Johnny Law’s podcast

Johnny Law’s podcast
Author: John Lawson
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© John Lawson
The intention of this podcast is to talk about military experiences, wildland firefighting, cigars, movies, investing, rants and raves, and have fun conversations. I also want to make a point from time to time to reach out to friends in hopes of lowering occurrences of veteran suicide. Thanks for listening
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33 Episodes
A poem a wrote. Out of context as I haven’t said what it is I’m going through but felt like sharing. Will share more information in a later episode.
I catch up with Matt part way through his season as a wildland firefighter, BJJ practitioner having recently competed in a tournament, and all around busy dude with no brakes.
Greg and I hoped to kick off this weeks episode on our new exclusive podcast, but that didn’t happen. Instead we talked about types of pizza, movies, and I can’t recall what else as Greg was fucking with pizza dough during the episode.
Not really sure how else to describe this episode. Listener discretion is advised.
This week we talk about beards and grooming, housing prices, living in Montana versus California, and Bill Gates divorce.
John and Greg talk about Polyamory, a little inside information on being a realtor and the significance of symbolism in films.
Greg and I talk about hippies, polygamy, self righteous yard signage, and how in some ways the world might be a better place if we all tended to our own garden.
This episode follows up from episode 24 on Incel, or involuntarily celibate. Greg runs the show with his knowledge on the subject. Thank you to all the listeners and supporters of the podcast. MGTOW
Greg and I discuss incel, a topic Greg is fascinated with and something which I knew nothing about. This will Segway us into our next chat of volcel or voluntarily Celibate.
Greg runs the show, and asks the questions that apparently I asked him. Greg also talks about his experience as a stripper, the bachelor, and his beloved Gibson martini. Excuse the audio toward the end, it’s gets ass backwards and bear with me as I work through technical difficulties.
Matt and I finish up some talking points we hadn’t had the chance to get to. We discuss tattoos, the Travis Manion Foundation and Matt’s part in running a race across the country for charity, and some of our favorite music.
This is actually the second part of a conversation I had with Greg from Episode 20 the point break remake. If you haven’t heard it yet, I would go back and start at episode 20. In this episode we discuss the night stalker, H.H. Holmes, and then head down a rabbit hole that should not be heard by children, or anyone that is easily offended. Thanks for listening
Greg and I both took the time to watch the horrendous remake of a legendary film. If you haven’t seen the original Point Break with P Swayze and K Reeves, you’re missin out. If you think this pile of dildos produced in 2015 is the original, you are mistaken. Hope you enjoy the episode. I actually really enjoyed talking about it, and didn’t feel as cynical after doing so.
Matt joins me to talk about his time in the Navy, deployments, how he got started with CrossFit and coaching, ADD, and other topics. CrossFit Kivnon. San Diego. CrossFit Coronado. Navy
Matt Peace is a Navy Veteran, CrossFit coach and gym owner, wildland firefighter, husband, and all around great guy to be around. In this episode we talk fire, stolen jeeps, Chris Farley, and Matt’s recent loss of his father in October.
In my weekly follow with Sir Greg, we talk more movies, Danny Trejo, and Greg’s thoughts on Point break. We also talk about Jeff Bezos, outer space, new money versus old money, and the fuckstick which is Alex Jones.
Greg sexualizes laundry, I redact a comment from a previous episode about Jiffy Lube + being a mechanic in the 30’s, Linda Love Lace and David Spade, losing height over time, comedians that aren’t funny, fast and the furious 26, Dwayne Johnson, beloved Patrick Swayze. The unfinished question for next week: is Jeff Bezos more than likely a total weirdo?
In this episode, we switch to a more serious conversation. If you have not listened to episode 13, please do so. At the end of the episode Greg had asked if I ever thought about committing suicide. In this episode we get deeper into that conversation. I hope this episode may help anyone currently struggling in their own life. And if you are struggling, please know that it’s okay to reach out for help. We all hit low points and I believe one of the most difficult things to do is to tell others when you’re not at your best and let yourself be vulnerable.
In this weeks episode we discuss Jaws, Arnold Schwarzenegger, working out and gym culture, steroids and being broke.
During this weeks episode, Greg responds to listeners on why he dislikes the actor John Krasinski. I hit Greg with a movie quote and ask him to guess the film. We also discuss Kingpin, bullying, the price of Tesla, Rules of real estate, Bitcoin valuation, and Greg hits me with a very serious question which I will answer in next weeks episode. Thanks for listening.
Join us to listen in on Greg’s thoughts of the events which unfolded at the Capitol on 1/6/21. I did not have much to say, I and I wanted to hear his thoughts. I would say that Greg remained fairly unbiased in his opinion. We changed subject to something a little more light hearted and enjoyable for me, and talked about The Big Lebowski, and some other films toward the end. Thanks for listening.
Nick is a father, husband, car enthusiast, and one of my oldest friends of over 25 years. Nick has been working on bikes, motorcycles, and cars ever since I’ve know him, and has been restoring and building custom car projects in more recent years. Tune in to hear more about Nick, and if you want to see some of his work on Instagram look him up @doran_designs. Thanks for listening. Invader coffee, Chevy C10, pick up
On this weekly update with Greg, we discuss our highs and lows for 2020, touch on the stock market, warren Buffet, Pete Lynch, gold diggers, social climbers, our forecast and outlook for the new year of 2021, and Christmas gifts.
I wanted to talk to Greg about Christmas and hear about his plans for the holidays. We talked briefly about religion, then car warranties, and then I’m not quite sure what we talked about. You can probably skip the last 20 minutes of this podcast. Merry Christmas.
Greg is back to talk about real estate, economics, selling properties during a pandemic, and some of his theories on the mass exodus of certain states. DISCLAIMER: there is a rabbit hole in this episode, and we get lost in it toward the end. But if you enjoy Tarantino films you might be able to relate.
Greg is back to redeem himself with some fact checking he did after our previous conversation. In this episode we talk about working out, bodybuilding, steroids, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. I then go into a bit of a speed round of random questions for Greg. Hope you enjoy and thank your for listening.
This episode contains the second have of my conversation with Greg. After some attempts at editing, I decided to leave it as is, and run with it. Listener discretion advised.
In this episode, I sit down with one of my long time friends, Greg. Originally from Sacramento, Greg now resides in Monterey, California. We discuss a few different topics, and go down some rabbit holes talking about child abuse, hunting, Clint Eastwood, Bill Murray, and the question of “is Dictator Gavin Newsom related to Nancy Pelosi?”
Clips of my drunk professor talking about god knows what, my opinion on collegeprofessors teaching school curriculum and not pushing their own agenda, and calling out Shaun King for being a stupid asshole for profit.
In case you didn’t get a quickie in today, here’s one. When did it become so important to tell others that they need to vote? Has it always been that way? Is this in fact, the most important election in US history? I personally don’t think so, but I’m curious for listener’s thoughts and opinions. I personally think we’re going to go right back to nonsense as usual as soon as the election is over.
Terry is one of the most kind hearted, and fascinating people I have ever met, and I feel lucky to call him a friend. Terry was born and raised on a ranch in Montana. This episode skirts the line of listener discretion, so please be advised you might not want to listen with children in the car. We talk about gardening, film, theatre, gay culture, writing, and the novel Terry is currently working on. Oh ya, and pornography. Hope you enjoy the episode and thanks for listening.
Oskie is a wildland firefighter, Marine Corps veteran, and Steven Seagals biggest fan. In this episode we talked a little bit about the military, firefighting, and his future plans with the fire service as well as his plans for off season and training in martial arts.
A very brief introduction of the podcast, with a quick background of myself and the future episodes of the podcast. Thanks for listening
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