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Violent Aperitif: Play

Violent Aperitif: Play

Author: Violent Aperitif

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Semi-daily news, semi-weekly chats. Violent Aperitif: Play is a video game podcast in the midst of a minor identity crisis.
6 Episodes
#3: Arcade Memories

#3: Arcade Memories


Is this a quarterly podcast? Did Vance wait months to just edit on the intro because he has a real job now? Did this all sound better in his head before it was his turn to talk? DO WE KEEP CHANGING THE TITLING STYLE? Whatever. You can expect more. Eventually.
You want to hear a sick guy quote four pound cuss words off of Reddit!?
Ever hear a guy sniffle and hack his way through a news brief?
A rapid-fire roundup of news related to Mass Effect, Electronic Arts losing exclusive rights to Star Wars, Google claiming the Stadia is still a thing, and more. Mostly an attempt to keep praciticing both presentation and rapid editing, I'm hoping listeners find something to work with as I continue to develop this project.It's very likely I'll continue to do news briefs and abandon the round table for the foreseeable future, though we do hope to have more personality-driven weekend shows every two weeks.
Okay so sound tests are mandatory. We chat about the upcoming Evil Dead game, Vance is horrified to discover how much megacorp Tencent owns, and all of it is barely audible! But I got some valuable editing practice in with the bumpers and I think they're kind of fun, so expect more of that and better care with the main product in the future. If there is a future.
Episode one! Well it's what you would expect from an episode one. Four guys (three and a half if you count by involvement,) attempt to introduce themselves, talk over each other, scream over each other, and establish some sense of program identity as they talk about games they've been playing. It's a show in search of an identity, but you should actually subscribe for the semi-daily news briefs! And on weekends... another confusing clusterf*** of old friends chatting! WHERE HAVE WE BEEN ALL YOUR LIFE!?