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DW Podcast

DW Podcast

Author: DW Podcast

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DWPodcast is a podcast hosted by Dimas Wahyu with interesting guess' talking about interesting topics with the tendency to go off topic. We never use scripts.
6 Episodes
Episode Keenam dengan Algi, seorang instruktur BODYCOMBAT® .
Episode Kelima dengan Sarilani Wirawan, mantan program director Rare Indonesia dan career coach.
Episode Keempat bersama Thia Sunarso, seorang LPDP Awardee dan Master of Science in ICT for Development dari University of Manchester. Music in this episode : Loyalty Freak Music - Travelling in your mind.
Episode Ketiga bersama Marsha Siagian, Fashion Designer dan Founder dari Marsha The Label. Music in this episode : Loyalty Freak Music - Travelling in your mind.
Episode Kedua DWP menghadiri teman DW yaitu Adit dari TechInAsia. Music in episode: Art of Escapism - BreakdownDazie Mae - Sum of My Fears
Dalam Episode Pertama DWP, kami akan berbincang dengan Dimas Ramadhani. Co-Founder dan CEO dari Cozora.