Author: Moms on Call LLC & tentwentytwo

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Whoever said that babies don't come with instruction manuals never met Laura and Jennifer, the Moms on Call.

151 Episodes
The number one thing we get questions about at Moms on Call is sleep schedule and sleeping through the night. This week on Moms on Call, we’ll tackle two of those sleep questions. First, a mom of a 14-month-old is wondering why he is suddenly not sleeping through the night. Could it be teething or something more? We’ll talk about all the reasons why this could be happening and what to do to solve the problem. Then, a mom in Michigan has a 6-month-old that is sleeping fine, until his legs get stuck in the crib. We’ll talk about ways to safely avoid this issue.  Have a question for Jennifer and Laura? Call 888-234-7979 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
There’s always a sigh of relief as a parent when you finally get your toddler sleep trained and potty trained. So what happens when they regress? This week on the podcast we’ll talk about the reasons on why your toddler might be regressing and strategies to get them back on track.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Moms on Call podcast, Jennifer and Laura discuss parenting with Dr. Ann Kristin Homdrum, a chiropractor specializing in pediatrics and women's health. Dr. Homdrum shares her journey of creating the bbhugme pregnancy pillow, designed to provide comfort and support for pregnant women. She’ll also discuss the benefits of chiropractic care for pregnant women and newborns, and the importance of proper body alignment and movement during pregnancy. They’ll also talk about the importance of support during feeding and the benefits of chiropractic care for newborns. Follow Dr Ann Kristin Homdrum on Instagram @natural_born_parenting.  For more information on the bbhugme pillow follow them on Instagram @bbhugme or visit  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When you have a movement toddler it can feel like nothing will slow them down, especially if they are the kind that likes to explore a little too much. A mom in Alabama is having an issue with her two-year-old that not only can’t settle, but also has started to love opening any door he can find. This week on the podcast we’ll give you some tips and tricks on how to keep your movement kid safe and entertained. Plus, what do you do when your little one still hasn’t started crawling? We’ve got the answers to motivate even the most docile of infants. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When a toddler doesn’t want to go to bed, they’ll find all kinds of excuses to stay up. Whether they say they need a drink, a snack or even a hug, it’s all a stall tactic. How do you fight those? We’ll tell you this week on the podcast. Plus, we’ll talk about how to find a good babysitter and what questions you need to ask before hiring them. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Teaching good tooth brushing habits early is really important, at least that’s what parents have always been told. One mom in Oregon is having trouble with her toddler doing just that. Right now he won’t use any other toothpaste besides the training one. Is it really that important? Good news is this is one thing you don’t have to stress too much about. But what you may stress about is a toddler that enjoys banging their head on things. What could be causing this need? It’s all about their design and we’ll explain this week on the podcast! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Moms on Call podcast, Jennifer and Laura will speak with Anna Watkins, a mother who has adopted two children. Anna shares her experiences with the adoption process, the unique challenges she faced, and how the Moms on Call methods helped her establish routines and build confidence as a parent. She also discusses why she believes in the importance of open communication about adoption with her children and the different relationships she has with their birth mothers. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the podcast it’s all about parent care! First, we all love our kids but we also all value some time away from our little ones to have an adult conversation or even just finish a single thought. How much time does a parent need away from their child in order to feel refreshed and not guilty? While it can be different for every parent, what you do with that time is what is really important and we’ll tell you why. Then, we’ll talk to a dad who is trying to find the best way to support his wife who is struggling with their newborn. Is there something he can do to help her get some sleep when all this baby wants to do is be with mom and cluster feed? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
There are the kids that love the car so much, they never want to leave it. Then there are those that refuse to get into their car seats. We’re talking to the parents of both of these kids today on the podcast! First, the mother of a 5 month old that screams anytime he’s put in a car seat and then to the mother of a 4 year old that won’t leave the car when it’s time to go to school. How do you solve these car dilemmas? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Having twins is a unique experience that can cause all kinds of fun challenges. This week on the podcast we’ll talk to a mom of 8-month-old twin boys, one with bad food allergies, who is struggling to get them on the same sleep schedule. How much of it is caused by food allergies and how much is just twins being twins? We’ll walk you through these issues and how to work with them so that everyone can get a good night’s sleep! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the podcast we’re tackling two of the most defeating moments in parenthood. First, the toddler tantrums. What do you do when they seem never ending? We’ve got answers! Plus, what to do when you just can’t seem to get over the potty training hump. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The pressure parents get when it comes to sippy cups is extreme. Don’t do this! Don’t do that! When you just want to do the best for your child it can all feel so overwhelming. That’s why this week on the podcast we’ll be chatting with Katherine Sanchez of The Informed SLP. An entry in her blog titled “What’s up with cups” is a great source for parents to learn all about sippy cups. This week she’ll dispel the sippy cup myths, talk about finding the right cup and teach us how and when to transition your toddler to an open cup. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
They always say to enjoy your child’s attention why you've got it because it won’t last long. But there are times when that attention can become a problem. For example, when you have a jealous toddler that won’t let you interact with other people, especially other children. Also, when you have a baby that will only fall asleep when being held. This week on the podcast we have tips and tricks to get you through these seasons in your child’s life.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Potty training can feel like the most overwhelming and stressful time as a parent. There will be moments where it can feel never-ending. That’s exactly what is happening to a mother in Houston who has been working with her toddler for over 5 months! How will she finally get over that hump and finally get him fully potty trained? We have the answer for her and all parents this week on the podcast, and it’s one that you are not expecting. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
“Is this normal?” Every parent has asked that question more than once as their child gets older and more often than not the answer is “Yes!” This week on the podcast we’ll talk to two of those parents. First, we’ll talk to a mom that is worried about how much cooing her 13-week-old is doing. Then, a toddler in Colorado is refusing to let her parents read to her. Is it normal?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
What is a doula? Today on the podcast we’ll talk to the Baby Chick herself Nina Spears all about exactly how a doula supports moms-to-be through the pregnancy and birth process. She has helped over 700 women and as a pregnancy, birth, and postpartum expert, has all the best tips on getting moms through this special time. Nina will give us a list of everything a mom needs to get her through each trimester.  For more on Nina Spears and Baby Chic visit  Follow Nina Spears on Instagram @thebabychick.  Subscribe to Chick Chat on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or follow them on Instragram @thebabychickchat  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Keeping our kids safe can be the most challenging part of parenting. This week on the podcast we’ll tackle car seat safety. How do you know your car seat is properly installed? Should your baby’s head be flopping around? We’ll tell you where you can go to answer all these questions in person with someone trained in car seat safety. Speaking of safety, when is it safe to allow your toddler to go up and down the stairs all on their own? A mother in Florida is wondering if she’s being a little too overprotective with her three and a half year old daughter.  Do you have a question for the Moms On Call? Leave us a voicemail at 888-234-7979 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When you find a good daycare, the last thing you want to do is rock the boat and cause any friction that could cause your child to lose their spot. A mother in New Jersey has noticed that her two little girls have been getting a lot of sweets at daycare and she wants to say something. How can she do it without causing any drama? Plus, how the Moms on Call certified consultants can help your baby that is having a difficult time transitioning to solid foods.  If you're expecting in 2024, right now is the perfect time to book your Moms on Call consultation. In the month of January Moms on Call is offering free 15 minute prenatal sessions for parents to be! CLICK HERE for more information.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
What happens when you book a Moms on Call consultation? We get this question all the time and this week on the podcast we're going to introduce you to two of our consultants, Sydney Smith and Morgan Sewell. We'll talk about how they've helped their clients and what they can do to make your life a little easier as a parent.  If you're expecting in 2024, right now is the perfect time to book your Moms on Call consultation. In the month of January Moms on Call is offering free 15 minute prenatal sessions for parents to be! CLICK HERE for more information.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Happy New Year! If your New Year’s Resolution is to figure out your toddler’s sleep schedule or you’re new to Moms on Call this is the perfect episode to start 2024. We’ll walk you through our toddler by design program, talk a little about each type and explain how that relates to your toddler’s sleep! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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