DiscoverWin The Content Game
Win The Content Game

Win The Content Game

Author: Deirdre Tshien - CEO & co-founder of Capsho, AI-powered Content Marketer (the fastest way to repurpose and market your expert content)

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Got your podcast rolling to boost your credibility and showcase your people but find yourself wondering, "How do I get more of my ideal clients to tune in and keep coming back for more?"
Jump in with me as I show you not only how to grow your podcast and use it to attract leads for your business, but also how to supercharge it with killer content marketing strategies. You’ll hear from industry experts, as I pick their brains for their best podcast growth and content marketing tips. Plus, I'll be rolling up my sleeves and applying these strategies myself in real time, sharing the successes, the stumbles, and everything in between.
Here are some topics covered in this podcast:
:bulb:How to get guests to promote your podcast with Kelly Mosser
:bulb:Making social media work while posting less with Katie Brinkley
:bulb:The missing piece in your coaching business with Chris Williams
:bulb:Mastering the art of podcast PR with Lauren Passell
:bulb:How to optimize your online brand for maximum SEO exposure with Jason Barnard
Got questions or your own tips and advice to share? Email me at
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116 Episodes
In this insightful conversation, Dennis Yu shares his game-changing approach to boosting social media content for just $1 per day, targeting your ideal audience with laser precision.
What's the secret to finding fulfillment after achieving massive entrepreneurial success? Find out in this conversation with the ex-President and current Board Director of $2 billion online course platform Kajabi, Jonathan Cronstedt, also known as JCron.
Are you struggling to leverage YouTube to attract leads and clients for your business? JP Hightek, a renowned global branding expert, pulls back the curtain on his proven content creation strategies that convert on YouTube. 
Are you tired of pouring your heart and soul into content that fails to attract the clients you deserve? It's time to unlock the secrets of winning the content game and watch as a steady stream of ideal customers flocks to your business. Imagine the thrill of having your inbox flooded with inquiries from people who can't wait to work with you – all thanks to the irresistible content you've masterfully crafted.
What if you could tap into the power of YouTube to consistently draw in a steady stream of your ideal customers, ready and eager to work with you?
Join us as we peel back the curtain on our journey with Capsho, and share our the hard-earned secrets of crafting AI-powered content that resonates deeply rather than adding to the digital clutter (i.e. content vomit).We share how we refocused our mission to produce impactful content with the sole purpose of attracting and converting clients, while completely revitalizing our platform in the process.
If you’re wondering how to get your video content to actually get you clients and revenue - craft compelling videos, podcasts, or blog posts that not only engage your audience but also convert them into paying customers. It's a game-changer, and Luis Camejo from Biz Bros is here to share the secrets to making it happen.
Win The Content Game Trailer
How do you create content that hooks your audience in and keeps them coming back for more? The secret lies in identifying and playing to your natural content creation strengths In this episode, we cover the 3 HumAIn to help you do just that.
How can you turn video content into profit for your business? If that's a question you've asked yourself, or you hadn’t even thought of it that way, then you need to listen to this conversation with Content Producer Luis Camejo. 
Starting a software company is no walk in the park. Despite the glitz and glamour of headline-grabbing funding rounds, the day-to-day reality for founders is a little different.  From tackling complex product issues and chasing elusive growth targets to managing investors’ expectations.  This insightful conversation, Murtaza Bambot, Founder of community platform Heartbeat, gives us an insider look at these behind-the-scenes startup struggles and successes. 
Social media was originally intended for community building and real life connections, not constant phone scrolling. How can you optimize your social media strategy to increase engagement and connection? 
Should you focus on "being" rather than just "doing" on social media? The answer might surprise you. Join Deirdre and Bona, founders of Capsho, as they share how a shift in mindset completely transformed their relationship with social media. 
Do you ever feel like you're just shouting into the void online? Are your posts flopping despite spending hours crafting clever captions and curating content? There's a better way. Katie Brinkley’s 4-post framework replaces volume with intention and helps you gain traction with less effort. 
Creating content that truly stands out in a crowded digital landscape is no easy feat, but neglecting one critical step can undermine your efforts right from the start. Through the lens of my own experience rebranding and relaunching this podcast, I share a practical framework for setting your content up for success. 
This is officially the last episode of the Grow My Podcast Show before our rebrand to Win The Content Game. In this episode, I share my presentation at Capshovians Live 2024 dedicated to the 3 things you need to win the content game as an entrepreneur. 
Get ready to elevate your content creation skills and leave a lasting impact on your audience. Let's dive into the behind-the-scenes insights and powerful strategies from Capshovians Live event that will transform your podcast growth. 
Discover how Capshovian's Live transformed content creation and audience reach. 
As I approach my 100th episode, I reflect on the commitment and resilience that brought me to this milestone. Join this candid conversation with my cofounder Bona Rai on how we shelved the "shoulds" and navigated the pressures of mastering all aspects of podcasting.
Have you heard podcast advertising is only beneficial for big brands with big audiences? Our guest, Gary Arndt, will share the truth on how podcast creators can effectively advertise to grow their audience and revenue.
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