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Faith And Failures Podcast

Author: Stephen Tilmon

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Welcome to Faith and Failures, a podcast and YouTube channel dedicated to uncovering the untold stories of resilience, belief, and personal growth. Each week, we dive deep into discussions about overcoming adversity, learning from failures, and finding strength in faith. Join us as we explore inspiring tales from diverse voices, offering insights and reflections on spirituality, perseverance, and the human experience.

Our episodes feature conversations with thought leaders, creatives, and everyday individuals who share their journeys of faith and resilience. We discuss the challenges of staying true to one's beliefs in the face of adversity, the lessons learned from failure, and the profound impact of faith in personal and community life.

Whether you're seeking inspiration, guidance, or a community of like-minded individuals, Faith and Failures is here to illuminate the path. Subscribe and join us on this journey of reflection, discovery, and empowerment.

124 Episodes
My transformation from a life entrenched in skepticism and waywardness to one of devout leadership sets the stage for a riveting discussion that will challenge your perspectives on hot-button theological issues. Brushing off the dust of misinterpretation, we firmly reject the scandalous assertion that Jesus was transgender, reinforcing the sanctity of Scriptural truths. As we navigate through these deep theological waters, we'll share personal accounts of faith, highlighting the significance ...
Can President Biden's impeachment proceedings teach us anything about the state of American politics? Our latest episode takes you on a journey through the treacherous waters of impeachment history, contrasting the attempts to dethrone Biden with those faced by former President Trump. We dissect not just the political mechanisms but delve into the philosophical underpinnings of leadership—both spiritual and political. I'll share my insights on the critical issue of term limits, drawing from B...
Amidst the whirlwind of controversy, J.K. Rowling's critique of "Harry Potter" actors Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson for their support of transgender rights has ignited a firestorm of debate. As I peel back the layers of this contentious issue, I'm struck by the weight of celebrity influence on social matters and the intertwining of art, its creator, and personal convictions. The discourse isn't just limited to the corridors of Hogwarts; it spills into the broader dialogue on gender identit...
Have you ever witnessed a moment of unexpected unity that made you question everything? Our latest episode takes you through the highs and lows of controversy and reconciliation within the Christian community, sparked by Pastor Mark Driscoll's appearance at a recent men's conference. Together, we'll navigate the complexity of holding steadfast beliefs amidst scandal, examine the impact of paternal influence in family dynamics, and weigh the validity of miracle claims against the credibility o...
Leaving a toxic relationship is just the beginning. As we sit down with our brave guest, who shares her raw and transformative journey, you'll find yourself wrapped in a story of struggle, self-discovery, and the hard-won peace that comes with healing. We unpack the tumultuous aftermath of such a breakup, the anger and bitterness that cling on, and the path to reclaiming one's sense of self-worth. This conversation goes beyond the surface, delving into how respect for oneself and alignment wi...
Embarking on this spiritual voyage, I invite you into the inner workings of building a church that stands firm on the bedrock of Christ's teachings. As we navigate the complexities of my life's roles and the expansion of our Faith and Failures community, we delve into stories that resonate with the power of healing and forgiveness. In today’s episode, we encounter a young woman’s remarkable journey to overcoming relationship trauma, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and our ch...
Navigating the currents of culture, church, and family presents a labyrinth of challenges, especially when viewed through the lens of our Christian faith. Our latest episode reflects on the commitment needed to juggle the joys of new fatherhood with the pull of divine calling. The recent assault on Bishop Mar Mari Emanuel serves as a chilling reminder that our work in the ministry is more crucial than ever. As we examine the role of the church in shaping society, we're prompted to consider ho...
When Morgan Franklin from Kilgore, Texas, steps into our studio, she brings with her a story that resonates with anyone who's ever yearned for spiritual liberation and personal empowerment. Her journey, ripe with lessons on confronting inner demons and the pursuit of ongoing growth in faith, unfolds in a conversation that’s as enlightening as it is emotional. Morgan details her experiences in a life-altering class that tackled the deep-seated issues of anger and forgiveness, and she shares ho...
They say the family that prays together stays together, but what happens when faith enters the picture late in the game? My family's journey from chaos to calm reveals the stark contrasts in raising children amidst shifting spiritual tides. Our open discussion traverses the rocky terrain of our past, from substance abuse to incarceration. It's a candid look at how these battles have surprisingly sown seeds of redemption and purpose, showing that even through life's storms, the roots of spirit...
Embark on a profound exploration of spiritual enigmas with us as we grapple with the concept of free will in a world ordained by an omniscient deity. Our journey is enriched by the astute perspectives of theologian William Lane Craig, who lends his expertise on the origin of evil and divine foreknowledge. This episode promises to fortify your faith, offering substantial insights into how to engage in soul-stirring dialogues with both atheists and believers alike.When Christianity meets the pe...
Ever grappled with the complexity of sharing your faith or pondered over the steadfastness of scripture? Our latest episode embarks on an enlightening journey through the intricacies of evangelism, inviting you to discover how a demonstration of God's love can open hearts before the topic of repentance is broached. We navigate away from the pitfalls of debating biblical inerrancy with skeptics, instead focusing on Jesus' model of fostering commonality. With insights into the unique role of th...
Ever wrestled with the problem of evil or the conundrum of free will? Prepare to have your perspectives challenged and your apologetic toolkit expanded in our latest episode featuring insights from the esteemed theologian William Lane Craig. As we roam through the thorny terrain of theological debate, we tackle these hefty concepts head-on, offering listeners a vibrant tapestry of discussions ranging from the origin of evil to the robustness of scriptural validity. Our conversation isn't just...
Can historical accuracy and atheism find common ground when discussing the figure of Jesus? Join our riveting exchange as we dissect Bill Maher's atheistic assertions with a robust array of scholarly perspectives, including the critical views from the YouTube channel "What Do You Mean," and the well-founded opinions of atheist scholars like Bart Ehrman. We also bring to the table Ben Shapiro's unique Jewish take on the non-divinity of Jesus, navigating the intricate line between accepting Jes...
Embark on an intellectual and spiritual quest as we examine the essence of discipleship and the profound impact of the gospel. With insights from biblical texts and an enlightening dialogue between apologist William Lane Craig and conservative thinker Ben Shapiro, this episode promises to deepen your understanding of Jesus' role as the ultimate sacrifice and the fulfillment of the old covenant. Explore with us the complexities of faith as we navigate the nuances of Christian and Jewish belief...
When faith meets doubt, the journey can be as enlightening as it is challenging. Our latest conversation takes you through this terrain, exploring the complex relationship between atheism and Christianity. We don't shy away from the tough questions or the uncomfortable truths, especially when examining the scripture from 2 Timothy 3:2-5 in the context of today's world. Our discourse is filled with compassion and understanding, focusing on how believers can connect with atheists—not with fear,...
Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard join us on a cinematic journey that pierces the veil of mainstream media's narrative. We're confronting head-on the powerful Christian undertones and the bone-chilling reality of child trafficking portrayed in "Sound of Freedom," a box office phenomenon that defies media expectations. Caviezel delves into the emotional depths of his role, informed by his own fatherhood and faith, while Ballard recounts the life-altering rescue mission in Colombia that inspired the...
As I recount the powerful narrative of "Sound of Freedom," a film led by the talented Jim Caviezel, I'm reminded of the harsh realities that lurk beneath the surface of society. Human trafficking, particularly its ghastly effect on children, sits at the heart of our latest poignant discussion. The movie, while sparing us the graphic details, doesn't shy away from the gravity of this global crisis. It's a conversation that challenges us to open our eyes and hearts to the suffering of the innoc...
Embark on a transformative exploration with us as we unravel the mysteries of spiritual gifts, offering you the tools to not just understand but actively engage with the Holy Spirit's work in your life. By the time we reach the end of our journey together, you'll have a clearer vision of how these gifts operate within the framework of biblical Christianity, from the first apostles to modern-day believers like you and me.We set out on this voyage by diving into the deep waters of apostleship a...
What if you could find strength and healing from even the darkest trauma? Join me and my brave guest, as she reveals her chilling journey of surviving homelessness and trauma. Our conversation uncovers the terrifying experiences she endured throughout her childhood and the extreme measures she took to protect herself. We discuss the tumultuous events at her family's property, the threat of sexual assault she narrowly escaped, and the crucial role of Barry Brown, her guardian angel, who helped...
Are you ready for an enlightening journey into the heart of the Israel-Palestine conflict? We've got Robert Spencer, the acclaimed author of The Palestinian Delusion, joining us to unmask the ground realities of the region. We will be traversing the complex landscape of the Gaza Strip, shedding light on the hardships of the Palestinians living there, including the reasons why crossing into Israel is a tough nut to crack. We will also delve into the controversial presence of jihadis in Gaza, a...
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