Discover(A)Theist Podcast
(A)Theist Podcast

(A)Theist Podcast

Author: Erin Sucher-O'Grady and Kelley Weber

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One atheist. One theist. Two close friends always looking for CONNECTIONS. Join Kelley and Erin as they explore how psychology, technology, culture, and religion all connect together through the lenses of a devout theist and a devout atheist.

We welcome discussions, questions, and topic suggestions! Find us at or send a note to

Edited and produced by Justin Seiwell, Trend Media STL.
48 Episodes
The first in a two (or more) part series discussing Artificial Intelligence, Kelley and Erin discuss Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI by Yuval Harari.Erin and Kelley have wanted to discuss AI since the very beginning of the show and Nexus is a perfect starting point.Harari condenses 100,000 years of human history into a series of moments when information permanently shaped the way in which we live: the Stone Age, Gutenberg’s Bible, witch-hunts, the rise of fascism, and even the new populist movement we see today. Information and truth have a complex, intertwined relationship.The rise of AI is the next big change to society and it will certainly change the very nature of bureaucracy, systems, and the way we live.After the episode, check out some more information we think you’ll find interesting at – – – We welcome your feedback, show suggestions and questions!  Contact us at Be sure to check us out at and follow us on our socials…Instagram: @atheistpodcast Facebook: The Atheist Podcast(A)theist is produced by Trend Media STL.  Musical credit: "Better" Anno Domini Beats.
The "loneliness epidemic” is well documented and publicized. But what’s the full story?Journalist Derek Thompson published “The Anti-Social Century” in the February 2025 issue of The Atlantic.This powerfully researched essay posits that Americans have been steadily choosing to become more isolated over the course of the last century.  Notable examples include the adoption of the automobile, the popularization of the TV, and most recently the proliferation of the smartphone.Erin and Kelley discuss the findings of the article, impacts on our daily lives, and connect it to an essay from psychotherapist Esther Perel: "Searching for Connection in a Disconnected Era."After listening to the episode, find links to Thompson’s article, Dr. Perel’s newsletter, and other GREAT stuff at– – – We welcome your feedback, show suggestions and questions!  Contact us at @atheistpodcastFacebook: The Atheist Podcast(A)theist is produced by Trend Media STL.  Musical credit: "Better" Anno Domini Beats.
Can creativity be a form of spiritualism? What about meditation? Kelley and Erin would both absolutely say YES.Kelley recently met Wendy Solganik, the creator She teaches courses on making art for thesake of art itself. No push for perfection. No need to impress others. Just purely to relax and find joy. Digging deeper, Kelley learned Wendy has an incredible life story… She initially pursued a high-stress, high-income, professional career only to do what SO MANY of us dream of: give it up and make art!Wendy is so refreshingly honest and pleasant to talk to! And if you’re feeling stressed out, burned out, or just in need of some healthy mental relaxation, check at Wendy’s website and sign up for a course!You can find Wendy online: She’s also got a GREAT podcast called “Show Up or Shut Up” availableHERE!– – – We welcome your feedback, show suggestions and questions!  Contact us sure to check us out and follow us on our socials…Instagram:@atheistpodcastFacebook:The Atheist Podcast(A)theist is produced by@stlpodcastsMusical credit: "Better" Anno Domini Beats.
When was the last time you did something for a complete stranger that was purely for the betterment of their lives? Our guest this episode is Larry Jordan, who spent 25 years as an investment banker before he started to ask himself the same question.  In 2011, he quit his job and began a spiritual journey in which he has served others all over the world. In the process, his whole life and personality have been completely transformed. Larry identifies himself as a follower of Jesus with a Zen practice. He eagerly engages in diverse faiths and belief systems, even finding deep meaning behind the hard sciences and quantum entanglement. His greatest discovery: “Everyone is related, and everything is connected.” Larry recently published The Way: Meaningful Spirituality for a Modern World, available on Amazon.  Erin and Kelley both loved reading this book: It’s brilliantly written by a person who clearly invested time, energy, thought, and reflection into studying world religions and science. You will LOVE this interview! Afterwards, check out Larry on his website: and we HIGHLY suggest picking up a copy of his book! – – –  We welcome your feedback, show suggestions and questions!  Contact us at Be sure to check us out at and follow us on our socials… Instagram: @atheistpodcast Facebook: The Atheist Podcast (A)theist is produced by Trend Media STL (@stlpodcasts).  Musical credit: "Better" Anno Domini Beats.
Liz Charlotte Grant is an award winning non-fiction storyteller having been featured in The Huffington Post, the Revealer, Sojourners, Christianity Today, and the National Catholic Reporter, among many others. She grew up in a deeply conservative branch of white American evangelicalism. After going through a deconstruction of faith, she now finds herself writing in progressive, mainline, global, and liberatory theological Christian spaces. Liz just released her debut book Knock at the Sky: Seeking God in Genesis After Losing Faith in the Bible.  Throughout the book, Liz recalls her journey of faith deconstruction and invites readers to read the Bible in new ways. Once one has deconstructed a literal interpretation (as so many Christians hold), can we still study scripture? Are we able to question sacred beliefs without fearing unbelief? The answer is a resounding yes - Liz invites her readers to absolutely question the texts of the Bible while still celebrating and cherishing their faith. Liz is a prolific writer! After listening to this episode, you should ABSOLUTELY check out her work on her website: and her (amazing) Substack:  Be sure to purchase a copy of her book, available HERE. – – –  We welcome your feedback, show suggestions and questions!  Contact us at Be sure to check us out at and follow us on our socials…Instagram: @atheistpodcastFacebook: The Atheist Podcast (A)theist is produced by @stlpodcasts.  Musical credit: "Better" Anno Domini Beats.
BONUS: 2024 Wrap Up

BONUS: 2024 Wrap Up


Happy New Year from Erin and Kelley! We’re actually “off” for a holiday break, but we jumped on a Zoom call to plan out future episodes and ended up doing a bit of a reflection on how much we’ve grown in 2024.  This is a “raw” recording - almost zero editing - just our authentic appreciation for how much has happened in 2024. Huge thank you to our audience - it’s because of YOU we’ve been able to grow as much as we have! Special guest: Erin’s 4 year old daughter! – – –  We welcome your feedback, show suggestions and questions!  Contact us at Be sure to check us out at and follow us on our socials…Instagram: @stlpodcasts Facebook: The Atheist Podcast (A)theist is produced by Trend Media STL.  Musical credit: "Better" Anno Domini Beats.
This isn’t a political podcast. But the nature of modern politics does permeate everything this podcast is about: modern culture, psychology, religion, social science, etc. So, Erin and Kelley have a deep conversation about the 2024 Presidential Election. No matter what your political affiliation, you’ll find both hosts deeply focused on finding connections between liberals, progressives, conservatives, podcasters, political parties, and most importantly… humans who care about each other. - – –  We welcome your feedback, show suggestions and questions!  Contact us at Be sure to check us out at and follow us on our socials… Instagram: @atheistpodcast Facebook: The Atheist Podcast (A)theist is produced by Trend Media STL.  Find us @stlpodcasts Musical credit: "Better" Anno Domini Beats.
Happy Holidays to all of our listeners! In the spirit of celebrating the holidays, Kelley has invited her dear friend Maggie Kelly to discuss food as a sacred practice. Maggie has been an award winning restaurateur and chef for over 40 years. Her relationship with food is not religious, but it is sacred. Maggie discusses her relationship with food, the role food plays in building bonds between people, the importance of chefs in the sustainability movement, and her own perspectives on what it means to cook for another person. SOFT DISCLAIMER: We intentionally recorded this episode while eating, so you WILL hear some background noises as we eat, treat ourselves to a second helping, and just enjoy each other’s company. Be sure to check out the restaurant we ordered from: El Molino del Sureste - some of the best Mexican food in St. Louis!! – – –  We welcome your feedback, show suggestions and questions!  Contact us at Be sure to check us out at and follow us on our socials… Instagram: @stlpodcasts Facebook: The Atheist Podcast (A)theist is produced by Trend Media STL.  Musical credit: "Better" Anno Domini Beats.
Dr. Ignacio Sanchez Prado is a Professor of Spanish, Latin American Studies, and Film and Media Studies at Washington University in St. Louis. His research focuses on the relationship between cultural institutions, political ideologies and aesthetic representation in literature, cinema, gastronomy and other forms of cultures. Ignacio discusses a “little bit of everything” on this episode of (A)Theist. That’s the point… Dr. Sanchez Prado deeply values intellectualism and curiosity in a time where both are declining in society. In addition to his breadth of knowledge about the world around him, he discusses deep flaws in how American politics discusses immigration, our approach to food, our approach to cinema, and a whole lot of other topics. He also expresses that he is proudly a materialist and not contemplative - instead, he states that “Culture is my refuge.” That’s a fascinating juxtaposition to many of the other guests we’ve had on the show. Plus, we get some GREAT restaurant suggestions for those who live in the St. Louis area! After listening to the episode, be sure to check out his work - including seven books, dozens of academic articles, and his IMPRESSIVE CV at  – – –  We welcome your feedback, show suggestions and questions!  Contact us at Be sure to check us out at and follow us on our socials… Instagram: @stlpodcasts Facebook: The Atheist Podcast (A)theist is produced by Trend Media STL.  Musical credit: "Better" Anno Domini Beats.
Reverend Dr. Nichole Torbitzky is an assistant professor of religion and University Chaplain at Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Missouri. In April 2024, Dr. Torbitzky co-edited Preaching the Uncontrolling Love of God: Sermons, Essays, and Worship Elements from the Perspective of Open, Relational, and Process Theology. Among her co-editors is Dr. Thomas Jay Oord, whom we met in Episode 32! Dr. Torbitzky’s current research investigates “Whiteheadian notions of subjective form and the internal relations subjective form has on the order of eternal objects in the primordial nature of God.” If you’re struggling to understand that sentence, you’re not alone! You’ll hear Kelley and Erin try to figure it out in this episode! In this episode, Dr. Torbitzky touches on sensitive topics like White Christian Nationalism, feminism in religion, education in a very polarized political climate, and much, much more. She’s brilliant (and we are absolutely planning on having regular visits with her)! After the episode, check out Dr. Torbitzky’s book HERE! – – –  We welcome your feedback, show suggestions and questions!  Contact us at Be sure to check us out at and follow us on our socials… Instagram: @stlpodcasts Facebook: The Atheist Podcast (A)theist is produced by Trend Media STL.  Musical credit: "Better" Anno Domini Beats.
Felicia Murrell is a spiritual companion, life coach, and author. In February 2024, she published And: The Restorative Power of Love in an Either/Or World. Felicia brings the wisdom of her book to the (A)Theist Podcast by asking a simple but powerful question: Since most of us respond to the normal cares and concerns of daily life through frustration or anger, what would happen if we instead responded with deep, affirming love? Felicia titles her book with the conjunction and. The idea resonates deeply with Kelley and Erin, as all three embrace the beauty of humanity, seek connections, and foster inclusion of more than one perspective or way of being. After the episode, be sure to check out more of Felicia's work at – – –  We welcome your feedback, show suggestions and questions!  Contact us at Be sure to check us out at and follow us on Instagram! (A)theist is produced by Trend Media STL.   Musical credit: "Better" Anno Domini Beats
Cathleen Falsani is an award winning journalist and author. Writing at the intersection of religion, spirituality, faith and culture, Cathleen is the author of several books including The God Factor: Inside the Spiritual Lives of Public People, The Dude Abides: The Gospel According to the Cohen Brothers, and Belieber!: Fame, Faith and the Heart of Justin Bieber. Cathleen has also worked as both a reporter and columnist for the Chicago Sun Time, Chicago Tribune, and Sojourners magazine. Cathleen spends her time on (A)Theist reflecting on famous interviews she’s done over the years, namely interviews in which she gets individuals like Barack Obama, Bono, Hugh Hefner, and Anne Rice. After the episode, be sure to check out Cathleen’s latest writings on your Substack: – – –  We welcome your feedback, show suggestions and questions!  Contact us at Be sure to check us out at and follow us on our socials: Instagram: Facebook: (A)theist is produced by Trend Media STL.  Musical credit: "Better" Anno Domini Beats.
We've already learned about faith deconstruction - a process in which a person steps away from the religious context in which they were raised, questions the doctrines, and arrives at new conclusions about their beliefs. (Ep. 32) In this episode, Kelley and Erin meet Chelsea, someone who went through her own deconstruction and has since developed a faith that is non-traditional, progressive, and very rooted in both classical religious practice and anthropological human community building.  Chelsea Kim Long is a lay theologian, Cyristian mystic, meditation teacher, and a neighborhood faith practitioner.  Above all, she identifies as a mother. In this conversation, she openly discusses her own spiritual journey, the impact that motherhood had on her deconstruction, the impact of politics on the female body, and the benefits of practicing her faith in an intentionally small group. Chelsea writes at the intersection of faith deconstruction, the political and theological implications of living in a female body, and the impossible demands on modern American mothers. Be sure to examine her blog at!  SIDE NOTE: The community-based church that Chelsea describes sounds a lot like the home church described by Linda Pieczynski in Episode 19 (Women in the Church Part 2). – – –  We welcome your feedback, show suggestions and questions!  Contact us at Be sure to check us out at and follow us on our socials…Instagram: @stlpodcasts Facebook: The Atheist Podcast (A)theist is produced by Trend Media STL.  Musical credit: "Better" Anno Domini Beats.
Erin and Kelley discuss Stillness is the Key by Ryan Holiday. This New York Times Bestseller from 2019 explores Stoic and Buddhist philosophy, arguing that slowing down is actually the key to success. Holiday draws from Confucius, Seneca, Marcus Aurellius, John Stuart Mill, Nietzsche, and many others to identify the approach that’s allowed some of the most famous people in modern history to succeed despite intense pressures. Erin also takes this opportunity to teach us about some of her own philosophical beliefs, namely that of stoicism. Originating in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, the philosophy is that the path to a well-lived life is through practicing four virtues: wisdom, courage, moderation, and justice. In short: that developing self-control allows one to overcome destructive emotions and allows the thinker to understand the world around them with rationality, clarity, and calm. Ryan Holiday has an elaborate YouTube channel that’s great for YouTube’s primary audience: teenagers. Kelley and Erin argue that teaching stoicism to young people may be hugely beneficial to their mental and physical well-being in the modern age. Check it out HERE!  You can also find Holiday’s website HERE. *Correction: Just after 19 minutes, you’ll hear Kelley state that she thinks “when I say life is senseless.” She meant to say “when I say death is senseless” as a follow up to her statement on death about a minute earlier. – – –  We welcome your feedback, show suggestions and questions!  Contact us at Be sure to check us out at and follow us on our socials…Instagram: @stlpodcasts Facebook: The Atheist PodcastYouTube: @AthiestPodcastSTL
What connections are drawn between Alcoholics Anonymous (Episode 31), Open & Relational Theology (Episode 32), and Mimetic Theory (Episode 33)? Believe it or not, quite a bit! Meet Rich and Jim - two individuals who met decades ago through 12 Step work in Alcoholics Anonymous. These gentlemen have focused heavily on using contemplative practice to work through the 11th Step of AA. Commonly thought of as meditation, this practice offers a way of “centering” one’s thoughts and emotions on a regular basis. When applied in a religious context, this is frequently known as centering prayer, allowing God to enter one’s thoughts. In other words, consenting to God’s love. Others - like Erin - take it from a more atheistic approach as a restorative personal practice, sometimes thought of as an inward journey. Atheist, theist, or somewhere in between, contemplative practice has brought tremendous growth and comfort to thousands of individuals! After the episode, be sure to check out Contemplative Outreach at We also have a bunch of other contemplative practice links to check out on our website: – – –  We welcome your feedback, show suggestions and questions!  Contact us at Be sure to check us out at and follow us on Instagram: @stlpodcasts (A)theist is produced by Trend Media Productions.   Musical credit: "Better" Anno Domini Beats
Dr. Jonathan Foster joins the (A)Theist Podcast to help hosts Kelley and Erin learn about Mimetic Theory, an explanation made by philosopher René Girard. Mimetic theory posits that human behavior and culture are driven by desire, and that desire itself is driven my what we see in others and wish to imitate (or "mimic"). Dr. Foster's research falls at the intersection of Mimetic Theory, Open and Relational Theology (Episode #32), Grief (Episodes 9, 10, and 11), and Love as an expression of consent. He starts with a big question: Why did Jesus have to die? Be sure to check out Dr. Foster’s website: He also has an awesome podcast that you can find here: And you can find indigo: the color of grief and his other books on Amazon! – – –  We welcome your feedback, show suggestions and questions!  Contact us at Be sure to check us out at and follow us on our socials: Instagram: @stlpodcasts Facebook: The Atheist Podcast (A)theist is produced by Trend Media STL.   Musical credit: "Better" Anno Domini Beats.
**HEADS UP!** We recorded this interview with Thomas Jay Oord several weeks before releasing it. You'll hear references to a trial in which members of the Church of the Nazarene have charged Dr. Oord with promoting doctrines out of harmony with the doctrinal statements of the Church. This accusation and trial are the result of Dr. Oord's continued affirmation of LGBTQ+ individuals. This trial occurred on July 25th. On July 31st, Dr. Oord will be sharing the results via a livestream with other theologians. If you'd like to learn more or join the livestream, you can find information on Instagram at and register on Homebrewed Christianity's website HERE. ******** Thomas Jay Oord is a theologian well known for his scholarly work researching love, open theism, process theism, the relationship between religion and science, and most relevant to this episode: Open and Relational Theology. This concept posits that God gives and receives in relation to creation. In other words, that God is a powerful force, but not necessarily all-powerful in the way many religions claim. Open and Relational Theologists come from many different religions and denominations - Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim, Pagan, Spiritual but not Religious, and many more. It’s a fascinating cross-section of religious scholars! Thomas Jay Oord has published many books and is a prolific blogger. Be sure to check out his work here: You should also check out for more information about Open and Relational Theology. – – –  We welcome your feedback, show suggestions and questions!  Contact us at Be sure to check us out at and follow us on Instagram: @stlpodcasts (A)theist is produced by Trend Media Productions.   Musical credit: "Better" Anno Domini Beats
Alcoholics Anonymous is a well-known fellowship of people dedicated to the abstinence-based recovery from alcohol addiction. While the 12 Step program is deeply based in spirituality, the organization is non-denominational and open to anyone regardless of faith.  Erin and Kelley invite David to the show to discuss his experience working the 12 steps, even as someone who has a complicated history with traditional Christian theology. David articulates the idea that AA has essentially taken the very best of all religions, neutralized the organized religion part, and given people the ability to create their own form of higher power.  For many, this process has led to lifelong recovery from an otherwise debilitating disease. If you’d like to read more about Alcoholics Anonymous, please visit For those of you in the St. Louis area, you can find local meetings at  ALSO - Kelley and David discuss the play Octet during the episode. You can learn more about it here:  Links to other references made in the show can be found at – – –  We welcome your feedback, show suggestions and questions!  Contact us at Be sure to check us out at and follow us on Instagram: @stlpodcasts (A)theist is produced by Trend Media Productions.   Musical credit: "Better" Anno Domini Beats
You hear Kelley talk about the “7’s” all the time on the show. What does that mean?  To celebrate ONE YEAR of (A)Theist episodes, Erin and Kelley put together this explainer on the ENNEAGRAM.  What is the enneagram? It’s a system of personality archetypes that when explored give insights into our own fixated patterns and a pathway towards softening and growth. Kelley walks us through and gives us a toe dip into this fascinating system.  For more information and to take the Enneagram test to discover your type we suggest visiting  Production Note: If you want a visual of the Enneagram chart, visit You can listen to the episode and follow along on the pictures we have posted there! – We welcome your feedback, show suggestions and questions!  Contact us at or on Instagram on @stlpodcasts!  (A)theist is produced by Trend Media Productions.   Musical credit: "Better" Anno Domini Beats
Dr. Jonathan Haidt, author of The Righteous Mind (2012) and The Coddling of the American Mind (2018) is frequently mentioned on the show. His newest book, published in 2024, is The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness. Kelley and Erin dive into Haidt's new research where he makes the case that the rise of smartphones and overprotective parenting have led to an epidemic of mental illness in kids. After listening to the episode, be sure to check out more about Dr. Haidt's research (as well as his own podcast) at --- We welcome your feedback, show suggestions, and questions! Find us at or email us at! (A)Theist is produced by Trend Media STL. Musical credit: "Better" Anno Domni Beats.