DiscoverThe Freedom Journey Podcast
The Freedom Journey Podcast

The Freedom Journey Podcast

Author: Beth Collins

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Join hosts Beth Collins and Linda Godsey on the Freedom Journey Podcast as they explore how to break free from patterns that hold us back from experiencing God's ultimate plan for our lives. With each episode, they dive deep into the barriers that keep us from living a life of freedom, offering practical, biblically based solutions. Tune in for insightful conversations and uplifting messages that will inspire and empower you on your journey towards a life of true freedom in Christ.
12 Episodes
In this episode, Beth and Linda discuss the signs of a religious spirit and how it can affect our lives and relationships. They emphasize that identifying these signs is not meant to condemn or judge, but rather to bring awareness and offer hope for deliverance. The ten signs of a religious spirit include judging others based on appearance, trying to earn God's love through works, focusing on outward holiness without inner transformation, being critical of others' walk with God, basing Christian relationships solely on ministry activities, performing Christian duties without passion or hunger for God, desiring position and honor from the church over honor from God, finding identity in a lifestyle of Christianity rather than in Christ, knowing about Jesus but not experiencing Him, and projecting righteousness while harboring anger and resentment internally. About The Hosts: Beth and Linda are the hosts of the Freedom Journey Podcast. They share real-life stories and personal experiences to help listeners overcome challenges and find hope and encouragement in their own journeys. Key Takeaways: Judging others based on appearance is a sign of a religious spirit. Trying to earn God's love through works indicates a religious spirit. Focusing on outward holiness without inner transformation is a sign of a religious spirit. Being critical of others' walk with God is a characteristic of a religious spirit. Basing Christian relationships solely on ministry activities is a sign of a religious spirit. Performing Christian duties without passion or hunger for God indicates a religious spirit. Desiring position and honor from the church over honor from God is a characteristic of a religious spirit. Finding identity in a lifestyle of Christianity rather than in Christ is a sign of a religious spirit. Knowing about Jesus but not experiencing Him is a characteristic of a religious spirit. Projecting righteousness while harboring anger and resentment internally indicates a religious spirit. Quotes: "Religious people are judgmental." - Beth and Linda "Religion wears us out and takes away life. Relationship with God gives life." - Linda "I choose relationship over religion." - Linda Chapters: 00:00 Introduction and discussion about receiving identity from God 03:00 The religious spirit and the need for freedom 06:00 The enemy's attempt to distract from relationship with God09:00Looking to church and relationships to fill a void11:00The struggle to let go of religious mindset 13:00 Focusing on head knowledge instead of experiential relationship 15:00 The disciples as examples of heart-centered followers of Jesus 17:00 Projecting righteousness while harboring anger and resentment 19:00 Allowing God to increase and ourselves to decrease 21:00 Seeking life in God rather than religion 23:00 Prayer for breaking free from the religious spirit
Are you caught in the snare of counterfeit religion, hindering a genuine connection with God? Join hosts Beth and Linda on this enlightening episode of the Freedom Journey Podcast. They unveil how a religious spirit, steeped in self-effort, rules, and rituals, can distance us from an authentic relationship with Jesus. Discover the transformative power of repentance as they emphasize the necessity of breaking free from religious confines. Tune in and take a step towards fostering a personal, meaningful bond with God. As you listen, reflect on your own beliefs and practices—could a religious spirit be impeding your true connection with God? Consider how you might embrace a more personal and genuine relationship with the divine, free from the constraints of religious formalities. About The Hosts: Beth and Linda are the hosts of the Freedom Journey Podcast. They share real-life stories and personal experiences to help listeners overcome challenges and find hope and encouragement in their own journeys. Summary: In this episode, Beth and Linda discuss how the enemy uses counterfeit religion to keep people from having a genuine relationship with God. They explain that a religious spirit focuses on self-effort, appearance, rules, and rituals, and it can lead to pride, judgmentalism, and legalism. They emphasize the importance of repentance and breaking free from the hold of religion to focus on building a personal relationship with God. Key Takeaways: Satan uses counterfeit religion to keep people from a genuine relationship with God. A religious spirit focuses on self-effort, appearance, rules, and rituals. Religion can lead to pride, judgmentalism, and legalism. Repentance and breaking free from religion are necessary to build a personal relationship with God. Quotes: "A religious spirit is a type of demon spirit that influences a person or group to replace a genuine relationship with God." - Linda "A religious spirit is one who uses my word to execute his own will." - Holy Spirit (as shared by John Bevere) "A religious spirit is always going to resist the work of the Holy Spirit." - Beth "Legalism produces a method that replaces the dynamics of relationship." - Linda "The enemy ultimately does not want us to produce fruit." - Beth
Beth and Linda discuss ungodly belief systems and how they can impact our lives and relationships. They explore the influence of culture, family, education, religion, and other factors on our belief systems. They emphasize the importance of renewing our minds and aligning our beliefs with God's truth. The hosts also highlight the need for humility and the work of the Holy Spirit in breaking ungodly agreements and replacing them with God's truth. Key Takeaways: Our belief systems are shaped by various factors such as family, education, religion, and culture. It is important to identify and challenge ungodly belief systems that do not align with God's truth. Renewing our minds and replacing lies with God's truth is essential for personal growth and transformation. The Holy Spirit plays a crucial role in revealing and breaking ungodly agreements in our lives. Our society and culture should not be the foundation of our beliefs; we should base our lives on God's Word. Quotes: "Our beliefs either line up with God's order or they don't." - Linda "The way we see God determines what our life will be." - Beth "Our society and culture should not be the foundation of what we believe." - Linda "Your current worldview filters through each of these things." - Beth "The truth sets us free." - Beth
Beth and Linda discuss the topic of believing lies and how it affects our lives. They address the common question of how to hear God and know if we are truly hearing Him. They emphasize the importance of being in the Word, seeking peace, and listening for God's voice through worship, teaching, and personal reflection. They also share personal stories and examples of how lies can hinder our identity, purpose, and relationships. They encourage listeners to renew their minds with God's truth and actively reject the lies they have believed. Key Takeaways: Practice hearing God by being in the Word, seeking peace, and listening for His voice. Confirmation from others and aligning with God's Word can help validate what we believe we are hearing from God. Lies about God, ourselves, and others can hinder our identity, purpose, and relationships. Repentance, forgiveness, and embracing God's truth are essential for breaking free from the lies we believe. It takes intentional effort and time to renew our minds and replace lies with God's truth. Quotes: "We become what we believe we are." - Linda "We won't find out who we are until we find out who He is." - Beth "When I embrace illegitimate thoughts, I'm building a habitation for the enemy to hide unrecognized." - Bill Johnson
Introduction In this episode of the Freedom Journey Podcast, hosts Beth and Linda discuss the importance of healing emotional wounds and share real-life stories from people who have overcome challenges. They offer insights into how to break free from old patterns of behavior and addictions. Overview Beth and Linda explore the reasons why it's important to heal emotional wounds and how they affect our relationships and triggers. They emphasize the need to understand these wounds to avoid negative filters in our relationships and triggers. The hosts also announce that they will be taking listener questions in future episodes. Timestamped Chapter Summary Introduction (00:00:00) Importance of healing emotional wounds (00:01:00) Understanding emotional wounds and triggers (00:05:00) Need to heal wounds to avoid negative filters (00:06:00) Need to understand our heart's responses (00:09:00) Linda shares a story of a woman struggling with self-worth (00:12:00) The impact of father wounds on relationships with men (00:12:00) Beth shares a personal story of rejection and questioning her abilities (00:15:00) Recognizing the impact of fear of man and repenting of agreement with lies (00:16:00) Linda shares her experience with recognizing lies about God's character (00:17:00) The impact of childhood memories on emotional wounds (00:18:00) Linda shares her childhood memories of authority being unfair, unjust, and partial (00:19:00) The importance of understanding the lies in our hearts and forgiving those who hurt us (00:21:00) The supernatural gift of healing and connecting with God (00:23:00) Linda leads listeners in a prayer for healing emotional wounds (00:24:00) Quotable Phrases "We don't need to dwell on the past, but we certainly need to be aware of it so we can understand why our hearts respond to things the way they do."  "If we have a wound in our heart, everything else is going to filter through that wound." "It's up to us to get those wounds healed and understand what those triggers are so that everybody doesn't have to walk on pins and needles around us." "Understanding emotional wounds is key to avoiding negative filters in our relationships and triggers." "We overcome by the word of our testimony" "It's amazing what words can do to a person, especially those words spoken by our fathers." "If the enemy can get you to view God in a negative way, he wins." "Those are the areas that the enemy will do his best to cause trauma in so that you will not walk in your purpose and you will stay off of that course of purpose." "Recognizing the impact of fear of man and repenting of agreement with lies"  "The impact of childhood memories on emotional wounds" "It takes the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit to untangle emotional wounds" Conclusion Healing emotional wounds is essential to living a fulfilled life and maintaining healthy relationships. Beth and Linda encourage listeners to understand their past and work towards healing their emotional wounds to avoid negative filters and triggers. They invite listeners to send in their questions for future episodes and share their own stories of healing. In this episode, Linda shares a powerful testimony of a woman struggling with self-worth, and Beth shares a personal story of rejection and questioning her abilities. It's important to be aware of the impact of father wounds on relationships with men and how the enemy will do his best to cause trauma in areas that are essential to fulfilling our purpose. Linda shares her own experience with recognizing lies about God's character and the impact of childhood memories on emotional wounds. The hosts lead listeners in a prayer for healing emotional wounds, emphasizing the need to connect with God and ask for supernatural healing. They also encourage listeners to ask the Lord to replace negative emotions with positive ones. If the Son sets you free, you are truly free (John 8:36). 
How has your relationship with your earthly father shaped your perception of God? Join us on this special Father's Day episode of the Freedom Journey Podcast as Clay Collins, a father and mentor, shares his profound insights on fatherhood and the importance of healing father wounds. Discover the transformative power of forgiveness and the blessings that come from modeling God's love to our children. So, are you ready to embark on a journey of healing, growth, and gratitude? Action item: Take a moment to reflect on any father wounds you may carry and commit to the process of forgiveness and healing. Seek guidance from trusted mentors, ministers, or counselors if needed, as you embrace the opportunity to cultivate a deeper understanding of God's love and extend grace to your earthly father. Timestamped Chapter Summary Introduction to the episode and the guest (00:00:00) The importance of healing father wounds (00:01:00) The impact of father wounds on our relationship with God (00:06:00) How to start healing father wounds: acknowledging the pain and hurt (00:08:00) The role of forgiveness in healing father wounds (00:10:00) How to forgive someone who has hurt you deeply (00:12:00) The importance of boundaries in relationships (00:15:00) The impact of father wounds on our parenting style (00:17:00) How to break the cycle of dysfunctional parenting (00:19:00) The role of community in healing father wounds (00:22:00) The importance of vulnerability in relationships (00:24:00) The role of modeling in parenting (00:11:00) The importance of acknowledging deep offenses (00:14:00) The impact of denial on forgiveness (00:16:00) The importance of true apologies and asking for forgiveness (00:18:00) The impact of denial on healing father wounds (00:19:00) The importance of giving back what you took in apologies (00:20:00) The importance of asking for forgiveness from your children (00:22:00) Balancing work and family (00:27:00) The importance of creating memories with your children (00:29:00) Understanding that we are all broken in need of a savior (00:36:00) The power of seeing things objectively (00:39:00) Prayer for forgiveness and gratitude towards fathers (00:42:00) Quotable Phrases "When we have father wounds, we tend to project that onto our relationship with God." (00:06:00) "Healing father wounds starts with acknowledging the pain and the hurt." (00:08:00) "Forgiveness is not about excusing the behavior, it's about releasing yourself from the pain and the hurt." (00:10:00) "Boundaries are not about keeping people out, they're about protecting what's inside." (00:15:00) "The way we were parented becomes our default mode of parenting unless we intentionally choose to break that cycle." (00:19:00) "We need community to help us heal because we can't do it alone." (00:22:00) "Vulnerability is the key to intimacy and connection." (00:24:00) "Faith is not about having all the answers, it's about trusting in the goodness of God." (00:28:00) "As parents, we're afraid to let our kids know that we missed it and that we blew it. But children are forgiving when you invite them into truth." (00:08:00) "If you were perfect, you wouldn't need God." (00:08:00) "The perfect tool to overcome our weaknesses is forgiveness." (00:08:00) "The biggest gap between parents that did well and that didn't were the ones that cared enough to read the book." (00:09:00) "Understanding that I didn't get a perfect model and therefore my kids aren't getting a perfect model." (00:11:00) "It's only when you're stretched in an area that you really know what's there." (00:12:00) "Denial is not forgiveness." (00:13:00) "True apologies are about giving the power back that you took." (00:20:00) "Forgiveness is this thing that we have the opportunity to refine." (00:08:00) "Asking for forgiveness from your children is important." (00:22:00) "The importance of modeling worship in the home." (00:25:00)
Are you aware of the hidden wounds from your early childhood that may be impacting your life today? Join hosts Beth and Linda in this thought-provoking episode of the Freedom Journey Podcast as they delve into the profound influence of childhood wounds and how the Ministry of the Holy Spirit can bring healing and restoration. Discover the power of forgiveness and learn how to release pain, allowing God to bring transformation and wholeness. So, are you ready to uncover and heal your heart wounds? Take a moment to reflect on any childhood wounds that may be affecting your life, and join us in prayer as we release pain and invite God's healing touch into our hearts and souls. Timestamped Chapter Summary Introduction of the topic of early childhood wounds (00:00:00) Discussion of how children are good receptors but terrible interpreters (00:01:00) Scriptures that speak to healing our wounds (00:02:00) The importance of processing pain (00:03:00) The story of a woman who uncovered a deep childhood wound through the help of the Holy Spirit (00:04:00) The enemy produces false evidence to back up lies (00:06:00) The enemy will always attack us in the area of our calling (00:07:00) Discussion of how childhood wounds can lead to compulsive behaviors as adults (00:08:00) Love is our greatest need and rejection is our greatest fear (00:10:00) The Holy Spirit can reveal childhood wounds, even from the womb (00:11:00) Forgiveness and releasing pain is crucial for emotional and physical healing (00:12:00) Forgiveness is difficult but necessary for healing (00:13:00) Letting go of judgement and pain and allowing God to be the judge (00:14:00) Walkthrough prayer of releasing pain and allowing God to heal wounds (00:15:00) Prayer for identifying wounds and seeking truth (00:16:00) Steps for releasing pain and asking for God's healing (00:17:00) Asking for forgiveness and releasing pain to the cross (00:19:00) Placing hand on heart and asking God to heal brokenness (00:20:00) Relevant Links/Resources/References Psalms 147:3 Isaiah 53:5 Quotable Phrases/Takeaways "Old wounds can create blind spots."  "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."  "Children are good receptors but terrible interpreters."  "Pain must be processed."  "The enemy produces false evidence to back up lies." "The enemy will always attack us in the area of our calling." "Love is our greatest need and rejection is our greatest fear." "Forgiveness is difficult but necessary for healing." "Letting go of judgement and pain and allowing God to be the judge." Social Media Handles/CTAs Follow the Freedom Journey Podcast on Instagram @freedomjourneypodcast Follow Beth on Instagram @bethandclay Follow Linda on Instagram @lindagodsey Conclusion Understanding and processing our early childhood wounds is crucial for our emotional and mental health. Through the help of the Holy Spirit, we can uncover these wounds and begin the healing process. Forgiveness and releasing pain is necessary for emotional and physical healing. Remember to trust the process and lean on God for strength and guidance. Don't forget to ask the Lord to identify any wounds that need healing and to guide you in seeking the truth. Use the steps provided to release pain and ask for God's healing, forgiveness, and restoration.
Have you ever felt trapped by past emotional wounds, unable to break free and experience the fullness of life that Jesus longs to give? We've all been there, and in this powerful episode, we explore the complexities of discovering and healing those heart wounds that hold us back. We discuss the harsh reality that everyone gets hurt, how we build walls to protect ourselves, and how hurt people can perpetuate the cycle of pain. But there is hope – we'll guide you through identifying common wounds and finding the courage to face them head-on. We also dive into the ugly truths of rejection, abandonment, and betrayal, and how our unique personalities shape our responses to these emotional injuries. The enemy is constantly working to taint the image of God in our lives, but we can fight back by providing love and encouragement to those around us. Processing pain is a crucial part of healing, and we'll share insights on how to overcome the traumas that keep us stuck in a wounded state. Join us as we pray together for healing, releasing our pain, and inviting God to mend our broken hearts. Links: Letting Go Chapters (0:00:00) - Discovering and Healing Heart Wounds We discuss how hurt people can hurt people, how to identify common wounds, and how to heal and experience life's fullness. (0:07:03) - Common Emotional Wounds We discuss rejection, abandonment, personalities, enemy tactics, belittling, neglect, and encouragement. (0:21:01) - Processing Pain and Finding Freedom Processing trauma, intentional healing, pain as an excuse or companion, and prayer for healing are discussed.
In this second part of the Celebrating Motherhood series, Beth and Linda dive deeper into the complexities of motherhood and the five stages of grief as they relate to the mother-child relationship. Join them as they share their own favorite Mother's Day activities, discuss the importance of grieving a lost relationship, and offer insights into how to move forward and find healing. Have you ever struggled with the complicated relationship between a mother and her adult child? If so, this episode is for you. Links: Letting Go The Mom Factor Timestamps: 00:00:00 Exploring the Complexities of Motherhood on Mother's Day 00:04:00 Grieving the Loss of a Mother-Child Relationship 00:08:00 Conversation on the Five Stages of Grief and Motherhood 00:10:00 Conversation on Parenting Styles and Responsibility 00:15:00 Representational Repentance: Standing in the Gap for Moms 00:17:00 Standing in the Gap for Unspoken Apologies 00:20:00 Forgiveness and Healing for Mothers and Children 00:23:00 Prayer of Blessing for Children: Releasing Inferiority and Self-Sufficiency to Depend on God Fully and CompletelyGot Questions? Email us at:
Join hosts Beth and Linda on this special Mother's Day podcast as they delve into the complexities of motherhood. From recognizing the impact of mothers on families and communities, to sharing personal stories of overcoming challenges, they provide hope and encouragement for those listening. With insights and tips for strengthening mother-child relationships and a prayerful blessing for all the amazing moms out there, this episode is a celebration of motherhood in all its forms. Tune in to hear about healing from wounds caused by mothers, the importance of forgiveness, and the role of God in our lives from the moment we're formed in our mother's womb. Timestamps: 00:00:00 Exploring the Complexities of Motherhood: A Special Mother's Day Podcast 00:02:00 Exploring the Multifaceted World of Motherhood 00:04:00 Conversation on Mother Wounds 00:11:00 Conversation on Healing from Trauma and Abuse 00:12:00 The Importance of Forgiveness and Letting Go for Healthy Relationships 00:14:00 Conversation on Forgiveness and Healing for Mother's Day 00:17:00 Conversation on Releasing Your Mother to the Lord and Praying a Blessing Over Mothers on Mother's Day Got Questions? Email us at:
Have you ever experienced a moment in your life where everything you had dreamed of and worked towards came crashing down around you? In this episode of the Freedom Journey Podcast, co-host Beth Collins shares her story of life, loss, and redemption with co-host Linda Godsey. Beth takes us on her journey through divorce, leaving her ministry and church family behind, and feeling broken and overwhelmed. But in the midst of her pain, she experienced a moment of clarity and felt God's presence with her. Beth began to pursue inner healing and freedom ministry, and God began to heal her broken places. Beth's story is a powerful testimony of God's ability to turn our mourning into dancing and to exchange beauty for ashes. Tune in to this episode to be inspired and encouraged on your own journey of healing and freedom. If you or someone you know is struggling with loss or feeling stuck, share this episode with them and join us on the Freedom Journey Podcast to discover hope and encouragement. Links: Overcoming Fear: A One Year Devotional Books By Linda Godsey Origins: How the Choices of Your Ancestors Affect You Today  Letting Go: Seeing Regret from God's Perspective by Ps Linda Godsey (2015-08-02)  Timestamps: 00:00:00 Welcome to the Freedom Dirty Podcast 00:02:00 Reflections on Divorce and Finding Freedom 00:04:00 Fulfilling Dreams and Experiencing Heartache 00:06:00 Experiencing a Divine Exchange 00:10:00 Finding Healing and Restoration After Divorce 00:15:00 Experiencing Inner Healing and Freedom 00:17:00 Experiencing Beauty for Ashes 00:19:00 A Prayer for Redemption and Renewal
Beth and Linda introduce the Freedom Journey Podcast, a podcast meant to provide hope and encouragement to listeners who feel stuck in life or relationships. They share their own experiences and stories of overcoming challenges and addictions, and invite listeners to join them on their journey. This first episode dives into co-host Linda Godsey life and journey into freedom. Linda had a deep-seated fear in her life that she was unaware of until the Lord revealed it to her. She discovered that this fear had been with her since she was an infant when her father held a pillow over her face while playing with her. The fear was both personal and generational. Linda sought God and He led her to do a seven-day fast, which culminated in her being prayed for by a church pastor. He told her she was being set free and the love of God casts out the fear. Linda went on to write a book, Origins, about the process of freedom and began to share her experience with others. She encouraged those who are stuck in their journey to pursue freedom, so they can enjoy the Lord and relationships with others. Linda and Beth discussed the importance of dealing with fear and feeling stuck. Are you struggling with fear? In this episode, you'll discover the way to get unstuck is to turn to the Word of God, repent, and align ourselves with His thoughts and plans. Links: Overcoming Fear: A One Year Devotional Books By Linda Godsey Origins: How the Choices of Your Ancestors Affect You Today Letting Go: Seeing Regret from God's Perspective by Ps Linda Godsey (2015-08-02) Timestamps: 00:00:00 Launching the Freedom Journey Podcast with Beth and Linda 00:02:00 Conversation with Linda on Freedom and Catalyst for Ministry 00:04:00 Overcoming Fear and Finding Freedom in Ministry 00:11:00 Conversation on Repentance, Renunciation, and Breaking the Power of the Enemy 00:13:00 Overcoming Fear: A Prayer for Freedom