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Mr Frontend Podcast

Author: Raymon S

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In the Mr Frontend Community podcast I try to help People who are (starting) in programming, web development, frontend development, backend development to keep motivated and firedup!
9 Episodes
In this episode (9) of the Mr Frontend Podcast, we are gonna talk about: "How to spice up your technical skills during the end of 2017 holidays!" NEW INTRO By Hyde - Free Instrumentals: WHY? - Build something cool or fun you enjoy while you set the requirements - You can learn something new! - Pick the Framework or Library you always wanted to learn or do it with Vanilla JavaScript! INSPIRATION - Build a Netflix clone with The MovieDB ( - Build a weather app with the Weather API ( - Build a blog with the WordPress JSON API, you may use the Mr Frontend WordPress API ( - Build a blog with the Medium API ( - Search your favorite Artist with the Spotify Search API ( - Build a User management system with the Random User API ( - Create custom QR codes with the QR Code Generator API ( - Build a wallpaper app with the Unsplash API ( SEARCHING FOR COOL APIS? Check: Let me know what you build with it during the holidays! Next week is the last episode of 2017! Then we take some time off and get ready for an energizing 2018 full of new stuff! If you like it like and share the podcast! And don’t forget to subscribe!! See you next week!!
NEW INTRO By Hyde - Free Instrumentals: Hahaha, you may be thinking? It’s just beginning of December and you are starting with “Screw the New Years resolutions”? Well, that’s my opinion! And I’m gonna keep it short because it doesn't need that many words! So why I want you to screw New Year's resolutions as web developers? Well not completely! But since our work area, topics and techniques are changing so fast, I think it’s now necessary to make a plan for the whole 2018. So planning a year ahead is too much! Just make a plan for 1 month. So you make yourself flexible! Next year there probably will be more frameworks and libraries on the market. Just like this year. Make a list of 2 things you want to learn this month! After you learned it and feeling comfortable with your knowledge. Decide to dive deeper into the topic or check something else. My personal plan this coming month is diving into VueJS and NuxtJS. - But I want this because I want to build the new blog with this frameworks! - Also because I believe VueJS is gonna be as big as ReactJS is. So that’s now much of a plan, but good and big enough to keep me focused a month. I would recommend you to make a list of 2 things you want to dive in this month and write down a few reasons so you know why. Reasons like, “Well this looks so awesome” or “You can make super fun stuff with X framework” is good enough to me! It is about you! It is also about having fun! Fun is the best motivator next to money! So please let me know what are your plans for this month? Hopefully, you will tune in next week for another podcast! If you like my podcast? Please add a nice comment or share it with the world wide web!
Check this episode on: ‎ {WEB DEV NEW} - new Syntax Podcast about the new things in CSS - NuxtJS - Netlify {FRONTEND LOVE CONFERENCE} Single course / Frontend related topics like VueJS, ReactJS and Angular February 15th 2018 Theater Amsterdam - Luca Mezzalira (Google Developer Expert) - Simona Cotin (Developer Advocate Microsoft) - Michel Westrate (Creator MobX & Tech lead Mendix) - Norbert de Lange (Senior Frontend Consultant Xebia) {VUEJS CONFERENCE IN AMSTERDAM} Single course / VueJS related topics! February 16th 2018 Theater Amsterdam - Evan You (Vue.js Creator) - Sarah Drasner (Developer Advocate Microsoft) - Guillaume Chau (Core team member Vue.JS) - Sebastien Chopin (NuxtJS co-author) {TOP 5 THINGS MOST JUNIOR DEVELOPERS FORGET, BEFORE APPLYING A (NEW) JOB!} 1. Collect code example’s, put them on your portfolio! 2. Take code snippets from your previous projects, where you are extremely proud of! 3. Think about a few reasons why they should pick you! Or why would you want to work for them! 4. Read the job descriptions carefully! What are they asking? Do you see yourself in that position? 5. Be yourself! Don’t try to show your better than your actually are! The truth will always find you!
Mr Frontend Podcast #6: Black Friday Discount, Web Dev news, Smashing Magazine, VueJS & Frontend Love Conference 2018 - 50% off Black Friday Discount courses from Web Bos - React For Beginners, 50% off on Black Friday: - ES6+ for Everyone, 50% off on Black Friday: - Learn NodeJS, 50% off on Black Friday: - New websites Smashing Magazine - New Firefox Developer edition: - Talk about Web Speech ❤️: Frontend Love Conference Single course / Frontend related topics like VueJS, ReactJS and Angular February 15th 2018 Theater Amsterdam - Luca Mezzalira (Google Developer Expert) - Simona Cotin (Developer Advocate Microsoft) - Michel Westrate (Creator MobX & Tech lead Mendix) - Norbert de Lange (Senior Frontend Consultant Xebia) VueJS Conference in Amsterdam Single course / VueJS related topics! February 16th 2018 Theater Amsterdam - Evan You (Vue.js Creator) - Sarah Drasner (Developer Advocate Microsoft) - Guillaume Chau (Core team member Vue.JS) - Sebastien Chopin (NuxtJS co-author)
Every fifth episode of the Mr Frontend Podcast is gonna be a visual one! In this episode, I will talk about the new Mr Frontend Online Class, Frontend Love Conference, VueJS Conference and some cool Web Development new from these past weeks! You can also listen to this podcast on Youtube ( or iTunes (! [MR FRONTEND ONLINE CLASS] This program includes: - Every 4 weeks we plan an Online Class session via Video. - We are going in-depth with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Tooling and a whole lot more technical skills. I'm gonna teach a whole lot of things based on the current market, so you are more interesting for potential employers! - We launch December 2017 - It will be group sessions for about 45 min / 60 min. - We will have a Q&A session at the end of every session. - This class will be mainly be focused on the people who are just starting in Web Development, learning to program or are in a Junior Developer position. If you are an experienced Developer but want to join? Please, you are more than welcome!! Go to to stay up to date with my program or register on [FRONTEND LOVE CONFERENCE] Single course / Frontend related topics like VueJS, ReactJS and Angular February 15th 2018 Theater Amsterdam - Luca Mezzalira (Google Developer Expert) - Simona Cotin (Developer Advocate Microsoft) - Michel Westrate (Creator MobX & Tech lead Mendix) - Norbert de Lange (Senior Frontend Consultant Xebia) [VUEJS CONFERENCE IN AMSTERDAM] Single course / VueJS related topics! February 16th 2018 Theater Amsterdam - Evan You (Vue.js Creator) - Sarah Drasner (Developer Advocate Microsoft) - Guillaume Chau (Core team member Vue.JS) - Sebastien Chopin (NuxtJS co-author) [WEB DEV NEWS] - New FireFox - Using SVGs as Image Placeholder - Serverside rendered Applications - Service Workers - Papercss: - CSS element queries: - SyntaxFM Podcast "How to get into Speaking At Conferences" by Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski - Fixate On Code Podcast interview with Sara Soueidan by Larry Botha Enjoy! If you have comments, questions or opinions please share them in the comments! If you want to support my blogs, video's and podcast please go to and choose the amount of money you want to spend. For (almost) every amount there is a thank you package! Follow us on Blog: Follow us on Medium: Follow us on twitter: Follow us on Facebook:
This podcast is all about why and how you should start blogging as Junior Developer! Read more on:
Mr Frontend Podcast #3: 5 golden tips to get the most change, landing your first Junior Web Development job! You want your first job as a Junior Web Developer, these 5 tips will help you prepare for that! You did some courses online. It made you very passionated about web development! You want to gain more serious experience, to get a real job as Junior Web Developer. With these 5 tips, I'm gonna help you to achieve this! Read more on: Enjoy! If you have comments, questions or opinions please share them in the comments! If you want to support my blogs, video's and podcast please go to and choose the amount of money you want to spend. For (almost) every amount there is a thank you package! Follow us on Blog: Follow us on Medium: Follow us on twitter: Follow us on Facebook:
In this second episode of the Mr Frontend Podcast, I want to give a small introduction of who I am and what I do with Mr Frontend. But I want to give you 3 tips that I’ve learned along the way, these tips are very important to know when you are just starting out as a developer. Read more on:
Mr Frontend Podcast Episode #1 - The JavaScript Framework War :-) In this podcast I talk about the JavaScript Framework war. Learning Vanilla JavaScript VS a JavaScript framework has first method. You can find all the links, show notes and summary on my blog: