DiscoverYe Olde Talk Show
Ye Olde Talk Show

Ye Olde Talk Show

Author: DragonInASuit

Subscribed: 4Played: 41


there's stuff here I guess.
10 Episodes
So uh, yeah not sure how to describe this one.
We went... off topic. Let's hope we can get it together next time.
A Sad Story

A Sad Story


.wɘᎸ oꙅ Ꮈo ꙅɘvi| ɘʜƚ bᴎɒ ,ʏᴎɒm oꙅ Ꮈo ꙅʜƚɒɘb ɘʜƚ moɿᎸ ɘ|ɒƚ ɘƚɒɔi|ɘb ɒ ǫᴎivɒɘw ,ᴎwo ꙅƚi ᴎo ᴎǫiɘɿoᎸ bᴎɒ ɘǫᴎɒɿƚꙅ oꙅ ,ʏƚi|ɒɘɿ ꙅiʜƚ Ꮈo ɔiɿdɒᎸ ɘʜƚ ʜǫuoɿʜƚ ƹƚ|ɒw ɘw bɿɒwʞɔɒᙠ Steve Brauman
So Nik is in Hawaii and we have a guest! so yeah that's fun. this one was awkward and our guest didn't talk much but eventually we will probably maybe actually have a topic someday yay
The Dusk

The Dusk


The sun rises, the sun sets. This is how life must be. This is the dusk but it doesn't mean it is the end. It can also be a beginning. I am Steve Brauman and this is how the world died.
They fight a baby kaiju and Ender is a celebrity now I guess
This time in Vold, we find a ruined city, want to kill Tim (for some reason) and Mezreath has some freaking bad luck. How wonderful.
Oh hey, Logan takes that test that was floating around the WoF discord. yeah that's about it maybe. AHOY!
Here we greet our three estranged heroes, a Mezreath, this guy Ender and that dude named Kyrak! Welcome to the world of Vold!
Hear ye, hear ye! yeah that's it.