original Air Date: May 21, 2021Eckhart Tolle delves into a topic that is taboo for many of us…and that is the subject of Death. In the Western world, Eckhart says denial and the fear of death has prevailed for centuries. However, due to the pandemic, collectively we’ve been forced to confront death on a scale we haven’t seen since the last century. Eckhart says Death has much to teach us. And he also gives us hope. There is more to the larger workings of the Universe than is visible to the eye. He says there is a much deeper dimension to who we are…one that never dies. If we can get in touch with that transcendent aspect of ourselves, our fear of death will ultimately disappear.Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more of your favorite OWN shows on your TV! Visit   
Original Air Date: May 21, 2021Eckhart Tolle elaborates on the paradox of order and chaos that exists in our world. For many of us, especially this past year, living through the pandemic has wreaked havoc on our lives. We’ve experienced loss of socializing, income and perhaps the loss of someone we love.  While we might be tempted to despair, Eckhart says order and chaos are an essential part of a higher order. He says there are larger forces at work in the Universe and if we can surrender to that, life’s challenges have the potential to transform our consciousness.Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more of your favorite OWN shows on your TV! Visit   
In this podcast, Eckhart talks about the coming changes for humanity, including a shift to a different level of consciousness. He explains collectively, we are going through difficult times now, because real change only occurs when society is pushed to the brink. He says without adversity, there is no transformation. He believes we need not be afraid when hardship strikes because that too will be a catalyst for more spiritual growth. Eckhart says historically, humanity has gone through many regressions and collective disasters. He explains they are intrinsic to the process of awakening because every setback is part of the journey.Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more of your favorite OWN shows on your TV! Visit  
In this podcast Eckhart talks about the pitfalls of the ego and the need to feel superior. He explains we seek an identity through external distinction like wealth, fame, even our nationality, to dispel the anxiety that we’re not enough. He says the focus on image creates a false sense of self. He shares examples from his own life. Growing up Eckhart’s family struggled financially, which left him with low self-esteem. He asked why bad things always seemed to happen to him. To bolster his feelings of inadequacy, Eckhart says he pursued intellectual achievements which came easily. But his sense of superiority soon vanished in the wake of his negative thinking. Eckhart says for a time, he sought refuge in complaining and victimhood. But after he experienced an awakening, the old patterns gave way to something greater, and his self-hate evaporated. He explains he finally understood the meaning of Buddha’s teachings about suffering and the end of suffering and how liberation emerges when we release the ego’s grip.Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more of your favorite OWN shows on your TV! Visit  
In this episode, Eckhart laughs with his audience. He exclaims there’s hope for humanity when such a big crowd seeks greater consciousness. He also explains that inspiration can quickly turn to perspiration when we encounter obstacles, especially with the people in our lives. He quotes existential philosopher, Jean Paul Sartre who famously said: Hell is other people. While Eckhart believes that is an ego-based perspective, many of us feel that life is full of experiences we shouldn’t have. We think something is wrong with us or that God has a grudge when misfortune strikes. Eckhart says the greatest part of unhappiness comes from our minds and the stories we tell ourselves. He says the answer to life’s struggles will never be found in our thinking. He believes we find freedom when we release our inner baggage, unencumbered, to discover the bare naked is-ness of the present moment.Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit   You can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more of your favorite OWN shows on your TV! Visit    
Glimpsing What Is Sacred

Glimpsing What Is Sacred


In this podcast, Eckhart says it’s vitally important that we become familiar with the mystical aspect of our lives. However, he explains it is not something we can easily define, nor can we truly understand sacredness until we catch a glimpse of it. For that to happen, Eckhart says we must learn to stop the mind with its incessant thinking and labeling so we can become present. Eckhart reveals that on a deeper level, presence is actually the presence of God. Not the traditional idea of God, but a vast intelligence that permeates the entire universe. For many he says thinking and objectifying others, as well as ourselves is a barrier to this direct experience. He explains the concept is beautifully illustrated by the Greek myth of narcissus.Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit  You can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more of your favorite OWN shows on your TV! Visit 
In this episode, Eckhart explains to a live audience that a deeper movement has brought them together and the goal is to help them awaken. He says many ancient spiritual teachings point to this timeless idea of metamorphosis including the parables of Jesus and others. He explains the root of the word Buddha means to be awake in Sanskrit. Eckhart explains when we shift to higher consciousness, we have access to wisdom which is far deeper than intelligence. Ironically, he says more knowledge will not save us. In fact, intelligence often works in service of madness, technology, war and weapons of mass destruction. He believes only wisdom together with right action will help our ailing world and these can only spring from awakened consciousness.Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit   You can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more of your favorite OWN shows on your TV! Visit
In this podcast, Eckhart talks about the future of religion. He says the next step for the human race is to shift from worshiping God as a concept, to experiencing God as part of our own essence. He explains once we awaken to this realization, we no longer contribute to suffering in the world because the ego disappears and with it goes continuous judgment of others. He says when we don’t react to their personalities, we recognize the sacred depth of others as that in ourselves and the separation between us and them dissipates. Eckhart calls it the manifestation of the one consciousness. He also says this understanding of the other as oneself is love and it connects us to a vastness that we may also call God.Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more of your favorite OWN shows on your TV! Visit  
In this episode, Eckhart talks about how we define success. He asks: Do we look to the world to determine that for us? If yes, we may be heading down the wrong path, because to a large extent Eckhart says the world is insane. He explains money, property, prestige and power do not signify we’ve reached the pinnacle. He says for the people who strive to attain these things, many report after the initial high, comes a very emotional low. Eckhart reveals the greatest source of riches is within and the real indicator of success is our state of consciousness. He asks: Do we bring light to this world? In the Bible, Jesus described it as the Kingdom of Heaven, in current day terms, Eckhart explains, the Kingdom of Heaven is a state of consciousness.Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more of your favorite OWN shows on your TV! Visit  
In this episode, Eckhart continues his talk with an audience in Budapest, explaining that if we are waiting for the world to make us happy in the form of the right person, place, job or situation. We will probably wait for a very long time. He says our expectations for the perfect life usually lead to deep disappointment.  He explains life is fragile and cannot possibly meet all of our demands. He says we ask ourselves “what is the world here for if it's not to make us happy?” Eckhart explains every person is like a seed of awakening consciousness.  Life’s challenges push the seed to sprout. Eckhart implores that we must learn to drop the demand that life should be perfect.Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more of your favorite OWN shows on your TV! Visit  
In this episode, Eckhart talks to an audience in Budapest, Hungary. The crowd erupts with laughter and applause when he speaks a few words in Hungarian, especially the word for Now which is Most. Eckhart then explains that the next step in the evolution of humanity is to awaken. He says there is the potential in every person for a deeper dimension of consciousness, which is the light of God.  He says many people look for themselves in their thoughts. They compare themselves to others: their childhoods, bodies, jobs, possessions. He explains these thoughts become a sad story and an identity which we call My Life. We keep it alive by overthinking, but it is a delusion. Eckhart says we will find liberation when we drop the narrative of the unhappy me.Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more of your favorite OWN shows on your TV! Visit  
In this podcast Eckhart, reminds us that the world is not here to make us happy, it’s here to make us conscious. He says if we don’t embrace that, then we will be irritated or even outraged when life pushes us to deal with difficulties which he describes as a pitfall of the ego. He says we don’t have to work hard to awaken, rather we can let the awareness shine through us. Eckhart says it takes no time to be who you are and that remains true whether we are eighteen or eighty. He believes we do not need time to realize our true essence.Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more of your favorite OWN shows on your TV! Visit   
In this podcast Eckhart talks to an audience in Chicago. He recalls fond memories of traveling to the Windy City to Harpo Studios back in 2008. For 10 weeks Eckhart and I hosted a webinar based on his New York Times bestselling book A New Earth. The book had a profound impact on me, and I wanted to share it with a larger audience. Those sessions were groundbreaking. Since then, millions of people have downloaded that webcast and listened to our conversations. If you haven't already, you really should. I believe rolling back the ego and focusing on being rather than doing opened the door to awakening for me and for many. Today, Eckhart continues his work ever reminding us that our experience of life is not determined by what happens to us it’s defined by how we respond.Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more of your favorite OWN shows on your TV! Visit  
In this podcast, Eckhart talks with an audience in Paris. He contemplates the mysteries of space and the subatomic world. He says the greatest mystery is that the universe is conscious.  He remarks that science has not yet been able to examine consciousness, because it’s not an object and it is not generated by the brain. He says science has not yet discovered its source. However, Eckhart says there may come a time when science and spirituality merge. He explains there is only one consciousness which is beyond space and time. He compares it to the sun which shines rays of light into this dimension. He says we are those rays, emanating from the one transcendent source of all light.Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more of your favorite OWN shows on your TV! Visit  
Overcoming the World

Overcoming the World


In this podcast, Eckhart talks about how many of us react when the world doesn’t go our way. He says we either surrender and accept the situation or more often than not, we go into victim mode: victim of circumstance, victim of other people or even God. He goes on to explain if loss is involved then bitterness and anger set in, and the ego becomes more entrenched. Eckhart mentions the ancient wisdom of Buddha who talked about suffering and the end of suffering. And Jesus who said, “You will have tribulation. But take heart, for I have overcome the world.”  Eckhart asks participants to ponder what it actually means to overcome the world. He explains it has nothing to do with external power because it’s an internal realization. He says the turbulent times that we live in provide ample opportunity to reach the eternal, boundless part of ourselves. Eckhart believes we overcome the world when we don’t derive our sense of identity from the world.Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more of your favorite OWN shows on your TV! Visit  
Comments (41)

Mina Sahraee

You are amazing, truly miraculous people . Thank you.

May 26th

Gavin Kennerley


May 23rd

Adam Bates

Wild that Oprah has decided to monetise this with adverts. Eckhart guides us to be free of the egoic mind, and the adverts serve to do the opposite and remind us to consume.

Apr 10th


Great Master✨🤍🪐

Feb 14th

Abubakr qaderi

The only thing we need to do is to find our spirituality

Jan 16th

Gabriel Neuman

the universe is concious, and conciousness is the essence of the universe.

Sep 19th

Gabriel Neuman

this talk is great. He says: "The source radiates consciousness like the sun radiates light." wonderful 👍

Sep 19th

Noel Ambutu

my favourite episode

Sep 19th

Amir Nouran

so truth.this fact alone is life changing for me. thanks

Aug 29th

Afsoon Rahbar


May 22nd

Peter F

Perhaps my favorite talk. So clear and articulate, I really connect with his insights on identity.

Mar 14th

Mazyar Mohammadi

Very effective!

Jan 13th


Impossible to relax and enjoy these talks with the random, jarring intrusion of loud ads during them. The pods aren't very long so it seems like placing ads at the start and/or finish would be more than enough.

Dec 18th

Pejman Mir

this is the first time I pause a play for leaving a comment: Wow!!!! just , wow! no wait wow!!!!

Aug 12th

baktash hesaraki

am i ready to be still ?or maybe you would like to suffer more?

May 6th

baktash hesaraki

this is awesome ,thanks for uploading

May 3rd


i’m conflicted, i love him but i strongly dislike oprah. even the fact they’re collaborating now makes me sus on eckhart

Apr 24th

Sona Nikooei

I did enjoy his talks. so influential 👌

Mar 26th

Voyance Podcast

Here for presence 💯

Jan 2nd

Negar Nasr

I love Eckhart. and just thanks universe for this opportunity

Nov 4th
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