"All Things College Podcast Show with Dr. Lynette Lewis, Ph.D."

<p>This is weekly podcast show designed to provide information on all things college in 10 minutes or less. Dr. Lewis, Ph.D. was a college student who holds a Associate Degree in Business Administration, Bachelor Degree in Criminal Justice/ Government and Public Policy/ Corporate Communications, Master Degree in Conflict and Negotiation and a Ph.D. Degree in Human Services. She is also a United States Air Force Veteran. As an educator of K-12 and college level, she shares Information on how to choose a college, selection of majors and minors, and how to get through term papers, capstones and dissertations. She's an abstract painter, a 22x published author on Amazon.com and a filmmaker.</p>

Season 7, Episode 11: How To Build An Online Community

Building a community online is just as important as building a community in person. Let me show you how, let's discuss...........


Season 7, Episode 8: Are Online Programs Real?

Yes, Yes and Yes, online programs are real and legit. Let's talk about it.


Season 7, Episode 9: Should I Complete Online Assignments In Advance?

Should you complete online assignments in advance, there are several factors to consider:- Will the professor for that course allow this?-Am I staying on top of my current assignments?- Do I have enough information and knowledge to work on in assignments in advance or should I keep the pace of the other students?Let's talk about it.........


Season 7, Episode 7: How Much Information Should You Add To Your First Post, The Online Introduction.

You're wondering how much information should you add to your first post online which is your introduction. Let's talk about it........


Season 7, Episode 6: Should I Add My Photo To My Online Profile?

In this episode I talk about whether you should add your photo to your online profile. Could doing so create a form of discrimination in the area of lowered grade expectations or should you play it safe and not add a picture at all. Let's talk about it........


Season 7, Episode 5: How To Take An Online Test

Taking a test online is challenging now, there is new software put in place that if you leave your computer at all while testing, the testing software will fail you. Beware, let's talk about it.......


Season 7, Episode 4: Citing Sources

It's extremely important to give the proper credit to scholars and researchers. Let me show you how, let's go........


Season 7, Episode 3: Group Projects Online

Group Projects in person can be challenging but online they can be even more challenging. It's important to observe your classmates behavior online to determine who to select for your group if your professor allows you to pick your own group. Let me tell you what to look for, so let's go..........


Season 7, Episode 2: Tips For Responding To Classmate Post

Responding to post is a major part of a student's grade. First students will have to respond to the professor 's post then they will be required to post to 2 student's post. Let me show you how, let's go........


Season 7, Episode 1: Online College, what is it?

What is the difference between taking online classes and participating in an online program, let's talk about it ........


Season 6, Episode 9: Ph.D. and a MD, Ph.D. and a Law Degree, Dual Degrees

You may want a Ph.D and a medical degree or a Ph.D. and a law degree, let's talk about .


Season 6, Episode 8: You Want To Use Your Ph.D. To Speak At Conferences

You want to use your Ph.D. to speak at conferences, here's how........


Season 6, Episode 7: Can I Be An Artist And A Ph.D. Scholar At The Same Time?

Yes, you can be an artist and a scholar all at the same time. Let's talk about......


Season 6, Episode 6: The Only Ph.D.

It's only 2% Ph.D.'s in the country so you'll always be in the minority of Ph.D.'s. hired within a organization, so what's expected of you, let's talk......


Season 6, Episode 5: Ph.D. AND your Career

What information should be included in your resume and interview when landing a career. Let's talk........


Season 6, Episode 4: Dating With A Ph.D.

Dating with a Ph.D. can be challenging but th right person will come along. Let's talk about it.......


Season 6, Episode 3: Finding A Job With A Ph.D.

Finding A Job With A Ph.D. can be challenging but please keep at it and something will come through. Let's talk about it.........


Season 6, Episode 2: How People Treat You As A Ph.D.

All you wanted was to obtain your Ph.D. but reactions from you receiving it, is very shocking. Let's talk about it.


Season 6, Episode 1: I Have My Ph.D. And I Still Gotta Go Back To School

Yes, education and learning continues throughout your life, ALWAYS, even after graduating with your Ph.D.. Let's talk about it.


Season 5, Episode 14: Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed Research Study

All of the types of research available can be very confusing. Let's break down the various types of research and what to cconsider when choosing a topic to research. Let's talk. about it..........


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