DiscoverKeira's World
Keira's World

Keira's World

Author: Keira Marcos

Subscribed: 819Played: 243,501


Life's too short not to say what you mean.
549 Episodes
Comments (37)

Cait Dean

Oh wow, got kind of sad hearing that Tony/Steve was your favourite pairing, because I’ve listened to later podcasts and I know how much the movies fucked over that pairing for you.

Jan 21st

Mel Napier

Funny happenstance. Eight when you said random death eater, an add came on with Tom Felton promoting some game app. 😆

Jan 6th

Renee Malone

I just found your podcast today. I don't like podcast I can't stay interested past 5 minutes but I have been listening all day at work I really enjoy it !

Jul 23rd

Peter Ivanof

I realize the overwhelming majority of discorse happens on Discord, but I also wanna say that I'm grateful that the podcasts are published here. I've been in the process of packing for a move and love being able to listen to these discussions as I do physical work.

Oct 4th

Sammy N

The song my husband & I danced to at our wedding was Sweet child of mine!

Aug 27th

Melissa Hamley

I love you ladies. I'm a bit twitterpated by your stories because they are so well written. often, they spark my nerd brain in random directions. Thank you for sharing the stories and the podcasts. I've been inspired to start writing again.

Mar 11th
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Elizabet Bergström

Pronouns "Auror" like Aurora without an A.

Mar 7th

Diana Thomas

Since you mentioned animals loving you again. My Maine Coon Freya keeps trying to share your podcast when I'm listening to it.

Mar 7th
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Dream Howler

This made me laugh so hard.

Mar 2nd

Jaded Havok

"am I not merciful" was that an Illuminae reference?

Dec 1st
Reply (1)

Melanie Cusson

this is amazing! I can now podcast you while working on major projects at work!

Oct 2nd

jean cantor

Love the new avi!!

Sep 25th

Nichole Stewart

I attended school with the RL Matthew S. He was a lovely, kind person.

Aug 25th

Nichole Stewart

Povidone-iodine (PVP-I)

Aug 24th

Cece Rocks

I'm a reader, so I really appreciate knowing how damaging asking for more means to the author. I think this is something everybody needs to hear. I'm a ghost reader too so when I comment its asking i would love to see but i was just trying to show my appreciation. Its good to know that saying that isn't okay for most authors. This is my second podcast I've listen and its awesome. Thanks!

Aug 20th
Reply (1)

Ellen Allen

Re: getting rid of the adults - a large part of that trend in kids and YA books is down to the pervasive influence of Enid Blyton, who was great at it. Also Mary Poppins gaslights the children - what do you mean, having tea on the ceiling? Such imagination!

Aug 15th

C. Dwyn

Someone might've already pointed this out somewhere else but the USMC doesn't have doctors, they borrow from the Navy. Don't know how relevant that is but I've always found it interesting anyway :)

Aug 9th

Alison Keys

Interestingly, in the Dark is Rising sequence, Susan Cooper deals differently with the awkward adults situation. Will is at the centre of a very loving family, but it's huge so his parents are flat out just dealing day to day with work & running the household. That's what allows him to work around them. Plus, you know, stepping outside of time....

Jul 15th

Jessy Nelson

For anyone that has seen Doctor Who, would you consider the "timey whimey, wibbly wobbly" explanation about time travel a lampshade or a handwave? They also did a thing where The Doctor would make a crazy advance device and the explanation of how it worked was "it goes ding when there's stuff".

Jul 6th
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Morgana Lafay

I prefer to write Alternative Universe because it gives me more freedom. But I’m open to trying canon divergence. When I write AU I it’s because I have problems with the canon. And don’t take this in a bad way but isn’t being sent to the corner the enforcement ya use to make sure people follow the rules?

Jun 22nd
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