پادکست آموزش زبان انگلیسی

پادکست آموزش زبان انگلیسی
Author: MOEIN
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🔥خوش اومدین به پادکست آموزش زبان انگلیسی🔥اینجا یاد میگیرین که زبان انگلیسی رو در قالب داستان کوتاه یادبگیرین و علاوه بر این در هر اپیسود کلی لغت و اصطلاحات جدید و گرامر و کلی نکات مهم رو هم یاد خواهید گرفت.
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19 Episodes
Lesson 19----------------------------------------------------------all along = the whole timeHe knew about the surprise party all along.----------------------------------------------------------be true of = correct when talking aboutThese statistics are true of high school students, but not university students.----------------------------------------------------------cut out = stopI am trying to cut out drinking during the week.----------------------------------------------------------every so often = sometimesEvery so often he feels homesick.Every so often he goes to a movie by himself.----------------------------------------------------------on account of = because ofThe game was cancelled on account of the rain.She didn't call us on account of the fact she was busy.----------------------------------------------------------pass away = dieThe fish passed away last night.My grandmother passed away last year.----------------------------------------------------------speak up = say aloudI can't hear you. Could you please speak up?I can't hear you. Speak up.----------------------------------------------------------stay put = not moveI will go and look for him, but you stay put.----------------------------------------------------------suffer from = be ill with or bothered byHe suffers from severe headaches.My mother suffers from depression.----------------------------------------------------------under the weather = a little sickShe missed the party because she was feeling under the weather.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some people are afraid to be alone. That is true of my wife. We live in a nice neighborhood, but she is still afraid when she is alone at night. I think she suffers from a slight case of paranoia. I don't like to leave her alone, but every so often, I have to go out of town. One time I had to travel to attend the funeral of an aunt who had passed away. My wife was feeling under the weather and decided to stay home. That evening, someone knocked on the door. My wife was in the living room at the time. The person knocked again. My wife just stayed put in the living room. She didn't answer the door on account of the fact that she was a little scared. The person at the door kept knocking and then spoke up. "Hello? Hello?" My wife was becoming more and more anxious. She wished the person would cut out the knocking and go away. Then my wife had an idea. She started barking like a dog! The person at the door stopped knocking and went away. The next evening, I was home when the boy who delivers our newspaper came to collect money from us. He told me, "I came here last night, but your wife started barking at me. So I left." I guess our paperboy can tell a dog's bark from a human's bark. Or maybe he knew my wife was home all along.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lesson 18 -------------------------------------------------------------------catch a cold = get a cold; come down with a coldHe walked home in the rain without an umbrella and caught a cold.-------------------------------------------------------------------close call = almost be in danger; almost get hurtThat was a close call!A: The firefighters saved me just before the house blew up!B: Wow! That was a close call!-------------------------------------------------------------------do without = manage while lackingHe couldn't do without his cell phone, so he had to go home and get it.-------------------------------------------------------------------dry out = become dry after some timeYour plants will dry out if you don't give them water.The ground in the desert dries out very quickly after a heavy rain.Hang that wet towel on the back of the chair so it will dry out.-------------------------------------------------------------------fool around = play; have funThey always fool around when they should be studying.Don't fool around with matches. You could start a fire.-------------------------------------------------------------------get nowhere with = not progress or succeed using somethingI am getting nowhere with my homework.A: Do you need some help?B: Yes, thanks! I am getting nowhere with this math problem!-------------------------------------------------------------------hold back = make something stay in the same placeA: Did you shake hands with the president?B: No. His body guards held back the crowd.-------------------------------------------------------------------in time = before the limit of some timeA: Did Amy miss her flight?B: No, she got there just in time!-------------------------------------------------------------------pay off = bring a good resultAll that time at the gym really paid off.I passed the test! All that extra studying paid off!-------------------------------------------------------------------succeed in = achieve the result on hopes forHe succeeded in getting the promotion.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One Halloween a pumpkin truck had an accident on a bridge. It was a close call, but the driver was not hurt. However, all the pumpkins fell into the river. That afternoon, my friend and I were down by the river fooling around. Suddenly we saw a pumpkin floating by. Then another one floated by. Then lots of them floated by! The pumpkins from the truck were floating down the river.My friend and I tried to catch a pumpkin before they all floated away. My friend leaned out over the water while I held him back by his belt. We tried many times but the pumpkins were too far out from the shore."We are getting nowhere with this plan! Let's go in the water and get them," I said. "Not me!" my friend said. "That water looks really cold!" There were only a few more pumpkins coming down the river. I didn't want to do without one of those pumpkins. Then I had an idea. I would trick my friend!"Why don't we try again with a stick!" I said. My friend took a stick and leaned out over the water again as I held him. At that moment, I let go of his belt and he fell into the river."I'm sorry! My hand slipped!" I shouted. My friend started to swim back to shore. "Hold onto some pumpkins," I suggested. "It will be easier to swim." My friend put two pumpkins under his arms and kicked back to shore. My plan paid off! We finally succeeded in getting some pumpkins!We took the pumpkins back to his house. My friend changed clothes so he wouldn't catch a cold and hung up his wet clothes to dry out before his mother got home. Then we planned how to carve our beautiful pumpkins in time for Halloween!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lesson 17-------------------------------------------------------------------a far cry from = very different fromIt's a far cry from the kind of pizza I usually eat.This hotel is a far cry from the last place we stayed. It's much nicer here!The food here is a far cry from real Chinese food.A: This beach is so dirty!-------------------------------------------------------------------be better off = have more opportunity, be in a nicer positionYou're better off without him.You would be better off living with your parents while you are in college.-------------------------------------------------------------------be out of the question = impossible; forbiddenForget it! It's out of the question.Don't ask me if you can go. It is out of the question.-------------------------------------------------------------------get through = be able to communicate with someoneI tried to call but I couldn't get through.The storm damaged the phone line so I can't get through to my parents' house.A: Have you gotten through to Kim yet?B: No. The line is still busy.-------------------------------------------------------------------ill at ease = not comfortableHer father made him feel ill at ease.He always felt a little ill at ease in crowded elevators.-------------------------------------------------------------------in charge of = leading; controllingCan you tell me who is in charge of cleaning the office at night?No one was in charge of the project, so it was never completed.-------------------------------------------------------------------look into = investigate; check to see if something is possibleI don't know much about that subject, but I'll look into it when I have time.-------------------------------------------------------------------think nothing of it = It is/was no trouble. (You're welcome.)Thank you! Think nothing of it."Thank you for helping me." "Think nothing of it."-------------------------------------------------------------------think up = imagine; have an idea quicklyHe thought up a great idea.He had to think up an excuse for being late.-------------------------------------------------------------------what's up = How are you? Hi! What's up?A: Hi Sarah! What's up?B: Oh, nothing much. Just waiting for the bus.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My sister called me last week. She tried to get through to me on the phone for over an hour. I was on the Internet at the time, so my phone was busy.I apologized, "I'm sorry, Kim. I didn't plan to use the computer for so long. I guess I wasn't keeping track of time. So, what's up?"Kim sounded a little ill at ease when she answered, "I need your help. You know that we have moved. I wanted to have a party to meet our neighbors, but I think I invited too many people. Now I am in charge of cooking dinner for twelve people tomorrow night!"I told Kim, "Maybe you should look into getting pizza delivered or something.""No," Kim said. "Pizza is out of the question. Everyone is expecting a home cooked meal. Can you think up any good recipes I can try?"I'm a far cry from a chef or anything, but I know how to make a few simple things that are good for parties. I told my sister how to make them.Kim said, "Your ideas sound great, Alice! Thanks.""Think nothing of it," I said. "But wouldn't you have been better off calling Mom for recipes?"Kim replied, "Mom is good at cooking. Her recipes might be too hard for me. I know that if you can cook something, I can cook it."--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lesson 16-----------------------------------------------------------as soon as = right after; whenA: Are you coming to lunch?B: I'll be there as soon as I finish this.-----------------------------------------------------------attribute A to B = say A is a result of BMost people attribute the good economy to the new president.Scientists attribute the warm weather to pollution.Many of the deaths in the earthquake were attributed to poor construction.-----------------------------------------------------------be apt to = be likely to; will probablyHe is apt to fail the test because he didn't study.A: Let's go shopping!B: It's a holiday. Stores are apt to be closed.-----------------------------------------------------------cut down on = reduce; do/have lessAfter that night, he decided to cut down on alcohol.A: Why don't you want some cake?B: My dentist told me to cut down on sugar.-----------------------------------------------------------end up = finally be; be in the endThe ice-cream ended up on the floor.The extra food at the party ended up in the garbage.-----------------------------------------------------------get over = recover from; overcomeA: How did you get over your cold so fast?B: I ate 30 oranges a day for 3 days.-----------------------------------------------------------get used to = be accustomed to; be familiar and comfortable withA: It's almost midnight. Aren't you tired?B: No. I'm used to going to bed late.-----------------------------------------------------------in comparison with = looking at in order to see the differenceA: Your house is so small.B: Yes, but in comparison with my old house, it's a palace!-----------------------------------------------------------in no time = very quicklyThe police arrived in no time.A: Are we almost there? I am so hungry!B: Don't worry. We'll be there in no time.-----------------------------------------------------------used to = occurring or existing in the pastMy family used to eat dinner together, but now we are too busy.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Research has found that as soon as a man and a woman get married, they start putting on weight. Men usually gain about four pounds. Women gain about five.Researchers attribute the weight gain to changes in the exercise habits of newly married couples. A newly married man who used to spend several hours each week exercising is apt to stop exercising in order to spend more time with his new wife.After the couple gets used to their new life together, they may begin to exercise again. However, usually the couple ends up exercising for a shorter time together in comparison with the time they exercised separately before marriage. One way a husband and wife can get over this problem is to begin to exercise together soon after the wedding.The food a couple eats can also help the couple control their weight. In general, most people need to cut down on the foods which are high in fat. Couples who are used to eating a lot of beef, fried food, and deserts should try to eat more vegetables, chicken, and fish.Couples who start putting on weight after marriage can get back to their old healthy weight in no time with the proper diet and exercise.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lesson 15 -----------------------------------------------------------------be bound to = be certainly going to My parents are bound to disagree, I've decided I'm moving to New York.A: What do you think Dad will say about the broken window?B: He's bound to be angry.-----------------------------------------------------------------day in and day out = every day; all the timeDay in and day out, our next door neighbors argued.-----------------------------------------------------------------for sale = able to be bought; sellingThey put their house up for sale.-----------------------------------------------------------------give birth (to) = have (a child)She is about to give birth to her baby.-----------------------------------------------------------------give in = surrender; agree to someone's persuasionHe gave in to his parents' demands and cut his hair short.-----------------------------------------------------------------hand out = give to many peopleA: Hey! Where did you get that donut?B: They are handing out free food at the store.-----------------------------------------------------------------in one's way = blocking; hinderingThe box was in my way, so I had to move it.-----------------------------------------------------------------make a difference = be important to; affectThe doctor said that these pills will make a big difference.-----------------------------------------------------------------tell A from B = know the difference betweenIt was impossible to tell the real painting from the fake one.-----------------------------------------------------------------upside down = the top toward the groundA: What are you going to do with those roses?B: I am going to hang them upside down to dry.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Our neighbor's cat gave birth to kittens. Of course, as soon as my son saw the "Kittens For Sale" sign in our neighbor's yard, he wanted to go take a look at them. My husband and I knew that if our son saw the kittens, he was bound to want one for a pet. So we tried to avoid seeing them. Day in and day out, our son kept asking when we could go see the kittens. I kept telling my son he couldn't have a cat, but it didn't make a difference. He wanted to see them anyway. Finally, we gave in and we all went to see them.There were several other people at my neighbor's house looking at the kittens. Our neighbor was standing next to the box handing out kittens left and right for people to look at. There were plenty of kittens to go around. My husband and son went to see the kittens, but I wanted nothing to do with them. I stayed near the door and tried not to be in anyone's way.After looking at the kittens, my son ran over to me. "Come and see, Mom!" he said. "There are three boy kittens and two girl kittens."----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Choose the best answer.1.________, the weather station watches the horizon for coming storms. a. Upside down b. Day in and day out c. In my way2.Even if your child cries, you should not ________ and buy him candy or cookies. a. for sale b. give in c. hand out3.He would stand on the street corner and ________ advertisements to people. a. day in and day out b. hand out c. for sale4.The car turned ________ after it drove off of the highway. a. for sale b. in his way c. upside down-----------------------------------------------------------------Telegram ---->@Engoud5
Lesson 14 --------------------------------------------------------------------at first glance = after a quick lookAt first glance, he looked similar to his brother. But now, I can see the difference.--------------------------------------------------------------------attend to = take care ofShe had to attend to the guests in the other room.--------------------------------------------------------------------back and forth = go and come between two placesA: So you work in New York, but you live in Vermont?B: Yes. I drive back and forth every weekend.--------------------------------------------------------------------be no use = does not change the situationIt's no use getting upset over a broken glass.--------------------------------------------------------------------clear-cut = easily seen; clearIt looks like we have a clear-cut winner!That is the most clear-cut explanation of the theory I have ever heard.--------------------------------------------------------------------drive one crazy = make angry; bother or annoy He's beginning to drive me crazy.These mosquitoes are driving me crazy!--------------------------------------------------------------------fed up with = sick of; at the limit of one's enduranceI'm fed up with your behavior!She was fed up with living in such a small apartment.--------------------------------------------------------------------play a part in = have an effect on something; be involved withThe bad weather played a part in our decision so I canceled the picnic.Education plays an important part in success.--------------------------------------------------------------------take into account = considerHe didn't take into account the possibility that the bus might be late.A: I made reservations at the Milton Hotel for dinner.B: Did you take into account that we only have $20!?--------------------------------------------------------------------turn into = become; change toThe conversation turned into an argument.A: Your puppy really eats a lot!B: Yes. He's going to turn into a big dog someday.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sometimes at my job I have to attend to work in the back of the store, like unpacking boxes or checking inventory. When someone comes in the store and they don't see anyone at first glance, they think the store is closed. Just to make it clear that I am in the store and ready to help, I put a bell on the counter. I also put a sign next to the bell that says, "Please ring the bell if you need help."I thought the bell was a clear-cut solution to my problem, and it worked great at first. I could always hear it even if I had on headphones and was listening to music. For the first week, I never missed a customer. Unfortunately, however, my great idea didn't last long. I didn't take into account the fact that some people might enjoy ringing the bell for fun.The bell started driving me crazy after a while. Children played a big part in this problem. They would come into the store, ring the bell, and run outside again. I had to keep running back and forth from the back of the store to the front. One day a little boy took the bell and ran around the store ringing it over and over again! I knew it was no use getting angry with the boy. He was just a child. However, I was really fed up with the bell! I threw it in a box and hid it under the counter. However, I forgot to take down the sign when I got rid of the bell. This turned into the real solution to my problem.Now, when someone comes into the store, I know that they need help when I hear them yell, "Hey! Where is the bell?"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lesson 13---------------------------------------------------------------------abide by = obey; followYou have to abide by my rules if you want to live in my house.---------------------------------------------------------------------apart from = exceptShe enjoyed her visit to England, apart from the weather.---------------------------------------------------------------------as if = in the manner ofA: You look as if you are nervous.B: I am. This is my first time bungee-jumping!---------------------------------------------------------------------go for = try to doIf you don't try, you will never know if you can do it. Go for it!---------------------------------------------------------------------go without saying = obviously; everyone knows"Will it snow this winter?" "That goes without saying."A: You should wear a seat belt when you drive.B: That goes without saying.---------------------------------------------------------------------keep one's fingers crossed = wish for good luckThe operation is almost complete. He looks like he's going to be fine. I'll keep my fingers crossed.---------------------------------------------------------------------make sure = check to be sureMake sure you blow out the candle before you go to bed.He made sure to lock the door when he left.---------------------------------------------------------------------run over = drive over somethingYou've got to be careful when you cross the road. You don't want to get run over!---------------------------------------------------------------------take up = use space or timePainting a house takes up a lot of time.---------------------------------------------------------------------tend to = usually do; have the habit ofDogs tend to be friendly and loyal to their owners.His boss tends to worry about every little thing.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When our son turned sixteen, he decided it was high time he got a driver's license. Once our son makes up his mind to do something, he goes for it. My wife and I had to go with him to practice his driving almost every night for two weeks! It took up a lot of our time. Overall, he was a pretty good driver. He did his best to abide by the traffic rules. Apart from the time he ran over the garbage can when he was backing up, I thought he did very well.My wife, on the other hand, was always nervous when our son got behind the steering wheel. It goes without saying that my wife tended to react more strongly when our son made a mistake. She always came back pale and exhausted after a trip in the car with our son.Finally the day came for our son's driving test. I told him before the test, "Make sure you watch your speed, son. You tend to go around corners too fast. Well, good luck! I'll keep my fingers crossed"In just a few hours, my son came back with his driver's license! I asked him how his driving test went. He said the man giving him the test was very nice. The man even asked if he could do anything to make my son more relaxed during the test. My son told him, "When I come to a traffic light you can scream as if we're going to die. Then I'll feel like my mom is in the car."------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Telegram address : @Engoud5
Lesson 12------------------------------------------------------------------as usual = in the normal wayHe is going to be late as usual.As usual, I brushed my teeth right after I ate dinner. ------------------------------------------------------------------back up = move backwardsMy father had to back up because the car in front of him broke down.Could you please back up? You are standing too close.------------------------------------------------------------------be cut out for = have the correct qualities forI don't think he's cut out for swimming!Nobody thought she was cut out for the army, but she became an officer.A: I didn't know that Dave is afraid of flying.B: Yeah, I don't think he's cut out to be a pilot.------------------------------------------------------------------catch on = realize; understandIt took him a few minutes to catch on to the joke.A: Wow. You learned how to juggle in one day?B: Yes. I caught on to it quickly.------------------------------------------------------------------for ages = for a long timeWe haven't visited our grandparents for ages.A: How's your cat?B: I don't know. I haven't see it for ages.------------------------------------------------------------------hand over = give to anotherThis is robbery! Hand over all of your money!A: Alright! Hand over my keys!B: don't have them!------------------------------------------------------------------serve one right = be the correct punishment for oneA: Billy had to do extra homework because he came late to class.B: Serves him right!------------------------------------------------------------------take apart = separate something into piecesHe had to take apart the robot.He takes apart cars and sells the engines.------------------------------------------------------------------turn down = decline; say 'no'She asked him to go out with her, but he turned her down.------------------------------------------------------------------work out = exercise doing aerobics or weight liftingHow often do you work out each week?I don't really like to work out, but I do like to play tennis and basketball.------------------------------------------------------------------Amy asked her husband to go shopping with her. As usual, her husband was too busy watching television to go with her. Amy tried to persuade her husband. She told him, "Come with me, honey. We haven't been shopping together for ages. I want you to take a look at some summer dresses with me. You can help me pick out the best one."Her husband turned her down, saying, "You always want to check every store, Amy. I'm just not cut out for all that walking around.""Think of it as your chance to work out," Amy suggested. "You'll be getting your exercise for the day."But her husband wasn't listening. He was concentrating on the football game on television. Amy was so upset that she wanted to take apart the TV and flush each piece down the toilet! She set out for the shopping mall alone. But as she was backing up the car in the driveway, she had an idea. She stopped the car and went back in the house. She told her husband, "I'm sorry for bothering you, honey. Have fun watching the game." Then she gave him a kiss and left.At the mall, she found hundreds of dresses for sale and took her time looking through them all. She picked out two nice ones and went to pay for them. As she was handing over her credit card to the cashier, the remote control for her television fell out of her purse."My husband is home watching television," Amy explained to the confused cashier. "When he catches on that I stole the remote control, he'll go crazy! But it serves him right for not coming with me."------------------------------------------------------------------
Lesson 11----------------------------------------------------------at times = sometimes; there are times whenA: How do you like working in the circus?B: It's OK. But, at times, I feel a little bored.----------------------------------------------------------be likely to = will probablySomeone is likely to ask for your business card. Do you have any?----------------------------------------------------------be opposed to = against; not for; not in favor ofI've always been opposed to eating beef.My mother was always opposed to my father's smoking.----------------------------------------------------------by accident = without planning; by luck (good or bad)By accident, he hit the wrong button on the keyboard and lost his file.----------------------------------------------------------come from = originate in some placeThese bananas come from Brazil.A: Where did all these books come from?B: The library was selling its old books.----------------------------------------------------------feel for = have sympathy forShe felt for the people starving in Africa, so she sent money to the charity.----------------------------------------------------------for the sake of = to benefit or improve somethingHe had to quit smoking for the sake of his health.A: Please don't try to cook anymore.B: OK. I will stop for the sake of our relationship.----------------------------------------------------------get away with = avoid punishmentA: Did you hear that Sarah cheated on the test and got an A?B: I can't believe she got away with it!----------------------------------------------------------stand a chance = have an opportunity to succeedI really want to ask her on a date. Do you think I stand a chance?A: I can build the house by myself!B: Hah! You don't stand a chance without me!----------------------------------------------------------without question = for sure; for certainWithout question, that was the best meal I've had all this year!Without question, that is the best movie I have ever seen!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I often play golf with my father. Since I play golf on a college team, my father doesn't stand a chance of beating me. He is, without question, one of the worst golfers I've ever played with! In fact, I think even a beginner could beat him.At times, my father will cheat at golf. He'll kick the ball to put it in a better position. I'm not opposed to his occasional tricks. Even when I see him cheat, I still let him get away with it for the sake of the game. It helps keep the game interesting for both of us.My father often hits the ball in the wrong direction. I remember one time my father hit a duck with his ball by accident! I really felt for the duck. My father's ball hit it right on the head! It quacked angrily and flew away."Don't worry, Dad," I said. "The duck is likely to make a full recovery."My father asked, "Where did that duck come from? It shouldn't be on the golf course.""The duck wasn't on the golf course, Dad," I pointed out to my father.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lesson 10--------------------------------------------------------as of yetas of yet = until this time; so far As of yet, he has not been paid by the company.A: Are the new computers in?B: I'm sorry, sir. They have not arrived as of yet.--------------------------------------------------------at one's fingertipsat one's fingertips = easily available; at handHe has the information at his fingertips.Keep all of your important papers at your fingertips at all times.--------------------------------------------------------brand-newbrand-new = never used; totally newIt's my brand new refrigerator!A: Your shoes look very clean.B: Actually, they're brand-new.--------------------------------------------------------cut incut in = go in front of someone unfairly; interrupt someone talkingI hate when people cut in line!She was telling a joke but her brother cut in and told the rest of it.--------------------------------------------------------dwell ondwell on = worry about or consider for a long timeI know you lost your wallet, but try not to dwell on it.--------------------------------------------------------get a hold ofget a hold of = contact; reachPlease write down a phone number where we can get a hold of you.A: Did you get a hold of Mike?B: No. His line was busy.--------------------------------------------------------learn (something) by heartlearn (something) by heart = memorize; study to know without thinking A: How did you remember all those math equations?B: I learned them by heart.--------------------------------------------------------mix upmix up = confuseI often mix up my friends' phone numbers.A: You are supposed to come tomorrow, not today.B: Sorry! I mixed up the dates.--------------------------------------------------------take by surprisetake by surprise = surprise; come without warningA: I can't believe that your mother joined the army!B: Yes. She took us all by surprise.--------------------------------------------------------take time offtake time off = miss work for some time with permissionA: Why don't we go to Paris next weekend?B: I'm not sure if! can take time off work.--------------------------------------------------------My boyfriend took time off from work one Friday to move to a new apartment. It was a lot of hard work. When I got home later that evening, I was exhausted. I wanted to give my boyfriend a call and cancel our plans for the next day.My boyfriend also got a brand-new phone number for his new apartment, but as of yet I had not learned it by heart. I usually keep all the phone numbers I need at my fingertips in my day planner. Unfortunately, I had not written his number down. The only way I could think of to get a hold of my boyfriend was to call the operator and ask for Mike William's phone number.I called the number that the operator gave me, but I was taken by surprise when a woman answered the phone. "Hello," she said.I asked, "Can I speak to Mike?"The woman said, "He is taking a shower right now."I was shocked. At first, I didn't say anything."Is there anything that...?" she started to ask, but I cut in."Tell him to call his girlfriend when he gets out of the shower." I hung up the phone quickly without waiting for the woman's answer. I was a bit upset. However, I tried not to dwell on the fact that a woman was in my boyfriend's apartment while he was in the shower. I knew Mike made friends with the neighbors when he moved in, so I assumed the woman was his neighbor. She was probably just helping him clean the place up.An hour passed and Mike had not called me back. I called again, and a man answered the phone. "Hello," he said. The voice was strange.All of a sudden I realized that it was the wrong number. The operator had mixed up my boyfriend's number with another man named Mike Williams. I said, "You're not Mike!"The man said, "And you're not my girlfriend. I've been trying to explain that to my wife for over an hour."
Lesson 9--------------------------------------------------------a steal = very cheap; a very good priceThe land next to the river is a steal! You should buy it.--------------------------------------------------------at hand = near (time or space)Christmas is at hand. I have to buy gifts for my family.A: I fear that war is at hand.B: Don't worry. I'm sure the countries will reach an agreement.--------------------------------------------------------get better = improveDon't worry. You'll get better.His cold got better after he took a day off work.A: This movie is boring!B: Don't worry. It gets better.--------------------------------------------------------more or less = approximately; almostThe airline tickets were more or less the same price.A: Which shirt is better?B: They are more or less the same quality.--------------------------------------------------------on hand = near and ready for useDo you have any water on hand?A: There's going to be five extra people at the party.B: No problem. We have plenty of food on hand.--------------------------------------------------------on one's own = without help from othersHe cooked this whole meal on his own without any help from his mother.--------------------------------------------------------refer to A as B = use the name B for AMany people refer to this book as the author's greatest work.--------------------------------------------------------take one's time = slowly; in a relaxed wayShe took her time and made sure she did not make any mistakes on the test.--------------------------------------------------------think highly of = have a good opinion ofYou don't think highly of me, do you?Her teacher thought highly of her ability to draw.--------------------------------------------------------try out = do or use to see if something works correctlyDon't buy the bike until you try it out first.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My Brazilian friend has only lived in the United States for six months, but his English is great. Before he came to the US, he studied in a language school, but mostly he learned English on his own from reading English books and watching movies. He had learned basic conversation before he arrived in the US. Then, after he got here, his vocabulary and listening got better very quickly. I would say that he is now more or less fluent in English. However, sometimes he still has trouble with idioms.One day, he asked me to help him buy some jewelry for his girlfriend back in Brazil. Her birthday was close at hand and he wanted to get something nice. He showed me a picture of his girlfriend before we went shopping. When I saw the picture I said, "Wow! Your girlfriend is a real spring chicken."My friend asked me, "Why do you refer to my girlfriend as a chicken?"I explained to my friend, "I just mean your girlfriend is very young and beautiful"At the jewelry store, they had several very nice necklaces on hand. I suggested that we take our time and look at several stores, but my friend found a diamond necklace that was a steal. He called the saleswoman over to buy it.As the saleswoman was taking out the necklace, my friend decided to try out the new idiom he learned. He showed the saleswoman the picture of his girlfriend asked, "Don't you think she is a chicken noodle?"My friend's English may not be perfect, but I still think highly of it.
Lesson 8-------------------------------------------------------bring up = start to talk about somethingI hate to bring it up, but some of the others said that there is something strange about you.When my mother is mad at me she always brings up the time I forgot her birthday.-------------------------------------------------------by all means = said to encourage a person do to somethingA: Could I borrow your pen?B: By all means!-------------------------------------------------------by chance = not planned; luckilyThey met by chance while they were both vacationing in Hawaii.-------------------------------------------------------carry on = continueWhen the storm passed, we carried on painting the house.A: Is everyone back from lunch?B: Yes. Let's carry on with the meeting.-------------------------------------------------------draw the line at = say some point is the limitMy parents let me use the car, but they draw the line at allowing me to take long trips.I don't mind sharing a room, but I draw the line at sleeping in the same bed.-------------------------------------------------------fix up = repair; make nice or good againIt's a good car, but you may need to fix it up a bit.-------------------------------------------------------get lost = become confused about one's locationWe got lost on the way to the theater.The directions were not clear, so we got lost.-------------------------------------------------------high time = time for some action that has been postponed too longIt's high time we got out of here!I think it's high time we fix the heater. I'm freezing!-------------------------------------------------------lose one's temper = become angryHe lost his temper and hit the table with his fist.-------------------------------------------------------pull over = move one's vehicle to the side of the road and stopShe pulled over to take a picture of the beautiful scenery by the highway.-------------------------------------------------------Everybody knows that men hate to stop and ask for directions. My husband is no different. Every time we get lost, we drive around for hours before he finally pulls over and asks for help.One Saturday we saw an ad in the newspaper for a country dance and picnic at a farm outside of town. We fixed up our old cowboy hats, cut out the map from the newspaper and started driving. After a few hours, I brought up the fact that we were lost. Of course my husband lost his temper when I suggested we ask someone for directions."I can find it!" he yelled.I didn't see any point in fighting about it, so I just told him, "By all means, carry on."After another hour of driving, I decided it was high time to ask for help. By chance we passed a little gas station with an old man sitting out by the pumps. My husband agreed to stop because we needed gas, but he drew the line at asking for directions. I got out of the car and walked over to the old man. Before I asked him anything he smiled and said."The map is wrong. It's Highway 23, not 32.""How did you know?" I asked in surprise."You're the fifth woman whose husband has gotten lost in the last hour!"-------------------------------------------------------
Lesson 7----------------------------------------------------be crazy about = like or enjoy in an extreme wayA: I love buying new clothes.B: Me, too. I'm crazy about shopping!----------------------------------------------------call it a day = stop workingBill, you've been here for 10 hours! You should call it a day and go home.----------------------------------------------------concentrate on = focus attention forwardsConcentrate on the road!It's too noisy here. I can't concentrate on my homework.He had to concentrate on the song to hear the words.----------------------------------------------------get along with = be friendly with; live or work well togetherI think it's time we tried to get along with each other.Everyone in my family gets along well with each other.----------------------------------------------------have a point = said when you agree with someone's opinionIt's spicy! You may have a point. I'll use less pepper next time.My sister says that I need to spend more time with my family. She has a point.----------------------------------------------------more often than not = usuallyMore often than not, he spends his holidays with his parents.She works late more often than not.----------------------------------------------------never mind = forget; pay no attention toNever mind the car's color. It runs great!Didn't you wash the dishes yet? Never mind. I'll do them my self.----------------------------------------------------take a look at = look at to evaluateTake a look at that!Please take a look at my essay and let me know what you think of it.----------------------------------------------------turn out = finally be; end upIt turned out to be a sunny day.A: Good luck with your new project.B: Thanks! I'll let you know how it turns out.----------------------------------------------------wrap up = finish; bring to an endA: It's almost lunchtime.B: OK. Let's wrap up and go out to eat.----------------------------------------------------I usually get along with everyone at my office. Recently however, the woman who sits across from me bought a new cell phone. She was crazy about it. More often than not, she was chatting with her friends. It was very difficult to concentrate on work. One afternoon, we all decided to call it a day and go out for dinner. However, we made the woman promise not to bring her cell phone into the restaurant."Do you think you'll survive without it?" I joked to her."No problem," she said.The evening was fun but it was getting late so we wrapped up dinner and left the restaurant. I was the last to leave and just as I was getting into my car, a waiter came running up to me."I found this purse at your table!" he said. I took a look at it."That's my co-worker's purse," I said."Why don't you call and leave a message on her answering machine," the waiter suggested. "You can use the phone in the restaurant."We went inside. I was about to dial her home number when I had an idea. "Never mind leaving a message on her machine. I'll call her cellular phone. That way, she can drive back before she gets all the way home.""You have a good point!" the waiter said.When I called her cellular phone, a ringing noise came from her purse. It turned out that her phone was in her purse the whole time!----------------------------------------------------
Lesson 6---------------------------------------------------be composed of = comprise; be made ofThe class was composed of students from the US, Canada, and England.Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.---------------------------------------------------clean off = clear; take everything offI think you need to clean off your windshield.He cleaned off the shelf so that his new roommate could use it.---------------------------------------------------come across = find by chanceI came across some old photographs at my parent's house.A: Please check my homework.B: Sure. If I come across any mistakes, I'll tell you.---------------------------------------------------dress up = wear fancy clothes for a special occasionDo I need to dress up for dinner at your parent's house?---------------------------------------------------fall asleep = go to sleepNow is not the time to fall asleep!Don't fall asleep when you are driving!---------------------------------------------------fill out = write all of the information needed on a form or applicationCan you help me fill out this form? I don't understand it.---------------------------------------------------in retrospect = looking back at the pastIn retrospect, maybe the haircut wasn't such a good idea.In retrospect, I should have studied harder in high school.---------------------------------------------------on the whole = in general; all things consideredOn the whole, I really enjoyed my trip to Canada.---------------------------------------------------set out = leave; begin a journeyShe packed everything in her car and set out for California.A: Did Bob leave already?B: Yeah, he set out early this morning.---------------------------------------------------wait on = serve someone in a restaurantA: Excuse me, no one has waited on us yet.B: I am very sorry. I'll get a waiter right away.---------------------------------------------------I go to college in Boston, but my parents now live in Florida. During the summer vacation, I went to visit them. I set out from downtown Boston by bus on Tuesday afternoon. Thursday night, I got off the bus in Florida. I had a lot of trouble falling asleep on the bus, so I was exhausted by the time I arrived at my parents' house. In retrospect, I probably should have just taken a plane to Florida.After I was in Florida for a few days, I was well rested again. However, I soon got bored. My friends were all in Boston. I decided to get a job. I came across an advertisement for a job at a local restaurant. I filled out an application and got hired right away.On the first day of work, I got up early and got ready. I didn't have to dress up for work, but I did have to wear a uniform. The restaurant made everyone wear a formal white shirt and black shorts. The staff was composed of high school and college students.At first, there were no customers, but around noon, the restaurant got crowded. I waited on customers and helped clean off tables. On the whole, it was pretty easy work. It wasn't too busy but it wasn't too slow either.As the lunch crowd started to leave, I stopped at a table where an old man and an old woman were sitting. As I was picking up their empty plates, the old man asked me, "Are you from the north?"I said, "Yes, sir. I'm from Boston. I guess You could tell right away I was from the north, because of the way I speak.""Oh no," the old woman said. "We have never seen legs as white as yours before."---------------------------------------------------
Lesson 5---------------------------------------------------all in all = looking at everythingAll in all. he just doesn't seem normal.All in all, I think the meeting went very well.---------------------------------------------------burst out = suddenly do (usually with a loud noise)He burst out laughing when his friend walked in the room.My mother burst out crying when she met me at the airport.---------------------------------------------------change one's mind = switch one's opinion about somethingIf you read this book, it will change your mind about eating eggs.---------------------------------------------------criticize A for B = indicate the bad point B about AThey always criticized him for being slow.His coworkers criticized him for being arrogant.---------------------------------------------------cross out = cancel by drawing lines acrossHe crossed out the mistake in the essay.A: Why did you cross out Kelly's number in your book?B: That's her old phone number.---------------------------------------------------get the better of = have power to force one to doMy curiosity got the better of me, and I opened the letter.I had to open the package. My curiosity got the better of me.---------------------------------------------------in regard to = concerningIn regard to your question, the answer is yes.In regard to your request, we are sending you information about our new product.---------------------------------------------------look over = read or see quickly to checkHe had to look over some papers before leaving work today.---------------------------------------------------name A after B = give A the same name as BThis is your great-uncle Jim. You were named after him.---------------------------------------------------stick around = waitStick around! We'll be right back!He stuck around until his friend got off work.---------------------------------------------------One Sunday morning, a puppy showed up in our yard. It stuck around all day, so in the evening I tried to get it to come inside the house. All in all it seemed like a healthy puppy. It was just a little dirty. The puppy was not wearing a collar so we had no idea who it belonged to. It stayed with us for a few days. I even named it "Brando" after my favorite movie star. But my wife criticized me for being selfish. She said, "That puppy belongs to someone and they probably want it back. You have to try and find the owner." Eventually, my conscience got the better of me, and I changed my mind about keeping the puppy. I made a sign describing the puppy and planned to put it up around the neighborhood. My wife looked over the sign."Someone who is not the owner may want the puppy. I suggest you cross out the description. Then you'll know the real owners because they will be able to describe the dog."I changed the sign to read, "Found: One puppy." Then I put our phone number at the bottom of the sign. That evening, we got a call. A young woman was on the phone. She said, "I'm calling in regard to the puppy you found." She described the puppy exactly, so we knew it was hers.The young woman came to our house in less than an hour. When she saw the puppy, she smiled and burst out, "Oh, Lucy! It's so good to see you again!---------------------------------------------------
Lesson 4------------------------------------------------blow up = explodeI ate so much. I feel like I'm going to blow up!A: How did the fire start?B: The old gas heater blew up.------------------------------------------------bring back = return; cause to returnThe song brought back some old memories.He brought back the video that he had borrowed from me.------------------------------------------------burn down = completely destroy by fireIf you play with matches, you could burn down the house.------------------------------------------------catch fire = start to burnThe wood was wet, so it didn't catch fire very easily.------------------------------------------------come to = reachWhen you come to the end of this part of the test, stop.If you come to a word you don't know, use a dictionary.------------------------------------------------for the most part = generallyFor the most part, I really enjoyed my trip.A: How's your new job?B: It's very interesting for the most part.------------------------------------------------make one's way = go in the direction of (with purpose)He made his way to the front of the line.A: I can't get a good look at the band.B: Let's make our way to the front.------------------------------------------------no matter = make no differenceI can't get an "A" in the class no matter how well I do on the final exam.You don't have any money? No matter. You can pay me next time.------------------------------------------------sort of = kind of; a littleThis restaurant is sort of expensive. Do you want to go somewhere else?------------------------------------------------tear down = destroy something that was builtThey want to tear down the old apartments to build new ones.------------------------------------------------Last summer, I visited my hometown. I had not been there for ten years. I kept in touch with my parents while I was away, but no matter how much they tried to tell me about the changes in our town, I was still surprised at what I saw. As I made my way through the streets around my parent's house, many of the places I saw brought back memories of my childhood. First, I saw my elementary school playground. Then I saw my best friend's old house.Some of my favorite places were gone. For example, the old movie theater had burned down years ago. It caught fire when the heater in the basement blew up. The old store where I used to buy candy was torn down. Now a four-story office building stands in its place.As I came to the corner by the old bank, I ran into Mr. Collins. My parents were friends with the Collins when I was young. I went up to Mr. Collins and said hello. He looked sort of confused.I told him, "I'm John and Helen's daughter."Mr. Collins said, "Oh! You're Helen's daughter. Such a beautiful lady." Then Mr. Collins called his wife over."Lucy! Come here! It's Helen's daughter. You remember Helen. Such a beautiful lady."Mrs. Collins came over. She looked at me and said, "Oh, yes. Helen was so pretty." Then she said, "For the most part, you take after your father."------------------------------------------------
Lesson 3Idioms and Story-------------------------------------------------------as a rule = most of the time; normallyYou should wash your white clothes and colored clothes separately, as a rule.-------------------------------------------------------be at a loss = be unable to thinkI'm at a loss for words.I know the man you are talking about, but I'm at a loss to think of his name.-------------------------------------------------------come up with = think ofWe have to come up with a plan.When did you come up with that idea?-------------------------------------------------------for short = a shorter way to say a nameMy name is Alexander, but you can call me Alex for short.-------------------------------------------------------in spite of = regardless of something; despiteIn spite of the rain, they went to the beach.In spite of the bad weather, we will go hiking.A: How was your trip to Mexico?B: I had a great time in spite of the hurricane!-------------------------------------------------------look to A for B = turn and ask A to give BShe usually looks to her parents for support.You should look to your parents for help if you don't have enough money.-------------------------------------------------------neither A nor B = both A and B do not or are notNeither I nor my brother is as tall as our father.Neither I nor my sister is as beautiful as my mother.-------------------------------------------------------point out = indicateHe pointed out the places he visited on the map.A: Wow! That girl is really ugly!B: I should point out that she's my sister.-------------------------------------------------------run into = meet by chanceI had a feeling I'd run into you!A: What took you so long at the store?B: I ran into my old elementary school teacher-------------------------------------------------------when it comes to = regarding; when dealing withHe doesn't know very much when it comes to mathematics.When it comes to explaining difficult subjects, she is the best teacher.-------------------------------------------------------My husband and I went to a high school reunion party in our old town. Almost one hundred people were there. As a rule, I enjoy meeting people. But when it comes to large, noisy parties, I get very tired. I told my husband that I would prefer not to stay for too long. My husband pointed out that we should at least say hello to the people that we knew. We did run into several old friends at the party, so in spite of the crowd I still had a good time.During the party, a young man came up to us. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Brown," he said to us.He looked familiar, but I didn't know where I had seen the young man before. I knew it was no use looking to my husband for help. He is terrible at coming up with names to match with faces. This time, we were both at a loss to think of his name. We talked with the young man for a while and then a couple came up to us. It was Don and Liz Wilson. (Her name is Elizabeth, but everyone calls her Liz for short). They were friends of ours. We had kept in touch, but had not seen them for many years.The young man left after a few minutes to talk with some of his other friends. I told the Wilsons, "I'm sorry we did not introduce you to that nice young man. Neither my husband nor I could figure out his name.""That's all right," said Mr. Wilson, "He is our son."-------------------------------------------------------
Lesson 2 Idioms and Story----------------------------------------------------be free to = have the opportunity toAt my school, students are free to use computers after class.----------------------------------------------------become of = happen to; occurDon't give up your dreams. Just look at what became of Mickey!Do you know what became of that singer? I haven't heard about him for ages.----------------------------------------------------die of = be the cause of deathI almost died of embarrassment!A: My parrot died of old age.B: I'm sorry to hear that.----------------------------------------------------furnish A with B = provide B to AThe hotel furnished us with free drinks all week.The school furnished the students with new desks.----------------------------------------------------keep track of = watch or countShe's always busy keeping track of her children.The teacher had a hard time keeping track of all the children.----------------------------------------------------no way = I don't believe itHe's on the weight lifting team? No way!You are forty years old? No way! ----------------------------------------------------on the other hand = but; looking at the other side of the situationHe likes eating cookies. On the other hand, he usually gets a rash from them.----------------------------------------------------stand to reason = be a logical conclusion; obviously followIt stands to reason that if you study hard, you will do well in school.It stands to reason that if you eat too much, you will gain weight.----------------------------------------------------turn up = suddenly appear after being lost or missingPlease call me if my car keys turn up.----------------------------------------------------what if = in the event that; suppose thatWhat if no one comes to our party?What if I get sick?----------------------------------------------------Mark had a pet parrot named Billy. He liked to let Billy out of his cage so that he was free to walk around the house. Mark did not bother to keep track of Billy when he was out because the bird never got into trouble.One day, Mark let Billy out of his cage as usual. Suddenly, Billy flew out the window! At first, Mark didn't worry. "Billy will turn up when he gets hungry," Mark thought. "On the other hand, what if Billy gets caught and eaten by a dog or a cat! Or what if it gets too cold outside? What if he can't find any food? He might die of hunger!" Mark did his best to find Billy over the next two days, but he had no luck. He began to think that his parrot was gone for good. Mark knew something terrible must have become of Billy because he didn't come home.Then a phone call took Mark by surprise. The person on the phone asked, "Is this Mark? I think I have your parrot.""No way! Really?" Mark exclaimed in surprise. Then he asked, "How did you know my phone number?"The caller said, "Your parrot furnished me with the number. It keeps saying 'Hello, you have called 243-7855. This is Mark. Please leave a message.' So it stands to reason that this is your bird."Then Mark remembered that Billy's cage was next to the answering machine.----------------------------------------------------
Lesson 1 Idioms-------------------------------------------------------add to = make larger; increaseEating lots of chocolate will only add to your acne problem.-------------------------------------------------------day after day = every day for a long timeDay after day, he waited for her to call back.Day after day, she waited for a letter, but none came.-------------------------------------------------------go through = experience something unpleasantShe went through a stressful time last year.-------------------------------------------------------have to = mustI have to eat.We have to buy more bread. I have to finish this paper by Monday.-------------------------------------------------------hit upon = suddenly think upHe hit upon a great idea for a birthday gift.-------------------------------------------------------in short = briefly; in summaryHe's cute, funny, rich, and single. In short, he's perfect!-------------------------------------------------------of one's own accord = without being askedHe washed the dishes of his own accord.My brother decided to clean the house of his own accord.-------------------------------------------------------once and for all = forever; for good; finallyHe decided to take care of his nose-hair problem once and for all.I am going to make that car alarm stop once and for all!-------------------------------------------------------give rise to = cause something to happenYour new hair style might give rise to some problems.The meeting gave rise to some new plans for the future of the company.-------------------------------------------------------resign oneself to = accept a situation as unchangeableShe resigned herself to working in her father's company.A: Aren't you upset about your test score?B: No. I just resigned myself to being a poor student!-------------------------------------------------------My son is going through adolescence. With all that is going on in his life, he has a hard time remembering simple instructions. This gives rise to some problems.For example, Wednesday is the day to wash clothes at our house. My son used to always leave money in his pockets. He never checked his clothes of his own accord. Day after day I reminded him to do it, but he always forgot. I resigned myself to the fact that I'd have to keep checking his pockets for him.Then I hit upon an idea to put a stop to my son's bad habit once and for all. I told my son, "I am going to put any money that I find in your pockets in a jar. When I have collected enough money, you have to use it to take me out to dinner and a movie." In short, I wanted to teach my son a lesson in a positive way.On the next Wednesday, I looked into my son's room. He didn't see me. I watched him sit down on his bed and check all of his pockets for money. He took a few coins out of his pants. I was so happy! However, to my surprise, my son put the coins pack into the pocket. Then stood up and got his wallet out of his bag. He took out a dollar bill and added it to the coins in the pocket on purpose! I never thought he wanted to take his mother to dinner and a movie. I was flattered!
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