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ستار اف ام الامارات - Star FM UAE
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ستار اف ام الامارات - Star FM UAE

Author: Star FM UAE

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برامج اجتماعية ترفيهية ومنوعات

أطلقت اذاعة ستار أف أم، إحدى أبرز محطات شبكة أبوظبي الإذاعية التابعة لـ "أبوظبي للإعلام"، في العام 2009 مستهدفة الشباب متعددي اللغات المقيمين في الإمارات، ممن تتراوح أعمارهم بين 15 و35 عاماً.

نجحت الإذاعة في إضفاء طابع سريع وعصري على الإذاعات المحلية، عكست بدورها الروح الشبابية والثقافة المتنوعة التي تتميز بها أبوظبي إلى الوطن العربي، وذلك من خلال العديد من البرامج التفاعلية وآخر الأخبار الشبابية وأحدث صيحات الموضة وأحدث الأغاني العربية والأجنبية، بالإضافة إلى مقابلات مع المشاهير والنجوم.

Sabaho, Funoon Afternoon,

FM الترددات :
أبوظبي 92.4
110.1 العين
دبي 99
522 Episodes
Sabaho on Star FM UAE with Rania Younes and Hassan Alsheikh. Your energetic morning show talking about various topics covering health, wealth, technology, food, success habits and UAE local news.
Sabaho on Star FM UAE with Rania Younes and Hassan Alsheikh. Your energetic morning show talking about various topics covering health, wealth, technology, food, success habits and UAE local news.
Sabaho on Star FM UAE with Rania Younes and Hassan Alsheikh. Your energetic morning show talking about various topics covering health, wealth, technology, food, success habits and UAE local news.
Sabaho on Star FM UAE with Rania Younes and Hassan Alsheikh. Your energetic morning show talking about various topics covering health, wealth, technology, food, success habits and UAE local news.
Sabaho on Star FM UAE with Rania Younes and Hassan Alsheikh. Your energetic morning show talking about various topics covering health, wealth, technology, food, success habits and UAE local news.
Sabaho on Star FM UAE with Rania Younes and Hassan Alsheikh. Your energetic morning show talking about various topics covering health, wealth, technology, food, success habits and UAE local news.
Sabaho on Star FM UAE with Rania Younes and Hassan Alsheikh. Your energetic morning show talking about various topics covering health, wealth, technology, food, success habits and UAE local news.
Sabaho on Star FM UAE with Rania Younes and Hassan Alsheikh. Your energetic morning show talking about various topics covering health, wealth, technology, food, success habits and UAE local news.
Sabaho on Star FM UAE with Rania Younes and Hassan Alsheikh. Your energetic morning show talking about various topics covering health, wealth, technology, food, success habits and UAE local news.
Sabaho on Star FM UAE with Rania Younes and Hassan Alsheikh. Your energetic morning show talking about various topics covering health, wealth, technology, food, success habits and UAE local news.
Sabaho on Star FM UAE with Rania Younes and Hassan Alsheikh. Your energetic morning show talking about various topics covering health, wealth, technology, food, success habits and UAE local news.
Sabaho on Star FM UAE with Rania Younes and Hassan Alsheikh. Your energetic morning show talking about various topics covering health, wealth, technology, food, success habits and UAE local news.
Sabaho on Star FM UAE with Rania Younes and Hassan Alsheikh. Your energetic morning show talking about various topics covering health, wealth, technology, food, success habits and UAE local news.
Sabaho on Star FM UAE with Rania Younes and Hassan Alsheikh. Your energetic morning show talking about various topics covering health, wealth, technology, food, success habits and UAE local news.
Sabaho on Star FM UAE with Rania Younes and Hassan Alsheikh. Your energetic morning show talking about various topics covering health, wealth, technology, food, success habits and UAE local news.
Sabaho on Star FM UAE with Rania Younes and Hassan Alsheikh. Your energetic morning show talking about various topics covering health, wealth, technology, food, success habits and UAE local news.
Sabaho on Star FM UAE with Rania Younes and Hassan Alsheikh. Your energetic morning show talking about various topics covering health, wealth, technology, food, success habits and UAE local news.
Sabaho on Star FM UAE with Rania Younes and Hassan Alsheikh. Your energetic morning show talking about various topics covering health, wealth, technology, food, success habits and UAE local news.
Sabaho on Star FM UAE with Rania Younes and Hassan Alsheikh. Your energetic morning show talking about various topics covering health, wealth, technology, food, success habits and UAE local news.
Sabaho on Star FM UAE with Rania Younes and Hassan Alsheikh. Your energetic morning show talking about various topics covering health, wealth, technology, food, success habits and UAE local news.