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Fitnesspreneur's Life

Author: Vito La Fata

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Launch Your Business, Income and Lifestyle
79 Episodes
Client retention. Zzzzzzz   Sexy? No. Necessary? Absolutely.    In this episode of the Fitnesspreneur’s Life podcast, Alex Armstrong and I hopped on the mic to jam on proven strategies to boost member retention.   I know what you’re thinking: I want new leads, V.    Listen, leads are important, but retention is the freakin’ lifeblood of your business.   No, it’s not sexy, new, or cutting-edge. But the ridiculously simple nuggets shared below can exponentially increase your retention. Imagine the impact that will have on your bottom line.   Do yourself a favor. Jump over and listen to this month’s podcast to stop losing members (and money) and start maximizing your member retention…and profit!   Cheers,   V
In this episode The FitnessPreneurs's Life Show I had Nicole Spencer, creator of the Authentic Conversions.   Now check this out. What is authentic conversions about?   It's about how to build powerful connections so you grow organically, get more referrals, retain more clients and dramatically increase your revenue with integrity and authenticity.   Who doesn't want that?   Below is the transcript of the whole episode so if you’re like me, you like skimming along with a pen or highlighter so you can underline the key pieces you need.   But, just in case you’re one of those give me the Cliff Notes version I got a quick hit list of…   How to Create Authentic Conversions That Lead to More Money By Simply Having More Authentic Conversations.   Here they are, you ready?   What are authentic conversations when it comes to your business, content, emails, posting, etc.   Being vulnerable and transparent and not trying to portray this image of perfection. Fully disclosing the things that are hardest to share for yourself. Not doing what everyone else is doing also because everyone is sharing fitness advice and tips and everyone is sharing nutrition stuff. Being controversial and calling out things Being clear on the things that you stand for and against. Being polarizing and not being afraid of upsetting people. Not giving a crap about negative feedback and things like that. Actually looking to say I am for some people and I am not for other people and that's okay. Saying what's on your heart and mind so you can attract the people that you want.   So many people avoid this because they are afraid of repel marketing. Repel marketing is where you create a distinct message and voice that keeps the people you don’t want out, and draws the people you do want in.   You don’t need everyone to build a lucrative income, you just need the right people.   You're goal in business it too always keep finding your right people so that you can build a tribe and be at the center of that and then serve that audience well.   If you do that you will grow a business you love. With people you love. With a bank account you love.   Now enjoy the podcast and dig into it!
Want a quick insider’s fast track to getting online faster? I had Matt Walrath, from on the Fitnesspreneur’s Life Show.   Matt went from busy CrossFit trainer to owner of BeyondMacros by using 4 smart steps that took him from offline to online. Listen in on how he did it in this month’s episode.  
Australian legend Jono Petrohilos, the man behind Fitness Education Online and host of the Bootcamp Blueprint, recently joined me from Down Under to reveal exactly how he’s built a revenue-generating empire through Facebook Groups. The fitness superstar has developed a handful of secret strategies and tactics that have thousands hooked on his Groups... but there’s more. He’s mastered the seemingly impossible process of nurturing these Group members into loyal, paying subscribers … and he even unveiled the step-by-step process he uses to do this. If you think Facebook Groups aren’t what they once were, you’re wrong. Jono’s doing it and he’s doing it big. Strap in for his modern tactics and strategies to turn Facebook Groups into cold, hard cash...
Guides, Google, coaching, and courses will only get you so far. If you want an online business that delivers on your dreams, there are 5 secret traits you must have to push through plateaus and unlock elite levels of success in the age of the entrepreneur.
Are you getting less than what you deserve because you’re struggling to figure out the make more money game?   I see so many people living on the edge of their finances, always in the paycheck grind, the end of month is there enough money madness.   Why the heck aren’t they just learning how to make more money. I know I wasn’t taught this in school. There was no make money courses I could register for. Church never taught me. My parents did the best they can. My bosses didn’t care to share their secrets.   I figured it out by studying others.   It’s why I get fired up to share 3 simple ways you can go earn more in this month’s Fitnesspreneur’s Life podcast so you can…   ...change your financial situation and live with confidence each month ...banish money fears, ...create e a safe and secure home for your family.
Wondering if you need a website for your online business? The truth might surprise you. Find out what you actually need before you invest thousands into a brand new website.
Would you like to see more money in your pocket? What about a business that has more raving fans and people getting the results you promise?   Yes, right?   Well, then sit back and enjoy this month’s podcast with my guest Scott Rawcliffe, because it all started with a conversation, a little too much wine (is there such a thing?), and some winery experiences that turned into 9 money-making lessons for you.
Recently I had PopSugar Host, Anna Renderer on my podcast, and we talked about how she made her transition from in-house personal trainer and studio manager to host of a show online and built her own brand with time freedom.   Check it out, she shares a few smart tips on how to get started transitioning your business online.   Like many of us, Anna started out trading dollars for hours. And she made many mistakes on her way to building an online business.   She created some DVD programs hoping to make some extra money on the side. And ended up with a garage full of DVD’s.   Then thanks to YouTube videos she became the host for PopSugar.   And as much as you think that was the dream, it wasn’t.   It’s when she built her own online brand, that her whole life changed.   Listen in.
Don’t change your programs, instead, change your marketing. Did your face just frowned? Bare with me! What if you could avoid that salesy kind of marketing and make it more user friendly? Would you love doing it? Friendly marketing starts with the understanding that marketing is really about nurturing a relationship and adding value over time. Here’s a marketing truth that Dave White, my guest on this episode of Fitnesspreneur’s Life Show shared with me:   “The most dangerous myth that you can have, or the most dangerous belief that you can have about marketing is that people are ready to buy from you right now.”
Here’s a quick tip to grow your business and be more of the Go To Authority in your niche: Make a list of the problems your audience is struggling with and go create content for that with a call to action to a landing page where you can capture the lead. Marketing hasn’t changed.   We just have more tools.   We have new ways of getting in front of our audience.   Your job is to focus on the content the leads people to know, like and trust you enough to buy! Then go optimize how it gets out to the world and get seen.
On this week’s episode of the Fitnesspreneur’s Life Show,  Anthony Trucks, former NFL athlete, and creator of Trust Your Hustle. 

We both have backgrounds of feeling different and misunderstood in our hustle.  


Anthony stops by, and we talk about: 
- Anthony’s story and how he got where he is today (you’d be surprised and shocked how he has made it) - What it means to Trust Your Hustle - and so much more.  
Travis Barnes spent 10 years locked up, has paid his dues and in the 5 years since he’s been out of jail, he has built a soon to be franchised fitness business, called Journey 333. Currently an owner of FIVE studios Travis has a few insights into what it takes to scale your business fast, with heart and profit in place. Most people can’t build one business let alone five in 5 years, so whether you want to go that big or not, these lessons below can be applied to the next level of your business because if Travis can overcome the 10 year jumpstart most people had on him, you can too. Travis was meant to be in the fitness industry. By age 12 he began his first training job in Vegas. But as so often in life, especially in a city like Sin City, along the way Travis made some bad choices that lead him to a decade of incarceration.  Yes, a decade.   That didn’t stop him, it focused him. TUNE IN FOR MORE on his positive, uplifting story and how you can scale your message and business TODAY! 
I saw my dad for the last time July 4th. He died on Nov. 7th, 2017. I was reflecting all the top lessons my dad taught me growing up that I still live and utilize as life’s rules and principles that dictate the choices and decisions I make. I’ve used these principles to live what I hope will be remembered as a good life. I hope they can help serve you in your pursuit of a well lived life. 1. Always Work With An Immigrants Work Ethic. 2. Do Your Best Work No Matter What It Is. 3. Take care of your family. 4. Take care of and give to your guests. 5. Love the simple things. 6. To honor our heritage. 7. Sacrifice for what you believe in. 8. Sense of Humor. 9. Patience and Tolerance. Check out the full episode to get the full lessons and my one regret.  Love you, Dad.  
Fit pros and business owners. This applies to you. Would you ever build a fitness program for a newbie without, in some way or other without teaching and including: The Squat. The Push-Up. The Crunch. No. You teach those fundamentals as the basics of exercise science. You teach those moves as the principle foundations that all future complex movements are based on.  It would be considered bad training if you didn’t impart these “best bang for your buck”exercise moves, right? You invested a lot of time, money, pride, ego, discipline, belief, and teaching to be the best at what you do as a trainer or fitness coach. Yet, the moment you decided to become a business owner, did you start investing time, money, experience, brainpower to learning the fundamentals and basic principles of business. I know I didn’t when I opened my studio and that critical mistake cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars, near bankruptcy, and a few girlfriends along the way. When I made that first leap to a business owner, I wasn’t prepared. I didn’t have the knowledge I have now. I know you hear a lot of advice, there are tons of resources for you, especially from the many mentors you have to choose from. I want to give you the no fluff, right to the point, fundamentals of building a successful fitness business, or what I like to call, The 7 Fundamentals For Fitness Business Mastery. Get in there to see what fundamentals you need to excel your business.  Then check back here to see what we are talking about over at
What’s the most successful diet? Is it Paleo? Ketogenic? Portion Fix? Mediterranean? Atkins? Grapefruit? Hot Dog? LOL...just checking to see if you’re paying attention. One of my students told me there is a REAL diet out there based around the Hot Dog Diet. We all need to read this article to prevent more of that going on in the world. In all seriousness, crap like grapefruit diets, miracle pills, and one size fits all solutions are assailing the consumer, your clients, all the time. People are so desperate for something to help them, that they will almost believe anything anyone says that promises the quick fix to their problems… especially their trainer. This is why, more than ever, you need to be a trusted resource people can turn to for help and guidance. You better know your stuff. Being up on, and having the know how to talk about sound nutrition practices and behavior change for your clients is a must today in the industry. That said, what’s the most successful diet you should recommend? I’ll give you a hint- the answer isn’t above, or is it? I recently had Chris Mohr, a leading dietician in America, on The Fitnesspreneur’s Life Show Podcast and he shared that the data shows that the most successful diet is the one that people stick with, plain and simple. Here are 5 quick takeaways from this article: 1. Become a trusted long-term solution person instead of a short-term fixer. 2. Run a business that's based upon trust and education. 3. Educate yourself on nutrition so you can have intelligent, meaningful conversations with your clients. 4. Establish a business and health practices based on good science. 5. Stay within your scope and know how to refer out, and build everything on good habits and behaviors that we can teach society. Check out the FULL article here: You won't want to miss it. It is a much needed debate we to keep on going. -V
Are you struggling to stay committed to an intention that you set?   You are not alone. We've all done it.    The pain is this- we know if we pursue this goal it’s got the opportunity to better our lives.    We know it’s got the ability to help us move forward, and yet, we allow ourselves to get derailed. And then we blame ourselves.   Here are seven hacks to help you finish what you start.   1) Celebrate your commitment.    Right here, by reading this, YOU are taking the first step.    Don’t worry about that you didn’t do anything yet, just for a moment celebrate the fact that you’ve made a commitment.   2) Get clarity of the ambitions, principles, and philosophies that you will stand for.   When we can make our actions matter to something bigger than ourselves plus our external wants we add ‘sticking power’ to our ambitions, as in you will STICK to what you set out to do.   That kind of burning desire is a gateway to having the focus to finish what you start.    3) Create White Space In Your Day   You’ve got so much busy work going on that you don’t have enough of life’s work going on.    That’s why I want you to get clarity on those ambitions and those principles and those philosophies and what you want to stand for in life, because then you’re going to make space for it.    4) Play the long game.    Quick wins are important for confidence for sure and they help to keep the energy going, but you have to understand the principle of life that says whatever you’re pursuing, whatever that interest is that matters, whatever that commitment is, whatever that thing that you want to do out there is, even if it’s just your health or to make more money, you’ve got to play the long game.    5) Get more fascinated.   A lot of people are just not fascinated with the right things that they need for the skill they’re trying to obtain.    What are you going to get fascinated with so that you’re willingly going to go deep in the study, deep in the practice of, so that you can move forward?   6) Be more deliberate and be resilient.    In order for you to achieve what you want to do, you need to put yourself into more deliberate practice and process.    Get your mindset into practice, back to why I want you fascinated, why I want you playing the long game, why I want you knowing what your ambitions and aspirations are.    7) Accept control and responsibility.    When we don’t take responsibility, we feel that the control is not in our hands, yet, if we understand the fundamental principle and law of nature of life that we can take responsibility and if we do then we are in control of our efforts and our results.    If we’re in control of our efforts and results, we take responsibility for what we get.    I’m not saying it’s going to happen fast.  I’m not going to say it’s going to happen perfectly.    But, I’m saying, with these seven things, you can go out and finish what you start and if you finish more of what you start you could just end up being part of changing the world.   Peace.    - V  
Are you sick of running a business by the norm?   Do you want different as in WAY more, but are just stuck?   On my latest podcast, I sat down with Pat Rigsby, author, fitness biz coach, and creator of, “Build Your Ideal Business.”  He shared some killer strategies that I can’t wait to share with you!   Get out your pen today- we’re going to be journaling. Let’s dig in on how to start OWNING YOUR LIFE instead of letting LIFE OWN YOU.   STEP 1: BRAIN DUMP   Take some time to brain dump the following: - What do I want my business to be like?  - Who do I want to work with?  - What kind of role do I want to play in the business?  - What kind of role do I not want to play in the business?  - What kind of income do I need to generate to meet both my needs today, but then security needs down line?  - What do I want to be spending the bulk of my time doing? - What kind of schedule do I want to work?   STEP 2: VISUALIZE WHAT SUCCESS LOOKS LIKE TO YOU   Answer this: - I’ll be successful when _______________________. - What am I willing to do to get there? - What am I NOT willing to do to get there?   Now, lets think. Does what you do right now get you to those things? If not, it’s time to find a different approach to get to your desired destination.    If not, change it fast.   STEP 3: LEAD WITH PRINCIPLES   Get intentional about your roles in life and live by that. Let others know that’s how you live too.   Be SO clear on what you want your life to look like that the things you don’t want to matter won’t.   STEP 4: EMBRACE TECHNOLOGY   You are not in the “I host workouts” business, the “kettlebell” business, or the “deadlift” business. You’re in the “Hey, I helped somebody become the best version of themselves” business.   Who do you want to be?    I choose visionary every time.   STOP being in the business of hosting classes and START being in the business of VALUE.   STEP 5: GET FASCINATED WITH SALES AND MARKETING   Sales and marketing aren’t going anywhere.. kind of like the internet. You own a business- start doing it right.   At the end of the day, nothing happens until you make a sale. You can’t help anybody and if you are unwilling to get good at that stuff, then this isn’t a career, this isn’t a business, this is a hobby.    STEP 6: MARKET WITH VALUE   See the world from your tribe’s eyes. Step into their shoes and start painting a picture.    Deliver a great experience and make sure that every day more people try your experience.   Create your life and your business.  Go out there and keep thinking about how you can imagine and reinvent and do the things that are going to push you and your dream and your vision forward.    You can create anything you want so that we can go out there and illuminate the lives of the people that are looking for us to help serve them.    If you like this and want to hear more, head over to my   And don’t forget to go give my man, Pat Rigsby some love over at   See you next time. - V  
Are you getting caught up and stuck in the objection that people say you are too expensive?   I hear you!   I came from the fitness industry myself and used to hear that all the time.     People didn’t want to pay so they didn’t make the commitment and I lost out on the business. Or they paid small, so I struggled with making enough profit to keep the business growing.    Here are three ways to get yourself out of the too expensive rut and to start making more money:   1) REFRAME YOUR MIND   First, you have to reframe your mind.  If you think you are expensive, you are.  You’re limited scarcity mindset about money will be as transparent as a pane of glass.  People will see right through your feelings.  They will think you are expensive because YOU think you are expensive.   2) STOP SELLING PROGRAMS, START SELLING RESULTS.   Go out there and recognize that you can't be trying to market or sell your programs and products by features.   "Ah, it comes with training sessions and a membership and classes and a PDF and guides and blah-blah and recipe books.”  Blah blah blah- NOBODY CARES! Those are commodities out there. What a person is shopping for is the transformation; the result, the value, the meaning, the solution to a problem.  What pain can you take away?   Break out of the commodity market and step into the value delivery market.    3) Change the Perspective of the Conversation.   Instead of worrying about other’s thinking you are too expensive, start having a new conversation and challenge them to think about things differently. Create a new comparison in their minds.    “Let’s talk about doctors- that's expensive.” “Let's talk about your meds- that's expensive.” “Let's talk about the gym memberships you don't use- that's expensive.” "Let's talk about those late night infomercials that you bought the Shake Weight, the Thigh-Master and the Gazelle from that simply didn’t work and how those ideas are now sitting in your house not doing anything for you- that’s expensive." “Promises, false hope, gimmicks, and fads- that's expensive.”   Help them understand that you are giving them the process, the principles, the ability to play the long game, along with the community, mentorship, and accountability to finish strong every day.    Do your research, understand these conversations, figure out how to make this happen in your marketing, newsletters, emails and videos so that you are always putting this conversation in front of your audience and challenging them to say, "We can all do better."   Get out there and get after it! - V  
Are you stuck when it comes to Facebook and running your business?   Does the social media world have you pissed off at the market, lost, or feeling like you’ll never be able to reach anyone? Make more sales for your business?   People often come to me with questions about Facebook: - What do I market? - How do I market? - How can I gain more leads? - Should I be doing videos? - Does my image matter? - Should I run ads?   Even worse… ”How do I get my product out there?” And I ask them, “How strong is your presence online?” “Are you creating content that leads to sales?” Crickets.    That’s why I called on my main man, Scott Rawcliffe, when he was in town.    The man KNOWS his shit when it comes to social media.    I asked Scott how to best help you all run your business through Facebook and he gave me a few pieces of advice to share with you.    TIP 1: Be Different   You don’t want to be playing the price game with everyone else. Offer them something better and you will be ahead of the rest.   TIP 2: The Image is Important     You need to capture people’s attention with your images so don’t make them boring.    Hop into my Social Media Content Generator to see how you can get entertaining, engaging, empowering, and educational social media out there.     TIP 3: Have a Plan Don’t just put out an ad and expect people to come. Did you give them any value beforehand?   Stop giving up after the first no. You are at least a few more ‘nos’ away from a ‘yes’. Research shows that most people stop at the 3rd no. Just creating a system to go for the 4th No, will lead more sales and grow your business.     TIP #4: Video is Your Friend   Your best friend to be EXACT. You better be sleeping with video more than your wife. Alright. Extreme. But you get the point, right?    TIP #5: Don’t Over Complicate Video   You can do your testimonials, quick tidbits like who you are, a short piece of adding value, or a small tip that you have.   TIP #6: Add Value   If you are looking to run a business through Facebook, start giving value.   TIP #7: Be Patient   If you’re running your ads and you can get people in and you break even zero dollars, you’re running great ads.   Your offer is continuity. Your offer is typically a membership, so you might not make it month one, but by month two, you’re starting to now make the money and if you can keep them six months, a year, whatever it is, that’s where your real money is, not that first time just to get them in.   TIP #8: Follow Through   If there’s no follow up, there’s no sale and no retention. Personalize, get specific, get in their heads and seek to understand above all things.   MAKE THIS YOUR #1 TO-DO IN YOUR BIZ.    Need more help on social media? I’ve got your back!   We have our Social Media Content Generator! Click here to grab your copy.   Go after it, market, and get your name out there FPL nation.   Until next time… - V
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