DiscoverHardwired for Life
Hardwired for Life

Hardwired for Life

Author: Sharon Luzzi & Jana Rawling

Subscribed: 3Played: 121


We are hardwired as humans with foundational needs, such as love, creativity, and purpose.

Hardwired for Life is an upstart apostolic learning hub created for the unified reconciliation of love to Father, God and love to others. We believe in teaching and living foundations of love, family, community, worship, and justice.

Our goal is to equip and affirm our students through the execution of creative projects and events. Creative endeavors will include various forms of written, visual and audio communication for the new and mature Christian, as well as the non-believer.

We live to glorify God while helping people passionately pursue Him, feel valued, and create positive change in their lives.
63 Episodes
Worthiness: S2E9

Worthiness: S2E9


Sharon and Jana discuss our worth and value as humans and Christians. We explore where our worth comes from and what Scripture says about us.
Jana & Sharon read and discuss the first part of the book of Colossians.
Sharon and Jana Discuss what it means to be in godly community and ungodly community. Let's get out of our self-imposed boxes and connect through Holy Spirit.
Sharon & Jana are keeping it real with technical difficulties, a cat on the mic, and brain fog. All this as they are discussing freewill, decision-making and waiting on God with a righteous heart.
We can fall into blaming God while allowing a swift degradation of our beliefs. We must brace ourselves with the truth that God didn't do this. And sometimes we must forgive Him for not stopping it.
Getting Ready: S2E11

Getting Ready: S2E11


Are we ready? Are we prepared for what God is doing next in our lives? Sharon and Jana discuss what it means to live our daily lives with a heart of preparation and readiness. Because we never know when God will say, "Go!"
Sharon and Jana have a special guest and they work through some healing of the heart, mind and body.
Sharon and Jana discuss the difficult topic of fatherlessness and how so many are impacted by abandonment, rejection and lack of identity. But there’s always hope in Christ.
Sharon and Jana interview one man’s journey through the deep brokenness of homosexuality. John lives by his relationship with God and the hope he finds in His Word. There’s freedom for those who are ready to fight the strongholds homosexuality brings.
Jana & Sharon read and discuss the middle section of the book of Colossians.
Sharon & Jana share a bit about their testimonies as they take a look back at the beginning of Hardwired for Life.
Sharon and Jana review unity in the body of Christ and how we now have a new life in Jesus. We are to live in the Light as a critical form of spiritual warfare, and understand how we are to treat family, friends and co-workers. All of this while being aware of our spiritual armor and the fact that we aren't fighting against the flesh but of spiritual influences.
A Manual for Living Unity, family and spiritual warfare are major components of a healthy relationship with God. Sharon and Jana read from the Word and discuss important issues in this manual for living.
Unity, family and spiritual warfare are major components of a healthy relationship with God. Sharon and Jana read from the Word and discuss important issues in this manual for living.
Urgent Ministry: S2E14

Urgent Ministry: S2E14


Put Family First. Sharon and Jana talk about an urgent word they received from the Lord. Everything is different and new in this season, so what is most important and why?
Sharon and Jana discuss what righteousness means and how judgement is necessary in our lives as Christians, especially for prophetic people.
Jana and Sharon talk about the importance of Jesus’ blood, why we do communion and the line of covenants throughout the Bible.
Bitterness: S2E5

Bitterness: S2E5


Sharon and Jana discuss bitterness and what we can do to let it go.
Obedience: S2E4

Obedience: S2E4


Sharon and Jana obediently discuss obedience in our walk of salvation.
Holiness: S2E3

Holiness: S2E3


Sharon and Jana tackle the subject of holiness as we entered the holiday season.