बिकट वाट यशाची । Bikat Waat Yashachi

प्रविण, अंबारी, सुहाना यांनी जगभरात नाव कमावलं आहे. मात्र या मोठ्या ब्रॅंड्सची निर्मिती झाली ती अगदी तुमच्या-आमच्यासारख्या माणसाच्या स्वप्नातून. त्या स्वप्नाचीच ही गोष्ट! स्व. हुकमीचंद चोरडिया व त्यांच्या पत्नीने ही बिकट वाट कशी यशापर्यंत नेली याची ही कहाणी त्यांच्याच सूनेच्या शब्दात ऐकताना व्यावसायिकांना प्रेरणा मिळेलच, पण प्रत्येक वाचकही भारावून जाईल! Pravin, Ambari and Suhana have made a name for themselves globally, But these big brands were built by the dream of someone, who was just a common man like us. This is the story of that dream. Listen to this story of Late Shri. Hukmichand Chordia and his wife, and they navigated around challenges to achieve success they had dreamt of. Written by their daughter-in-law, it will surely inspire the entrepreneurs and touch the hearts of listeners.

Episode 17

भाऊंनी समाधानाने आपली कथा सांगून पूर्ण केली. जिद्द आणि चिकाटीने एवढं यश संपादन करुनही भाऊंनी आपल्यातला साधेपणा कधीही सोडला नाही. ही बिकट वाट म्हणूनच ते यशापर्यंत नेऊ शकले. Bhau concluded the narration of his story. Even after achieving great success with his sheer determination and perseverance, Bhau never let go of his simplicity. That’s why he could reach the pinnacle of success even after facing numerous hardships.


Episode 16

व्यवसायाचा पसारा वाढत गेला तशी भाऊंनी जबाबदारीची विभागणी करायला सुरुवात केली. यथावकाश नातवंडेही व्यवसायात आली आणि त्यांनी प्रगतीच्या नव्या वाटा शोधल्या. As the business expanded, Bhau started delegating responsibilities. With time, his grandchildren also entered the business and found new ways to take the business forward.


Episode 15

भाऊंना शेतीची विशेष आवड. निसर्गात रमणं हाच त्यांचा छंद. भाऊंचं आणि निसर्गाचं हे जवळचं नातं निर्व्याज आनंदाचं प्रतीक आहे. Bhau was extremely fond of agriculture. He loved being in nature. His special connection with nature is a symbol of extreme bliss.


Episode 14

स्वतःसाठी कधीच काही न करता कायम कुटुंबासाठी कष्ट उपसणार्‍या भाऊ व बाईंनी आपल्या आनंदासाठी केलेला परदेश दौरा! पर्यटन करतानाही आपली निरिक्षणशक्ती जागृत ठेवून भाऊंनी त्या प्रवासाचा आस्वाद घेतला. After always keeping their family’s interests ahead of them and after a lifetime of working hard for the family, Bhau and Bai finally go on an international trip for their own happiness. Even while travelling, the observer in Bhau stayed alive and he enjoyed the trip in his unique way.


Episode 13

भाऊंनी कायम सर्व परिवाराला सांभाळलं, जपलं आणि आपलेपणाने मदत केली. परिवारातल्या सर्वांनी सांगितलेल्या या भाऊंच्या आठवणी भाऊंचा स्वभाव, त्यांची ध्येयनिष्ठा समजून घेण्यासाठी आवश्यकच आहेत. Bhau always took care of the entire family wholeheartedly. From the memories shared by family members, we can learn about Bhau’s nature and his devotion to duty.


Episode 12

प्रविण लोणचं ग्राहकांच्या पसंतीस उतरलं. यवतला कारखाना सुरु झाला. मालाची गुणवत्ता कायम राखण्याकडे भाऊ विशेष लक्ष देत होते. नावलौकिक वाढून ही उत्पादनं परदेशातही जाऊ लागली. Pravin Pickles started getting appreciated by customers. A factory was started in Yavat. Bhau paid great attention to maintaining the quality of each and every product. The popularity of Pravin Pickles increased and they started exporting overseas.


Episode 11

भवानी पेठेतलं दुकान व नवीन फॅक्टरीची भागीदारी संपुष्टात आली. दोन पावलं मागं जावं लागलं तरी भाऊंचा निश्चय ठाम होता. बाईंच्या मनात लोणचं तयार करण्याची कल्पना आली आणि व्यवसायाला नवी दिशा मिळाली. The shop in Bhawani Peth and the partnership in the new factory came to an end. Even after these setbacks, Bhau was determined to keep moving forward. Bai had the idea of creating pickle, which gave a new direction to the business.


Episode 10

रोज ३०० किलो मसाला उत्पादन सुरु झालं. भाऊ आता व्यावसायिक म्हणून वरच्या वर्तुळात ओळखले जाऊ लागले. स्वतःची मोटार घरी आली. मसाल्यांची फॅक्टरी उभारण्याचं स्वप्न भाऊ पाहू लागले. As Bhau shifted his entire focus to the spices business, the sale went up. He started taking better care of his brothers and living up to his responsibilities. While happiness was making a way into their lives, Bhau had to deal with the untimely loss of his beloved father.


Episode 9

भाऊंनी पूर्ण लक्ष मसाल्यांच्या व्यवसायावर केंद्रित करताच मालाची विक्री वाढू लागली. भाऊबंदांची जबाबदारी आता भाऊ अधिक समर्थपणे निभावून नेऊ लागले. एकिकडे सुखाचे दिवस येत असतानाच आपलं पितृछत्र हरपल्याचं दुःखही भाऊंना सहन करावं लागलं. As Bhau shifted his entire focus to the spices business, the sale went up. He started taking better care of his brothers and living up to his responsibilities. While happiness was making a way into their lives, Bhau had to deal with the untimely loss of his beloved father.


Episode 8

नोकरीच्या बरोबरीने विविध व्यवसाय करुन भाऊ पैसे कमवत होते. कष्टांचा विसर पडावा म्हणून सार्‍या कुटुंबासह भाऊ मुंबईला जाऊन आले. अखेरीस यशोमार्ग त्यांच्या दृष्टीपथात आला होता. Bhau started doing small businesses in addition to his job. He took his entire family to Mumbai to forget the everyday sorrows. Finally, the road to redemption and success was in sight.


Episode 7

नवीन अपत्याचा जन्म, शंकररावांचं व्यवसायातलं सहकार्य यामुळे घर आनंदाने भरुन गेलं. मात्र नियतीला हे सुखही फार काळ बघवलं नाही. एकच वस्त्र वर्षभर वापरावं लागण्याइतकी परिस्थिती बिकट झाली. अखेर भाऊंनी काही काळापुरती माघार घेण्याचा निर्णय घेतला. Becoming a father and getting support from Shankarrao in the business, filled the home with happiness. But destiny had other plans. The situation was so dire that they had to spend an entire year in just one pair of clothes. Finally, Bhau decided to step back for sometime.


Episode 6

भाऊ आणि बाईंचं लग्न यथासांग पार पडलं. भाऊंच्या स्वप्नांना आता सहचारिणीची साथ मिळू लागली. किरकोळ विक्री जोरात सुरु होती. परत व्यवसाय उभा करण्याची वेळ जवळ आली होती. Bhau and Bai tied the knot in an elaborate wedding. His dreams now had a better half to support them. The retail sale was slowly picking up. It was time to make the business big again.


Episode 5

दुकान चांगलं चालावं यासाठी भाऊंनी खूप कष्ट घेतले. जम बसताच त्यांनी अजूनही दुकानं घेतली. घाईत घेतलेला हा निर्णय लवकरच अंगाशी आला. १ लाखावर कर्ज झालं. घरातल्यांना त्रास होऊ नये म्हणून भाऊ एकटेच या परिस्थितीला तोंड देत उभे राहिले. Bhau worked very hard to run the shop profitably. As he settled into the business, he bought more shops. But this hasty decision came with new challenges. He ended up with a debt of Rs. 1 lakh. But to protect the family from any inconvenience, Bhau stood up to this challenge single-handedly.


Episode 4

स्वातंत्र्य चळवळीने जोम धरला होता. भाऊ गांधीजींच्या विचारांनी भारावले होते. मात्र गांधीजींचीच हत्या आपल्याला एका नव्या संकटात आणून सोडेल याची भाऊंना कल्पनाच नव्हती! The nation's freedom struggle was its peak. Bhau was overwhelmed by Gandhiji's ideology. But, even Bhau had never thought that it was Gandhiji's assasination that would land him in unexpected trouble.


Episode 3

नव्या गावी नव्याने व्यवसाय सुरु करणं, जम बसवणं अवघड होतं. भाऊंना शाळेत जाण्याचे वेध लागले होते. मात्र महापालिकेच्या शाळेची फीदेखील परवडत नव्हती. चिंचवडच्या फत्तेचंद जैन शाळेने भाऊंना शिक्षणाचा मार्ग खुला करुन दिला. It was difficult to start a new business and stabilise it in a new city. Bhau wanted to go to school but the family couldn't afford the fees even of the corporation-run school. His path to education was unlocked by Fatehchand Jain School in Chinchwad.


Episode 2

भाऊंचं बालपण वैभवात गेलं मात्र लवकरच नियतीची चक्रं फिरली आणि चोरडिया कुटुंबाचं भविष्य अंधारुन गेलं. मंदी वाढली, सोसायटीचं दिवाळं निघालं, जीवलगांचं निधन झालं... अशातच घरदार सोडून दुसरीकडे जाण्याचा निर्णय त्यांना घ्यावा लागला. Bhau enjoyed a prosperous childhood. But soon, destiny struck and the future of the Chordia family went through darkness. Recession set in, society went bankrupt and a few loved ones passed away... And in all of this, he had to decide to leave behind his home and move elsewhere.


Episode 1

प्रचंड मेहनत करुन, यशाचं शिखर गाठल्यावर भाऊ आपला सारा प्रवास आठवत आहेत. पारनेर गावापासून सुरु झालेली ही गोष्ट ते आपल्या सूनेला सांगू लागतात. Having earned a lot of success through immense hard work, Bhau is now chronicling his journey till now. He narrates his story to his daughter-in-law that started from a small village named Parner.


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