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​Heidi’s Lane with Heidi Powell

Author: Heidi Lane Powell

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Heidi's Lane with Heidi Powell: Where we dive into real stories, belly laugh moments, and heart-to-heart chats. Each episode will bring tons of vulnerability, the permission to start anew, inspiration to be in the present moment and finding joy in living life to the fullest. Tune in for unfiltered conversations that will make everyone feel seen, heard, and loved because at the end of the day, we’re all here to lift each other up and be in the driver’s seat of our own lives.
43 Episodes
In this heartfelt episode of Heidi's Lane, I had the pleasure of sitting down with my dear friend Keira Brinton, exploring our journeys of personal evolution, friendship, and embracing the shifts in our lives. It's been a ride of growth, where months feel like lifetimes, filled with tears, laughter, and breakthroughs.  As we conversed, it dawned on us how vital it is to honor our paths, no matter how they twist and turn. This talk isn't just a catch-up between friends; it's a beacon for anyone standing at the crossroads of change, reminding us all that it's okay to evolve, to change direction, and to be profoundly different than we were months ago.  Keira, with her wisdom and light, brings to the forefront the essence of being true to oneself, trusting the journey, and the power of deep, unconditional friendship. Together, we delve into the importance of asking, listening, and acting upon the whispers of our hearts, urging everyone to embrace their unique paths with courage and love. Here are the key moments from the episode: 4:50 Finding and trusting your path 7:45 The power of listening to your heart 11:00 3 step process for navigating life's challenges 26:25 The challenge of stuckness and how to move forward 39:45 Embracing the messiness of life Connect with Heidi! Website: Email: Instagram: @realheidipowell Facebook: Heidi Powell YouTube: @HeidiPowellNet Train with Heidi on her Show Up App!
In the grand finale of our “No Fail New Year” series, I poured my heart out about the game-changing power of mindset. This journey was more than just sharing tips; it was about unveiling the profound lessons that reshaped my life and, I hope, will touch yours too.  We've traversed through integrity, the tumults of overthinking, the essence of realistic expectations, and the stealthy thief of joy—comparison. In this episode,, I shared something deeply personal: The magic of "yet". This tiny word holds the key to transforming a fixed mindset—rooted in the belief that our talents and intelligence are static—into a growth mindset, where every challenge becomes a stepping stone to greater heights.  It's about shifting from a world where we're defined by what we achieve to one where we're celebrated for the courage to try, to grow, and to embrace every part of our journey.  My hope is that you see, in my story, the limitless potential within yourself to evolve, to learn, and to overcome. Let's not just dream of a better life; let's embark on this continuous journey of growth, together. Here are the key moments from the episode: 4:00 The role mindset plays in your life 9:00 A quick mindset exercise 15:40 Personal story of growth & mindset change 26:30 Difference between fixed and growth mindsets 30:45 Traits of a fixed mindset 32:15 Results of a fixed mindset 33:50 Traits of a growth mindset 35:05 Results of a growth mindset 39:15 4 ways to cultivate a growth mindset Connect with Heidi! Website: Email: Instagram: @realheidipowell Facebook: Heidi Powell YouTube: @HeidiPowellNet Train with Heidi on her Show Up App! book I discussed in this episode: Mindset (Carol Dweck):
In this episode of our No Fail New Year series, I dive deep into the shadows of comparison. As we journey through Part 4, I share the raw truths and personal reflections on how comparing our paths to others can silently steal our joy and dim our light.  Each moment of vulnerability, each story shared, is a step towards embracing our unique journey, acknowledging that while we may seek validation in numbers and comparisons, true fulfillment comes from within.  I invite you to reflect on your own battles with comparison, hoping to illuminate a path of self-acceptance and genuine happiness.  Join me in shedding the weight of comparison, and let's step into a space of self-love and appreciation for the unique journey each of us is on. Here are the key moments from the episode: 6:20 The pitfall of comparison 10:30 The negative impacts of comparison 19:00 How comparison has affected me 30:30 The costs of comparison 35:30 How comparison can be used as a positive 40:30 How to overcome negative comparison Connect with Heidi! Website: Email: Instagram: @realheidipowell Facebook: Heidi Powell YouTube: @HeidiPowellNet Train with Heidi on her Show Up App!
In today's episode, I dive into life's unpredictable journeys. I opened up about the rollercoaster of health scares and emotional upheavals that have recently dominated my world. From confronting the fear of a potential cancer diagnosis to navigating the complex web of medical opinions and tests, this period has been a testament to the power of vulnerability, faith, and the relentless pursuit of answers. Amidst the uncertainty, I've been reminded of the importance of listening to my body, advocating for my health, and leaning on the strength of community and divine guidance. As I continue to seek clarity and healing, this chapter is a profound reminder that our battles, though deeply personal, are shared by many. It's in these moments of openness that we find our collective strength, comfort, and the courage to face whatever lies ahead. Here are the key moments from the episode: 4:30 Reflecting on life's twists and turns 11:30 Getting closer to God 17:00 The moment I found a lump on my breast 28:45 Breast implant complications? 35:00 The neck ultrasound that changed my life 40:30 Initial diagnosis from the doctor 44:45 Breast implant illness signs to look out for 51:15 5 takeaways from my recent health scare Connect with Heidi! Website: Email: Instagram: @realheidipowell Facebook: Heidi Powell YouTube: @HeidiPowellNet Train with Heidi on her Show Up App!
In this episode of Heidi's Lane, which is part 3 of my “No Fail New Year” series, I open up about a struggle so many of us face: The ebb and flow of motivation and the daunting task of sticking to our goals. If you've ever felt like you're on a roller coaster of ambition, where one moment you're on top of the world and the next, you're questioning your every move, you're not alone. It's a journey I've been on too, and it's why this episode is so close to my heart.  Today, we're diving into the 5 stages of change, a transformative process that's essential for creating lasting results. These stages are the roadmap through the highs and lows, guiding us from fleeting motivation to profound, sustainable change.  Join me as we explore this journey together, uncovering the keys to navigating each stage and emerging triumphant. This isn't just about reaching goals; it's about reshaping our lives from the inside out. Here are the key moments from the episode: 4:00 If you’re feeling unmotivated here’s why 8:00 The important of setting realistic expectations 13:15 Kelley and Connor’s Emotional Cycle of Change 17:30 Stage 1: Uninformed Optimism 24:30 Stage 2: Informed Pessimism 28:00 Stage 3: Valley of Despair 36:15 Stage 4: Informed Optimism 40:45 Stage 5: Achieving success and fulfillment Connect with Heidi: Website: Email: Instagram: @realheidipowell Facebook: Heidi Powell YouTube: @HeidiPowellNet Train with Heidi on her Show Up App! The Kelley and Conner Emotional Cycle of Change graphic - Click link here
In this episode, I have the immense honor of chatting with a good friend of mine, Jack Canfield, a true luminary in personal growth and success. Jack shares his heartfelt wisdom on the power of believing in ourselves, facing our fears with courage, and the sheer beauty of gratitude.  His gentle guidance encourages us to embrace our journeys with love, joy, and the quiet strength that comes from knowing we are capable of incredible things. This conversation isn't just enlightening; it's a warm embrace for the soul, reminding us of the boundless potential within each of us.  Join us for some moments of pure inspiration and gentle encouragement to live our fullest lives. Here are the key moments from the episode: 4:30 The power of community and mentorship 10:30 How to tap into your intuition 14:30 A daily exercise that’ll improve your mindset 22:30 Why perseverance is so important 30:20 Your environment influences your success 37:00 The four stages of spiritual growth 43:45 How to get rid of fear for good Connect with Heidi! Website: Email: Instagram: @realheidipowell Facebook: Heidi Powell YouTube: @HeidiPowellNet Train with Heidi on her Show Up App! Books I mentioned in this episode: Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Success Principles: The Passion Test: The Magic of Surrender: 30-Day Sobriety Solution:
Welcome back to Heidi’s Lane, where in part 2 of our inspiring "No Fail New Year" series, I open up about the often-hidden struggle of overthinking, inviting you into my world of wrestling with the overwhelming power of our thoughts.  I get real about how the chaos of our minds can feel like an endless battle, but also how we can turn this into a victory march. I'm sharing my own experiences and insights on how positive thinking, staying true to ourselves, and personal growth are not just concepts but lifelines.  We'll explore together how our thoughts not just influence, but often dictate our emotions, actions, and ultimately the paths of our lives.  This episode is more than just a guide—it's a heart-to-heart conversation for anyone looking to break free from the chains of overthinking, reshape their narrative, and embrace a life filled with passion and purpose.  Join me as we dive into the transformative power of our thoughts and discover practical, relatable strategies to overcome the overthinking that often holds us back. Here are the key moments from the episode: 6:00 The deception of overthinking 10:30 Our thoughts lead to our destiny 16:30 What you didn’t know about our daily thoughts 31:30 Strategies to transform overthinking into positive actions 41:45 The subconscious influence on our thoughts 47:45 The power of positive self-talk 53:15 What you can do to reduce overthinking Connect with Heidi Website: Email: Instagram: @realheidipowell Facebook: Heidi Powell YouTube: @HeidiPowellNet Train with Heidi on her Show Up App! Here are the 4 books I spoke about in this episode: Soundtracks (Jon Acuff): Switch On Your Brain (Dr. Carolyn Leaf): The Power of Bad (Jon Tierney, Roy F. Baumeister): Let It Be Easy (Susie Moore):
In this episode, we’re kicking off our 5-part series called the “No Fail New Year” that focuses on achieving real, lasting change. Today, in part 1,  we're zeroing in on the magic of small, attainable goals and the incredible power of personal integrity.  Ever find yourself bogged down by huge resolutions only to feel defeated? This episode's for you. It’s all about setting those small, yet powerful promises to yourself—like brushing your teeth daily or working out for five minutes a day—and sticking to them.  I'll be sharing insights and tips from my own journey and those I've helped. It's about taking those tiny steps that lead to huge leaps in our emotional and mental well-being. This approach is more than just physical transformation; it's about building inner strength and resilience.  So, join me in embracing the first key to a successful year and remember: Every small step is a step towards a breakthrough. Here are the key moments from the episode: 6:30 The shocking research behind new year's resolutions 11:30 The concept of ‘No Fail New Year’ 23:30 How personal integrity is the cornerstone of transformation 41:30 Reasons why we struggle with personal integrity 50:00 The magic of making a ‘Power Promise’ 57:00 Setting goals and achieving them 1:00:30 How to fulfill your power promises Connect with Heidi! Website: Email: Instagram: @realheidipowell Facebook: Heidi Powell YouTube: @HeidiPowellNet Train with Heidi on her Show Up App!
This episode is a special one for me because I'm joined by the cutest, most adorable guests ever— two of my four kids, Cash and Ruby. This episode is all about our bedtime routine, a cherished ritual in our home. We explore emotions with our favorite emotions cards, unraveling each other's feelings. It's amazing how these simple cards spark such profound conversations.  Then, there's our bedtime meditation cards, a few moments that always bring us closer, imagining wild riptides or peaceful raindrops. We share, we laugh, we sometimes disagree. Hey, what's family life without a little chaos, right?! But above all, we connect, heart to heart, in these quiet, magical moments.  This episode isn't just about bedtime routines or parenting tips. It's about the raw, real, and beautifully messy journey of raising kids. So grab your headphones, and let's dive into this heartwarming adventure together. Here are the key moments from the episode: 9:30 Nighttime routine that brings me and my kids closer together 14:00 How to talk emotions with your kids with emotion cards 20:00 Talking through emotions with my kids 30:00 Bedtime meditation practice with my kids 37:30 Cash & Ruby Q&A 39:50 Favorite lessons I taught my kids, according to my kids Connect with Heidi! Website: Email: Instagram: @realheidipowell Facebook: Heidi Powell YouTube: @HeidiPowellNet Train with Heidi on her Show Up App! The cards I spoke about in this episode: Little Otter Emotions Deck - Little Otter Bedtime Cards -
In this episode of Heidi's Lane, I open up about my incredible journey and friendship with Drew Manning. Known for his remarkable fitness transformations and coaching, Drew's real charm lies in his vibrant soul and radiant energy.  Our conversation veers into the uniqueness of our friendship, defying common perceptions about relationships between men and women. We delve into how we've maintained a deep, platonic bond over the years, challenging the societal assumption that such friendships must have romantic or sexual undertones.  Throughout the episode, we share our insights on personal growth, the nuances of understanding oneself in relationships, and navigating the complexities of friendship and love in our forties. We discuss the importance of recognizing core values, setting boundaries, and finding a balance between being independent and allowing vulnerability in relationships.  Here are the key moments from the episode: 3:00 Mine and Drew’s friendship journey 6:00 How men and women can be JUST friends 20:00 How dating changes as you get older 29:00 Why self-awareness is required in relationships 40:00 The role of relationships in personal growth 50:00 The importance of self-love 57:30 What to do if you’re struggling with new year's resolutions 1:05:00 Training the brain to handle discomfort Connect with Heidi! Website: Email: Instagram: @realheidipowell Facebook: Heidi Powell YouTube: @HeidiPowellNet Train with Heidi on her Show Up App! Books I mentioned in this episode: What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing: How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk:
In this very powerful and engaging episode, I sit down with Bruce Pitcher, a renowned transformation coach, author of Larger Than Life, and inspirational figure from ABC's Extreme Weight Loss. We delve into Bruce's own remarkable journey of significant weight loss, losing over 200lbs and mental transformation, exploring the deep emotional shifts that accompany life-changing experiences.  Bruce's story, marked by resilience and a profound sense of gratitude, offers invaluable insights into personal growth and the power of a positive mindset.  Join us as we discuss the challenges and victories in the path to personal transformation, highlighting the importance of embracing our struggles and the beauty of human resilience. Here are the key moments from the episode: 4:00 Bruce Pitcher’s weight loss transformation 9:00 Defining true transformation 14:00 Cultivating a positive mindset 33:00 Finding gratitude in the simple things 41:00 Appreciating life's highs and lows 49:00 The importance of a daily gratitude practice Connect with Heidi! Website: Email: Instagram: @realheidipowell Facebook: Heidi Powell YouTube: @HeidiPowellNet Train with Heidi on her Show Up App!
In this special holiday episode of Heidi's Lane, we are joined by two very special people in my life: Lauri, my mother and Matix, my oldest son! Today we dive into the intimate world of family traditions and the poignant dance with grief during the holidays. My mom and I reminisce about cherished memories, like our lively Polish Christmas Eves and my dad's signature German chocolate cake. We laugh, share stories, and even shed a few tears, acknowledging the bittersweet absence of loved ones.  I also explore how traditions evolve, especially in the tapestry of a blended family, and the importance of finding joy in simplicity.  This episode is a raw, authentic journey through the joys and sorrows of holiday memories and traditions, inviting you to reflect on your own. Here are the key moments from the episode: 5:00 Family traditions and why they are important 11:30 Appreciating childhood memories 20:30 The importance of creating new traditions 26:30 Adapting traditions to life's changes 38:00 Our Polish Christmas Eve dinner tradition 53:50 Choosing memories over materialism 56:30 Dealing with grief during the holidays Connect with Heidi! Website: Email: Instagram: @realheidipowell Facebook: Heidi Powell YouTube: @HeidiPowellNet Train with Heidi on her Show Up App!
In this episode, I invite you into my world during a week that was nothing short of a rollercoaster. It's a heart-to-heart where I share 8 realizations that hit me hard but also brought me closer to truly understanding myself.  I talk about my battle with hair insecurities, the tangled emotions of being a mom in an emergency situation, and the journey towards loving myself a little more each day. This is my story of learning to find strength in my most vulnerable moments, to accept my flaws, and to grow through life's unpredictable twists and turns. This episode isn't just my story, though. It's a conversation about the experiences that shape us all. Let's inspire and empower each other, one honest word at a time. Here are the key moments from the episode: 5:15 Lesson 1: Self acceptance 18:15 Lesson 2: Releasing control 26:30 Lesson 3: Not everything deserves a response 31:30 Lesson 4: Ups are followed by downs 36:15 Lesson 5: Some things are not meant for us 38:00 Lesson 6: When it rains it pours 42:45 Lesson 7: The to-do list will always be there 45:15 Lesson 8: My hair does not define me Connect with Heidi! Website: Email: Instagram: @realheidipowell Facebook: Heidi Powell YouTube: @HeidiPowellNet Train with Heidi on her Show Up App!
In this episode, which is part 2 of the conversation I had with my best friend Keira a few months ago, I share my personal journey through the maze of relationships, highlighting the power of self-awareness and the need for strong, balanced partnerships akin to two pillars supporting a bridge.  I also open up about my struggles with anxious and avoidant attachment styles and how they've shaped my interactions in love and relationships. The heart of our discussion lies in the transformative process of emotional “rewiring,” where I delve into the importance of breaking free from destructive patterns, learning to love yourself, and the quest for a partner who truly resonates with your energy and values your uniqueness. Here are the key moments from the episode: 2:00 Your relationship is like a bridge 8:00 Attachment styles and how it affects relationships 20:30 What happened on my 90-day “man fast” 27:15 What I’m looking for in my next relationship 33:45 A quote that you will feel deep in your core #relationships #relationshipadvice #relationshiptips #selfawareness #selflove #partner #couples #couplestips #vulnerability #support #partnership Connect with Heidi! Website: Email: Instagram: @realheidipowell Facebook: Heidi Powell YouTube: @HeidiPowellNet Train with Heidi on her Show Up App!
Starting over can be tough, right? It often comes after something didn't work out or someone moved on and that's hard.  But here's the thing: It's also a chance to reset.  Today, my best friend, Keira, and I talk in depth about this. Throughout my life, I feel like I’ve experienced it all…Divorce, death, failed business ventures, you name it, I’ve most likely experienced it. But what has taken me years to understand was the other side of starting over. It's about taking that tough spot you're in and turning it into a fresh start. Sure, it's scary and challenging, but it's also full of crazy possibilities.  You're not just starting from scratch; you're using everything you've learned and you’re starting again. It's about growth, learning, and moving forward.  So, give it a listen. It might just change how you see starting over with a fresh perspective. Here are the key moments from the episode: 5:20 The power of setting boundaries 9:45 Why you need to stop dimming your light for others 14:30 Your energy is your gift 29:40 Starting over is your greatest experience 33:45 Becoming your highest self 40:00 Best life advice tip you’ve ever heard 48:00 Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard 52:30 Starting over is hard but rewarding #startingover #selfdiscovery #selfimprovement #selfawareness #grief #divorce #mindset #openmind #failedbusinesses #business #heidipowell Connect with Heidi! Website: Email: Instagram: @realheidipowell Facebook: Heidi Powell YouTube: @HeidiPowellNet Train with Heidi on her Show Up App!
In today's fast-paced world, many people find themselves swamped with an overwhelming amount of tasks and commitments. This constant busyness often leaves them struggling to effectively set goals, let alone maintain the motivation needed to achieve them.  I'm here to help with that. In this invigorating podcast episode, Jon Acuff, known for his tricks and tools for achieving any goal (and I mean ANY goal!), unpacks the essence of goal setting, fostering motivation, and the power of positive thinking.  As he shares his unique perspective, you will discover how to navigate life's challenging "middles," craft a robust motivation portfolio, and harness the power of small, actionable steps in your journey towards self-fulfillment.  This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to understand the intricacies of personal growth and the practical tools to turn aspirations into realities. Here are the key moments from the episode: 5:30 What to do if your motivation is dwindling 7:30 Why you need to build a motivation portfolio 12:45 Quickest hack to taking action on a goal 23:00 How to set goals without clarity 24:45 Things Jon Acuff wish he knew earlier 27:15 Jon Acuff’s tips for writing a book 30:30 The solution to overthinking #jonacuff #author #bestsellingauthor #Soundtracks #overthinking #goals #goalsetting #settinggoals #motivation #motivated #howtostaymotivated Connect with Heidi! Website: Email: Instagram: @realheidipowell Facebook: Heidi Powell YouTube: @HeidiPowellNet Train with Heidi on her Show Up App! Where you can find out more about Jon Acuff: Website: YouTube channel: @AuthorJonAcuff Instagram: @jonacuff
In this deeply personal episode, I talk about my journey through motherhood. I confront the shadows of self-judgment and comparison that haunt so many of us moms.  The constant battle against the nagging feeling that I'm not doing enough, the relentless comparisons with other moms who seem to have it all together—it's a cycle that's as exhausting as it is unending.  And then, there's the overthinking, the fear that maybe I'm not a good enough parent.  But here's the truth I've learned: Embracing my imperfections and letting go of these self-imposed limitations is key.  It's not about being the perfect mom; it's about being the best mom I can be for my kids at any given time.  And in this video, I share how I'm learning to do just that. Here are the key moments from the episode: 2:00 The struggles of motherhood 4:30 Questioning my worthiness as a mom 8:30 Motherhood is the ultimate creation 15:30 Why motherhood is meant to be messy 20:30 My regrets as a mom 29:30 Why you need to release the mom guilt to be a better parent 33:15 Finding those little pockets of joy in motherhood 43:00 The overthinking cycle all moms go through 49:40 Tips for moms when the kids are leaving the nest 54:00 An exercise to do with your kids every single day 58:00 Stop judging yourself based on the “Instagram moms” 1:05:45 My advice for all moms out there Join me on my couch as Keira and I discuss the messiness of motherhood and how in order to be the best mom you can be, you need to be exactly who you are and be ok with it. #motherhood #mother #mom #goodmom #singlemom #parent #parenting #goodparenting #singlemomtips #parenttips Connect with Heidi! Website: Email: Instagram: @realheidipowell Facebook: Heidi Powell YouTube: @HeidiPowellNet Train with Heidi on her Show Up App! The two products I referenced in this episode are below: Little Tree book: Emotion cards:
In this episode, I share why I nearly hit the pause button on this podcast—driven by the dual forces of online bullying and the internal battles waging in my own mind. It's a raw and real journey through the shadows of our fears, my struggle against the relentless onslaught of bullying, the self-doubt that haunts us, and the feeling of “stuckness” by being trapped in our own thoughts. Just as I was ready to abandon my calling from God to do this show, a dear friend's candid reminder turned the tide. She reminded me that it's not about having all the answers or doing things perfectly. It's about being real, sharing the unvarnished truth of our experiences, and simply being ourselves. Here are the key moments from the episode: 6:30 How my insecurities lead me down a dark path 11:45 Why I almost quit the podcast 23:30 How podcasting has given me permission to be me 28:30 My first real experience of online bullying & how I responded 38:40 Discovering the purpose of life  47:20 My Human Design reminded me of who I am Join me on my couch as I call on everyone listening to embrace vulnerability and refuse to let negative self-talk obstruct your path to embracing the divine within you. Connect with Heidi! Website: Email: Instagram: @realheidipowell Facebook: Heidi Powell YouTube: @HeidiPowellNet Train with Heidi on her Show Up App! The book I mentioned in the podcast: Hope for the Flowers by Trina Paulus -
In this deeply personal and uplifting episode, join me and my longtime friend, Keira Brinton, as I navigate the tender realms of the heart. My journey of love took a dramatic pause earlier this year with the passing of my best friend, a chapter that closed with heartache but also opened doors to uncharted territories of self-love and acceptance. As the days turned into months, the silence in his absence became a canvas for reflection, leading me to the most unexpected yet beautiful realization: It’s time to date again. But not in the way you might think. Today, I’m sharing my journey of dating myself, rediscovering the joy in my own company, and learning to love the woman I've become through the triumphs and tribulations. It’s raw, it’s real, and it’s a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Here are the key moments from the episode: 6:00 My experience with an erotic dancing class 13:30 Discovering what my true superpower for others is 20:00 My open and honest new relationship 40:20 The one person that completely flipped how I saw myself 45:00 There’s a time to teach and a time to learn 51:45 The conversation that will heal all women 1:10:00 The 7 date challenge that’ll change your life Join me on my couch as I navigate the realms of self-dating, transforming loss into a catalyst for rediscovery, and proving that the most profound love stories are the ones we write with ourselves. #loss #grief #dating #lovelife #mentalhealth #mindset #transformation #love #loveyourself Connect with Heidi! Website: Email: Instagram: @realheidipowell Facebook: Heidi Powell YouTube: @HeidiPowellNet Train with Heidi on her Show Up App!
In today’s episode, I'm baring my soul, pulling back the curtain on the questions YOU have been yearning to ask. Every day, from the messages of friends, family, and followers, I feel your curiosity, your concerns, and your care. Today, I’m answering some of the questions that have resonated most with me and giving you the unfiltered truths behind them. You’ve asked about the intensity of creation, the weight of consistent creativity. You’ve messaged about my transformative experience at a “no cell phone” retreat. Many of you have sought insights on navigating the tides of change and aging as a mother. But there's one question, echoing louder and more persistent than the rest: How have I been holding up since the heart-wrenching loss of Dave earlier this year? Addressing this feels like reopening a wound that's trying to heal, but I recognize the genuine care in your voices. Here are the key moments from the episode: 7:30 The pressure of creation 14:00 A book that EVERYONE needs to read 17:45 How am I after Dave’s passing? 33:30 Finding my way back to creation 41:05 My experience at a “no cell phone” retreat 56:30 The question that changed my life as a mom 1:03:00 What moms need to understand about getting older Join me on my couch as I invite you in, closer than ever, sharing the raw journey of my grief, my healing, and where my heart finds itself now. Connect with Heidi! Website: Email: Instagram: @realheidipowell Facebook: Heidi Powell YouTube: @HeidiPowellNet Train with Heidi on her Show Up App! Products I mentioned in this episode: Little tree by Loren Long:- Meditation Cards Set 1: Meditation Cards Set 2: