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Two Natural Ladies Conversations

Two Natural Ladies Conversations

Author: Two Natural Ladies

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The Two Natural Ladies had the need to share their wisdom and knowledge gained over years of experience to empower individuals and help others to achieve what they want in the world.

Together they thrive on making a positive difference in their communities and aim to share the wisdom and knowledge that they have gained over the years raising families, building businesses and empowering individuals. Today, Vicki and Jo have set out to collaborate and contribute, sharing their passions and creating a “Village of the World” where we are there for each other.
130 Episodes
For more information about the Two Natural Ladies visit Or follow the Two Natural Ladies on Facebook or Instagram @twonaturalladies Find out more about what we do join our group at Please subscribe to the #Vodcast on the Two Natural Ladies YouTube Channel at Video production sponsored by Nurture Queen Videos
For more information about the Two Natural Ladies visit Or follow the Two Natural Ladies on Facebook or Instagram @twonaturalladies Find out more about what we do join our group at Please subscribe to the #Vodcast on the Two Natural Ladies YouTube Channel at Video production sponsored by Nurture Queen Videos
Are you looking for new ways to eliminate toxins in your home? Two Natural Ladies discuss alternatives to the supermarket cleaner’s. With longevity and a heap of knowledge behind them, they share the many benefits of using a gentle, pleasant to use and economical range of products. Great information and some fun as well. For more information about the Two Natural Ladies visit Or follow the Two Natural Ladies on Facebook or Instagram @twonaturalladies Find out more about what we do join our group at Please subscribe to the #Vodcast on the Two Natural Ladies YouTube Channel at Video production sponsored by Nurture Queen Videos
Vicki talks about her health journey and her new career in Health Coaching, while Jo talks about what she's been doing since their last episode. Births, deaths and marriages, there's a lot to catch up on. For more information about the Two Natural Ladies visit follow the Two Natural Ladies on Facebook or Instagram @twonaturalladies Find out more about what we do join our group at Please subscribe to the #Vodcast on the Two Natural Ladies YouTube Channel at production sponsored by Nurture Queen Videos
Who would you be like to sit on a park bench with if you could choose anyone dead or alive? Jo went with the famous - Anthony Hopkins, Ghandi, Melissa McCarthy for various reasons.  Vicki chose her mum who died a number of years ago. She would love to talk to her about Op shopping, the garden, what the kids are doing and just hang out with her. Was Ghandi crazy or brilliant? Are the Two Natural Ladies a bit crazy, and are they brilliant as well? Talking of genius – Abraham Hicks has made a difference to Two natural Ladies. A lot of wisdom. An emotional guidance scale. We often try to take a leap from depression to happiness. We need to start with small steps. Find where we are on the scale and find thoughts to lift us up 22 emotions. At the bottom is Fear, Despair, grief, powerlessness if you’re there the only way is up. Anger is a step up from despair. A great way to put things into perspective. Reaching out and find a better feeling thought. And remember where ever you are now just give it time and it will shift. We never have it all handled.
Feeling joy, feeling grateful and accepting what is Two Natural Ladies start this podcast discussing the benefits of getting out of a funk by going for a walk, finding a better feeling thought. And when you are feeling good enjoy the joy - the ‘good place’. ‘This too shall pass’ can be a great message to keep in the forefront when you are having a bad day. Vicki shares more wisdom? from her book ‘Older but not Wiser’ “I’m going to retire and live of my savings. Not sure what I’ll do on the second day.” Gratitude and turning life around.  Two Natural Ladies share a great quote and a great story. Little gifts of kindness can make such a difference. AND Abraham has a wealth of information around acceptance and allowing. Jo & Vicki move on from age to youth. Would it be better if youth came a bit later? The passion of youth is so important and our experience as we age gives us the ability to see things in a more holistic light. Two Natural Ladies finish with the pivotal age of seven age: The Steiner Philosophy goes in cycles of 7 years. The series “7 Up” explores Aristotles quote: “Give me a child to the age of 7 and I’ll give you the man” following a group of children every seven years. Jo & Vicki chat about what is achieved in this series and also the impact on some of the participants. A quick mention of Zack Efron talking about Blue Zones gives this wonderful upbeat podcast an “attractive” ending.   By the way, we remembered the name of the Documentary is called “Down to Earth”
A fun little snippet from the Two Natural Ladies What particular things about our mums (or dads) drive us crazy? Jo shares a few of hers before Vicki reads out something from the book “Older but not wiser”  How crazy do we get when we are told “you’re getting just like your mother!” And finding ways to communicate some of our frustrations without being grumpy. “If I’d known I was going to live this long I'd have taken better care of myself!” “At my age I can say exactly what I like” Listen to this delightful little snippet for more. ************ For more information about the Two Natural Ladies visit Or follow the Two Natural Ladies on Facebook or Instagram @twonaturalladies Find out more about what we do join our group at Please subscribe to the Video podcast on the Two Natural Ladies YouTube Channel at Video production sponsored by Nurture Queen Videos  
A quick discussion on energy efficiency – how to save our energy. The hot water on the back with the doona and what a difference this makes. Using a rug, an Oodie a hot water bottle. Then Jo & Vicki go back to a discussion about electricity – sharing facts from Natalie Issacs book. “Every woman’s guide to the planet” The average household has 60-70 gadgets plus light bulbs. How many can we turn off when not in use and how many can we do without. Ditch the dryer – 12% of use in a household. Half a ton of carbon dioxide per year! AND if one million of us made our shower 4 mins or less it would be the same as planting 900,000 trees. What’s the best way to turn off our gadgets! if one million women took on #Letsdoit321, picking up three bits of rubbish, what a difference that would make! ************ For more information about the Two Natural Ladies visit Or follow the Two Natural Ladies on Facebook or Instagram @twonaturalladies Find out more about what we do join our group at Please subscribe to the Video podcast on the Two Natural Ladies YouTube Channel at Video production sponsored by Nurture Queen Videos
‘They had fear in their eyes’: how to handle motherhood rage - The Age newspaper article. Before getting onto the more serious topic of motherhood rage, Jo has a present for Vicki – a photo album of themselves and the people they have interviewed. Our photo’s stay on our phone and never get seen. Two Natural Ladies then discuss this line -‘they had fear in their eyes’ around the rage parents can have with their children’ Something Vicki regrets – like most mums, particularly in our culture. “It was either me or them” in those moments when we get caught up in whatever has happened. Afterwards we regret, apologise and ‘hug it out’. But sometimes we have been at the effect of such rage and not had the apology. The isolation that Mum’s feel. And we don’t have the same ‘village support’. Two Natural Ladies share what worked when their kids were young and what didn’t. Running a business from home with four kids. We are left on our own too. Jo questions “Parental burnout’ – do people need to work as hard as they do? For some people they could work less? Quantity does not cancel out quality. This is not about being against mums working but for some, who could be OK without working crazy hours and be with their children more. We are “Victims of our own culture’. How can women working full time do it? Not a judgement an admiration. And we need to be something other than a mother sometimes. “I don’t want to lose me” It’s like a see-saw. We can only have a balance for a short time. When our children are little there is so much going on, finances, being the best mum, creating a legacy or our children’s future. This is a great podcast for all Mums whether you are a ‘stay at home mum’ work part-time or full time. ************ For more information about the Two Natural Ladies visit Or follow the Two Natural Ladies on Facebook or Instagram @twonaturalladies Find out more about what we do join our group at Please subscribe to the Video podcast on the Two Natural Ladies YouTube Channel at Video production sponsored by Nurture Queen Videos
We are fluid just like the ocean. But is a door always a door?  Two Natural ladies discuss the need for some certainties – nature for one!   While Jo was packing boxes, Vicki was chilling out on the top of Mt Baw Baw. Editing shows. Walks up to the summit.  Feeling abundant and thankful. Connection and Community.  In downtown Parkdale, Jo was trying to get her sun rays and Vitamin D (a bit like a solar panel) and then she shares she is perplexed! Having a plan and getting things done and then things happen.   Kids pop in, boxes to be sorted. Things shift and change as people walk in and out of our lives.  The enquiry: How to enjoy the moment and not get caught up in the ‘Must do’ Find something to be Thankful for: – how lucky are we to have the flexibility to be able to hang out with our kids! ************** For more information about the Two Natural Ladies visit Or follow the Two Natural Ladies on Facebook or Instagram @twonaturalladies Find out more about what we do join our group at Please subscribe to the Video podcast on the Two Natural Ladies YouTube Channel at Video production sponsored by Nurture Queen Videos
Jo created a book with five other people during a 10 part seminar. With Landmark Education. Two Natural Ladies discuss the different phases in a project 1. First thing is to Formulate the project What is needed and wanted out of the space of possibility? Declaration Communications Reporting Time line Beginning Middle & End 2. Concentration Phase Box yourself in Giving others clear instructions Establishment of trust Short term results Keeping your word Resilience High input Low output Can get stuck 3. Momentum Release of energy Spontaneity Inspiration High activity ************** For more information about the Two Natural Ladies visit Or follow the Two Natural Ladies on Facebook or Instagram @twonaturalladies Find out more about what we do join our group at Please subscribe to the Video podcast on the Two Natural Ladies YouTube Channel at Video production sponsored by Nurture Queen Videos
Two Natural Ladies share what many of their community are doing to give back as well as the health benefits for all involved. Making people feel they matter. Below are just some of what people are doing to volunteer: · Care packages · Collecting litter from “Beach patrol” and “Love our street” · Local S.E.S group · ‘Save a dog’ · Pro Bono clients · Talk Migrants English · Blood Bank · Mentoring VCAL students. · Community Garden & Community House Vicki & Jo share their own experiences of volunteering over many years from helping at their kids schools to fostering rescue dogs. So easy to make a difference. ************** For more information about the Two Natural Ladies visit Or follow the Two Natural Ladies on Facebook or Instagram @twonaturalladies Find out more about what we do join our group at Please subscribe to the Video podcast on the Two Natural Ladies YouTube Channel at Video production sponsored by Nurture Queen Videos
What do I do? How do I declutter? Mushrooms? Is that a solution? And what about our Oceans? A spotlight on some of humanities modern issues. Two Natural Ladies enquire into making decisions and decision fatigue. Someone thinks like Vicki? Decluttering seems too hard and going through it means so many decisions. Jo suggests decluttering could be an adventure in discovering treasures from years ago. We can reduce what we have and discover what we can reuse. This leads into an unexpected Segway topic - Plastic eating Mushrooms – solving humanities plastic problem – which is definitely a clutter problem as well as an eco-disaster! Jo & Vicki give some stats and then chat about the clutter in the ocean. Mass production of plastic began in the 1950’s. Here are some stats: · 9 billion tons of plastic has been produced · Plastic takes more than 400 years to degrade. · Only 9 percent is recycled and · Only 12 percent has been incinerated Plastic pollution is not the biggest problem. Fishing nets are almost 50% of the pollution in our water ways. 93% of our CO2 is stored in our Oceans. It’s time to put the spotlight on the Ocean and keep it there until we clean it up! And we can bypass the fish and eat the algae that give us the fatty acids. AND Damon Gameau is warning against the salmon farms that are having a toxic impact on the pristine waterways in Tasmania and affecting the resident's way of life. We do have the solutions to regenerate our system! One of these solutions is 4 Oceans who are cleaning the oceans one pound at a time. Two Natural Ladies are in complete agreement with the 4Oceans comments: ‘Small acts add up, which means every piece of single-use plastic you refuse, every habit you change, and every pound you pull makes a difference.’ #Letsdoit321 ************** For more information about the Two Natural Ladies visit Or follow the Two Natural Ladies on Facebook or Instagram @twonaturalladies Find out more about what we do join our group at Please subscribe to the Video podcast on the Two Natural Ladies YouTube Channel at Video production sponsored by Nurture Queen Videos
Two Natural Ladies share and discuss the advantages of the Doughnut economy. Jo & Vicki first became aware of this through Damon Gameau’s film 2040. Since then they have continued to research the benefits for everyone and everything on our Earth “The Doughnut offers a vision of what it means for humanity to thrive in the 21st century - and Doughnut Economics explores the mindset and ways of thinking needed to get us there. Kate Raworth and her book Doughnut Economics: seven ways to think like a 21st century economist, explores the economic thinking needed to bring humanity into the Doughnut, drawing together insights from diverse economic perspectives in a way that everyone can understand. The book soon became an international bestseller and has now been translated into over 20 languages. Think of it as a compass for human prosperity in the 21st century, with the aim of meeting the needs of all people within the means of the living planet.” There is always a way and through collaboration we can find the way. Collectively we have the answer. “Sometimes those that try to bring you down don’t realise you are part of the reason they are still standing” Anna Idibia. We are not present to how reliant and interconnected we are. And Two Natural Ladies are here holding the space and letting people know there is an answer - showing us all what’s possible. ************** For more information about the Two Natural Ladies visit Or follow the Two Natural Ladies on Facebook or Instagram @twonaturalladies Find out more about what we do join our group at Please subscribe to the Video podcast on the Two Natural Ladies YouTube Channel at Video production sponsored by Nurture Queen Videos
JO starts the conversation with some information from Brene Brown talking about Vulnerability and Connection We don’t want to feel vulnerable yet it is a great connector. In order to connect we have to be seen, really seen - be vulnerable Brene Brown collated 6 years of data with people’s stories and journals regarding shame. Those who have a sense of worthiness have a strong sense of belonging because they believe they are worthy. That belief is the only difference between those who do have a strong sense of love & belonging and those that don’t What did those people who felt worthy have in common? · Courage: were willing to share their story and be imperfect · Compassion with self and others · Authenticity leading to connection · Vulnerability- the Birthplace of joy and creativity Two Natural Ladies love peoples stories – there is a realism about it and it enables us to feel closer to people than being told what to do. Being willing to share can open up our worlds. There are extraordinary results. Unexpected things happen. Jo & Vicki share their stories from ‘Landmark Forum’ days and how being vulnerable actually had them come closer to the people in the room. Even though they felt uncomfortable and even stupid that’s not how others saw them. ‘We numb vulnerability through eating, drinking and taking drugs - we are a society of addicts When you numb one part- being vulnerable -it numbs the other parts of joy, love and laughter Vicki shares some words from the book Vive by Debra Pascoe: Mental Stamina, physical stamina. Unstoppable days. Doing the smallest things on the days of struggle can make such a difference. Fighting with ourselves in getting out of bed: Going for a walk can shift the energy. – taking those steps forward. Allow ourselves to have time to rest and recuperate. Do I need to have some time off? Or are we listening to the negative conversation? Knowing our happiness triggers: a hug, clean sheets, fragrances, acts of kindness, dancing, walking This is a wonderful podcast with great conversations for everyone. 😁 ************** For more information about the Two Natural Ladies visit Or follow the Two Natural Ladies on Facebook or Instagram @twonaturalladies Find out more about what we do join our group at Please subscribe to the Video podcast on the Two Natural Ladies YouTube Channel at Video production sponsored by Nurture Queen Videos
“Fitness isn’t a punishment; it’s a blessing. Nutrition isn’t restrictive; it’s healing. Health isn’t a one- size- fits- all thing and may not look the same for everyone, but it’s something worth fighting for” ~ Unknown The main thing is to move your body! Two Natural Ladies discuss the many ways we can get our exercise: Yoga, walking, gym, incidental; gardening – the list is endless Jo reads a beautiful poem by Hollie Holden – accepting who we are 💜 "Today I asked my body what she needed, Which is a big deal Considering my journey of Not Really Asking That Much. I thought she might need more water. Or protein. Or greens. Or yoga. Or supplements. Or movement. But as I stood in the shower Reflecting on her stretch marks, Her roundness where I would like flatness, Her softness where I would like firmness, All those conditioned wishes That form a bundle of Never-Quite-Right-Ness, She whispered very gently: Could you just love me like this?" Comparing ourselves with others. Join in with others. Blue Zones: it’s all about community. The people who live the longest are connected. All ages being together. THIS IS WHAT WORKS! The story of the elderly gentlemen and his garden: his joy for his garden and then sharing the food with his community Our struggles and preconceived ideas that everyone over there is having a great time while we are suffering. This is particularly true during our teenage years and all of us deal with some form of conversation where others are doing better than us Outward expressions can be different, some perform while others withdrew. ******************* For more information about the Two Natural Ladies visit Or follow the Two Natural Ladies on Facebook or Instagram @twonaturalladies Find out more about what we do join our group at Please subscribe to the Video podcast on the Two Natural Ladies YouTube Channel at Video production sponsored by Nurture Queen Videos
Two Natural Ladies discuss what they did on the weekend- Vicki’s jaunt to Ripponlea and her on air discussion on Southern FM 88.3 with some of the other radio personalities. They talked gardening, cooking and the things Vicki doesn’t do 😂 Vicki did some bird watching & Gin tasting – not expected but there it was. A discussion ensued on the experience of listening for the birds and watching their antics Sacred Space with our grandchildren. Going away: Jo shared her weekend away with her grandson Jacob. Phillip Island and Dromana. Their special walk on the beach arm in arm. The shared experience of walking the beach and ‘feeling’ the ocean. Meditative and relaxing. Giving them both a feeling of joy. ******************* For more information about the Two Natural Ladies visit Or follow the Two Natural Ladies on Facebook or Instagram @twonaturalladies Find out more about what we do join our group at Please subscribe to the Video podcast on the Two Natural Ladies YouTube Channel at Video production sponsored by Nurture Queen Videos
Moving past a problem– a problem shared is a problem halved BAD NEWS: Jo shares her annoyance about major issues in the world being given a 5 second time slot between the weather and the cricket scores. Vicki discusses the documentary “Seaspiracy”. The issue of the fishing industry. Dragging huge nets on the seabeds destroying everything in its path. The issues in the ocean are so much bigger thank on land partly because we don’t see so we are less aware of what is going on. What is the answer? Stop eating fish? Two Natural Ladies recommend everyone watch the show: knowledge is power *************** For more information about the Two Natural Ladies visit Or follow the Two Natural Ladies on Facebook or Instagram @twonaturalladies Find out more about what we do join our group at Please subscribe to the Video podcast on the Two Natural Ladies YouTube Channel at Video production sponsored by Nurture Queen Videos
Two Natural Ladies start with a celebration of Dolphin Day 🐬🐬 Jo shares her journey watching of the TV show, ‘Old People’s home for 4 year olds’. The amazing results being seen in just two weeks. The noticeable difference with most of the elderly and the four year olds. The show is looking at Intergenerational support and helping the elderly stay young for longer and the young to create caring and empathy  As we see in small communities, village life, all ages mix. A true community. In the show the elderly people are being physically and mentally pushed AND having fun. The connections being made between the two age groups is quite extraordinary. 💜 Vicki and Jo then discuss segregating our children from an early age. Putting kids in a grade with just one age group. Is this normal? Natural? Children in multi age group settings learn leadership and many other skills As a young mum we can feel isolated and a heavy burden of responsibility .With a more integrated community there is support and everyone is involved – it’s what works! Trying to get a school to create a program can be difficult -When it’s unusual it’s hard to implement, when it’s normal its normal! This leads to a discussion about older people becoming more regimented with time AND Jo shares her parents groovy past with parties every weekend. *************** For more information about the Two Natural Ladies visit Or follow the Two Natural Ladies on Facebook or Instagram @twonaturalladies Find out more about what we do join our group at Please subscribe to the Video podcast on the Two Natural Ladies YouTube Channel at Video production sponsored by Nurture Queen Videos
The extraordinary in the ordinary Two Natural Ladies have a lively discussion around creation, judgement and healing. They start by talking about The Lotus League and the unique offering they are giving to women Finding our place in the world. Make a difference, help others and eat! We all have diamonds in our back yard. AND we all need to give ourselves time to retrain our brain. It takes 10-12 exposures before people get what it is we are doing. Steeping ourselves into the unknown. Like when we learnt to walk. We didn’t stop because we weren’t sure what the outcome was. While we are creating relationships we can be creating the business of our dreams in the conversations. We can just be us. We don’t have to be polished speakers and even if we may occur as ordinary, we are extraordinary. Sometimes we feel misunderstood and misinterpreted and harshly judged and then we can question ourselves. And yet we know who we are if we allow ourselves to be who we are and be in our power miracles occur. This leads onto to Jo & Vicki sharing Lynne McTaggart’s latest discoveries: “I’ve been studying the power of thoughts for nearly 20 years, and I’ve discovered one unsettling truth: your thoughts are not locked inside your head but are being broadcasted 24/7 – and have a powerful effect on others, particularly those who are battling medical conditions.” Lynne talks about our judgments doubts and how every statement we make can affect the healing ability of our friends and family and for those who are professional counsellors, our clients. “As scientific evidence has shown, just one disagreement can delay wound healing by an entire 24 hours. So imagine the effect of just one ill-timed thought by you, particularly as a dearly trusted therapist. But there’s a flip side here. Imagine the effect of sending out positive and loving intentions in addition to giving your patients medicine or treatment.” *************** For more information about the Two Natural Ladies visit Or follow the Two Natural Ladies on Facebook or Instagram @twonaturalladies Find out more about what we do join our group at Please subscribe to the Video podcast on the Two Natural Ladies YouTube Channel at Video production sponsored by Nurture Queen Videos
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