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Author: Audioboom Studios

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Covert takes listeners on a heart-pounding journey through the most dangerous military operations of all time. From the assassination of Osama Bin Laden and how two Israeli snipers foiled Syria’s plan to develop a nuclear bomb, to the real story that inspired the movie Black Hawk Down and the harrowing tale of a British Major’s escape from 2,000 heavily armed militants, you'll be brought to the front line of history’s greatest special forces missions.
29 Episodes
Under the leadership of Joint Special Operations Command, military officials finally track down the elusive mastermind behind numerous terrorist attacks and killings in Iraq: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. This episode is sponsored by: Hims Manscaped CODE: COVERT VistaPrint CODE: COVERT Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel.  Music in this episode is “Something (Bonus Track)” and "Scenery" by Kai Engel; "Take Off and Shoot a Zero" by Chris Zabriskie and "Arid Foothills" by Kevin MacLeod. Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License 
This is the true story of how a coalition effort between American and British special force units brought down, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the mastermind behind countless bombings, kidnappings and beheadings in Iraq as the leader of A.Q.I. This episode is sponsored by: Great Courses Mint Mobile Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel.  Music in this episode is “Something (Bonus Track)” by Kai Engel; “Never Again” by Ars Sonor; "Haunty Fourstroke", "Violin Spider" and "Blhlicht" by Marco Trovatello. Sound effects from by syna-max, justinbw, Dymewiz, kangaroovindaloo, Huggy13ear, soundmary, tehlordoswag420, laurenmg95, felix.blume and nicklas3799. Additional sound effects from Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License 
With Che's guerilla fighter, Paco, captured, CIA agent Felix Rodriguez was positive they would soon be able to capture Che himself. But what he hadn't realized - he was the only one who wanted to capture Che alive. This episode is sponsored by: Ridiculous History Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel. Music in this episode is “Delirium,” “Morbid Imagination,” “Saturn (Lessons Learnt),” “Aveu,” “visium,” and “Something (Bonus Track)” by Kai Engel; and “Lucerna” by Sergey Cheremisinov. Sound effects from by CastleofSamples, marcel-farres, Glaneur-de-sons, thescarlettwitch89, Gidion, cosmicembers, bennychico11, lawnjelly, leafs67, theshaggyfreak, Tdude9000, MAJ061785, EFlexMusic, Kolezan, Benboncan, inchadney, digifishmusic, jaklocke, kwahmah-02, inspectorj, and Australopithecusman. Additional sound effects from Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License 
After two years of flying under the radar, guerilla attacks on the Bolivian army meant the presence of the notorious Che Guevara. But without hard evidence, the United States couldn't get too involved . .. so they sent in foreign CIA agent Felix Rodriguez to see the mission through. Meanwhile, Guevara thought a Bolivian revolution would spread throughout South America . . . but instead, it would bring about his downfall. This episode is sponsored by: Hims Behind the Bastards Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel.  Music in this episode is "Cendres", "aspirato," “Smoldering” and “Something (Bonus Track)” by Kai Engel; “sardana” by Kevin Macleod; “Guldhelden Eftermiddag” by Ars Sonor; “Thin Line” by Jahzzar; “Toxick Spill” by Ad Serpentae; “Phoenix” by Sergey Cheremisinov; “Take Off and Shoot a Zero” by Chris Zabriskie; and “Burnt to a Crisp” by Daniel Birch. Sound effects from by CastleofSamples, Glaneur-de-sons, CGEffex, lawnjelly, ceberation, pauliep83, Leafs67, deleted_user_3720673, mwilkinsss, ximian,  stereodivo, InspectorJ, YleArkisto,  and cmroybal. Additional sound effects from Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License 
After a love affair with Fidel Castro, Marita Lorenz was approached by the CIA take on a dangerous mission: assassinate the dictator. But how did the CIA convince her to turn on the man she loved? This episode is sponsored by: Junell & Associates (call 800-400-1349) Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel. Music in this episode is “May”, “Scenery”, “visium”, “Smoldering” and “Nothing (Bonus Track)” by Kai Engel; “Sardana” by Kevin Macleod; “Saturn (Lessons Learnt” by Ars Sonor; “Readers! Do you Read?”, “I Am Running with Temporary Success from a Monstrous Vacuum in Persuit”, and “Undercover Vampire Policeman” by Chris Zabriskie; and “Spellbound Hell” by Damiano Baldoni. Sound effects from by Robinhood76, tim.kahn, ebcrosby, silverasatyr, cmusounddesign, leoctiurs, theshaggyfreak, CUeckermann, Slave2theLight, and ramston. Additional sound effects from Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License 
A young woman ends up in a whirlwind relationship with Fidel Castro. But hiding it from her family and living in a post-revolutionary country isn't her most prominent danger. It's the CIA, who are looking for someone close to Castro to recruit. This episode is sponsored by: The Great Courses Plus Junell & Associates (call 800-400-1349) Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel. Music in this episode is  “Aevu”, ”aspirato," "Morbid Imagination," “machinery”, “Floret”, and ”Something (Bonus Track)" by Kai Engel; “A Cool Electric Rainy Night” by Mike Durek; “Sancho Panza Gets a Latte” and “Sardana” by Kevin Macleod; “Undercover Vampire Policeman” and “Take Off and Shoot a Zero” by Chris Zabriskie;  and “First Rays” by Jahzzar.   Sound effects from by ramston, dkustic, Lubini, eelke, deleted_user_3720673, mwlandi, bennychico11, arnaud-coutancier, limwei, marcel-farres, cheeseheadburger, lawnjelly, FedeFrede, dobroide, sonsdebarcelona, dersuperanton, aboe, Ediecz, puniho, cosmicembers, kwahmah_02, ebcrosby, mushroomjesus, and ximian. Additional sound effects from Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License   
The SAS and SEAL Team 6 get the go-ahead for their long trek of a rescue operation, but limited intel means that something unexpected is going to happen. And it does. This episode is sponsored by: Mint Mobile Hims Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel. Music in this episode is “Saturn (Lessons Learnt), “Comatose”, "Mare," "Cendres," and ”Something (Bonus Track)" by Kai Engel; “Burnt to a Crisp” by Daniel Birch; “Moving On,” “Waiting” and “Vanliga Slaktaren [feat Mary Shelley]” by Ars Sonor; and “Escapade” by Nctrnm. Sound effects from by drotzruhn, caquet, RTB45, qubodup, Iwan Gabovitch, ximian, AlienXXX, eelke, bennychico11, mwilkinsss, laurenmg95, kwahmah_02, wjoojoo, theuncertainman, floriangeyer, burnsie289, and Manicciola. Additional sound effects from Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License 
In 2012, humanitarian aid workers were kidnapped and held as ransom by a gang of drug runners and criminals in the northern region of Afghanistan. It was up to the two most elite special forces in the world, the SAS and U.S. Seal Team 6, to lead a dangerous joint operation to retrieve them. This episode is sponsored by: Bespoke Post (Code: COVERT) Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel. Music in this episode is "Nothing (Bonus Track)" by Kai Engel; "Lucerna" by Sergey Cheremisinov; "A New Biosphere" by Schemawound; "There Are Many Different Kinds of Love" by Chris Zabriskie and "Studie I" by Jahzzar. Sound effects from by DCPoke and jay rope. Additional sound effects from Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License 
The hunt for the Landshut continues as the SAS and GSG-9 follow the hijacked plane around the Middle East. And just when they thought it was all over, something unfathomable happened: murder. Their carefully rehearsed plan can still work - but now lives are really on the line. This episode is sponsored by: Lightstream Duke Cannon (Code: COVERT) Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel. Music in this episode is "Cenderes", "Morbid Imagination," "aspirato," "Run," and "Something (Bonus Track)" by Kai Engel; "Toxick Spill" and "Unification on Multiplicity" by Ad Serpentae;  and "Moving On" and "Someohn" by Ars Sonor. Sound effects from by amorralteixe, Benboncan, laurenmg95, mwilkinsss, InspectorJ, BarkersPinhead, Eelke, EFlexMusic, Australopithecusman, pfranzen, CosmicEmbers, unchaz, RobinHood76 , Puniho, sound_ims, voho, floriangeyer, HolmesAudio, CGEffex, DBKEEBLER, Coral_Island_Studios, blouhond , FunWithSound, sonsdebarcelona, and Audionautics. Additional sound effects from Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License 
A post-vacation flight turned into a waking nightmare after 4 hijackers took over Lufthansa Flight 181. Germany's brand-new elite force, the GSG-9, was set to step in, but were too green to be ready; and so they asked for help from the seasoned British Special Air Service.  Having never even met, the two Spec Ops teams had to work together to figure out how to storm an airplane that was being taken all over Europe and the Middle East. This episode is sponsored by: Duke Cannon (Code: COVERT) Lightstream The Great Courses Plus Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel. Music in this episode is "Forlat", "Somnolence", "Scenery", "Comatose", "Cutting to the Chase", "aspirato," "Aveu," "Mare," and "Nothing (Bonus Track)" by Kai Engel; "Guldhelden Eftermiddag" by Ars Sonor; "Clouds" by Sergey Cheremisinov;  and "Thin Line" and "First Rays" by Jahzzar. Sound effects from by unchaz, DBKEEBLER, burnsie289, harrybates01, drotzruhn, pfranzen, nothayama, ximian, nebyoolae, lancelottjones, floriangeyer, mwilkinsss, lawnjelly, Eelke, bewagne, and laurenmg95. Additional sound effects from Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License 
The six escaped diplomats couldn't stay under Canadian protection forever. With the State Department occupied, the CIA stepped in. Enter Agent Tony Mendez. His idea? They would all pretend to be a Hollywood scouting team. This episode is sponsored by: Hims  Bespoke (Code: COVERT) Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel. Music in this episode is "Cutting to the Chase", "machinery", "Delirium", "Cendres", "aspirato", and "Nothing (Bonus Track)" by Kai Engel; by "Breath of Death Part 2" by Sergey Cheremisinov;  "Car Crash" and "Time" by Jahzzar; "Moving On", "Saturn (Lessons Learnt)", and "Waiting" by Ars Sonor. Sound effects from by FedeFrede, klankbeeld, 150118NicoleKalamer, ckvoiceover, montblanccandies, Cheeseheadburger, pfranzen, Snapper4298, CosmicEmbers, BarkersPinhead, MWLANDI, lawnjelly, ChazzRavenelle, thomasevd, InspectorJ, Kyster, marcel_farres, and Setuniman. Additional sound effects from Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
When a peaceful protest at the Iranian embassy became not-so-peaceful, it was the start of the longest hostage crisis in history. Six people escaped capture, but then they couldn't escape Iran. How would they get out? And how did they even evade being part of the Iran Hostage Crisis? Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel. Music in this episode is "Scenery", "Far From Home (PON VII)", "Machinery", and "Something (Bonus Track) by Kai Engel; "Breath of Death Part 1" by Sergey Cheremisinov; "First Rays", "Time", and "Car Crash" by Jahzzar; "Moving On" and "Saturn (Lessons Learnt)" by Ars Sonor. Sound effects from by Ramston, CosmicEmbers, HolmesAudio, wertstahl, InspectorJ, MWLAND, Audionautics, babuababua, kernschall, qubodup, BarkersPinhead, DBKEEBLER. Additional sound effects from Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Covert is back for Season 2 with undercover operations from around the world, from the assassination of a dictator to the rescue from the longest hostage crisis in history.  Season 2 starts July 2nd. 
In the Season 1 finale: Two downed helicopters; Task Force Ranger is trapped in the middle of a swam, with no way out, except a convoy that can't get through the barrage of fire. As they take shelter for the night, supplies are low, and they have to rely on sheer determination to make it through. This episode's sponsors: Hims Casper PROMO: COVERT ZipRecruiter Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel. Music in this episode is "Morbid Imagination", "Run", "Far From Home (PON VII)", "Floret", and "Nothing" by Kai Engel; and "Never Again", "August (Summer Nights)", "The Morning Star", and "Guldheden Eftermiddag" by Ars Sonor. Sound effects from by CGEffex, cjosephwalker, caquet, InspectorJ, madcowzack, manychefsbroth, JoniHeinonen, dkustic, laurenmg95, qubodup, Huggy13ear, FreqMan, DBKEEBLER, burnsie289, dheming, TobiasLudwig, and MWLANDI. Additional sound effects from Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
A routine part of a UN mission in Mogadishu, Somalia, goes as wrong as it can, and a Rocket Propelled Granade has taken down a Black Hawk helicopter. Now Task Force Ranger, a group of 160 of the best Black Ops personnel are putting their fighting skills to the test, on the ground in enemy territory and surrounded on all sides by a swarm. Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel. Music in this episode is "Sopor", "August (Summer Nights)", "Visium", "Morbid Imagination", and "Nothing" by Kai Engel; and "Someohn", "The Morning Star", "Moving On", and "Never Again" by Ars Sonor. Sound effects from by kernschall, dkustic, Lubini, FreqMan, beerbelly38, CGEffex, qubodup. Additional sound effects from Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
In this week’s episode, we continue the story Israel’s special forces performing one of the most bold special force operations in modern history: flying right into enemy territory and saving hundreds of civilians held captive by terrorists in Entebbe, Uganda. This episode is sponsored by ZipRecruiter and Hims. Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel. Music in this episode is “Deconstructing Ray” by Ars Sonor; “The Dark Glow of the Mountains”, “Undercover Vampire Policeman” by Chris Zabriskie; “Lachaim” by Kevin Macleod; “Gramaphone” by Jahzzar; “periculum”, “Something (Bonus Track)”, “Nothing (Bonus Track)” by Kai Engel; and “Red Danube” by Lee Rosevere. Sound effects from by LJudman, Rutgermuller, DKustic, NoiseCollector, Syna-Max, Trettfilms, Klankbeeld, BigPickle51, BonnyOrbit. Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
June 27th, 1976. A routine flight from the Israeli coastal city of Tel Aviv to Paris. Two hundred and forty eight passengers and crew members have been kidnapped by armed terrorists aboard Air France flight 139. The destination: a little known city called Entebbe in the middle of Africa. Who were the terrorists behind this? What unique challenges did Israeli government and military officials face? What was President of Uganda Idi Amin's intentions? This episode is sponsored by Harry's (, (PROMO: COVERT) and Hims ( Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel ( Music in this episode is “Take Off and Shoot a Zero” by Chris Zabriskie (; “VIII. Catacombae. Sepulcrum romanum Largo” by Skidmore College Orchestra; “Sands of Windhoek” by Ask Again (; “Escapade”, “Dos Lagos” by Nctrnm (; “Action Investigation” by Komiku (; "Nothing (Bonus Track) by Kai Engel; and “Burnt To A Crisp” by Daniel Birch ( Sound effects from by suz_soundcreations. Additional sound effects from Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The Black Cats are finally deployed to take down the mysterious terrorist threat plaguing Mumbai and killing innocents. But what they find is a threat well-armed and ready to take them on, and three major sites that are under siege. And the enemy has much more information than they do. This episode is sponsored by Casper (PROMO: COVERT) and Euphomet, a new podcast. Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel ( Music in this episode is "Delirium", "Oneiri", "Sopor", and "Nothing (Bonus Track)" by Kai Engel; "Lucerna", "Breath of Death Part 2", and "Phoenix" by Sergey Cheremisinov; and "Thin Line", and "First Rays" by Jahzzar. Sound effects from by trouxel, kyster, Benboncan, HolmesAudio, DudeAwesome, spoonsandlessspoons, MWLANDI, diegolar, Akc1231, Huggy13ear, laurenmg95, stereostereo, CGEffex, pcruzn, and Iwiploppenisse. Additional sound effects from Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
A cafe held hostage. Gunfire in a public marketplace. Mumbai, the richest and most populated city in India is under constant attack from unknown and extremely well-coordinated terrorists. And the Indian National Guard, the Black Cats, are just waiting to be deployed. Journalists who reported from the scene and civilians caught in the action tell the tale of the Mumbai Terrorist attacks of 2008 – what happened that first day? And why did it take so long to respond?  Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel ( Music in this episode is "Delirium", "Oneiri", Comatose" and "Nothing (Bonus Track) by Kai Engel; "Clouds", and "City of Lonely Ghosts" by Sergey Cheremisinov (; "Moving On" by Ars Sonor (; and "Thin Line" by Jahzzar (  Sound effects from by TobiasLudwig, cmusounddesign, unchaz, dobroide, FreqMan . Additional sound effects from Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Mossad, the Israeli intelligence unit, was alarmed when a train exploded in North Korea – one that was carrying nuclear supplies to Syria. This led to the discovery of a secret nuclear reactor in the middle of Syria. And it could not be allowed to exist. Enter the Sayeret Matkal, aka The Unit, to execute a Nuclear Strike.  This episode is sponsored by Hims ( Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel ( Music in this episode is "Scenery", "Oneiri", "Morbid Imagination" "Cutting to the Chase", and "Nothing (Bonus Track)" by Kai Engel; "Someohn" and Guldheden (Eftermiddag)" by Ars Sonor ( Sound effects from by Kolezan, dheming, unchaz, CosmicEmbers, InspectorJ, Iwiploppenisse, Diegolar, StrangeAcoustics, doxent, pfranzen, ultradust, and hisoul . Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
In this episode we go behind the battle lines in the jungles of Sierra Leone to learn about the planning and high stakes execution of one of the most dangerous special forces missions in history. But what was it like for those on the ground during this operation? What effect did this mission have? Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel ( Music in this episode is “Somnolence”, “Morbid Imagination”, “Oneriri” by Kai Engel (; “The Last Ones” by Jahzzar; “Arid Foothills”, Clash Defiant” by Kevin MacLeod. Sound effects from by noise collector, barkerspinhead, eFlextheSoundDesigner, WertStahl, Leoctiurs. Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License This episode is sponsored by:, Hims and PD Stores podcast.
The West African nation of Sierra Leone is a land of picturesque white beaches, a tropical climate and rich, lush rainforests. But the country is no tourist destination – it is the battle ground for one of the most gruesome and deadly civil wars in history. This is the real story of one of the most dangerous special forces missions in history: Operation Certain Death. As told by the people who were there. But who are the SAS? What unique conditions made this operation so dangerous? Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel ( Music in this episode is “Floret”, “Anxiety”, “Comatose” and “Nothing (Bonus Track)” by Kai Engel (; “Confused Sate”, “expeditionary” and Tikopia” by Kevin MacLeod (; “Förlåt” by Ars Sonor ((; “The Last Ones” by Jazzer and “Stories About the World That Once Was” by Chris Zabriskie ( Sound effects from by ermfilm, harrybates01, bruce965, cosmicembers and leoctiurs. Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License This episode is sponsored by Female Criminals podcast by Parcast.
In this conclusion of the mission to stop Osama Bin Laden, we go inside Operation Neptune's Spear, where Seal Team Six flew undetected into Pakistan to go after who they believe is the elusive terrorist. What really happened inside the mystery compound? And what led to the decision to bring in a unit when chances of success were only 50/50?  Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel (  Music in this episode is "Run", "Far From Home (PON VII)" "Morbid Imagination" and "Nothing" by Kai Engel; "The Morning Star", Saturn (Lessons Learnt)", "Eternal (Breaking Free Mix)" "Never Again," and "Moving On" by Ars Sonor (; "Unification ov Multiplicity" by Ad Serpentae (; "The Last Ones" by Jahzzar ( Sound effects from by Manicciola, daveincamas, HolmesAudio, volivieri, marcel_farres. Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
On February 26, 1993 Osama Bin Laden had gotten the attention of the United States when he funded an attempted attack on the World Trade Center. The attack later revealed a more intricate network of supposed terrorist training camps, and the terrorist organization known as al Qaeda, or “The Base." In late summer, 2001, he became America’s number one enemy. In part 2, host Jamie Rennell discusses the impact of 9/11 on the CIA, how intelligence services tracked down the most elusive criminal on the planet, and explores why it took so long. Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel ( Music in this episode is "Sopor",  "August (Summer Nights)", and "Somnolence" by Kai Engel; "Forlat", "The Morning Star", "Saturn (Lessons Learnt)", and "Moving On" by Ars Sonor (; "Toxick Spill" by Ad Serpentae (; "The Last Ones" by Jahzzar ( Sound effects from Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License News clips courtesy of C-Span (
In this first episode we’ll trace the origins of Osama Bin Laden and the people who were tasked to find him. Who was this man? When did he first get the CIA's attention? And what led up to his masterminding of 9/11? Covert's theme is "Anxiety" by Kai Engel ( Music in this episode is "Oneiri", “Nothing [Bonus Track] and “May” by Kai Engel; “Samaritan", “Stanna med Oss [feat. Mary Shelley]", "Vänliga Slaktaren [feat. Mary Shelley]", “Minnesbilden [feat. Second Break]” and "Moving On" by Ars Sonor (; "UnificationovMultiplicity" by Ad Serpentae (; "The Last Ones" by Jahzzar ( Sound effects from by Sklanier, SoundsLikeWillem, Cydon, FedeDrede, InspectorJ, WillyBilly1984, RobinHood76, Huybao91. Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License This episode is sponsored by Hims (
Launching May 29th is Covert, a brand-new podcast delving into the shadows to reveal the murky world of international espionage and top secret military operations from around the world.
Introducing the newest Audioboom original podcast, Truth vs Hollywood. Join Film lovers David Chen and Joanna Robinson as they do a deep dive into well known films and discuss how similar they are to the actual story. The discussion also features interviews with experts, historians, and people who were involved in the real stories. Truth vs Hollywood premieres 6/12. Subscribe to Truth vs Hollywood on Apple Podcasts: 
Life's Little Mysteries is the newest Audioboom original podcast and co-production with Live Science. This podcast is for everyone and anyone who loves science and wants to know more about everything around us. Join hosts Mindy Weisberger and Jeanna Bryner of Live Science every Monday as they give you the low-down on all things big and small that truly make you wonder. Life's Little Mysteries has new episodes every Monday. Subscribe to Life's Little Mysteries on Apple Podcasts
Listen to new episodes of What Makes a Killer for a look into the life and crimes of the world’s most infamous serial killers. Featuring interviews with family members, forensic experts, law enforcement, and witnesses. What Makes a Killer premieres 10/31. Subscribe to What Makes a Killer on Apple Podcasts.
Comments (71)

Ruth Gordon

Very interesting and well told 👍

Jul 22nd

Co B.

the best pod cast in y'all just quit!!!

Jul 10th


mehhh no thanks we want covert back

Jun 12th


Alas the units of measurement are completely incomprehensible to me...

Mar 6th

Vic Underwood

That's messed up about Andre.

Jan 10th

Vic Underwood

Skip to episode 2.

Jan 10th

Vic Underwood

Great storytelling. feels like you're there. Hostages safe. Cigars all around mission accomplished!

Jan 10th

Vic Underwood

Good Episode.

Jan 10th
Reply (3)

Vic Underwood

Good Story. I can't stop listening!

Jan 10th

Vic Underwood

I felt bad for the Grandmother left behind.

Jan 10th

Vic Underwood

Nice sound effects.

Jan 10th

Adeola Ola

Baghdadi died just in time for season 3.

Nov 3rd

Arshad Raza

great this is really great. request include all books related to this genre

Jul 29th

Dead cops

free Palestine

Jul 23rd
Reply (2)

Joey Lira

F that b#+$& Bin Laden.

Jul 9th

Hamza tajjaoui

great misleading content ! keep up I'm hooked

Jun 7th

Hully Piper

Great Podcast! Can't wait for the next season! I gladly listen to any amount of ads as long as it enables you to put those interesting stories out there :-)

Jun 6th

Sankul R. Mandavia

Is there a second series coming for this podcast? Loved the first one

May 14th

Co B.

really good stuff 👍👍👍

May 4th

Charles Matthew Miller

Any more episodes planned? I loved it so far .

Mar 21st

bill stoves

Jesper, you are absolutely right. This episode is very interesting but I gave up.

Feb 3rd

Luke Mcdonnell

is this podcast gone or what ?

Jan 2nd

Edgardo Margarito Tato

wow nice! you had my heart racing the whole time!!

Dec 3rd

Glenn Coty

What happened to the exploits of heroes? Why grant attention to the basest of humanity in a forum previously dedicated to those who are the pinnacle of the warrior ethos? If you ran out of tales you could tell, so be it, exit with grace.

Nov 28th

Paul Hastings

One of my favorite episodes. Can't wait for Season 2!

Oct 11th

Simy Kalolo

Very well narrated. One of my favorites episodes!

Oct 4th

Adeola Ola

Really enjoyed this season. Cannot wait for season 2.

Sep 20th

GoonChild X23

Must be all out of covert ops.... :(

Sep 15th

Matthew Brinley

hey where'd ya go. haven't seen any thing since june

Sep 13th

Joshua Reddick

love this podcast! when will more be released if any?

Sep 13th

Rob Hewitt

awesome awesome awesome 👍👍👍 keep up the fantastic work

Sep 10th

Kyle Laughinghouse

so did the podcast tank or is there more

Aug 31st

Jesper Lindberg Kjær

I fully understand the need for commercials, and I truly enjoy the episodes, but there are too many commercials...

Aug 13th

Gerardo Facundo

great podcast. season 2 can't get here fast enough!

Aug 7th

Stuart Lancaster

this podcast is obviously getting more popular as there are so many adverts now. The host just starts randomly talking about a mattress or shaving kits all of a sudden and it's quite distracting. I'll stop listening if it carry on

Aug 3rd

Eliezer M

Great podcast but way too many advertisements; distracting and unnecessary.

Jul 30th

Mordechai Beenstock

whilst this operation and rescue is indeed heroic and amazing, what should be applauded and recognised is that way Israel takes seriously the lives of Jews not just Israelis. I couldn't see many other country's dareing to pull off such an operation within a few days.

Jul 29th

Derek Manning

Episode 6: The UN gave a two-stage plan prior to the Israeli only plan. The Arabs rejected the two-stage plan. Get the history correct!

Jul 19th

Kain Kenny

very good podcast, way too many advertisements

Jul 18th

Yoni Fraimorice

Got hooked on this podcast really quick. Interesting and thrilling

Jul 12th
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