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Fiction Writing Made Easy

Author: Savannah Gilbo

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How do I write a book? How do I create compelling characters that readers will love? How do I build a believable world for my story? What does it even mean to write a story that works? Do you have any writing tips? These are just some of the big questions that developmental editor and book coach, Savannah Gilbo, digs into on the Fiction Writing Made Easy Podcast. Each week, Savannah shares actionable tools, tips, and strategies that will help you write, edit, and publish your book. So, whether you're brand new to writing, or a seasoned author looking to improve your craft, this podcast is for you!
149 Episodes
Have you ever heard someone say that the only difference between a published author and an unpublished author is that the published author never gave up?I wholeheartedly believe this, and my guest today proves it’s true.Savannah Carlisle writes heartwarming romance novels that transport readers to fun and quirky small towns where friends feel like family. And her debut novel, The Library of Second Chances, is officially available for purchase as of May 2024. Tune into this episode to hea...
“Human beings want to hear the stories of other human beings. And that's exactly what podcasts do.” - Michelle GlogovacYou have a finished book, now what? Learn how to pitch yourself to podcasts (and create your own podcast book tour!) in this episode. Here’s a preview of what’s included:[04:47] What is a podcast book tour? And what are the benefits of doing one?[12:20] How to pitch yourself, even if you don’t have a finished book.[31:32] How to repurpose content from your interviews so...
“I recommend working on your query letter as soon as you feel good enough about the overall shape of your story.” - Savannah GilboAgents and editors must sort through hundreds of query letters to find an outstanding story. So, how do you write a query letter that catches their attention and makes them want to read more? Tune into this episode to learn how to write a query letter that works! Here’s a preview of what’s included:[01:31] What are query letters, and why are they important?[03:46] ...
“The object itself didn't cause the conflict. The person who made the choice with the object caused the conflict.” - Randy EllefsonIn today’s episode, we’re going to cover something really fun—how to create believable monsters. And I have a special guest joining me today—someone that knows way more about creating monsters than I do. His name is Randy Ellefson, and he is the author of The Art of World Building. Here’s a preview of what’s included:[03:48] Randy gives us his definition of ...
“We need to advance the plot and we need to develop the character. When you can marry the two, you have a strong scene.” - Abigail K. PerryWe’re taking a deep dive into Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins to see how and why it works. Join me and Abigail K. Perry as we break down this first chapter of the third book of The Hunger Games trilogy to see how it hooks our interest and pulls us into the story! Here's a preview of what's included: [04:03] Chapter summary: This opening chapter sets up...
Telling a story through multiple viewpoints can be a great way to create a more expansive (and objective) look at your characters, world, plot, and/or theme. But with each additional viewpoint character you add to your story, the more room there is for mistakes. In this episode, I'm sharing the 5 most common multi POV mistakes writers make and how to avoid them in your draft.Here’s a preview of what’s included:[2:10] Mistake #1: Including too many POV characters without an intentional reason ...
“Writing is a creative project. It's not an earthquake, but the thoughts and the worries can feel similar. If I can have a positive association or feel prepared for an earthquake, surely I can do that for writing.” - Rhonda DouglasEver found yourself staring at the blank page, trying to write but unable to find the right words? You’re not alone! Tune in to hear Rhonda Douglas share strategies for managing creative anxiety and writer’s block. Here’s a preview of what’s included[01:29] Wh...
“Focus your pre-writing and drafting and revising efforts on the present moment of your story.” - Daniel David WallaceI asked five of my peers to share one of their favorite writing tips, and boy, did they deliver! Tune in to hear 5 editors and coaches talk about their favorite tip and why it’s so helpful. Here’s a preview of what’s included:[01:40] Tip #1: Fully embrace scene structure in your storytelling process because the narrative will flow seamlessly from beginning to end.[06:12] Tip #...
“Usually stakes start personal and they become public. That's a way of raising stakes, regardless of the genre.” - Savannah GilboWe’re diving deep into Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins to see how and why it works. Join me and Abigail K. Perry as we break down this first chapter to see how it hooks our interest and pulls us into the story! Here's a preview of what's included: [05:22] Chapter summary: This chapter focuses on Katniss, who is navigating life after winning the Hunger Games. ...
“You, the writer, have a bigger sphere of knowledge. You know more things than the narrator necessarily knows.” - Gabriela PereiraIn today’s episode, I ask Gabriela Pereira of DIY MFA for her thoughts on some of the most commonly asked questions I get about point of view and voice—and she shares some of her favorite tips and strategies for mastering POV and voice in your writing. Here’s a preview of what’s included:[1:51] What's Gabriela’s advice for writers trying to choose the "right"...
“It's really important to focus on the big picture story first and not worry about granular details that you can figure out later.” - Savannah GilboGet more done in less time, overcome procrastination, and become a master at time management with these 5 super simple productivity tips that I’ve been using daily for the last 10 years. Read the blog post here!Here’s a preview of what’s included:[01:07] What is productivity and why does it matter?[04:44] How to time block your days in a way that ...
“Sometimes it's easy to take feedback to mean that your story's broken when it's not.” - Savannah GilboI’m taking you behind the scenes with me throughout my entire work week! You’ll see how I plan my days, what projects I work on, what I learn from the writers I work with, and so much more! Read the blog post here!Here’s a preview of what’s included:[01:48] Sunday Update - This week will be a mixed bag. I’m taking a 2-day online course from Laura Belgray, who’s sharing a behind-the-scenes lo...
“In stories that feel society dominant, is survival even worth it if you don't have freedom?” - Abigail K. PerryWe’re taking a deep dive into The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins to see how and why it works. Join me and Abigail K. Perry as we break down this first chapter to see how it hooks our interest and pulls us into the story!Read the blog post here!Here's a preview of what's included: [04:39] Chapter summary: In the opening chapter, the author employs a tight focus on Katniss's pe...
“The key to making books within a series work is to grow, escalate, and complicate the conflict and stakes from book to book.” - Savannah GilboA good book series allows readers to immerse themselves in a world and stay there. But how do you write a series that works? To start, here are 5 steps to help you start planning your book series. Read the blog post here!Here’s a preview of what’s included:[01:42] Savannah discusses the the three primary categories of book series—static, dynamic, and a...
“ Flat or boring characters who are underdeveloped are never going to light up a scene, no matter how many tricks you pull.” - Savannah GilboIf you’re writing romance, the chemistry and tension between your characters can make or break your story. Let’s explore how to create romantic chemistry between two characters in an authentic and compelling way to keep readers on the edge of their seats.Read the blog post here!Here’s a preview of what’s included:[01:44] What is chemistry?[03:01] The fir...
“Work on being a better writer and work on your craft and the other stuff will follow. As long as you have a great book, marketing comes a lot easier.” - Alexa BigwarfeIn today’s brand-new episode, I’m sharing a conversation with Alexa Bigwarfe about how writers can overcome the fear of marketing their books and what you can do right now to kickstart your marketing efforts.Read the blog post here! Here’s a preview of what’s included:[3:55] Where should new writers market their books?[05:...
“When a story doesn't include these key scenes and conventions of its genre, it's just not going to work.” - Savannah GilboWant a framework for your entire story? Learn what readers expect from a story like yours, and then use these obligatory scenes and conventions as a framework to craft a story that works.Read the blog post here!Here’s a preview of what’s included: [03:47] What are obligatory scenes and conventions (and why are they important)?[06:58] 3 steps to finding the obligatory scen...
“It might seem strange to start a story with an ending, but all endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time.” - Abigail K. PerryIn this episode, we’re talking about The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom to see how and why it works. Join Abigail K. Perry and me as we break down this first chapter to see how it hooks our interest and pulls us into the story. Read the blog post here!Here's a preview of what's included: [02:40] Chapter summary: Abigail reads a...
“Every time you write something hard, it changes you as a writer, and it makes you a better writer.” - Jessica BrodyToday I'm sharing a conversation with Jessica Brody where we talk about some of the most common mistakes writers make when outlining, writing, and editing their books using the “Save the Cat” method.Read the blog post here!Here's a preview of what's included:[02:30] Jessica introduces herself and shares her experience writing fiction using the Save The Cat! plotting method.[04:0...
“ The purpose of a first draft is not to come up with something that's perfect. Instead, the purpose is to explore your story and get it out of your head.” - Savannah GilboTransform your writing as I reveal 5 all-too-common mistakes that plague writers. Learn the savvy strategies to sidestep these blunders and discover my top-notch tips for rectifying them if you've already fallen prey. Read the blog post here!Here’s a preview of what’s included:[01:20] Having gratitude for every mistake enco...
Comments (15)

Frank Houston

When crafting your fellowship statement it's crucial to emphasize your accomplishments, research background and any notable accolades or distinctions. By showcasing these qualifications you not illustrate your readiness, for the fellowship . Also establish credibility, with the selection committee.

Oct 24th

Shandra McClanahan

Finally, a podcast for writers that can give you the nuts and bolts of writing, especially if you plan to sell your work. There is so much value here.

Mar 8th

Emma Ava

The goal of writers is to instruct readers. By introducing frames of reference, they hope to promote discussion about significant facets of our society. They want to amuse. While all writers have these as their ultimate goals, war writers have additional, more subject-specific motivations for their writing.

Nov 23rd

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Jun 3rd

Lillie Courtright

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Mar 2nd

Zak Brooks

Do you know writing is one of the most creative jobs? People are now earning through their excellent skills of writing. I have seen , and most people are gaining a lot of knowledge. Fiction is very tricky and can give you a tough time, so don't give up and keep trying. You can do it if you are passionate about it.

Feb 4th

Michael Bates

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Jan 22nd

Pouya B.

Hi Savannah, Thank you for your podcasts. The content and the way you present is very helpful. Can I provide you a feedback regarding the tone of your speaking? I feel like you end many sentences with questioning tone, and I believe if you don't, your speaking will be more impactful. Anyways, thanks again, Pouya

Oct 26th

Roman Davis

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Oct 21st

Pamela Canto Peterson

loved the 10 reasons why! great informative podcast for writers and easy to listen to and understand.

Apr 12th

Karina Lee

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Jan 27th

James Siverson

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Jan 13th

Jane his wife!

I enjoy this podcast. Savannah is so down-to-earth and gives practical tips I can use right now in my writing.

Sep 29th

Natalie Budesa

I'm enjoying your podcast! I especially like your worksheets, they are very useful especially because I like to handwrite things to process my thoughts 😊

Apr 16th
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