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First Do No Harm

Author: Jami Fregeau

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First Do No Harm is a podcast that brings information to the forefront of controversial issues in hopes to add the human factor to issues we all seem to be opinionated about. Support this podcast:
64 Episodes
As always On The Road Ramblings is a portion of the podcast recorded in the early mornings in the way to work before mind becomes polluted by the day. It is always raw and unedited. I received my COVID19 Vaccine 8 days ago and wanted to touch base about the adverse effects I experienced. I also wanted to remind you of some positive reminders if you're finding yourself working in healthcare this holiday season. Happy and safe wishes to you all --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Let's all take a week and stop focusing on the world around us. Let's take a safe pause away from the negativity we are allowing into our headspace, let's take a test aware from trying to create a better area for others. Our minds, emotions, energy, anger, empathy, frustration, "how to help" list, etc is all over the place. While our focus is so outward I want you to take 20 minutes and chat with me about how we can continue to focus on First Do(ing) No Harm, but instead of allowing that focus to be on others, let's make it about you. You matter too. Your mental, physical, and emotional peace deserves attention at the moment. On today's episode I'm going to give you 31 scientifically proven ways to boost  your mental take. Be sure to take notes, or just listen again.  Don't forget to rate this podcast on Apple Podcast, share with your friends, and be sure to subscribe and drop some comments to share what you think of this week's episode.  Check out the Etsy Shop of paintings HERE inspired by the podcast and the world today. Peace and Serenity painting specifically relates to this episode. Take her home today! Information about how to boost your mental health found HERE Also if you need someone feel free to join the First Do No Harm Podcast facebook page First.Do.No.Harm.Podcast on Instagram @1st_do_noharm on twitter.  Or email me at 1stdonoharm.podcast@ --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
This episode is brought to you raw and unedited before my emotions are polluted by experiences of the day.  I always wanted to be seen in the best light and never wanted to make waves. After all Jesus said "Blessed are the peacemakers.." (Matthew 5:9) right?  As I look out at the world and the bold statements people are making that minimize others I also reflect to “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” -Proverbs 31:8-9 I have begun to speak out to defend those who are suffering as our country minimizes their pain. By doing so, I was most recently called a radical, a leftist, socialist, for speaking out for human rights. This caused me to ponder, am I radical? Is it radical that we all deserve to same rights as our neighbor? Is it radical to believe in our scientists, that our planet is changing and we need to protect it? Is it radical that I believe the homeless man on 3rd street deserves healthcare and the opportunity to live as long as he desires? Is it radical that when I read the Bible that "God so loved the world..." he meant the world beyond the USA? Is it radical to believe that pro-life extends outside the womb? That we should value the lives of our Muslim neighbors, our gay neighbors, our black neighbors, our trans neighbors? Is it radical to believe that giving is better than greed, that kindness and compassion are better than contempt? When they call me radical, do they really mean humane?  --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
9/11/2001. My facebook feed was full of stories of how people reflected on what they were doing the moment they heard or watched the attack as the planes crashed into the towers. Our country was one full of fear, full of mourning for those that died beneath the rubble. We came together, united. 2,977 lives were lost that terrible day. We welcomed the changes that came to prevent another attack that could kill a  mass amount of people again. TSA was formed. We gladly jumped through the hoops, we rolled with the changes of the early times to get to the airports, the new guidelines that would be put in place.  9/11/2020 Our country is in the midst of a pandemic. Almost 200,000 lives have been lost so far. How are we handling the pain and devastation we are going through as a country 19 years later?  --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
“Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to open the doors of opportunity to all of God's children. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood.” ― Martin Luther King Jr., I Have a Dream: Writings and Speeches That Changed the World There's so much that we cannot understand until we take the time to understand why people feel the way they do. I invite you to sit with Nurse Q, as we talk about the emotional tribulation that he has experienced with the police brutality currently being publicized.  We start off with a fun quiz about current state of Black and White Americans before we dive into the injustice being witnessed.   ACLED Data of the peaceful protests: --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
"Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another." - Alfred Adler This segment, On The Road Ramblings is recorded (safely) bright and early on my long commute to work. These are the moments of purest thought unaffected by events of the day. This episode is also raw and unedited. I was asked by a patient recently, "Do you understand what this Black Lives Matter is all about? I thought all lives matter?"  Recent conversations from people in my community have had an undertone of frustration at situations and stances that are not understood. As I asked myself the causation of the frustration I kept coming back to the word "empathy." I was taught in an Ethics & Society class in college that empathy is easiest understood as the ability to understand the emotion of another person without having to experience their situation personally.  This episode will hopefully give you encouragement on how to curb the anger you may feel with the #BLM as well as the other issues taking up space in our world and turn it into something that can benefit yourself as well as others. I can be contacted at:  Email:  Twitter: 1st_do_noharm Instagram:  --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
"There is no way to genuinely, powerfully, truly love yourself while crafting a mask of perfection." Another early morning recording while on the way to work. Do you fear people seeing who you really are flaws and all? The reality is none of us are perfect humans. We all have things that we are not proud of, we have shortcomings that we wish we could change. Having flaws and making mistakes are part of life and who we are. We need to learn to embrace the mistakes we have made while navigating through this life. Some of my darkest days I wish I had someone who went through a similar path to encourage me that there is light at the end, that I am not the only person who made a wrong choice, that I was still worthy and valuable even though I made poor choices. Be kind. Be loving. Meet people where they are and be the light that reminds others they are worthy. If interested in this 8x10 painting that goes with this episode check out the etsy shop Hopeforhumankindness by clicking this link: --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
So many accusations and uncertainties are flying around about this deadly virus. Many of them I personally receive as I continue to keep the general population up to date. Are they right? Do I have an ulterior motive? Tune in and find out. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
"You really don't know anything about life until you've experienced it."  Dr. Naheed Dosani is a palliative care physician who cares for homeless that focuses on dignity and compassion, whether in a shelter or on the street. He joins today's episode to discuss the patient that was a catalyst in determining the direction of medicine he would take, health as a social factor, the fact that Covid19 is not the great equalizer as we have been told, and the importance of caring for others for who they are, where they are.  If you would like to check out his Ted talk you can here You can also follow him on Twitter: @NaheedD TikTok: @dr.naheedd Instagram:  naheedd If you enjoyed the blog excerpt by Robert Good you can find more of his material here --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
It seems the whole world has shut down during this pandemic. One that has certainly changed, but remains a constant is the school system and education. Today's guest, Joe Henderson is a middle school math teacher who shares his experiences with the changes that have come to pass during this pandemic. He discusses the initial changes, the good that has come from it, as well has his personal thoughts on how the system will be able to go about opening safely for students in the future.  Don't forget to share this episode and share your thoughts! Stay strong and stay safe. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
National Healthcare Decisions Day exists to inspire, educate and empower the public and providers about the importance of advance care planning. What better time to discuss this topic than in the middle of a pandemic. I hope you listen in as I speak with my guest who worked not only at the bedside as an ICU and Emergency Room Nurse, but also in the legal field. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Who wins the trivia trophy between Jami and Joe? Jami cleary won the dad jokes secition on the last episode, so let's find out who knew the most about Easter trivia! We hope everyone is staying home and staying safe. Just rememer, this won't last forever. But while time is ticking, what can we do to make your day a bit brighter? --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Let's take a break from all the covid19 crap and let's have a Pandemic Palate Cleanser of mindnumbing Dad jokes.  Joe joins me today and we throw 15 dad jokes at each other. Who has the best material? --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Tune in to listen to an interview with an ICU nurse who is in the trenches of COVID19 and the discussion of our limited resources. What is the proper mask to use? Should they be used multiple times? Should the masks be sanitized as President Trump suggested? Special thank you to Fuzail Haq for being a donor of First Do No Harm. If you have any questions, comments or concerns be sure to reach out.  First Do No Harm Podcast page on facebook Twitter: @1st_do_noharm Instagram: First.Do.No.Harm.Podcast --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
This week First Do No Harm had a phenomenal guest to talk about Palliative Care. This episode is a bit more about the hospital side, but information we should all be aware of. Adrianne Behning, the host of Nursing Uncensored Podcast joins the podcast as a specialist who has spent years of her career dealing with palliative care. She digs into what palliative care means for the patient as well as the family as well the beautiful ways of caring for those who choose the palliative care route. No One Dies Alone is an organization that Adrianne discusses on the episode. If you would like to know more to potentially volunteer or donate click on this link: Follow Uncensored Podcast on facebook at On Instagram at As well as the website at --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Tune in to have your questions answered. If you get sick with CoVid-19 can you infect your pets? Do the masks help prevent the spread? Is there a vaccine?  Also, enjoy yourself with a fact or fiction game portion on the podcast.  As always please share with your friends and feel free to reach out on social media! Facebook: Jami Fregeau Facebook Page: First Do No Harm Podcast IG: Twitter: @1st_do_noharm --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
CoVid-19 Let’s get some facts straight. This episode we are going to hit the meat and potatoes. Part One: What is it? Where did it come from? What is it like? How is the virus spread? What can I do to prevent the spread and prepare my children and home? What type of population is most at risk? How to get your household prepared for CoVid-19: FAQ from World Health Organization: Check out this episode get the first important factual information via the CDC an WHO. And first steps to take to get your home read. On Saturday a second episode will be released to include the difference between flu and CoVid-19.  Is there a vaccine any time soon for CoVid 19?  Does it ago away when it’s warm in the spring (April)?  Facts vs. Fiction?  Exactly HOW contagious is it? Next Episode will be the super detailed on Saturday to give you a gauge of comparison so you can decide how fearful or confident you need to be. Get in touch with me via: Twitter: @1st_do_noharm IG: Gmail: Facebook: Jami Fregeau or First Do No Harm Podcast Page --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
On this episode we discuss the No-ID voter and the fact that some voters have no form of ID exclusions can apply if they have previously voted. Some states allow utility bills with current address. Federal law requires all first-time voters who do not supply information that can be verified against other state or federal databases at the time they register to show some form of ID when they vote. The Procrastinating voter and the fact that very few states allow late or in-person same-day voter registration. The fact is most deadlines range from two weeks to 30 days before Election day and voters who fail to register by the specified date cannot cast a ballot. The Eager Student Voter may face complications since there is a smaller proportion of students that have a driver’s license than in the 1980’s. There are a few ways for students to vote even if they don’t have a license, so parent’s LISTEN UP and help your kid exercise their right to vote. The Working Parent Voter has difficulties in voting because they are likely not to be able to take a day off work to go vote. Plus it can go against some of our attendance records. Some states allow absentee ballots and early voting. Some do not. Learn about what some states allow and check the link below if your state participates in paid time off to cast your vote. Lastly I discuss Felony Voters. This is the one I was completely in the dark about until about a week ago. Times are changing and those who have previously had felony charges are likely to be able to vote. While the ability between states vary (some require if convicted of a previous felony charge, one must be off probation and nothing outstanding.) Regardless, check the link below for tools to help get registered to vote if you have a previous felony conviction. 2020 Presidential election calender: Lookup to insure you are actively registered to vote: Check voting rights in your state: Do you get time off to vote?: Tools to help restore your right to vote post felony conviction: Donate to Make-A-Wish Foundation through Stephanie Harrison’s team: Do you need additional help or information? Feel free to send me a DM through social media. Instagram: First.Do.No.Harm.Podcast Facebook podcast page: First Do No Harm Podcast Twitter: @1st_do_noharm Email: --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
At 16 years old Carlos set out towards America. He took a journey towards a better life. However Carlos was detained at the border during a time the numbers of those being detained were critical. What happens to him next should have never happened to a child.  The Flu is here this season in full force. I also discuss with you the current numbers in American- how many sickness, hospitalizations and deaths that have taken it's toll on those who live in the states and what you can do to protect yourself and your family. If you would like to donate to this week's cause, Doctor's Without Borders a link is provided: Be sure to follow First Do No Harm on social media.  Snapchat: Bamaramblings Twitter: 1st_do_noharm Facebook: First Do No Harm Podcast Instagram: Also check out the page and subscribe to the blog.  --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
This is a special segment of First Do No Harm that highlights everyday heroes that are part of the crusade to spread love and kindness in our world. Meet Will, or to many, Dad. Will tells the story that sparked starting his facebook page I'm Your Dad Now. He was stunned to find out how many children are in the foster system hoping to be adopted after being left homeless by their families after coming out as part of the LGBTQ community.  Tune into the episode to  learn more about Will and all he's doing for his community. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast: