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Limitless Mindset (Videos)

Limitless Mindset (Videos)

Author: Jonathan Roseland

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Limitless Mindset videos about biohacking, lifehacking, and Nootropics. To watch these episodes as videos, download them in the Castbox app on your device and play them from the Downloads section.

It's recommended that you start with this podcast episode: Introducing Myself, My Story and My Values 🎙️ The MOST POPULAR Limitless Mindset Podcast Remastered

441 Episodes
Comments (40)

Daniel Hollis

ABSOLUTELY Jonathan, he should divorce her! Recreation. Hehe! Awesome blooper

Jul 1st

Daniel Hollis

And yes mate what you are saying is totally resonating with me and the situation I was in some months ago. I told her straight that she reached her weight limit and she needed to take responsibility. And lo and behold, she listened and started to lose weight!! It was fucking hard and I felt guilty but I stood by my high standards

Jun 27th

Daniel Hollis

Guys. Wow!! What the hell is going on with the Monkey style cell shading effect? Creepy :D and I swear I gave you inspiration for this video haha

Jun 27th

Daniel Hollis

I am SO glad to have worked out how to watch you and Gergana on a video. Brings the entertainment to another level :D

Jun 27th

Daniel Hollis

Downloading now!! I'm on Tinder along with 5 other dating apps. I am practicing day game and cold approaches in real life too. Let's see what awesome knowledge nuggets I can learn from you J!

Jun 27th

Daniel Hollis

And the video plays and works. Fan fricking tastic

May 6th

Daniel Hollis

I will also add as a fan that I feel you offer SO much / too much for free whereas there are others who offer a paltry shit service and advice / content for a monthly fee.

May 3rd
Reply (1)

Daniel Hollis

Ah hah!! Now it works as a video!! I recently upgraded my Android OS to P, so whether that was something to do with it

May 3rd

Daniel Hollis

Good old Pebmud!!

Mar 11th

Daniel Hollis

I wonder if watching videos on this app is a premium function?

Mar 11th

Daniel Hollis

Downloaded the video as recomended and tried playing from the download section. No video is playing, only audio. Thought I'd let you know mate

Mar 11th
Reply (1)

Daniel Hollis

Jonathan, I am downloading now :) thanks for explaining it needs downloading and watching in a certain way. I always stupidly assumed it's just the audio from the video. Will be great to see you in person again as well as hearing your gravelly voice :) and yes Cordyceps tastes very nice and nutty. I am cutting back the dose like you recommend too. Nice one

Mar 11th

Daniel Hollis

Mate. Fucking shitty mainstream pop music and hip hop. Makes my blood boil how stupid some people are to enjoy that kind of music. I am going to download now! I am really into my Binaural beats, great app called Atmosphere for that

Feb 15th

Daniel Hollis

Mate these tips are just what I needed. Especially counting the breaths in combination with the body scan. I also sometimes look at a fixed object but in dark / very limited light. It's either the door lock / catch where the light is piercing through from the landing into the dark bedroom. I will try a candle though!

Feb 15th

Daniel Hollis

Just had a conspiracy theory of my own re: your YouTube channel being deleted. I wonder how soon after was it you reviewed (and rightly slated) Alphabrain before you got pulled. As you say, celebrity endorsements and staged clinical studies of Alphabrain perhaps sponsorship from YouTube or vice versa; your review of this product on YouTube with how many thousands of views may have hurt Alphabrains share prices and they tried silencing you? I will ponder some more... :)

Feb 15th
Reply (2)

Daniel Hollis

Omg mate just started listening into this podcast. So excited to hear you tearing "Alpha-Brain" a new one. Shoddy capitalism and business practice they carry out!!

Feb 15th

Daniel Hollis

Nice one Dude! So meticulous going through the ingredients of both stacks side by side! Not that I will be getting either of these products (if pushed would get Neuro-Stack) but as it stands, stacks seem a little, off putting and scary. Not being able to control or alter / titrate one's dose.. Merp!! :D

Feb 15th

Daniel Hollis

It's so strange on Silicon Valleys values; not too long ago there were articles of such members microdosing LSD and mushrooms! And the (current or former, don't know if he still works for them) YouTube head engineer uses about 70 different eugeorics and smart drugs. So that's all very hypocritical of them and doesn't make sense they deleted your channel. However becaue you help people understand that the vendors etc who may be affiliates with Google and Amazon and show as recommended by these giants may NOT be very good for you. And the giants didn't like this amount of information and awareness that you raised; thus deleted your channel. That's one of my theories anyway

Feb 11th

Daniel Hollis

Awesome mate. Really highlights how fickle and black and white new years resolutions are. I've given up setting them. Partly because I don't need NYRs for self development, as I should set them any time I want haha!

Feb 10th

Daniel Hollis

Oh man. Yes that is so annoying. Indigo-herbs are the same. Luckily I have a load of blue tubs from Nootropics Depot and I decant a load of powders into these various size blue pots :D

Feb 10th
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