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Essential Tennis Podcast - Instruction, Lessons, Tips
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Essential Tennis Podcast - Instruction, Lessons, Tips

Author: Essential Tennis LLC

Subscribed: 1,282Played: 29,744


If you LOVE tennis, you badly want to improve, and you’re willing to work hard to achieve your goals then this is the tennis podcast you’ve been looking for! For over a decade tennis professional Ian Westermann has been answering questions for listeners all over the world with one goal in mind: making YOU a better tennis player.

What topics are covered? Over the years no stone has been left unturned as Ian covers such topics as creating topspin, singles strategy, doubles strategy, mental toughness, stroke technique for the serve, forehand and backhand, fitness and conditioning, how to defeat pushers, mastery mindset and goal setting, how to change bad habits, footwork, defeating nerves during matches, tournament success, tie breaker success, breaking through plateaus, advice for tennis parents, and much, much more!

Does Ian’s audio tennis instruction translate into better on court results? In short, YES!

There’s a reason why the Essential Tennis Podcast is the highest rated tennis podcast in the world: Ian’s instruction actually does bring results. Tennis players all around the planet listen to his lessons thousands of times per day and are improving their tennis as a result.

So whether your technique needs polishing, your strategy is suffering, or your mental game is leaving you a wreck on the court this tennis podcast can take you to the next level. Start listening today so you can take full advantage of all Ian’s tennis knowledge!

You’ll also hear candid, in depth interviews with luminaries, book authors, and other experts in the game of tennis like Gigi Fernandez and Craig O’Shannessey. Ian loves spending time chatting with other podcast hosts as well in an effort to bring a well rounded, balanced approach to the thoughts and perspectives presented on his show.

Subscribing to the Essential Tennis Podcast is hands down the best way to automatically get each episode that Ian publishes but you can also access each and every lesson at From there you can manually download each .mp3 file into iTunes and listen to them on your computer or transfer them to your iPhone, iPod, or iPad to listen on the go.

You can also subscribe via the Podcasts App on your iPhone, the Play Music app on your Android phone, or through Spotify, Stitcher, or anywhere else you listen to podcasts.

Be sure to check out all of the amazing video and written tennis lessons on as well. Everything at Essential Tennis is completely free and open to take advantage of. No matter what part of your game you need to improve you’ll find helpful instruction to get you to the next level.

Have you enjoyed the Essential Tennis Podcast? Then please rate and review the show! It’s already the most highly rated tennis podcast on iTunes but Ian would greatly appreciate your support by leaving your comments and rating.

Thank you so much for listening and good luck with your tennis!
333 Episodes
There are few things more frustrating in tennis than not being able to trust your hardest, most powerful shots – forcing you to stick with with safe, tentative shots that your opponents can easily attack. In this episode I'll dissect the root cause of this problem, and give you the solution for hitting hard shots you can count on...
Lurking in every club, at every public court, and probably in YOUR service motion is the single biggest flaw that's holding back your game – and worst of all, it's the toughest technique problem to fix. In this episode of the Essential Tennis Podcast I'll lay out the roadmap for defeating the dreaded "Waiter Tray".
After posting a video on my personal channel calling out the WORST attitude in tennis, a player named Ben realized the video was describing HIM and sent me a long email explaining what led him to become a real life tennis troll. He agreed to sit down and get everything out in the open – here is our full conversation.
If you HATE playing doubles with a weak partner who doesn’t know where to stand, where to aim, or how to avoid your opponents then this special episode of the Essential Tennis Podcast is exactly for you! You’ll learn how to take matters into your own hands, dictate play, and be a hero to your weaker partner.
If you’re tired of never getting the ball at the net in doubles and points lasting forever until a baseline player finally misses then this is the episode you've been waiting for. You’re about to learn how to magically appear in exactly the right place at exactly the right time so you can STEAL points from your opponents and level up your game.
If you feel like you’re trying hard on your forehand but just can't hit a powerful shot then this is the episode you've been waiting for. That’s what my recent student told me was happening to her, but when I took my first look at her contact position it didn’t make any sense. Here's how I discovered the root of her problem and the steps you can follow to start hitting more effortless and powerful forehands...
How would you like to play your BEST tennis in the BIGGEST moments instead of crumbling under pressure? That’s exactly what you’re going to learn how to do as I deconstruct the recent video by Karue Sell from MyTennisHQ. He had an incredible result in a set against Taylor Fritz, the current world #12, and his reaction to that result speaks volumes about the difference between the mental toughness of world class players and regular, every day ones like you and me. Hope you enjoy this special episode of the Essential Tennis Podcast.
There’s a 90% chance your ready position SUCKS based on the tens of thousands of hours I’ve spent coaching everyday tennis players like you. Without checking all four boxes needed you’ll never move around the court as quickly or smoothly as you should. Find out what they are in today’s special episode of the Essential Tennis Podcast.
Novak Djokovic is one of the most mentally tough tennis players of all time but it’s not for the reason most people think. Find out what the secret is in this special episode of the Essential Tennis Podcast so you can become a better competitor during matches, play your best when it matters most and level up your game.
If you’ve EVER tried to keep your tossing arm up on your serve then you MUST listen to this episode of the Essential Tennis Podcast because that tip might be ruining your tennis results. Find out how long is too long to keep your arm up and how to hit your serves with the most power, smoothness and athleticism possible!
What if you could make your best swings, hit your best shots and play your best level completely on auto pilot? Without thinking about it at all? That’s what the best competitors at ALL levels are able to do: play on instinct and habit instead of a merry go round of constant reminders and thoughts. Find out EXACTLY how to do that in this special episode of the Essential Tennis Podcast! 
What if you could make your best swings, hit your best shots and play your best level of tennis completely on auto pilot? Without thinking about it at all? That’s what the best competitors at ALL levels are able to do: play on instinct and habit instead of a merry go round of constant reminders and thoughts. Learn how to do that and much more in this special episode of the Essential Tennis Podcast.
If you’re an adult competitive tennis player that feels stuck with the same game, the same strokes, year after year, and you’re starting to feel like giving up - DON’T. This episode of the Essential Tennis Podcast will reveal how to use the Improvement Circle to break out of the rut of bad habits, advance your game and reach the next level as quickly as possible.
The last 18 months have been a struggle and I wanted to let you know why I haven’t been posting new episodes of the Essential Tennis Podcast. Thank you so much for all your support over the years. I appreciate it tremendously.
The thing holding you back from the next level of tennis is something truly unexpected. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been playing, what level you are, how many lessons you’ve taken or how many matches you’ve won. Every player across the globe has yet to master this ONE thing and it’s keeping them from the quality tennis they’re capable of. Find out what it is and how to fix it in this special episode of the Essential Tennis Podcast!
Often times tennis lessons ARE a waste of money because they simply don’t provide the type of service that students were expecting. Today’s special episode of the Essential Tennis Podcast features a candid conversation between Ian and a player who felt ripped off. Was it warranted or did he make a mistake signing up for the coaching he did? Find out so you don’t make the same mistakes and get the most out of your tennis experience.
Pickleball is all the rage right now so I got some coaching and played some matches to see if it’s as great as so many people think. In this special episode of the Essential Tennis Podcast you’ll hear my candid thoughts about what Pickleball is nailing, what the tennis community can learn from it, and whether I’ll be sticking with tennis or transitioning to Pickleball.
The mental side of tennis used to be my biggest weakness and now it’s one of my biggest strengths. I’ve gone from being angry, self critical and spiraling out of control match after match to perfectly balancing my thoughts, feelings and mental energy. How was I able to do it? In this special episode of the Essential Tennis Podcast I look back over the last 20 years of work, reflection and learning to uncover the most important changes I’ve made that have turned tennis competition into a joy again.
If you’re sick of playing better in practice than you do in matches then this special episode of the Essential Tennis Podcast can’t be missed. You’ll learn the two big problems holding players back from their best performance when the pressure is really on, and most importantly, how to break free of those traps and finally become the competitive player you’ve always dreamed of.
If you’re sick and tired of bad line calls in tennis matches then this special episode of the Essential Tennis Podcast is a must listen. You’ll learn the surprising reason behind why they happen so frequently, what you can do about it in the moment, and even how you can keep them from sabatoging your level of play and destroying your results. If you’re a serious tennis player who wants to perform their best when it really matters then don’t miss this.
Comments (6)

Adam S Kolodziej

Good Luck Ian with where you will take Essentail tennis and keeping up all your mediums of sharing content!

Feb 21st

Nomi Sanchez

this is a great pick me up thank you

Nov 26th

Nomi Sanchez

my friend introduced me to your podcast now I am addicted. I have started backwards on listening but am so happy to have found a library of such great lessons!! thank you!! this by far has been my most favorite interview!! sincerely, Tennis Addict Nomi

Jul 30th
Reply (1)

could have been covered in 10 mins!

Feb 22nd

Jason Schofield

I love this podcast.. Thanks Ian

May 22nd
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