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Beeing Dad

Beeing Dad

Author: Brian Fiederlein

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Beeing Dad focuses on all things Dad/Parent life. Brian Fiederlein is a single father, trying his best to navigate parent and co-parent life. Discussing subjects and topics that he has experienced in his journey as Dad! Also taking questions from the Beeing Dad Community he does his best to help, or at least give a different perspective on your situations. This show is all about championing and celebrating parent life and honing in on how to best love our children.

To reach us with a question or comment send an email over to
9 Episodes
This weekend Brian and the kids went to see the new movie Wonder Park. Much to Brian's surprise, this movie was widely panned by the critics, but, that didn't stop us from LOVING IT! This movie has a very important message about the need for us as parents to give our kids an environment that grows their imagination, as well as helping them to hone their creative problem-solving skills. Wrapped up in this beautifully colorful movie is a lot of laughs, one dark moment and a message that might fly past the kids' heads but will resonate with the parents. Brian was reminded of the importance of allowing his kids the space to hit roadblocks and overcome them on their own, in order to have the best chance to handle adversity later in life.
Power of Routines

Power of Routines


Brian is diving deep into the topic of routines and how important a tool they can be to us as parents. When it comes to bedtime is your kid hard to put down? <-- (New Parents: HINT, START NOW!)  Brian shares his bedtime routine with you along with one of the ways he gets his son through the day with a bit more grace! Routines don't have to be a total drag, get your kids involved in building theirs.
This week Brian shares a neat little hack of the traditional baby book and how it can not only be used as a treasure chest for memories but, a helpful tool for your kids later in life! 
Oh boy is this weeks episode a good one! Brian talks about the dentist with someone whose voice you already know, the sweetest seven year old he knows, Brielle! That's right, Brian did an interview with his daughter Brielle about her trip to the dentist, what she had to get done, and how she was able to kick her fears to the side! Brielle has some tips for your kids on how to have a great trip to the dentist so don't miss out on this one!
Do you have difficulty getting through a meltdown or tantrum with your kids? Brian is going to share one of his secret tools with you for managing a meltdown and improving your odds to rebound and get your day back on track. Also, Brian shares his philosophy on communicating with our kids and why starting now is extremely important. If you are interested in your child talking to you when the really uncomfortable and or difficult topics come up (you know, the preteen and teenage years...) we have to hone the skills of both talking but more importantly listening to our children right now.
Brian is talking about that age old phrase it takes a village to raise a child. The idea and concept of communal parenting and what ways it can effect our parenting plans. Ways we can all use this communal parenting  proactively instead of something we must compete with. Also a reminder about just how many people are involved in the social and emotional growth of our children.  Have something you want to add to the show? How about a question for Brian? Send is over to now!
On this episode of Beeing Dad, Brian is going to tackle the touchy subject of how we use and view our cell phones. Cell phones have become so "important" in our lives but are they really that important? We go over what we are really doing on our phones and how our children see it from their perspective. Who knows, this might be one of the reasons your kids "act out" a lot. Got a question for Brian? Send an email over to
Push Became a Shove

Push Became a Shove


On this episode of Beeing Dad, Brian touches on the topic of when our eager parenting goes from pushing our kids to achieve, to shoving them into something that maybe they're not ready for. From personal experience that just happened this past week Brian gives his take! Got a question or a suggestion for Brian? Send it over to
In this episode of Beeing Dad, Brian talks about his rediscovery of how important it is to participate in one on one time with your kids. NO DISTRACTIONS! Also, how taking the extra minute or two for your kids imaginations just might translate to an easier flow to your day! Let us know what you think about the ideas from today's show by sending an email over to