"News From The Future" with Dr Catherine Ball

Converging and emerging technologies from today, tomorrow, and next year. Educate and entertain yourself with Dr Cath's optimistic and curious nature as we peek over the horizon.

Episode 12 w Rebecca Johnson and The Future of Museums and Collections

The Smithsonian Institution is a collection of 21 museums and a Zoo…. at the Natural History Museum they have 148 MILLION items in their collection, with 4.5 Million visitors each year plus thousands of scientific collaborations. Rebecca is originally from South Australia, and is now visioning what science of the future for museums should be from a global stage (what a career path!!!!)….What is the future for collections and museums? How can we better use the work of amazing archivists and digitise to future proof the collection?The biggest question of course is: Does the museum come alive at night?Check out this podcast to find out!https://naturalhistory.si.eduhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-rebecca-johnson/ Get full access to "News From The Future" with Dr Catherine Ball at drcatherineball.substack.com/subscribe


Episode 11 with Lila Landowski and the Brains of the Future!

“Trying to understand how our own brains work is like trying to bite our own teeth” according to the late, great Michael Crichton. But what can future technology teach us about ourselves that we can’t figure out for ourselves?Did you know all the things our brains are responsible for? We are learning more all the time, and it is unlocking the very foundation of who we are and how we exist.Meet one of Australia’s rising stars of science, Lila Landowski and find out more about her and her works here: https://discover.utas.edu.au/Lila.Landowski Get full access to "News From The Future" with Dr Catherine Ball at drcatherineball.substack.com/subscribe


Episode 10 with Jeanette Cheah and the Future of Education

Learn about exponential intelligence, Transhumanism, and ask whether IQ will even matter into the future…. (clue: likely not as much)How do we build in skills for the future when the curriculum already seems too late? But, this should not be a constant burden for teachers. Who should be responsible for the speed of Silicon Valley being taught in schools?Find out more about Jeanette at www.startwithhex.com Get full access to "News From The Future" with Dr Catherine Ball at drcatherineball.substack.com/subscribe


Episode 9 with Alex Thomson and algae, innovations from the lab to the factory, and the fight against climate change.

Alex is a marine ecologist and a science communication guru with a passion about using ecosystem services to fight anthropogenic climate change.The teams Alex works with are diverse and deeply technical, this broad depth and wide horizon gives her a multi-faceted point of view when it comes to communicating complicated systems-thinking research.How do we get inventions from the lab to the factory? Industry connections are needed from inception. Global competitive edge in Australia needs a boost - what can we do better and where are we going a great job on the global stage.And algae - we really need to talk more about algae - we need to start wearing algae based silk!You can learn more and connect with Alex here: https://profiles.uts.edu.au/Alexandra.ThomsonThank you for reading "News From The Future" with Dr Catherine Ball. This post is public so feel free to share it. Get full access to "News From The Future" with Dr Catherine Ball at drcatherineball.substack.com/subscribe


News From The Future Episode 8 with Claudine Ogilvie and the Smarter Data Supply Pipeline

Seeing gaps and opportunity in the systems with the advances in AI and the surge in disruption. But, though we appear to be rushing to change, are we all just swimming fast to actually stand still and return to BAU? Claudine loves acceleration and democratisation of AI backed technologies.What happens to industry when it is disrupted by AI that is powered by quantum computing? How can companies catch up with new tech? Do we even as a business ecosystem understand the basics of data science?Data will be the foundation stone of all the AI and processes going forwards. As business leaders are starting to pay more attention to data within and beyond their own businesses let’s watch the growth and opportunity. Don’t get left behind- start investing in these skills and capabilities now.Find out more about Claudine and her really interesting work here: https://www.oando.com.au Get full access to "News From The Future" with Dr Catherine Ball at drcatherineball.substack.com/subscribe


News From The Future Episode 7 w Jessica Bohorquez and the Future of Water

Water systems are incredibly complex and yet we don’t really connect well with where our drinking water comes from or the systems it passes through. In the near future there will be more flooding and more drought than our grandparents ever knew. Will there be wars over water? Do you know what a listening stick is?A global point of view applied to a local problem can mean fresh ideas and travel is key for early and mid-career researchers. Can Australia learn from other cities before we start facing our own water-shortages? Are we complacent about water?Follow the work of Jessica Bohorquez here: https://researchers.adelaide.edu.au/profile/jessica.bohorquezarevaloAnd her podcast (and a nice interview) is here: https://www.awa.asn.au/resources/latest-news/our-water-connection-podcast Get full access to "News From The Future" with Dr Catherine Ball at drcatherineball.substack.com/subscribe


News From The Future Episode 6 w Teresa Ubide and Volcanic Predictions

We have dormant volcanoes in South Australia and Victoria, did you know? We aren’t specifically monitoring them either… But volcanoes are more use to humans than being the location of a Bond villain’s lair- they harbour amazing stories and secrets of the magma we all float upon. Teresa likes to apply interrogation to any volcanic rocks she can get her hands on. Can we learn more about our planet’s past in order to help us become an off-planet species? What do we need to know about the rock we are living on?Check out Teresa’s work at UQ here: https://researchers.uq.edu.au/researcher/15355 Get full access to "News From The Future" with Dr Catherine Ball at drcatherineball.substack.com/subscribe


News From The Future Episode 5 w Kirsten Benkendorff and 'The Pesticide Problem of Australia'

Ever eaten an Australian grown oyster? Was it from a fishery that also exports? How do we deregister pesticides that others have already banned? How do we protect farmers and workers from pesticide-related health problems?No, this isn’t a review of Silent Spring by Rachel Carter, this is about the scientists trying to get better data and information about how pesticides behave in Australian ecosystems. Who carries the burden of proof around problematic pesticides? Why don’t we test for our domestic markets where we test for food that is exported?Kirsten Benkendorff walks us through the Big P and what we need to do to support the scientists and communities that are collecting evidence about pesticide behaviour in their local environment.Learn more about Kirsten here: https://www.kirstenbenkendorffmarineresearch.au Get full access to "News From The Future" with Dr Catherine Ball at drcatherineball.substack.com/subscribe


News From The Future Episode 4 with Indrani Mukherjee and "Geosciences Powering The Future"

As we look to electrify Australia and scale the energy revolution we need to understand the composition of the Earth’s Crust soon, but where is the Taylor Swift of Geology? Maybe it’s Indrani on this week’s podcast episode. A more accurate and higher resolution map of the Earth’s crust will be needed to have more efficient mining for the metals and minerals we need. A Digital Twin one could say? A 4D map? Cross pollinate this with new mining and clean up methodology; what is the future of the resources industry. And we aren’t talking fossil fuels.Indrani is a passionate and interesting person, enjoy this podcast and you can follow her work at UNSW here: https://www.unsw.edu.au/staff/indrani-mukherjee Get full access to "News From The Future" with Dr Catherine Ball at drcatherineball.substack.com/subscribe


News From The Future Episode 3 w Anne-Marie Elias and 'Ageing In Place'

Half of the current voting population in Australia is 45+ years old, and this means that half of the current voting population in Australia will be retiring in the next 20 years, with the end of this decade taking the first wave of the tsunami. We have never had an ageing population like this before and won’t again.What will this mean for the economy, and you personally? Would you make use of a family relocation grant? Will we need a UBI? and why have some countries started taking action where we appear to be sitting and doing nothing but spending more and more money? And where is the technology-enablement? (hint: it is not scaled yet in Australia)Find out more about Anne-Marie at Prime Life Partners https://primelifepartners.com Get full access to "News From The Future" with Dr Catherine Ball at drcatherineball.substack.com/subscribe


News From The Future Episode 2 The Future of Disaster Prevention? It's Human

Welcome to the second episode of News From The Future! Trish Kerin uses her platypus methodology to enable leaders to see risks in the systems.But what is the future of disaster prevention and process safety in a technologically enabled world? Find out more on this podcast episode and learn more at:https://leadlikekerin.comThank you for reading "News From The Future" with Dr Catherine Ball. This post is public so feel free to share it. Get full access to "News From The Future" with Dr Catherine Ball at drcatherineball.substack.com/subscribe


News From The Future Podcast Episode 1 with Mark Pesce

Mark Pesce is one of Australia’s most experienced tech futurists.Connect with him at www.markpesce.com We like to keep these chats short, sharp, and informative… let me know who you’d like to hear on NFTF…. Want to be on my caffeine-shot of a poddy? Sign up with the EOI.Thank you for reading "News From The Future" with Dr Catherine Ball. This post is public so feel free to share it. Get full access to "News From The Future" with Dr Catherine Ball at drcatherineball.substack.com/subscribe


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