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Radio Audio Articles

Author: Alex Prado

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Content Creator and Independent Editor.
Daily content is uploaded on different topics.
33 Episodes
What if you could stretch your $5,000 budget into a $10,000 vacation? Imagine how much more you could do and enjoy: a nicer hotel, better food, or maybe you would change your plans all together. It can be done. With some research and planning, taking a nicer vacation than you think you can afford is well within your reach. Try these ideas to turn your vacation funds into more fun:
New Help for Hay Fever

New Help for Hay Fever


The day is coming when you may be able to say goodbye to hay fever for good. The last couple of years have seen remarkable advances in immunotherapy. Instead of multiple visits to your doctor for shots, you can take tablets and drops at home. The treatments have the potential to permanently change your body’s response to allergens, but may take about 5 years to work. Until that happy day, there are other things you can do to find relief for your stuffy nose and itchy skin. In fact, most individuals can manage their symptoms by avoiding common triggers and irritants. Learn more about your options. Facts about Hay Fever:
Do you have some extra time to kill and need another source of income? There are several ways to generate a secondary source of income without leaving the comfort of your own home. It’s surprising how many home employment opportunities exist. Anyone with a few hours to spare can earn extra money. Check out these ways to stay at home and earn money in your free time:
Activity friends may be the answer if you’re looking for ways to have more fun in life and keep making new buddies as you get older. Making new friends who share your interests has many positive benefits. Consider these advantages of activity friends and strategies for getting together with them. Benefits of Activity Friends
A few years back, Disney released an animated movie called “Meet the Robinsons” that had such a deep impact and meaning. The point of the story is to celebrate each failure you have because it gives you the opportunity to try again. Most people make the mistake in thinking that, just because they failed at something, they should just move on. Or, if they failed it meant they were never meant to succeed at it. Wrong, wrong, wrong! When you’re trying to accomplish something, failure is actually the best thing that can happen to you. Seriously! Do you think the light bulb was invented the first time around? No! In fact, Thomas Edison took thousands of tries to get it just right!
Regret can suffocate and hurt your relationships. It can make you question your status and make you wish for something else. Rather than allowing regret to grow and cause damage, it’s smart to become aware of it, change it, and eliminate it. You have the power within you to eliminate regret from your relationships. Consider these strategies:
A lot of us are concerned with the size of our biceps or the girth of our waist. Having a fit body is important. However, keeping your mind in shape is critical to enjoying your life at the highest level. Give your brain the attention it deserves! Keep your mind healthy, active, and in shape with these strategies:
Do you feel like you have a never-ending battle with the scale? Are you tired of gaining weight that stays with you forever? The cause of your weight gain might be emotional overeating. What is emotional overeating? Emotional overeating is a complex topic, but it has essential elements that are easy to recognize.
Looking for a great way to improve your life? Summer provides the perfect time to rekindle the flames of the dreams you want to pursue. The longer days and greater sunlight provide a cheerful setting for personal growth. Whether you enjoy the surf and sand of the beach, hiking in nature, or some other physical activity, remember to balance it with mental stimulation as well. If you do, you'll experience the balance and fulfillment that you crave. Personal improvement means different things to different people. Everyone is in a particular physical and emotional place that is unlike the personal experience of anyone else. Search within yourself to find out what's most important to you. Only you can determine what's best for you as you chase joy this summer.
If you ask a billionaire, he’ll likely respond that no amount is enough. Others might reflexively say, “One million dollars.” Those that are more thoughtful might have a different number. There comes a point that there might be a better way to spend your time than chasing more money. You’ll never know if you’ve reached that point if you don’t define it. Studies have shown that happiness doesn’t increase beyond an income of $70-75k per year. That’s a comfortable living in most parts of the country, but it’s not enough to drive a new Mercedes every three years and vacation in Europe with the family every summer. It would be tough to send your child to Harvard on a $70,000 salary. How much is enough? It depends on you and your circumstances.
Even though you enjoy the friends you have, you may occasionally think about making some new ones. You probably already know that finding close, loyal confidantes can be difficult.But your life could change in many marvelous ways if you make some fascinating new friends. Actively engage in these strategies to seek new friends:
At some point in your life, it's common to dream of something bigger and better when it comes to your career. No matter how cushy a job may seem, you may find yourself wishing that you were working somewhere better or doing something different. The good news is that you can go out and make your dream job a reality! Whatever the field, you can find a way to turn something you enjoy into a career. By following these tips, you can be on your way to a happier and less stressful work life:
If you have an endless list of tasks that need to be done, and most of us do, it can be overwhelming. The list just gets longer and longer each day because you can't get today's list completed, and more tasks just keep coming at you. If you can pare your list of to-dos down the most important tasks, you can keep your planning and time management system simple. A simple list of the 3-5 most important things is all that nearly anyone needs to be very effective and successful. Follow these steps to manage your time and make success your reality:
Are you making these common gym mistakes? These errors seem to be the most popular mistakes, yet they can negatively affect your health, happiness, and weight-loss goals. Make your gym experience better by avoiding these mistakes:
Cultivating Courage

Cultivating Courage


Are your fears holding you back from living the life you deserve? Do you wish you could show more courage in your day-to-day dealings with others? If you had more courage, maybe you could ask for that raise you've been waiting for, feel more confident in closing that next sale, or even invite the girl of your dreams to go out on a date! The possibilities are endless! But what is courage, really? Courage is the ability to continue moving forward even in the face of challenge, adversity, and fear. Without fear, there could be no bravery. So being courageous is largely about managing fear as best you can and still taking the best action available to you.
You’re familiar with resistance. It reveals itself every time you think about doing something new or something you don’t want to do. It’s that uncomfortable feeling that hits you somewhere in your stomach or your chest. Successfully handling resistance is important if you want to get things done. Those that give in to resistance are the same people that tend to struggle with life. Resistance can strike when you’re thinking about going to the gym, working on a report for work, calling the in-laws, or mowing the grass. Resistance is the feeling that leads to procrastination.
There is a purpose for your life, whether you believe it or not. You may have to take several paths, but with a little digging, you can find where you're meant to be. The first clue to figuring out your purpose in life is to consider what natural talents, gifts and abilities you're born with.
If your relationship sometimes feels like you’re riding a rollercoaster, there are simple ways to feel more secure as a couple. These are techniques you can use by yourself and with your partner to keep you both on a more even course. Steps You Can Take by Yourself
What do you have to be thankful for? Starting your day off with some gratitude affirmations is a great way to remind yourself of all the wonderful things you have in your life. When you repeat aloud these affirmations of gratitude, you energize yourself and gain the courage to face the day and all of the frictions and adventures it may bring. Affirming your gratefulness helps you recognize that you can have what you most want and need in order to reap the fulfilling life you deserve. Joy, money, love, and happiness are yours. You deserve it! Affirmations are easy to do and they don’t take much time at all. In just a few minutes you can turbo charge your day better than a rocket-fueled cup of coffee ever could. By reflecting on your prosperity and abundance you’ll soar above your current highest high!
Goal setting is one of the best ways to get ahead in life - but only if you're setting your goals effectively! Are you trying for unattainable goals that you aren't really passionate about? Do you quickly give up on your goals? It can be easy to get discouraged, but you don't have to end up there! With the right strategies, you can set goals that really matter to you and meet them more easily than you ever imagined. Most importantly, your goals should be yours and not someone else's. The goals that your parents, friends, and family members have for you may not be the same for yourself.