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Author: Meg and Hina

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【meg and hinaに質問、相談なんでも!】


219 Episodes
Welcome back to our podcast this week! We will be talking about some ways to start talking to a guy you're interested in! We talked about Uni settings specifically because that's a totally different world compared to middle and high school right? Our biggest advice to you guys tho, in general, is to just do whatever you think of doing so that you won't regret anything!!!! 今週はクラスの男子にアプローチする方法について話したよ!今回の設定は大学にしたんだけど、大学って中学とか高校に比べて毎回クラスで一緒になる人違うし、大人数のクラスとかってなると気になる人ができてもアプローチめちゃめちゃ難しいよね。でも話しかけられて嫌な気をする人っていないと思うの。だから、恋愛でも何においてもなんだけど、とにかくやりたいって思ったことは全部やるべき!やらない方がきっと後悔するし、やったらやったで案外大丈夫だった!ってケースがほとんどだと思うから、とにかく話しかけてみてね! --- Send in a voice message:
Welcome back to our podcast this week:) This week we read a letter from a girl asking about her boyfriend's savings. Do you worry if your partner had no savings or does money really not matter when there is love?? Let me know what you guys think!! 今週は恋愛においてお金って大事?っていうトピックについて語ったよ!愛があればそれ以外は何もいらない?それともやっぱりお金はどこまで行っても大事?貯金がない人と付き合えるか、みんなの意見も聞かせて!! --- Send in a voice message:
Welcome back to our podcast! This week, we got a letter from a guy asking what girls mean when they call guys "cute"? There are so many meanings behind that word but it's always a compliment, right? What do you guys think? Also, it's not really common to compliment someone in our daily lives in Japan, but let's make that a trend cause compliments make everyone happy! ヤッホーみんな!今週は「かわいい」の意味について語ったよ!女子が男子に言う可愛いの意味とは? 褒めたり褒められたりって、すごい良い習慣だけどあんまり日常的にしない人が多い気がするけど、このポッドキャスト聞いて、明日友達の良いとこ一個言ってくれたらうちらはめちゃめちゃ嬉しい! --- Send in a voice message:
Hey guys! Thank you for coming back to our podcast this week! We're back with another episode about relationships... Have you guys ever noticed a red flag in a guy or a girl before you even start dating them?? Knowing the red flags is gonna help you so much from unnecessary problems. Or from your heart being played... If there's any other red flag you know, let us know! 今週は、付き合う前に知りたい!やばい男女の危険信号について!笑 英語だとred flagsっていうんだけど、例えば店員に対して態度が悪いとか、すぐ舌打ちするとか?その人の人間性がわかる言動ってあるよね! それについて話したよ!遊ばれる前に気づきたいよね!笑 --- Send in a voice message:
Sex Before Dating

Sex Before Dating


Hey guys! We're back with another relationship episode! So sorry we haven't been able to post for a while.... This week we talk about having sex with someone before dating them. Physical chemistry is important, but is it necessary to find that out before getting into a relationship with them? みんなヤッホー!先週は急遽お休みもらっちゃってごめんね!!今週からまた恋愛トーク再開するよ❤️ 今週は付き合う前にやるのはアリか、ナシかについて話したよ。みんなの意見も聞かせてね! --- Send in a voice message:
Happy Sunday guys! Have you guys ever experienced liking someone who's already in a relationship? Apparently, that's a worldwide thing where they someone seems more attractive once they're in a relationship. Weird right? Is there even a term for that? 彼氏・彼女がいる人の方がなんかちょっと魅力的に見えるあの現象なに?やっぱり余裕なのかな?今週はすでに恋人がいる人を好きになっちゃったり、自分に恋人がいるのに他の人を好きになっちゃう時とかの話をしたよ! --- Send in a voice message:
Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! Recently, we made it to the Top 100 on Japan Podcast on Spotify! Thank you guys so much for listening to our podcast every week it means so much to us!!! This week we talked about some of the things we wish we knew before dating someone. It's so easy to be blind when you're in love, right? We shared some of the things that should be helpful next time you get into a relationship! Or make the relationship you're in right now a better one! みんなヤッホー!先週なんとSpotify Japan Podcast Top 100にランクインしたよ!いつも聴いてくれて本当にありがとう!これからもよろしくね! 今週は、付き合う前に知っておきたかったことについて話したよ!恋するとどうしても盲目になっちゃうけど、知っといたらよかったなみたいなことって結構あるよね?それについてシェアしたよ! --- Send in a voice message:
Have you ever experienced guilt for doing something just because you're in a relationship? As much as being in a relationship is a choice and no one is restricting you from doing something you want, there are these unspoken rules you must follow when you're in a relationship right? We talked about that in-depth this week and I wanna know what you guys think! 付き合ってると、暗黙の了解でやっちゃいけないことってあるよね?例えばクラブに行くとか、男女の友達で泊まりのトリップに行くとか…。 悪いことしてるわけじゃなくてもなんとなく罪悪感感じる時ない?今週はそれについて深掘りしたよ! 毎週お便りフォーム見てるからどしどし送ってね!プロフィールに貼ってあるリンクからお便りページに飛べるよ! --- Send in a voice message:
Do you guys think you can start a relationship with your friend? In our opinion, we love that! I think we can show our true colors with our friends and isn't it amazing if that person can also be your lover!? Let me know what you guys think! 【友達から恋愛に発展】あり?なし?そもそも男女の友情はあるのかないのかっていうのも気になるけど!友達から恋人になるのっていいなぁって思う! 今週はそんなお悩み相談について答えたよ! --- Send in a voice message:
Do you guys ever wonder if you like a person romantically or just as friends? Staying in a certain friend group and becoming close to a specific person over time can probably make you feel that way. But that's the point of living life and enjoying love life right? We also dig deep into a type of relationship where you just hook up casually for a few times and never get into a serious relationship. Is that okay? Even if you guys are in the same friend group? Let us know!!! xxx --- Send in a voice message:
好きな人とか恋人にされて、モヤモヤすること、嫌なことって誰にでもあるよね。 でも付き合ってるわけじゃないし、とか浮気ではないから、とかっていうであんまり怒れないのもさらにモヤモヤ! 前回英語でやったんだけど、好評だったから日本語でもインスタで解答募集したの!そしたらみんなめっちゃ答えてくれたから、それをシェアしたよ! おもしろかった!!!しちゃんとムカつくねやっぱり!笑 --- Send in a voice message:
Have you guys ever experienced being played by someone you like? Isn't it so annoying how it bothers you but you can't stop thinking about that person... This week we talk about how to play back when someone is playing with you!  --- Send in a voice message:
Happy almost Valentine's Day!!! Do you have someone in mind to spend your Valentine's Day with? If not that totally fun too let's all have a single's chocolate party! We tried something fun this week with a relationship this or that. Let us know which one you guys would rather date. --- Send in a voice message:
Did you guys know we used to live in Europe for a year? In that one year, we did so much traveling, partying, studying, shopping, etc. This week we wanted to share our experience with you guys in case you are also thinking of studying abroad or are interested in going somewhere! --- Send in a voice message:
Ever experienced liking your guy friend before? I think we've all been there and done that. In this week's episode, we talk about how to get out of that friend zone and make your guy friend like you back! Hope this works and let us know if it does!!! --- Send in a voice message:
Happy New Year guys!!! Thank you so much for listening to our podcast last year! So much has happened but thank you for staying by our side and always supporting us. Another year has greeted us and we are riding on this new wave with you guys! Which we're very excited about. One thing I want to achieve this year is for us to find more ways to connect with you guys! It's always nice to know that you guys are listening to our podcast and we want to create more opportunities for us to connect in real life! Also, a big announcement from us coming around the end of this episode so stay tuned! Love you guys all so much! 今年もよろしくね❤️ --- Send in a voice message:
We're all worried about our future. Relationships with friends, lovers, and family can worry us too, but many of our worries come from work. Not knowing what you want to do in the future, not knowing what kind of occupation you want, and worrying if your path is correct. I know these things can worry you, it worries us too. But we are in this together! We are also worried too but it's okay there's always a way! --- Send in a voice message:
Are we not able to find a boyfriend because we haven't met the right person yet? Or is it because our expectations are too high? --- Send in a voice message:
How hard can it be to flirt right... but when it comes to relationships, it's not that easy. Today we talked about ways to flirt with a guy on your first date. We don't know what the right answer is but it might be worth a try!  --- Send in a voice message:
We all have those days when we just can't take it any more right? Feeling judged, or looked down upon, stuff like that. We go through that too every day and still haven't found the cure. But talking about it will probably make us feel a little better! We're all in this together let's do this guys! --- Send in a voice message:
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