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The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
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The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn

Author: Lizanne Flynn

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An intuitively channeled perspective (animal communication) from the 8.7 million other species with whom humans share the planet using the master language of energy. No topic is off limits because they seek to restore balance to our partnership with them upon which all lives on Earth depend.

152 Episodes
Think of your Animal companion's behavior as a mirror that shows your energetic fingerprint as well as theirs. They may be reacting to your actions that have unintended consequences for them and you may be getting frustrated that they're not 'behaving'. Everyone in a shared Energy environment contributes to what's identified as 'their' behavior problem. And everyone deserves to be heard when it comes to solving what may be a red flag gone unnoticed. Put on your human big-person pants and deal...
It's always interesting to see how our good ideas get warped via implementation in human experience. Take Stoicism for example. The Animals can endorse the original tenet that it's our judgment of events that trips us and all Animals up and that those judgments are entirely up to us. The poet Robert Frost wrote "The best way out is through" which may seem is anti-Stoicism, but he also says "unless there's no other way out." Warthog, Osprey, and Fish chime in to support going through events in...
Round and round we go, where we stop the Universe knows. Which is as good a rhyme or reason as any, to follow the feel of the Energy rather than any words we want to put to wherever on the Mobius strip of Energy we are, at any point in time while we're here. Phew! See?! In other words, chillax peepley, and trust the Universe has your back. the Show. Email...
Perhaps it's the quest for the Soul of Animals that we're after in our persistent attempts to give them our rights. What we 'name' we can consider 'conquered' and 'ours'. We want to 'right' the wrong of Animal cruelty and abuse yet giving them our rights when so many of us don't have equity in those rights, is a non-starter for them. Best to stick to Animalhood which they heartily embrace.Support the Show. Email me at Schedule online at
At times, we can feel soul-less or ennui plus plus which is to say oockety (a technical Energy term) and quite uncomfortable. We've been indoctrinated into being in certain ways which leaves no room for the contrast that illuminates the light. So we don't know what to do with ourselves when this happens! We also tend to blame ourselves if 'things' aren't going perfectly which is a reflection of duality; it's good against bad. Your soul is a piece of a Star housed by your body; follow the body...
We often look at Animals in a Herd as being one large Energetic fingerprint. Yet we wouldn't dream of looking at a Herd of humans in the same way with our diversity that screams to be noticed. So we say "It's a Herd of cows" rather than "It's a herd of Cows." We emphasize the wrong word which makes all the difference in the world to them. If you share your life with a herd of any Animal, from Chicken to Goat to Sheep or Cow, they are also individual sentient beings. And their singular questio...
The wild aspect of ourselves, aka, the apex predator part of ourselves, desperately needs an outlet for expression and a sustainable Wild mirror in our environment. In today's podcast, there are several directions you could go all depending on how it feels to you. This might take the form of visiting a national urban refuge location that has been "re-wilded" and given back to Nature with native flora and fauna now flourishing. It could be that you orchestrate hunts for other apex ...
Translated from the French, RSVP is "respond if you please"; children have their way of asking for a repeat of something which is "again!", especially if they're having fun. It's no coincidence that "clair" is French for clear as in clear hearing (clairaudience), etc. If it is not clear to you what the information is, ask for it to be repeated. Just know that your free will is a maxim (general truth) on planet Earth that will always be honored (dang it!), and that as always, your choices reig...
The title is tongue in cheek, of course, because all of the Plants would love to partner with you, just as all the Animals do. No "power" or "totem" Plant/Tree/Animal is necessary for your form to follow its function on Earth per the planet's design. All forms have an underlying commonality of how our support systems are structured so that we can more easily see the overall collective function of balance and partnership.
Our vocalizations/language have so many generation-specific idioms and slang, that it's no wonder other species can't understand us. Leave it to the Animals to provide the perfect metaphor for the body's aging, when we may not understand the repetition of actions that soothe or new fears coming to light. It's just another phase in our journey together on Earth. the Show. Email me at Schedule online at https://lizannefly...
We're taught as human Animals to hold the brain above the heart and to elevate thoughts above emotions. It may sound counterintuitive, but the more you think about what you're feeling and why, the closer you can shift to a more comfortable middle ground. This won't stop feelings or thoughts from being present; it will help you to feel better and more secure in human Animal experience, which is the whole point of your being here on Earth. Serve yourself first! Support the Show. Emai...
We sometimes don't see our available options during the holi-daze, especially during family get togethers. You get to choose to follow the lead of your body and excuse yourself should it all get to be a bit too much. Join me over at the kids' table where funny jokes and peals of laughter are worthy of celebration. Or, see if you can find a like-minded kid at the adults' table to shift the Energy! Support the Show. Email me at Schedule online at https://liza...
As sentient beings, your "pet" is entitled to have boundaries in your relationship with them that are respected and honored. Just as you want them to respect and honor your boundaries. When any relationship on Earth has good boundaries, those in that relationship feel respected, cherished, and deeply loved. Your Animal family members deserve only the best from you - make it so.Support the Show. Email me at Schedule online at
AI in this case means Artificial Intelligence and because it's trickster Energy, it could also mean human-Animal Intelligence. After all, we created AI in our world to do good things for our species; what about other species? Crow thinks its outcome is 'to be determined' as it could be either/or both a prank we play on ourselves as well as hold the gifts of the future. *The term is an agglomeration of diverse clusters, not diverse cultures. Crow Energy took it one step too far, my apologies, ...
It's fairly stunning when an allegedly sentient and intelligent species such as ours says to other species - "Oh, we'll give you your rights and we're going to be clear that they're not human rights." Such is the Non-Human Rights for Animals project titled. Borrowing from our Declaration of Rights/Independence would solve this issue neatly: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Animals are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights, and that among these ...
The movement of energy waves both before and after the adoption of a companion Animal can range from a babbling brook to class 5 whitewater rapids. Based on (to humans) unseen soul contracts, these ripples may seem like you've gotten what you saw or may make you say "Did I really ask for this?!" Roll the dice, take it as it comes, and be a good guardian of both human and Animal family members.
Only the Angels would offer the analogy of socks and gloves to our relationships with them because their perspective is very down to Earth. They urge us to stop asking for things to happen or not happen and to begin with a closer relationship with Energy altogether. You know, from the inside out like how socks and gloves fit so closely with our human experience.Support the Show. Email me at Schedule online at Tweet me a...
The Animals say that by moving the We/Ours of species' Soul Energy before individual gender identity and sexual orientation, there would be much more freedom for everyone. So that we might be who we are truly meant to be in this lifetime. With the safeguard of We/Ours in place, the "whatever" of each being's experience would be just that, an afterthought.
A Crystal is just not another pretty Rock or Stone, yet they sing the same collective song of Energy as Rock, Stone, Pebble, and Boulder. Leave no stone unturnedwhen seeking a vibrational match between you and Crystal, seek and feel the resonance between your body and theirs.
Rest, renew, and repeat is the cycle of Earth and Northern Elephant Seal bids you to pay particular attention to the first R of "rest". This individual Ambassador, Oliver, offered up this riddle: " It is so much easier to ask us (what our sleep cycles are) than to attach all sorts of electronic gizmos to our heads that measure what you want them to measure and thus leave out everything that you don't want to measure which, of course, IS everything."
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