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Today's Zoom

Author: Mario Calderon

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Two friends, who where born two days apart, banter about ways to waste time.
28 Episodes
the boys at it again this time they are cleaver detectives who solve what is wrong with twitter and in the process solve a fake murder mystery that is an actual mystery. we review the Glass Onion don't forget to subscribe and share and leave a comment
Phase 4 Is Poop

Phase 4 Is Poop


In this episode the boys talk about phase 4 of the MCU (marvel cinematic universe). Alex suggest that like he has had diarrhea for the last 2 week so has the MCU has had poop for the last 2 year. 
Its a new year and here is a new episode, your welcome. Marlon and Alex talk Avatar 2.
In Today's Drive we talk about The Island of Doctor Moreau
on Today's zoom meeting  Marlon and Alex talk about The Nutty Professor and Striptease. two iconic 1990's movies. 
On Todays zoom call Marlon and Alex talk about Matilda and Independence Day. Also lets just all pretend we did not take a two month long break. 
In today's Zoom the boys talk about The Craft and Twister 
Episode 19 The Barb Quest

Episode 19 The Barb Quest


On Today's Zoom Meeting the boys talk Barb Wire and The Quest. Two "classic" films turning 25 years. 
James and the Giant Peach

James and the Giant Peach


On Today's Zoom Meeting Marlon gets intro shy and the boys talk about James and the Giant Peach and talk mid season Falcom and the Winter Soldier. 
In Today's Zoom Meeting we talk Fargo and predict Falcon And the Winter Solider  series.
in the 15 episode of Today's zoom the boys talk about daft punk and coming to America.
Episode 14 Broken Sheep

Episode 14 Broken Sheep


In today's zoom meeting the boys keep the 25th Anniversary going and talk Broken Arrow and Black Sheep. 
This week we watched a movie? called Sharknado. Oh boy that was hard to watch but also the best thing to watch? Also Celebrate 25 years of the film Scream.
in Todays Zoom Meeting Marlon and Alex talk Wonder Woman 1984 and Soul. in the first episode of the year 2021 we dive into the new norm of big movie releases on stream. 
In today's zoom meeting Marlon and Alex talk A Nightmare Before Christmas and Jingle All the Way. The Governator  kicks some Santa ass in this christmas special.
On today's Zoom call Marlon and Alex Talk about Nun's that can sing. They watched Sister Act and the surprising fast released Sister Act 2. 
On today's Zoom call Marlon and Alex continue no shave November and watch Escape from New York and Training Day. 
on todays zoom meeting Marlon and Alex doo no shave November and watch to movies with iconic beards or just people with beards in the movies. They talk "The Good, The Bad, nd the Ugly" and "The Rock." RIP Sir Sean Connery one of the most iconic beards in movies. 
On Today's Zoom we have the triple H special, and we are not talking WWE. Its the Horny-Horror-Halloween special. we talk Nightmare on Elm St, hocus locus, and whatever that Adam Sandler movie was on Netflix. 
The Tim-Ryder...Episode 5

The Tim-Ryder...Episode 5


on TODAY'S ZOOM we talk Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, and Frankenweenie. join Alex nd Marlon and a brief, but defiantly audible, appearance from Jessica. we cover all Tim Burton and Winona Ryder, I promise we don't screw up saying her name, movies and then go off in at least two different side conversation but we cover it all, every detail and story you ever wanted to know about Tim Burton and Winona Ryder, and yes we talk about her shoplifting scandal.     