The Dumbfounded Collection

The Dumbfounded Collection
Author: Mark Lyng, Flemming D. Nielsen - Staal SDU Radio
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© Mark Lyng and Flemming D. Nielsen
Science is difficult. And sometimes quite boring. We're here to change that! In Dumbfounded, three practitioners of the natural sciences take the best and wildest scientific papers and go through them in a way that everyone can understand.
The full collection of Mark, Flemming, and Robin's english escapades in Dumbfounded. Even though the English version has been discontinued, the Danish version lives on, at
The full collection of Mark, Flemming, and Robin's english escapades in Dumbfounded. Even though the English version has been discontinued, the Danish version lives on, at
18 Episodes
Flemming got his head stuck in the feeding trough for the chickens this week and we haven't been able to pull him out. That's why it sounds like he's stuck in the chickens' feeding trough.
Now with that out of the way, this is our last English episode! And it's about exercise! And how to do it. You know, actually get down to the gym and do some. All you need is the Hunger Games trilogy and the Harry Potter series. Also, men do stupid stuff when attractive women are around. We still don't know when women do stupid stuff, though. And we may never find out.
Did you know that the movie Interstellar had two scientific papers published? Neither did we! But now we do, and in 30 minutes so will you!
This week's about black holes and interstellar space. It's absolutely mind-blowing! Like, almost literally. It's so difficult to fathom.
Achieving your dreams is no easy feat. That's why you gotta listen to Dumbfounded! Both Mark and Flemming have achieved their dreams in each their own fashion.
Flemming's invested in a piece of equipment that makes his life easier, more economical, and more fun! He has now become a bit of an expert in the world of 3D-printing, which is exactly everything he's ever aspired to.
Mark's a 3D-printer every morning after coffee.
iGEM is the International Genetically Engineered Machine competition! In this episode we talk about the competition and how crazy it can be at times, not because of the intense work or hard competition but because of the whacky and downright bizarre ideas the competitors come up with. Our guest, Patrick, is a true iGEM veteran and guides us through the topic, drawing on his personal experience with iGEM as both a supervisor and participant.
Oh no, now you've done it. You've gone ahead and pierced your brain with a 3 cm thick steel rod. That's no good. But luckily you're not the first person to do so! And Phineas Gage didn't die until 12 years after he did, so you've got some time to kill.
Today we're talking brain injuries. Mark has gone through the case of Phineas Gage who survived having a large steel rod cannoned right through his brain, though he didn't feel too alright afterwards. And Flemming will be telling us about Joe, the split-brain patient who started to suffer from alien-hand syndrome. It's about to get weird!
Who doesn't want to be a million years old? Mark certainly does. Provided he doesn't get f'ed in the head. But the fact of the matter is that we can't be a million years old. Yet. But we may be closer than you think!
This week, we are talking about aging. What is it, how do we prevent it, and do we actually want to? Mark presents a study about mice being sewn together and Flemming talks about the miracle drug resveratrol that'll help you with all your ailments.
We've got a very bleak future ahead of us. Basically, we're fucked. And there's nothing we can do to help it. Climate change is here to murder us with nuclear holocausts. Or was that the Soviets?
It's a short ep this time, as Flemming spent way too long talking about chickens last time. But that's alright, 'cause it's also quite depressing!
It's the perfect day. For chickens!
Just kidding, every day's perfect for chickens. But today's even better! 'Cause we be talking chickens for an entire hour! (And eight minutes).
Learn the latest in eggshell-color determination science. Or how the chicken butt is part of the most important immunological discovery ever made. Or how chickens are some of the dumbest animals alive. And they are, Flemming.
Populating the outermost reaches of our solar system may not be that far-fetched, if you ask us! Actually, it's not even that hard! We'll have it done in a week.
In this first episode of our third season, we're trying out a new format, where the entire episode will be in context of a single theme. This week, Robin's come up with the very concise theme of space! And the guys are running with it!
Hear, how we'll be populating the vicinity of Proxima Centauri b, how Elon Musk wants to rid the Earth of space trash, and how UFOs are not, and have never been, a thing.
Because of special circumstances any question about this week’s episode delay cannot be answered without violating the state secrecy law. We therefore kindly ask you not to ask. Now, while Robin is out researching for the last episode of the cheese trilogy, Flemming and Mark keeps this ship floating flawlessly. Flemming tell us stories about herring farts and Swedish submarine paranoia - revealing the truth. Mark have taken some serious measures in finding the source of scientific ignorance. He presents to us a survey carried out in the USA and in the Dumbfounded community.
Please be stupid.
This episode is very well organized and that probably has something to do with Robin presenting a study concerning woodpeckers' lack of brain injuries and of course his mad hosting skills.
Also, Mark reveal his sloth faecal fetish and Flemming tries yet again to advocate alternative medicine - who said there was something wrong with using fish scales instead of good old bandages?
Hey nerds! It's computer time!
Bamse is here to school us all on the science of computers! And numbers!
Mark has yet another fit of rage over chemophobia, and Robin's prepared a quiz about another litterary scientist. How many points did you get?
We're screw-ups! Sorry! Apparently, Robin's paper had already been presented and we didn't know... Womp womp.
But then again, Mark is ready with another real useful life hack and this week, you'll learn how to not spill your coffee ever again. Also, Flemming has figured out that elderly Chinese ladies are able to postpone their deaths until after the Harvest Moon festival. But then they do die.
It's not easy being the loser of a fight. Especially not if you're a hamster.
This week Flemming is gonna tell us about hamsters and how they lose a fight. Robin's found a paper about a snake finding a snake. A new snake! With a hemipenis!
And Mark is bringing a classic to the table. The physics of penguin pooping!
The irreproducibility crisis is at large!
And Mark has noticed. He aims to correct the wrongs of two percent of scientists by exposing their misdeeds. We start out with a paper that actually points fingers. How Coke doesn't kill cum. Flemming doesn't want to talk about his own overcompensating, so instead he turns to dogs. And he brings in an expert in animal science.
Robin has the trivia for you next party all under control. You don't have to think about nothing! After this episode, you'll vomit knowledge about superconductors!
Butt lovin'! Lots and lots O' butt lovin'!
Is not what Spækbrættet has in store for you today. Instead, Robin has chosen to deter us all from ever listening to another episode ever again. That was it, thanks for listening! Okay, okay. In all seriousness, we'll be told about Perianal Abscesses. See? I told you it was gross.
We've also got questions from Reddit, and then Mark has yet another remedy for one of your ailments. How to stop snoring!
Say cluck ONE more time motherclucker!
It's a chik-a-licious episode this time around! Flemming's not-at-all unusual obsession with chickens has found its way into our studio. Again. And it's lovely! He's gonna tell you about chicken language.
Our spiritual substitute for Robin has joined us for his english debut where he develops your knowledge and understanding of radioactive-loving microbes. Give a warm welcome to Nikolaj Hansen.
And finally, Mark has found the pinnacle of scientific research. But look out for his fake news! Its in there somewhere.
Our very first english episode. We do hope you enjoy our lovely scandinavian accents.
We call our new english counterpart Dumbfounded, but it's still the good old Chopping Board you know and love.
Today's episode is about sheep shearing stars from Australia, beautifully told by Flemming. Parodontitis and its not so clear connection to heart disease and obesity, masterfully read by Robin. And finally, an age-old dilemma. Fresh or frozen vegetables? Which to buy? Mark has the answer.
We are also visited by our newest member of the team. Take a listen.
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