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Durianrider Raw Truth

Author: Durianrider Raw Truth

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Upfront pragmatic information. BS free zone.
295 Episodes
Anabolic steroids promote weight gain. The more you take the more weight you gain. Even at small dosages your weight will go up. This is often BAD for cyclists and runners who depend on very low body weight to maximise speed and aero advantage.
Dosages to duration. I talk about all my experiences with anabolic steroids openly.
Vegan diet is SUPER expensive OR super cheap. Depends what your knowledge is.
Can you be a big name in pro sports in big $ sports without the support of exogenous hormones and pharmacy?
The human brain is NOT designed to make you happy. The brains job is to keep you alive! Anxiety is normal! Avoid excess anxiety by avoiding stimulants like caffeine, cacao, cocaine, adderall etc.
If you cry over a woman you make her dry. Women LUST over fbois with drive and charisma NEVER 'nice guys'.
Fast rapid weight loss is EASY! But is it sustainable for your metabolism and hormones?
Once you get the cycling bug you really can get infected HARD! IYKYK.
Or did Brittany Higgins lie to get a MEGA pay out from the government?
Tony Robbins IS a legend of self help. He needs to teach this stuff as well.
Look at the people who 10 years ago etc took my advice vs those who didnt...
How did Greg beat or compete with the best dopers of his era as a 'clean' rider? Is that possible? How?
NOBODY offers the guarantees that I do. Why is that?
Question from the coaching group.
How much life time do you want to waste trying to convince those who CANT be convinced? Life is too short to suffer! Say your bit and no need to say it again to them or you are now wasting time. Yes I say the same stuff over and over but my audience changes every few seconds as new people scroll onto my stuff and Im getting paid for it BUT above all I LOVE educating people who want it and having debates with people who want to debate.
Our mental health should be our main priority every day. Second is physical health.
Ever wondered how fast a woman will hook up with you if she is into you? It is about 1 hour of talking THEN the first few minutes you are alone together. She will instigate all of it overtly aswell. Unless she is a virgin but even then she will be quite aggressive towards you in the right way. IYKYK.
Dr McDougall has done a LOT of good for people. IMO though he erodes his legacy by contradicting himself and spreading fear of carbohydrates.
Is it wrong to walk up to strangers on the street and introduce yourself?
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Live Before we Die

do you think it helped that you were in a relationship with the world's most famous vegan YouTuber...

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