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"The Grateful Dread" (podcast)
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"The Grateful Dread" (podcast)

Author: Andrew Young

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I created this podcast to encourage people to begin their day by giving thanks and being grateful to be alive. Gratitude is the most powerful solution to any problem we face in life. and on this podcast I share stories of how God is working in my daily life that remind me to be grateful. My hope is that this spirit of gratitude can be contagious and we can create a community of people who practice gratitude and become walking beacons of light that encourage others to see the blessings within their struggles and offer encouragement and hope for them to keep going.
106 Episodes
In this episode I share  a lesson God's been teaching me over the past few months about getting to the place where I'm conscious of how truly blessed I am. Since the garden the enemy has been attacking our minds, trying to convince us that we are lacking something, to believe God has withheld something from us, and unfortunately far too often we believe the enemy, and we wind up in a state of victim consciousness. The truth is we ARE blessed and HIGHLY FAVORED! There is so much grace on our lives yet instead of appreciating the fact that we are able to walk today, that we aren't suffering from any terminal illness, that our children will have a meal today, that we have running water, etc we completely overlook those blessings and focus our energy on the bill we can't pay, or the car we don't have yet, or the credit score we don't have, and it's FOOLISH and UNGRATEFUL! Over the past few months God's been revealing to me that gratitude is truly the key that opens up that gate of heaven and creates opportunities for God to pour out His blessings on your life. Being thankful, rejoicing, praising, and worshipping God feels AMAZING and will completely shift your energy but more it starts with being AWARE of how blessed you already are and shifting your focus to one that SEES the grace that's on your life. Bishop TD Jakes gave this incredible sermon entitled "The Giver Comes First" and he told the story of Abraham and the ram in the bush and how God led Abraham to the hill where the ram would be and how he named the PLACE of his provision Javovah Jireh. So many people miss that important detail in that story and call God Jahova Jireh but it was a PLACE and the Bishop talked about how we must get back to the place and how that place is in the spirit and it's where we SEE with spiritual eyes, where we recognize how God is working in our situation and where we walk the path He lays out for us and are in alignment with His will for our lives. There is no safer place to be than in the will of God. When you give God the wheel He drives better than those parents that have "baby on board" on their windshield. He is THEE all knowing, He knows the turns up ahead, He knows who's gonna cut us off on the highway, He knows when we will be distracted and send a text while driving, and He's got us COVERED. Sometimes we have to rely on faith because we can't see what He's doing but it's in those moments that we can look at what He's already done and trust that He will continue to see us through. And when you don't have enough faith look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith and rely on His faith. It's in those moments where our faith isn't enough that we can say Lord help my unbelief and let Jesus carry us and experience God's grace. I pray this message blesses you and encourages you to look to Jesus and recognize how blessed you already are. I pray God gives you a peace that passes all understanding that allows you to rest in Jesus when you face any storm. As always, appreciate the blessings and stay grateful! Jimmy
On this episode I talk about this revelation of how God's grace really works during a game of around the world. There's something about knowing you won't be punished for your misses (sin= missing the mark) that actually frees you to seek progression without fear. Knowing our sins have already been paid for in life because He (Jesus Christ) stepped in and fulfilled the JUSTICE required in the Law of Moses for ALL OF US. Knowing this allows us to willingly follow a God that loves us enough to do that, knowing this frees us from sin consciousness it doesn't bind us to the law. The Law was to make us aware of why we need grace and to help us understand God's character. The Bible may have been used as an instrument to control but the gospel of Jesus Christ is a love story and a tool to set us FREE. We ALL do things that wouldve been considered sin but because of what He did we can recognize just how much we needed and continue to need God's grace in our lives moment to moment. Many people fear this revelation will lead to more evil in the world and I get it but that comes from fear and a lack of empathy and understanding that everyone already has Christ's spirit in them, the very breath of life is from Him. Soooo many people are actually living in sin because they dont feel accepted because they dont love themselves because they don't understand the TRUTH about God's love because they dont in their hearts understand how they can be forgiven for some of the things they've done in their past because they dont yet understand that God decided to put flesh on His very word and Spirit to RESTORE humanities connection with the Divine Source of LIFE AND LOVE by willingly accepting the punishment/justice/karma for every single sin (wrong thought, word, action) ever committed all the way back to Adam not trusting His father and not believing God Loved Him enough to not withhold anything from Him that was for His good.I hope this episode blesses you and as always appreciate the blessings!
On this episode of "The Grateful Dread" podcast I wanted to share a thought/revelation I learned about what makes God the best father EVER. God understands that we need challenges and adversity to acquire the skills and characteristics needed to  navigate this journey. I hope this message encourages you to embrace the opportunity to grow from your circumstance and to continue to trust God to use it all for your good. As always, appreciate the blessings!
On this episode I talk about "divine redirection" and I share a story of how my plans weren't going my way and how God revealed to me that my priorities were out of order. Many times when we our outside of the will of God and trying to force our own plans there's no grace on our lives I want to encourage you to prioritize getting in God's presence and getting in alignment with His plan for your life. Don't be so married to your own timeline or plan that you reject "divine redirection" God's plan is always better. I hope you get something from this message and as always, appreciate the blessings!
On episode 102 I wanted to talk about that next level gratitude, that "even tho" gratitude, that 2020 learning how to be grateful in the midst of a pandemic type gratitude. It's pretty easy to say thank you "for the" _____ (inset blessing) but it takes a deeper level of gratitude to be able to give thanks while facing trials and tribulations but thats when you REALLY need to practice gratitude. Last night my daughter had a seizure for the first time in nearly a year (way to end 2020 right) it was her 3rd ever but I'm past the point where I feel like "why is my kid going through this" or resenting God because "I should be immune to facing trials in life". Nowhere in the Bible does God promise us that by being in relationship we will not face trials, in fact, it says "the rain falls on the just and the unjust alike". I'm grateful that the Bible does promise that whatever storm I face I don't have to go through alone and that even when I'm not strong enough His strength is made perfect in my weakness. Last night rather than my mind instantly going to why me I decided to pray and trust God that it would be OK and I decided to THANK GOD for the last time he brought her home after she had a seizure and I decided to THANK GOD for allowing my daughter to go nearly a year without having a seizure knowing it could be a lot worse. I thought about how grateful I am to have been given the opportunity to love her for more than a year since the first one she had when I prayed to God to please give me one more day with her. 2020 has taught me a lot of lessons and while I have compassion for those that lost loved ones and those living in fear (I'm praying for you daily), I have encountered countless families whose priorities have shifted for the BETTER because of 2020, people who are now having diner regularly with their children, people who have gotten closer with God, people who are doing homework with their kids, people who aren't avoiding difficult conversations with their spouses and actually making room for healing to take place. 2020 has been CHALLENGING and it has forced us all to grow and adapt but I pray it's been a year filled with LOVE and great joyful moments and a year you can truly be grateful for "even tho" there were unexpected challenges. If you made it through 2020 you are blessed! I love you and as always appreciate the blessings!
For episode 101 of "The Grateful Dread" podcast I decided to get back to the basics of understanding what it means to practice gratitude. I call this episode "Gratitude 101" because it's about appreciating the BLESSINGS, being thankful for what God has given you. We can always chose to look at life through a lens of dread of gratitude and so often many of our are so blessed in reality but we allow our thoughts to rob us the joy we could be experiencing in the present moment. On this episode I share a story about how within a 2 hour timespan I wrote both the saddest song I've ever written and the most joyful song I've ever written and how the only thing that changed was my perspective. I hope this story causes you to examine your life and helps you to become aware of the times where you are allowing thoughts to rob you of your joy. If you get value from this episode please share it and as always appreciate the blessings!
On this 100th episode of The Grateful Dread podcast I decided to keep is ALL THE WAY 100 with you and share with you both personal struggles I've been dealing with lately and the wisdom God has been teaching me in the process. I share my recent struggles with addiction, relationship anxiety, and the biggest struggle for me which is letting go of the need to be in control and stay submitted to God's will for me. I pray this honest testimony and the revelations God has been revealing to me can minister to your hearts and provide encouragement to help someone going through their own struggles. I hope you enjoy today's message and as always, appreciate the blessings!
On this episode I share some experiences I've had that helped me get to a place where I can rejoice and give God thanks even when it rains. For as long as I can remember I've always hated rainy days and in life I've always hated when trails would come. It wasn't until recently that I truly learned to appreciate the rain and understand how necessary it is for growth and how important it is to be able to continue to praise God through it and I just wanted to share my wisdom and offer encouragement to anyone that feels like their dealing with some "rain" right now in their life. I pray you know that you are loved and that God is with you in whatever you are going through and as always appreciate the blessings!
On this episode I talk about my concern for humanity as the world is shaken once again by the unlawful killing of George Floyd. I haven't done an episode in awhile but I felt compelled to share my thoughts and concerns with the hope that my message of hope and love and compassion for one another as human BEINGS can help lift your vibration today. 
On this episode I talk about worry. When you find yourself worrying, try to remember that God is always in control. Trust the big picture plan He has that you do not see. Learn and grow as you go. Don't take yourself too serious, your life story is 1 book in one library in 1 town on 1 planet in 1 galaxy in Gods universe yet Gods Grace and Love are fully present always. The very breath you have been given is a gift. (I think we are all being reminded of that these days) I like to write down lists of what I'm grateful for whenever I'm feeling anything other than blessed. I also like to ask myself what could life be trying to tell me thru this circumstance. Chose to Trust + Thank God. Worrying about things you cant control is a complete waste of time. Learn to lean on God and appreciate the blessings.
On this episode I talk about hope. I woke up this morning to a completely gray sky full of clouds and I thought to myself "today's gonna be whack". I figured the entire day was headed for doom and gloom and to my surprise around 4 o'clock all the clouds had moved and the sky was blue and the sun was shinning again. I was able to go for a nice walk outside and take a drive to the beach and I thought about how quickly circumstances change in life. Some people might be facing a cloudy situation in their life today heck the entire world is dealing with the dark cloud of covid-19 as we speak but the good news is CLOUDS MOVE and the sun shines ALWAYS again. We don't always know WHEN the situation will change but have faith that it WILL change because it always does, it's the nature of life, nothing stays the same! So today, I just want to encourage you to keep the faith and remind you that CLOUDS MOVE, and to always appreciate the blessings!
On this episode I talk about the importance of solitude and the amazing opportunity we all have right now to make sure we are all getting a healthy dose of it. Solitude unlike isolation is a choice. Many people are in isolation and feel like they are being forced into it but what if you simply embraced the present moment and chose to use it as an opportunity to connect deeper with yourself and your inner being. Nothing cleanses the soul quite like solitude. You can pray, you can think out loud, you can bask in the peace of stillness or just listen to music or a podcast. Enjoy the solitude like it wasn't. choice made for you but by you and as always appreciate the blessings!
Another day with this Covid 19 pandemic and it's really easy to think about all the things we can no longer do but I just want to remind you to do what you CAN do. You can still read a book, watch a movie, play games with your kids, enjoy a nice walk, write in a journal, research, etc. There are so many reasons to still enjoy your life. Every day on this planet is a gift and we should all strive to enjoy each and every one of them. So today, do what you CAN do and appreciate the blessings!
On this episode I talk about the power of saying "Thank You" and meaning it. Gratitude is the most effective way to change any situation. Even if the situation doesn't change, gratitude can change the way you see the situation which actually changes it for you because you now view it from a new lens. My number 1 goal for this show is to spread the spirit of gratitude and I believe this episode may help you receive that spirit of gratitude by putting it into practice by taping into the power of saying "Thank You"
On this episode I talk about how God like to show up in the clutch. In sports there very few characteristics more celebrated than the "clutch gene". The "clutch gene" is only revealed when the chips are down, when the odds are stacked up against you when it looks like there isn't much time left and it's sink or swim but in life we don't really like God to be clutch because we suffer from anxiety and lack faith and rely on ourselves and most of US tend to get overwhelmed by pressure which is why we celebrate the Tom Bradys and Michael Jordans of the world that are known for being clutch. I wanna tell you a secret GOD IS CLUTCH! His timing is impeccable and he is a SHOWMAN. Read the story about Lazarus in the bible and how when Jesus found out Lazarus was dying he decided to stay where he was an extra 2 days so people could witness his resurrecting power rather than rushing to Judea to save hi before he passed. God has shown up in the clutch in my life over and over and I felt compelled to do this message today at 11:11pm after just posting I wasn't going to continue to do these daily messages because I felt God tugging on my heart to show up for somebody in the clutch tonight with a message of hope and faith. It may be looking dark for you right now but I am here as a living witness to vouch for the fact that God IS CLUTCH and I want to encourage you to lean on him and to trust His timing and to KNOW that just when you think it's over and you're truly about to give up, that's when God will be knocking at your door. Let him in, ask Him for help and believe that he will show up for you and when He does make sure you share your testimony and give Him His glory. And while you are waiting remember that you are loved, be grateful that you are alive and that He continues to bless you with life and try and find a way to appreciate the blessings in spite of your circumstances because gratitude and faith can change any situation.
On this episode I talk about staying connected. Right now the world is telling us to keep our distance but right now we are all connected by what's going in the world. As my guy Steven Furtick said, we may not all be in the same boat but we are in the same ocean right now. I believe we have a real opportunity to unite and through technology we can still stay connected to each other and more importantly no matter what happens we can stay connected to our higher power. I think life has giving us all an opportunity to come together like never before and be amazing. let's stay connected and as always appreciate the blessings!
On this episode I just want to encourage somebody out there who's thinking about giving up to keep going. We all have times in life where we get down and we start to lose hope or maybe we've been trying to make something happen and it's not coming to fruition as fast as we'd like but to that I say keep going! Sometimes we don't realize what's happening and sometimes great things take longer than usual to bear fruit. Keep sowing, keep going, and eventually you will see the fruits of your labor. Pray for courage, ask God to help you endure the tough times, spend time in His presence, and keep going and as always appreciate the blessings along the way!
On this Episode I talk about spreading the GOOD news. These days I can't turn on my phone or TV without seeing some more news about Covid-19 and how many people have been effected and how we need to be careful and while I see nothing wrong with being informed, what about the good news? What about the fact that Jesus Christ gave His life for you and promised to be with you until the end of time? What about the fact that by simply believing in Him you are already saved and promised eternal life. What about the good news that no matter what you've done in your life, God loves you and is for you! What if instead of sharing every fear mongering article we see on facebook and amplifying a spirit of fear and anxiety, we decide to share Good news of Jesus Christ, spend time in His presence, and continue to appreciate the blessings each and every day!
On this episode I talk about choosing faith over fear. With everything going on it can be really hard to tune out the noise and not get consumed with anxiety and worry but it's times like this where faith is needed most. Dis ease or stress is the #1 cause of disease and while it's easier said than done to not worry, you must find a way to stay positive and trust that everything is going to be OK. God got you! Stressing about your fears isn't helping anyone so today I just want to encourage you to chose faith over fear and as always, I want to remind you to appreciate the blessings! 
If there's 1 positive we can take from this "social distancing" I'd say it's the opportunity to get closer to to God. Life has given us all a real opportunity to get in tune with our inner being by quieting the distractions of the world. We all have less to do which leaves more time for our kids and ourselves. I just want to encourage anyone dealing with restlessness to consider implementing a spiritual practice into your daily life trust me it will work wonders and as always appreciate the blessings!
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