Introduction to Machine Learning

Introduction to Machine Learning
Author: edureka!
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The Machine Learning podcast by edureka! will talk about what is Machine Learning, types of Machine learning and Machine Learning Algorithms. You will also get to know enough reasons for learning Machine Learning.
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Please write back to us at or call us at IND: 9606058406 / US: 18338555775 (toll-free) for more information.
39 Episodes
This episode focuses on how to determine the possibilities in any given scenario, other than a Yes or a No. Tune In to find out more!
This episode focuses on a subset of Machine Learning which is Unsupervised Learning. Tune In to find out how it works!
This episode is one of a kind. Know the Top 10 Programming Languages to learn in 2020 as technology is moving at an unprecedented rate. Tune In!
This episode focuses on the top 10 technologies to learn in 2020. Upskill your Career. Tune In!
This episode will take you to an amazing Journey of the History of Artificial Intelligence, How it became a real deal. Tune In!
This episode focuses on the new advancements in the field of Machine Learning in 2020. What's new for ML and AI. Tune In to find out!
This episode focuses on the best books out there to learn Machine Learning. Tune in to find out!
This episode focuses on the top skills that are required to begin a career in Artificial Intelligence as an AI Engineer. It also explains the roadmap. Tune in to find out!
This Episode focuses on what exactly are chatbots. How they are used in the Industry. Expectations vs Reality. Tune In to Find Out More.
This Episode focuses on the top two Deep Learning Frameworks Pytorch and TensorFlow and addresses the new features of TensorFlow 2.0
This Episode Tackles an emerging question in Modern Technology World. Tune In to find out what our experts have to say.
This Episode focuses on the Evolution of Machine Learning. Tune In to find out how it became an everyday thing for us.
This Episode will help you understand the various similarities and differences between them. Also, you will get a complete roadmap along with the skills required to get into a data-related career.
This Episode will help you clear all doubts about the two main types of regressions Linear and Logistic and will tell you when to use which type.
This Episode will provide you with a detailed comparison of the top Deep Learning Frameworks ie. Keras, TensorFlow, and Pytorch.
This Episode will give you an insight into Deep Learning and how it solves some of the shortcomings of Machine Learning
This Episode talks about one of the major topics of Artificial Intelligence. Are we jeopardizing our future by building something that is out of our control? Let's find out.
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#Edureka #AI #Future
This Edureka Session of "TensorFlow in 5 minutes" provides you a quick insight on the TensorFlow Framework along with TensorBoard and an example.
This Edureka session will provide you with a short and crisp description of NLP (Natural Language Processing) and Text Mining. You will also learn about the various applications of NLP in the industry.
In this AudioClip on Data Science vs Machine Learning, we’ll be discussing the importance of Data Science and Machine Learning and we’ll compare them based on a few key parameters. The following topics are covered in this session:
What Is Data Science?
What Is Machine Learning?
Fields Of Data Science
Use Case
This edureka Session will introduce you to the concepts of Data Science and how it is used to solve real-world problems. You will learn how Data Science works with an example on UBER. Data is everywhere, and its growing at an exponential rate. So, Data science is the process of using the data to find solutions / to predict outcomes of a problem statement. Below are the topics covered in this session:
What is Data Science?
How Data Science works? : Data Science at UBER
Data Science Process
Business Requirements
Data Collection
Data Cleaning
Data Exploration and Analysis
Data Modelling
Data Validation
Deployment and Optimization
Data Science Applications
Who is a Data Scientist?
Data Scientist Job Trends
Data Scientist Skills
This Edureka Session will provide you with a short and summarized knowledge of Tensorflow 2.0 alpha, what all changes have been made and how is it better from the previous version.
In this session on Supervised vs Unsupervised vs Reinforcement learning, we’ll be discussing the types of machine learning and we’ll differentiate them based on a few key parameters.
The following topics are covered in this session:
1. Introduction to Machine Learning
2. Types of Machine Learning
3. Supervised vs Unsupervised vs Reinforcement learning
This session talks about the differences and relationship between AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Below are the topics covered in this AudioClip:
1. AI vs Machine Learning vs Deep Learning
2. What is Artificial Intelligence?
3. Example of Artificial Intelligence
4. What is Machine Learning?
5. Example of Machine Learning
6. What is Deep Learning?
7. Example of Deep Learning
8. Machine Learning vs Deep Learning
This Session will provide you with a Crisp Knowledge of the skills required to become a Machine Learning Engineer. It covers the Technical as well as the Non-Technical skills.
This Edureka Session on "How to become a Machine Learning Engineer" covers all the basic aspects of becoming a certified Machine Learning Engineer.
It establishes the concepts like roles, responsibilities, skills, salaries and even trends to get you up to speed with Machine learning.
#MachineLearning #Artificial_Intelligence #Salary #Trends
This Edureka podcast on Time Series Analysis will give you all the information you need to do Time Series Analysis and Forecasting. Below are the topics covered in this podcast:
1. Why Time Series?
2. What is Time Series?
3. Components of Time Series
4. When not to use Time Series
5. What is Stationarity?
6. ARIMA Model
Please write back to us at or call us at IND: 9606058406 / US: 18338555775 (toll-free) for more information
#TimeSeries #Algorithms #MachineLearning #DataScience #Python #edureka #Training #Certification
This podcast on the Sentiment Analysis in Python is a quick guide for the one who is getting started with Sentiment Analysis.
Please write back to us at or call us at IND: 9606058406 / US: 18338555775 (toll-free) for more information
#SentimentAnalysis #Algorithms #Clustering #MachineLearning #DataScience #Python #edureka #Training #Certification
This Edureka podcast on KNN Algorithm will help you to build your base by covering the theoretical, mathematical and implementation part of the KNN algorithm. Topics covered under this podcast includes:
1. What is KNN Algorithm?
2. Industrial Use case of KNN Algorithm
3. How things are predicted using KNN Algorithm
4. How to choose the value of K?
5. KNN Algorithm Using Python
Please write back to us at or call us at IND: 9606058406 / US: 18338555775 (toll-free) for more information
#KNN #Algorithms #Clustering #MachineLearning #DataScience #Python #edureka #Training #Certification
This Edureka podcast on Naive Bayes Classifier will provide you with detailed and comprehensive knowledge of Naive Bayes Classifier Machine Learning Algorithm. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial:
1. What is Naive Bayes?
2. Bayes Theorem and its use
3. Mathematical Working of Naive Bayes
4. Step by step Programming in Naive Bayes
5. Prediction Using Naive Bayes
Please write back to us at or call us at IND: 9606058406 / US: 18338555775 (toll-free) for more information
#NaiveBayes #Algorithms #Classifier #MachineLearning #DataScience #Python #edureka #Training #Certification
This Edureka Podcast on Logistic Regression will give you a basic understanding of Logistic Regression Machine Learning Algorithm with examples. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial:
1. What is Regression
2. What is Logistic Regression
3. Why use Logistic Regression
4. Linear vs Logistic Regression
5. Logistic Regression Use Cases
Please write back to us at or call us at IND: 9606058406 / US: 18338555775 (toll-free) for more information
#LogisticRegression #Algorithms #MachineLearning #DataScience #Python #edureka #Training #Certification
This Edureka podcast on Decision Tree Algorithm will take you through the fundamentals of decision tree machine learning algorithm concepts and its demo in Python. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial:
1. What is Classification?
2. Types of Classification
3. Classification Use Case
4. What is Decision Tree?
5. Decision Tree Terminology
6. Visualizing a Decision Tree
Please write back to us at or call us at IND: 9606058406 / US: 18338555775 (toll-free) for more information
#DecisionTree #Algorithms #MachineLearning #DataScience #Python #edureka #Training #Certification
This Edureka Podcast on "K-Means Clustering Algorithm" talks about the concepts of K-Means clustering and its implementation. Below are the topics covered in today's session:
1. What is Clustering?
2. Types of Clustering
3. What is K-Means Clustering?
4. How does a K-Means Algorithm works?
Please write back to us at or call us at IND: 9606058406 / US: 18338555775 (toll-free) for more information
#Kmeans #Algorithms #Clustering #MachineLearning #DataScience #Python #edureka #Training #Certification
This Machine Learning Interview Questions and Answers podcast will help you to prepare yourself for Data Science / Machine Learning interviews. This podcast is ideal for both beginners as well as professionals who want to learn or brush up their concepts in Machine Learning core-concepts, Machine Learning using Python and Machine Learning Scenarios. Below are the topics covered in this session:
1. Machine Learning Core Interview Question
2. Machine Learning using Python Interview Question
3. Machine Learning Scenario based Interview Question
Please write back to us at or call us at IND: 9606058406 / US: 18338555775 (toll-free) for more information
#MachineLearning #Interview #QnA #DataScience #Python #edureka #Training #Certification
This "Top 10 Applications of Machine Learning" podcast will give you an idea of how vast the machine learning is and how commonly you are using it in your day to day life
Please write back to us at or call us at IND: 9606058406 / US: 18338555775 (toll-free) for more information
#MachineLearning #Applications #DataScience #Python #edureka #Training #Certification
This Edureka podcast on "How to become a Machine Learning Engineer" covers all the basic aspects of becoming a certified Machine Learning Engineer. It establishes the concepts like roles, responsibilities, skills, salaries and even trends to get you up to speed with Machine learning.
Please write back to us at or call us at IND: 9606058406 / US: 18338555775 (toll-free) for more information
#MachineLearning #Skills #RolesandResponsibilities #Salaries #DataScience #Python #edureka #Training #Certification
This Edureka Podcast on "AI vs Machine Learning vs Deep Learning" talks about the differences and relationship between AL, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Below are the topics covered in this podcast:
1. AI vs Machine Learning vs Deep Learning
2. What is Artificial Intelligence?
3. Example of Artificial Intelligence
4. What is Machine Learning?
5. Example of Machine Learning
6. What is Deep Learning?
7. Example of Deep Learning
8. Machine Learning vs Deep Learning
Please write back to us at or call us at IND: 9606058406 / US: 18338555775 (toll-free) for more information
#AI #ML #DL #ALvsMLvsDL #MachineLearning #DataScience #Python #edureka #Training #Certification
This Edureka Podcast on "Machine Learning Tutorial" will help you get started with all the Machine Learning concepts. Below are the topics covered in this podcast:
1. Why Machine Learning?
2. What is Machine Learning?
3. Types of Machine Learning
4. What can you do with Machine Learning?
Please write back to us at or call us at IND: 9606058406 / US: 18338555775 (toll-free) for more information
#MachineLearning #tutorial #DataScience #Python #edureka #Training #Certification
This Edureka Podcast on "What is Machine Learning" gives an introduction to Machine Learning and its various types. Below are the topics covered in this podcast:
1. Evolution of Machine Learning
2. What is Machine Learning?
3. Types of Machine Learning
4. Supervised Learning
5. Unsupervised Learning
6. Reinforcement Learning
Please write back to us at or call us at IND: 9606058406 / US: 18338555775 (toll-free) for more information
#MachineLearning #WhatisMachineLearning #DataScience #Python #edureka #Training #Certification
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I started learning ML by myself 2 weeks ago. Thank you for making these podcasts available.
hey anyone started this podcast? I am a newbie here in the ML World