Dead and Gone
Despite the Grateful Dead’s ethos of peace and love and communal music, there is a darkness that surrounds the band. Across five decades, a string of unexplained accidents, murders and disappearances have befallen some of the band’s most dedicated fans; affectionately known as "DeadHeads." Some were last seen on their way to Grateful Dead concerts, others simply vanished or were tragically murdered while attending shows.
Hosted by Payne Lindsey (Up and Vanished) and Jake Brennan (Disgraceland), DEAD AND GONE Season 2 dives deep into the DeadHead subculture, investigating four of these tragic unresolved cases while simultaneously navigating the career of this iconic band. A long, strange, deadly trip into the world of The Grateful Dead.
Ballad of Billy Balls?
I’m surprised it wasn’t more than 2
How is it that he only knew him as a Tall Blonde Man Now his actually referring to him by name Boo??????????????????????????
I love that this episode points out the fact that homeless people are not the scary boogeyman that they are sometimes portrayed as in the media. Becoming houseless can (and does) happen to people from every socioeconomic community
two babies were born!?
Weston is clearly a burnout, I'm not as shocked that he keeps messing up details or forgetting things. Years of using drugs drastically affects your memory.
Uhh, cannot stand the non-Payne narrator -- his voice and even the writing is just terrible. I have been fast forwarding through his parts of the episodes and haven't missed a thing -- his weird whispery portions are super irrelevant to the crime and don't add to my understanding of the story.
lol WESTON - "nah I never went to Chico" "Nah, after he told me I went straight to Chico" BRO
don't trust weston as far as I can throw the bus he claimed to be on
I love listening to Payne, but I completely zone out every time Jake Brennan comes on and the way he speaks my brain can't even process anything he's saying. This podcast would be much better if the commentary from Jake was left out. I know nothing of him outside of this podcast, so its not personal...his voice and tone just don't work for me.
I went to Antioch college in yellow Springs Ohio in the mid to late '80s. I was surrounded by deadheads. as much as I didn't like most of the band's songs I really liked the people because they were kind. so this is very interesting to listen to
weston is a lying shitbag
Remember the episode before and the 1st question was do you know Bo but he said NO
😱 omg 😱 this guy really needs to stop 🛑 talking Him having to go to a therapist would more likely be because he saw what happened Seriously he just needs to STOP 🛑 As he’s getting deeper and deeper
Love 💕 Jake Brennan
It’s very mellow for the Grateful Dead
Kudos to Payne for confronting the crazies over and over and not dying!
One thing i am learning from Payne Lindsay podcasts: DON'T TRUST PEOPLE CALLED BO (kidding!!)
Like watching an episode of Columbo :') don't know if Weston is, in fact, innocent but he sure sounds a little nervous, a little too keen to be of help yet also a little too fast to shut down any indication of his presence/involvement, always casting suspicion on others, always explaining-away things that don't make sense etc etc
Bo?! Really??