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Feisty Side of Fifty

Author: Feisty Side of Fifty

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Celebrating baby boomers fifty and better who are on the move and transforming the spirit and style of aging!

Give me just fifteen minutes of your time and I’ll give you interviews with authors, actors, and experts who will inspire you to make significant and positive change in your own life.

971 Episodes
Are you fascinated with juicy stories about the lives of celebrities all wrapped around the life of a man who has spent his time and resources bettering the lives of others? If so, this show is for you! Our guest, Salah Bachir, immigrated to Canada from Lebanon in the 1960s, has been a gay activist who has worked in the film world for over four decades. While this has given him undeniable front-row access to Hollywood’s biggest stars, it is Salah’s personal charm and kindness, his philanthropy, his overall style, and deep involvement in the art world that has made him a friend, companion, confidante to so many.  He shares all about his life in his book, First to Leave the Party: My Life with Ordinary People… Who Happen to Be Famous, andI’m thrilled he’s joining us to give us the inside scoop. If you, like me, are hooked on stories and insider tidbits of celebrities and Hollywood stars, you’ll want to make sure you catch this show!
You may recognize Jennifer Holland’s name because she is the author of Unlikely Friendships, which spent more than 46 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. Jennifer is now following up on that highly successful book with a new and fascinating look at man’s best friend entitled, Dog Smart: Life-Changing Lessons in Canine Intelligence. This book is packed with science-basedinformation andheartwarming case studies centering on those furry friends who add so much to our lives. And, although we will each likely vouch for the smarts of our own beloved pets, Holland’s book provides a factual, well-researched and non-biased look at dog intelligence. So, in tribute to the furry friend who shares your home and your heart, plan to listen to the fascinating information Jennifer has to share!
Author J. David Bethel is an award-winning writer who is known for keeping his readers up late into the night eagerly turning pages to discover the next twist and turn in his well-crafted plots. David joins us to share all about his soon to be released new thriller entitled, Mapping the Night. It’s already received praise from readers including: “With international intrigue, multiple murders, and the sinister darkness of nighttime New York City, MAPPING THE NIGHT grabs the reader by the throat and never lets up. Highly recommended.” And reviews of David’s previous books have included acclaim like: “He does his research and then weaves it all into a story that grabs and holds the reader from the first page to the last.” And “It is this research along with his talent that will keep you up and not wanting to turn the lights out.” So, if you love a great tale told by a master storyteller, you won’t want to miss hearing what this famous author has to share!
One great way we boomers can enjoy life is to be inspired by a book that is filled with heart, connection to others and love for our country. Our guest has penned just such a book. Heidi Beierle, a feisty young woman who was always up for a challenge, had just finished her first year of graduate studies in community and regional planning. So, as a unique way to supplement her studies, she decided to pedal her bicycle (going solo no less) from her home on the West Coast across rural America to the “Preserving the Historic Road” conference in Washington, D.C. Obviously, this is a choice not all of us would have made. Yet, Heidi’s adventure brought her many newly formed, but rich relationships, enhanced her sense of self and wellbeing, and transformed her outlook on life. The title of her book is Heidi Across America: One Woman’s Journey on a Bicycle Through the Heartland and it’s a story you will long remember. So, if you enjoy a great read that is both uplifting and inspiring, you won’t want to miss this show!
Wouldn’t you love to conquer your weight issues and restore your youthful vigor? How about learning the foods and dietary strategies that will help you achieve optimal health and reignite your zest for life? If those goals sound good to you, you’ll want to make sure to listen to this interview with our guest, Stephen Perrine. Stephen is New York Times bestselling author and an AARP Executive Editor who joins us to share all about his highly regarded new book, The Full-Body Fat Fix: The Science-Based 7-Day Plan to Cool Inflammation, Heal Your Gut, and Build a Healthier, Leaner You! His life-changing information is based on cutting-edge science from the world’s foremost researchers. It focuses on the importance of gut health and the single, simple dietary practice that can heal the gut, reduce weight, reverse chronic inflammation, and help prevent the diseases of aging. If you care about looking and feeling your best now and in the future, you won’t want to miss this one!
Our guest, Patricia Walsh Chadwick, has led one heckuva remarkable life. Plus, she is one of our own—a proud and feisty Baby Boomer. Her early years, however, were anything but feisty as she grew up in a secluded, Catholic, cult-like group consisting of 100 inhabitants (39 of them who were children.) Although she was reared to become obedient, selfless, and subservient, Patricia left the group at the tender age of seventeen to create the life she wanted. In fact, Patricia went on to receive her BA in Economics from Boston University and enjoyed a successful 30-year career in the investment business, culminating as a Global Partner at Invesco. Today she sits on a number of corporate boards and blogs on economic, social, and political issues. Her life-story is one of triumphing over overwhelming odds and she joins us to share all about her just released new book, Breaking Glass: Tales from the Witch of Wall Street. You will both moved and motivated by her entertaining and inspiring memoir. So, if you enjoy a riveting story about a woman overcoming great challenges to live a life of purpose and meaning, you’ll want to make sure you catch this show!
Our guest, Jennifer Donnelly, is a multi-award winning, New York Times bestselling author of several highly regarded books. These include A Northern Light, which was awarded a Printz Honor and a Carnegie Medal; Revolution, named a Best Book by Amazon, Kirkus Reviews, and the School Library Journal, as well as many other books for young readers, most notably Lost in a Book, which spent over 20 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. Jennifer joins us to share all about her just released, new book, Beastly Beauty. Her story is based on a fairy tale that we all know… but there’s an engaging, gender related twist that is guaranteed to keep you captivated and turning pages well into the night. So be sure to tune in for this one and hear what Jennifer has to share about her delightful twist on an old fairytale!
Although age does have its advantages, we know all-too-well that becoming a senior citizen does have its share of challenges. One of the most challenging is facing our own mortality. Despite this rather formidable concept, however, there’s been an idea that’s been sweeping both Europe and the U.S—and that is the phenomenon known as Swedish Death Cleaning.   Our guest, Dr. Regina Lark is a well-known entrepreneur, speaker, and author. In 2008 she founded A Clear Path, a professional organizing and productivity company whereby Regina and her team of “ninja organizers” provide professional physical, emotional, and psychological support for people who wish to clear clutter and chaos from their lives. Regina is joining us to share her thoughts on Swedish Death Cleaning and the ways that organizing our clutter can provide great benefits to multiple areas of our lives. Not only does clearing the clutter enhance our immediate living environment, it enhances our emotional health and overall wellbeing. If you want to find out more about the numerous benefits you will reap from the practice of Swedish Death Cleaning, you won’t want to miss this show!
It goes without saying that one exciting way we senior women can keep growing and thriving is to broaden our horizons and explore the wonders of the road through travel. Moreover, our worlds can expand even further if we choose to embark on those adventures as solo travelers. Our guest, Beth Binger, is on a mission to equip and inspire women to confidently step into a new season of life by planning and embarking on a solo road trip. Through her YouTube channel, blog, and now her new book, Beth shares the practicalities of solo travel for women of a certain age. But, more importantly, she shares how we can leave confusion and uncertainty in the rear view as we find the freedom and wonder travelling solo can provide. Beth joins us to share all about her soon-to-be released book, There's Wonder Around the Bend: An Inspiring Guide for Solo Road Tripping. Plus, she is offering afree bonus for people who preorder the book. It will be a "Meet the Author" Webinar on Monday, 5/12 @ 7:00 EDT filled with Q&A and storytelling as well as starter tips for women interested in taking their first solo road trip. So listen to what Beth has to say, and then start packing your bags. It’s high time we hit the road and explore the many exciting and life-enhancing adventures traveling solo can provide!
As aging women, we know that it’s high time we focus on making improvements to our health and wellbeing. Each of us wants to remain strong and fit for as long as possible, and Dr. Pooja Mahtani is an expert in helping us do just that. Dr. Mahtani is a registered pharmacist and integrative/functional nutritionist who is the new medical expert at Bodybio. She is joining us to discuss how women can navigate the hormonal changes as we age, and how our dietary and supplement choices can alleviate menopause symptoms and support hormonal balance. If you care about aging well and addressing the hormonal changes and challenges caused by menopause, you won’t want to miss this one!
As we know all too well, aging brings about some life-changing losses. And, for many of us, that means the loss of a spouse. Becoming a widow certainly has its share of challenges and that’s where our guests can really help. Financial advisor, Alexandra Armstrong, and family crisis and trauma psychologist, Mary R. Donohue PhD, have come together to update their bestselling book,On Your Own: A Widow’s Guide to Emotional and Financial Well-Being. These two experts are both widows themselves and personally understand the shock and trauma this event can bring to a woman’s life. Yet, thankfully, this book provides a valuable resource that helps to walk you through this incredibly stressful time so that you can create a new, fulfilling and financially secure life.   If you are a widow or know someone who is, please plan on listening to this informative and uplifting conversation. Their ideas and advice will help you more than you know…
Aging can bring about its share of challenges. Some of us are now widowed, some of us are divorced and some of us have remained single our entire lives. There can be a certain stigma to being single. However, if we are honest with ourselves, many of us know that the single life can be both fulfilling and fun. And that’s where today’s guest comes in. Bella DePaulo (who received her Ph.D. from Harvard University) has always been single and always will be. In fact, The Atlantic calls her “America’s foremost thinker and writer on the single experience.” Her TEDx talk, What No One Ever Told You About People Who Are Single, has been viewed more than 1.7 million times. We are thrilled to have her join us today to share all about her book entitled. Single at Heart: The Power, Freedom, and Heart-Filling Joy of Single Life. If you are living single or knows someone who is, you’ll want to make sure you hear what Dr. DePaulo has to share!
Thaao Penghlis is a multi-faceted actor, world traveler, author, renowned dinner party host and podcast creator. You know Thaao from his nearly four decade run playing two villainous characters on Days of Our Lives as well as other roles in both movies and on TV. And now Thaao is busily celebrating his Greek heritage through his latest project, a podcast entitled, “Thaao Penghlis’ Lost Treasures.” He joins us today to share all about this lively, informative podcast as well as his much sought-after cookbook, “Seducing Celebrities One Meal at a Time.” So be sure to tune in and learn about Thaao’s amazing life, the treasures to be found in the rich history of Greece as well as the rich treasure to be found on your very own kitchen table!
As we boomers know, one of the best ways to keep learning and growing in our golden years is through travel and experiencing new and interesting places. That’s why I’m especially excited about interviewing our guest, Andrew Nelson. Andrew is an award-winning writer and editor for National Geographic Traveler who has made his way through all 50 states as well as numerous countries for the magazine and the website. He served as director of editorial projects for National Geographic Travel in Washington, D.C. and throughout her career, he has no doubt been lucky enough to witness many beautiful and awe-inspiring sights. We are especially lucky to have him join us to share all about a must-read book from National Geographic called Here Not There: 100 Unexpected Travel Destinations. I know each of you is going to want to have this one on your coffee table so that you can come back to it time after time. So be sure to listen to what Andrew has to say so that you, too, can plan a trip where you can explore and enjoy the experience without fighting mobs of other tourists!
As we boomers know, one of the true joys in life is sharing memorable stories with our middle-grade grandchildren… especially those books that are both thought provoking and a great read. And that’s where today’s guest comes in. Aida Salazar is an award-winning author and arts activist whose writings for adults and children explore issues of identity and social justice. Her previous books for children, adults and middle-grade readers include The Moon Within, Land of the Cranes, A Seed in the Sun, In the Spirit of a Dream, and Jovita Wore Pants: The Story of a Mexican Freedom Fighter. These books have garnered both critical acclaim as well as a major fan base of young readers. One of her short stories, "By the Light of the Moon" was even adapted into a ballet production so Aida truly is a woman of the arts. Now she’s joining us to share all about her latest book entitled Ultraviolet: Sometimes Life Explodes in Technicolor. It’s a great read that you’ll want to share with your grandchildren (especially your grandsons) so be sure to tune in!
Age brings about a number of challenges in many areas of our lives. Without a doubt, one of the most challenging of these is connecting with and supporting our young adult children who return to live at home. Our guest, Dr. Anthony Rostain has joined forces with Dr. Janet Hibbs to create an essential guide for parents of young adult children who are living at home. Their book is called You’re Not Done Yet: Parenting Young Adults in an Age of Uncertainty. This highly accomplished physician is an author, a nationally recognized expert in child and adolescent psychiatry, Chair and Chief of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health at Cooper University Health Care, and Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics at Cooper University Medical School.  In fact, Dr. Rostain is a true expert who holds a wealth of both education and experience. We are awfully lucky to have him share his thoughts on this difficult and often painful situation. Therefore, if you, or anyone you care about, is experiencing the difficulties inherent to dealing with young adult children who live at home, you won’t want to miss this one!
Our guest, Sy Montgomery, is a bestselling author whose works include 38 books aimed at both adults and children. She is also an intrepid adventurer who has traversed the world to uncover and share the secrets of the animal kingdom so that her readers can experience these remarkable creatures for themselves. Sy has just released her second book on an animal she terms the “most compelling of sea creatures” and she joins us to share all about her new book entitled, Secrets of the Octopus. Please plan to listen to this expert’s guide to the wondrous bounty of Mother Nature and the intelligence and beauty of one amazing sea creature, the octopus!
Sadly, race remains one of the most divisive issues in our country. Nevertheless, many of us are yet to fully understand the challenges people of color face on an ongoing basis even today. Debby Irving is joining us once again to share her brave, unflinching journey from white oblivion to white awareness openly chronicled in her book, Waking Up White and Finding Myself in the Story of Race. This is not only a riveting tale of the building awareness that led to Debby’s personal wake up call; the book also provides a fascinating look at racial denial and our society’s secret acceptance of white privilege. If you care about equality and social justice, you won’t want to miss this thought-provoking discussion. Ms. Irving’s book provides the mirror to open and honest reflection and it’s up to each of us to bring racial consciousness into our minds and into our hearts.
One of the true joys in life is sharing memorable stories with our grandchildren… especially those books that are both thought provoking and beautifully written. And that’s where our guest comes in! Ann E. Burgis the author of numerous multi-award-winning books aimed at young readers. Known for her poetic writing style, Ann’s books have received (among many others) such prestigious awards as the America Library Association Best Book for Young Adults and the Parents' Choice Gold Award Winner. Even as a child, Ann was drawn to books and poetry and, prior to becoming a fulltime author, she was an English teacher for ten years. So, this lady has a true calling! Ann joins us to share all about her just released book, Force of Nature, a book she wrote to honor a fellow lover of both nature and poetry, Rachel Carson. This book is sure to be one you’ll want to share with your grandchildren, so be certain you listen to what this award-winning author has to share.
Wouldn’t you love to have all the confidence, courage and energy you need to enjoy a feisty and fulfilling life? What about having the tools to transform your inner dialogue and conquer negative thoughts? Wouldn’t it be great learn how to overcome your doubts and keep your life moving forward with joy and gratitude? If these ideas sound good to you, you are going to LOVE this show! Dale Smith Thomas is an international motivational speaker (aka empowerment coach), a frequent guest on radio and TV, a former Mrs. Tennessee, and an author of three life changing books. And today Daleis joining us to share her inspiring and life-affirming message from her latest book,10 to Win. I’ve had the immense pleasure of interviewing Dale twice before and, believe me, her thoughts and suggestions can truly transform your life. So, if you want to age well, reclaim your youthful spirit, and feel great, you won’t want to miss this show!
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Susi Moran

Good but you have to PAY 😤😤😤

Feb 1st
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