DiscoverHistory in Faces
History in Faces

History in Faces

Author: Ilya

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What is history? History is people itself. History is being made by people. This is a podcast about people. History in Faces
5 Episodes
After the horrors of the Great Leap Forward, the country is gradually recovering, but Mao Zedong, who has fallen into the background, is not going to give his power to anyone else. The new revolution is on the threshold, under the skating rink of which hundreds of thousands of people will fall...SOCIAL:TWITTER ►►
China has entered a new era. External enemies were destroyed. Now all the forces were devoted to building communism under the strict guidance of Chairman Mao.Incredible projects, massive companies, the total mobilization of the entire Chinese people. The Great leap forward.What did all this lead to?...SOCIAL:DISCORD ► ►►► Юлий Абрамович Хайт - Авиамарш (Марш Авиаторов) / Julius Abramovich Haight - March of the Air Force (March of the Aviators):► Георгий Свиридов  - Время, вперед!  / George Sviridov - Time Forward:► SFX promoted by NCC -► SFX promoted by NCC -► 'Awake' by Sappheiros is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0)Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:
Second Sino-Japanese War. Another bloody page in the history of China. The victims of this conflict were about 20 million people, most of whom are civilians. The cruelty and inhumanity of the Japanese, the suffering and deprivation of the Chinese. How did the Kuomintang top behave? The united front of the CPС and GMD. The post-war order of China. Ending of the civil war.
What was happaning in China after the Xinhai revolution? What was the relationship between two parties: Kuomintang and CPC? And more!
Mao Zedong changed the way chineeese people used to live. He wanted to destroy the old foundations and build a new society on its rubble. Only he was capable of that. In this part I coverd the period even before Mao was born, I tryed to show the internal and external problems that China faced from the middle of 19th century till the beginning of 20th.