Limitless Mindset
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© Limitless Mindset
The podcast about becoming Limitless in real life. While technically a "self-help" podcast, it packs a punch with biohacking strategies for boosting your neurotransmitters, ninja lifehacks, edifying philosophical deep-dives, and sociopathic tactics to dominate (ethically!)
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Last year, before he had disappeared, I heard Altiyan Childs testimony, the ex-33rd degree Freemason of the Scottish Rite... It was undeniable evidence. I think it's highly probabel that there is a "one eyed religion" that hides within the "fraternity" of Freemasonry. Upon a seperate unrelated observation, I noticed you were very keen on Freemasonry, and I wondered if you cared to comment on Altiyan Childs special last words. Because if they are truth, then it made the moments after you both read the Questions very uncomfortable. In my opinion, after doing enough evidence searching, the probability that Freemasonry hides this One-Eyed Religion is astronomically high, and almost laughable to outright deny and rely on ridicule. Laughing it off because its too preposterous... Well I'd say its the truth... and I think I recognize liars who play with words when I see them. Just say Yes or No. If I were answering the question sincerely, I would deny it outright... not laugh at the reasonable
Lion's mane is for lions like yourself, JR 😉 Rrrrrr!!!
Hey J and G; such a coincidence, I have a female friend whom I met via online dating and wanted to give her a deep dive into Nootropics. This podcast is perfect!
Literally thought I'd check out the article and as well as you reading it via Podcast, I am also reading / tracking it in my head. Cool extra way to solidify your wise gravelly words!
Jonathan / Gergana! No password on the Zoom meeting invite we have due in 6 minutes?
Oh mate. Adelle + Jonathan = Gravelle
God this pathetic poor excuse of a man (Valerie?) I used to do all kinds of wussy stuff like this in the old days. Thank fuck I know better now! Kudos also getting a book ready to help womankind :D
I'm not getting a "live" message etc showing a Livecast is due? No worries if not :) just dont want to miss out
Such a CUTE picture. Love it :)
Coollam prablem.. :)
And my god, the "question" from one of your listeners on this podcast . Surely it was not a question, just some arrogant waffly rant? Or was it an old sleep hypnosis masterclass from the 1980s? Rhodiola = win. Getting my wife back on this after a few months break, now I've finally got a capsule maker and she cannot moan about the taste any longer haha. Indigo-Herbs are an awesome vendor
Yes indeed, I am one of the very humbled members on this Minds group. Thanks Jonathan and Gergana!
My wife has been having this the last few months (nice one Indigo Herbs) and no infections of any kind, colds or flu etc. Winning
Ordering this along with Muira Puma from Indigo Herbs. I do take prescription mood stabilisers etc, so if I am still communicating with you in a few weeks, all is well!
"Hi Barrista! I would like some 1,2,3 tri-methyl-zenazine" (Barrista calls the Police asking one of their customer gets sectioned) But man, didn't realise caffeine is scientifically called that. Awesome!
On the subject of complexion hacks.. I wonder if its worth seeing if DMAE applied topically is better than its Nootropic / oral benefits
I will get my wife to check out Jennifer Fugo. She suffers with dry and itchy skin on her back and from layers of foundation on her face. Makes sense also with using Coconut oil on one's face, I suffered similar when I used high end facial scrubs every day, my complexion got worse. Poor healthy microbes on my face getting mullered
A ducks Butt! Lol :D man, I will send you some of my Genes in the post; I have proper pouty lips along with nice long eyelashes. My daughter inherited them. Go Genes!
Awesome speaking with yourself and Gergana again :) great idea doing a Q&A format; would be good for the people who post their questions to you; God dammit; have the courtesy to tune in and listen to your answers! .
Hey J and G. Always a pleasure having my mind opened with your wisdom and insight when it comes to health and Biohacking. My experience with antibiotics is ok, but my wife; terrible. Very commonly she would be prescribed a certain kind, it doesn't work then prescribed another. Then her gut bacteria is ruined, she feels even worse than before then would get ill again shortly after but in a different way. I think next time she gets an infection; will decline it and look at other options. That red light lamp is on my wishlist and will get her on Irish Sea Moss along with her current Schissandra. And yes, typical the practical treatments such as red light therapy or the type of silver you mentioned is shunned. And the Lysens (not sure if spelt correct) of course it would be rejected; because it works and Big Pharma want to keep people sick! Oh well, people like you and I and other listeners can try these alternatives and reap the benefits! The others can take their shitty antibiotics and s