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TED Business

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Whatever your business conundrum, there’s a TED Talk for that—whether you want to learn how to land that promotion, set smart goals, undo injustice at work, or unlock the next big innovation. Every Monday, host Modupe Akinola of Columbia Business School presents the most powerful and surprising ideas that illuminate the business world. After the talk, you'll get a mini-lesson from Modupe on how to apply the ideas in your own life. Because business evolves every day, and our ideas about it should, too.
411 Episodes
Scam artists know something about money that you don't — and artist J Mase III is here to shed some light. He shares examples of infamous scams from Elizabeth Holmes's false medical tech promises to Anna "Delvey" Sorokin's fake trust fund, along with three crucial lessons on how money functions for the wealthy, why it flows in the direction it does and how to start spotting scams in your own life. After the talk, Modupe shares what we can learn from scam artists to overcome imposter syndrome. 
Conversation is a battlefield with only one winner. Or is it? Comedian and author Jordan Klepper believes we can get better at talking to each other (and perhaps save democracy) by learning how to lose.
Economic crises can and do happen. But for every true crisis, there are many false alarms, says economist Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak. He explains how to live with the media's pervasive economic doomsaying, why we should stop treating financial forecasts like a precise science — and what we should embrace instead. After the talk, Modupe shares why she’s a “rational optimist” about economic narratives — and what "rational optimism" means to her. 
Women are routinely underestimated, overlooked, interrupted, talked over or mistaken for someone more junior at the workplace. Author Mary Ann Sieghart calls this the "authority gap" — all the ways women are (still) taken less seriously than men, despite proven competence and expertise. She explains how we can close this pernicious gap and why everyone wins when we do so. After the talk, Modupe shares another tool to help close the gap.
"Sustainability has become more marketing than action," says environmental business journalist Esha Chhabra. Challenging conventional business models solely focused on profit, she shares how regenerative companies that embed purpose into every facet of their operations can drive real change — and make things better for people and the planet. After the talk, Modupe reflects on what it means to run a regenerative business.
Climate action has historically had a gender-neutral lens, but this lack of intentionality has actually negatively impacted women, says gender and climate researcher Zineb Sqalli. Using real-world, gender-equal programs as examples Sqalli offers solutions for advancing both sustainability and gender equality – at the same time. After the talk, Modupe shares ways organizations can increase gender diversity and promote inclusion.
How much should business leaders speak out about threats to democracy? It's a question many corporations are wrestling with these days. Business and democracy leader Daniella Ballou-Aares shows why companies have both the ability and the responsibility to engage in protecting elections and the rule of law — and why their bottom lines may depend on doing so. After the talk, Daniella joins Modupe for a conversation on business, politics and the year ahead.
How can you effectively support people at work and in your community, especially when they're different from you? Inclusion strategist Amber Cabral shares three steps you can take to build connection — emphasizing that even small, everyday actions can make a big difference to those around you. After the talk, Modupe shares questions we can ask to help bridge divides.
Sometimes, you need to break the rules to innovate — but which ones? Entrepreneurship professor John Mullins shares six counter-conventional mindsets for entrepreneurs looking to think strategically, navigate challenges and change the world. After the talk, Modupe expands on the value of stepping out of your comfort zone – thoughtfully.
This is an episode of the latest season of The TED Interview, focused on Infectious Generosity. To get a free copy of the Infectious Generosity book, visit Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and the co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is one of the top ten richest people in the world. But since 2008, he has traded his day-to-day role with Microsoft to focus full-time on his foundation's work to expand opportunity around the world. Chris interviews Bill about his philanthropy philosophy and digs into the opportunities and challenges that face one of the largest private charitable foundations in the world. The two also discuss The Giving Pledge, the movement Bill co-founded with Warren Buffet, which encourages wealthy individuals to commit the majority of their wealth to charitable causes within their lifetimes. Chris and Bill examine the importance of solving the world’s most pressing problems efficiently, talk about why meaningful change requires scale, and compare notes on how to best encourage collective excitement about giving back. If you enjoy this, listen to The TED Interview wherever you’re getting this.
Artist and TED Fellow Constance Hockaday shares how the captain of a trans-Atlantic community raft taught her how to voice her hopes and desires, inspiring a vision of possibility for the future. The question from the trip that stuck with her changed everything: What does inclusive leadership look like? Hockaday calls for mentors and aspiring leaders everywhere to answer that crucial question to unlock their agency and power. After the talk, Modupe shares a framework for achieving goals – both at work and in your personal life.
Access to information is the key to unlocking human rights for all, says equality champion Paige Alexander. From educating female entrepreneurs on how to launch life-sustaining businesses to murals, billboards and other creative ways of sharing vital resources, Alexander shares how she and her team at the Carter Center connect people to the information they need — when they need it the most. After the talk, Modupe unveils a surprising and often overlooked source of useful information.
Paul Catchlove believes strongly in the power of reflection. Through every career he's held — from priest to opera singer to senior management consultant — he's benefitted from a habit of analyzing his goals, needs and performance. Learn more about how a regular practice of reflection can improve your decision-making, career and relationships. After the talk, Modupe shares actionable ways to incorporate a bit of reflection on the job, every day.
Using paychecks, perks and carefully worded mission statements plastered on posters, companies are on a never-ending quest to find what drives morale at work. An underappreciated solution lies in the answer to one simple question, says management researcher David Burkus. With notable examples backed by decades of success, he presents a clear path to inspiring your team — and finding your purpose at work. After the talk, Modupe reveals how she motivates herself.
You may need to hear this (if you haven't already): your job is not your family. While you can develop meaningful relationships with your colleagues, calling work your family can actually breed burnout and be detrimental to your mental and emotional health. Mental wellness educator Gloria Chan Packer walks through the exercises you need to shift your perspective and redraw the boundaries between your work and personal life, so you can feel freer and more empowered. Join Modupe after the talk, as she shares how to practically set boundaries in your own life.
At work, the dreamers often get credit for the big ideas, but they can also sometimes seem untethered to reality to the doers, who are trying to ... get things done. It's when these two types of humans work in harmony that business magic happens, says culture strategist Beth Viner. She lays out a practical blueprint for harnessing the dreamer's out-of-the-box thinking and the doer's practicality, showing why it's the key to building, growing and innovating in any relationship or organization. After the talk, Modupe shares more tips on how doers and dreamers can work together.
South Africa transitioned to democracy in the 1990s with a visionary constitution, but the promises of that constitution are largely unfulfilled to this day. Public leader Lindiwe Mazibuko explores how poor leadership failed to deliver a better life for the country's citizens — and shares her mission to cultivate a new generation of ethical leaders who can revitalize democracy in South Africa and beyond. After the talk, Modupe shares her hopes for US democracy.
All jobs, especially those held by frontline workers, should have dignity and the ability to turn into great careers, says change management expert Adriann Negreros. From shift flexibility to ending work on time, he outlines what he calls the "handbook of humanity" — people-centered ideas for change, rooted in empathy — that, when implemented, can redefine the nature of frontline work. After the talk, Modupe shares how she avoids being a jerk — and gives advice on how to give yourself and others grace on and off the job.
Tackling climate change costs a lot of money — and the financial sector is key to getting that money flowing. In a wide-ranging conversation, sustainable investment leaders Nili Gilbert and David Blood discuss where progress is being made on climate solutions, where capital still needs to move faster and why this is an unprecedented opportunity for sustainable growth.
Learning how to have productive conversations about race is a necessary part of the human experience. We’re revisiting a talk by educator Afrika Afeni Mills, who says the best place to start is in the classroom -- because the earlier these skills are taught, the fewer biases there are to unlearn. She shares four actionable lessons to help people overcome their fear and take on these conversations at any age. After the talk, Modupe shares questions to ask ourselves to have more open conversations at work.
Comments (85)

Marzie Hosseini


May 30th

Lewis Wood

Economic crises are an inevitable part of the financial landscape, and navigating them requires a blend of cautious planning and optimistic resilience. Philipp Carlsson emphasizes the importance of rational optimism and understanding economic narratives without succumbing to doomsday predictions. For businesses, maintaining stability during such times often starts with a strong foundation. Utilizing services from ensures that your business is legally sound and prepared to face economic challenges. Embracing a balanced view of economic forecasts and ensuring robust legal foundations can help your business thrive even in uncertain times.

May 20th

Waleed sattar

If you have a large following, you might qualify for Instagram's ad revenue sharing program, where you can earn a portion of the revenue generated by ads displayed on your content.

May 2nd

Amano Robert

Well kinda cool i think, what i also think is that your main task as a head of business would be creating the most succesful business ever. This is possible by doing research and using google maps and other SEO feature which are presented online. If you want to create sustainable business, you must make all the efforts possible for this

Mar 15th

Nina Brown


Feb 5th

mahdi Tabei

thank you

Jan 1st

Blue Dude

that festival isn't called nowrooz. it's called charshanbeh soori

Aug 21st

Elahe Yarmohamadi

it's really surprises me that there is no comment! i enjoyed it a lot. Thank you so much.

Jul 23rd


this is amazing ❤️

May 9th

Farhad Rad

#Mahsa_Amini #Nika_Shakarami #Sarina_Smailzade #Hadis_Najafi #Dictator_Governance #Protest #Iran #مهسا_امینی #نیکا_شاکرمی #حدیث_نجفی #سارینا_اسماعیل_زاده ✌️✌️✌️

Oct 9th
Reply (2)


oh shit here we go again

Sep 11th

Goudarz JZ

Jun 8th

salehe abbasi


Mar 14th

Dan Gleadle

this is incredibly simplistic and unhelpful. seems like propaganda to me.

Sep 1st

Ken O Donoghue

Such horse shit

Jun 7th

Jeremiah Etim

great one

May 31st

Dani Malawista

Anyone else unable to hear any audio on this clip?

Mar 22nd

Burhan L

great episode, thanks for the knowledge/guidance.

Dec 20th

Mir Media

Here's a good OKR. Pay your fucking taxes.

Oct 26th

Zoe Effa

It is by grace that we are saved through faith grounded in compassion and love.

Sep 29th
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