
<span><br /></span><p style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; line-height: 30px; font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; font-weight: normal;"><span><img alt="" src="http://image.xmcdn.com/group50/M02/D4/DB/wKgKnVvFumWg6dTwAAE8SDBwl7Q097.png?op_type=4&device_type=ios&upload_type=attachment&name=mobile_large" /><br />【加多纳微信号<span><span>duona333</span>,</span>获得名师亲自指导,还可以和成千上百个家庭一起进行亲子英文的学习。本系列音频来自新东方大愚出版的《我的<span>100</span>首英语主题儿歌书》,粘贴复制<span><a style="text-decoration: none; color: #4990E2;">http://weidian.com/item.html?itemID=1611164867</a></span>进行购买。购买时,提出“多纳推荐”可以获得多纳小贴纸一套。】 </span> </p><span><br /></span><span><br /></span>





Fat and Thin What is fat? What is thin? The pig is fat. The goat is thin. Who is fat? Who is thin? The man is fat. The woman is thin.



What is Yellow? Yellow!What is yellow? Oh,the sun is yellow. Sunflowers are yellow,too. Sunflowers follow the sun. Yellow!What is yellow? Oh,my unbrella is yellow. Oh,my boots are yellow,too. I love rainy days.



Alphabet Z Z! Z is for zoo. Let's go to the zoo. The bus runs in zigzags. Running in zigzags is fun. Z! Z is for zebra. Look! There are zebras. Zebras dance in zigzags. Dancing in zigzags is fun. 重点字词 zigzag-曲折地前进 zebra-斑马



Alphabet Z Z! Z is for zoo. Let's go to the zoo. The bus runs in zigzags. Running in zigzags is fun. Z! Z is for zebra. Look! There are zebras. Zebras dance in zigzags. Dancing in zigzags is fun. 重点字词 zigzag-曲折地前进 zebra-斑马



Alphabet Y Y! Y is for yak. The yak is hungry. Give the yak yams. The yak likes yams. Y! Y is for yacht. The yacht is very big. Y! Y is for yo-yo. A boy plays with the yo-yo. 重点字词 yak-牦牛 yam-甘薯、白薯 yo-yo-溜溜球 yacht-帆船



Alphabet Y Y! Y is for yak. The yak is hungry. Give the yak yams. The yak likes yams. Y! Y is for yacht. The yacht is very big. Y! Y is for yo-yo. A boy plays with the yo-yo. 重点字词 yak-牦牛 yam-甘薯、白薯 yo-yo-溜溜球 yacht-帆船



Alphabet X X! X is for fox. A fox is coming. X! X is for box. A fox holds a box. X! X is for ox. An ox is coming. X! X is for box. An ox holds a box. 重点字词 fox-狐狸 ox-牛 box-盒子



Alphabet X X! X is for fox. A fox is coming. X! X is for box. A fox holds a box. X! X is for ox. An ox is coming. X! X is for box. An ox holds a box. 重点字词 fox-狐狸 ox-牛 box-盒子



Alphabet W W! W is for window. Open the window. W! W is for woods. Let's go to the woods. W! W is for well. There is a white well. W! W is for water. Drink the fresh water. 重点字词 window-窗户 open the window-打开窗户 water-水 well-井 drink the fresh water-饮水



Alphabet W W! W is for window. Open the window. W! W is for woods. Let's go to the woods. W! W is for well. There is a white well. W! W is for water. Drink the fresh water. 重点字词 window-窗户 open the window-打开窗户 water-...



Alphabet V V! V is for violin. There is a violet violin. The violin is very old. The violin is very big. The violin makes magic. Listen to the violin. It makes you sing. It makes you dance. 重点字词 violin-小提琴 violet violin-紫...



Alphabet V V! V is for violin. There is a violet violin. The violin is very old. The violin is very big. The violin makes magic. Listen to the violin. It makes you sing. It makes you dance. 重点字词 violin-小提琴 violet violin-...



Alphabet U U! U is for umbrella. It begins to rain. Pick up your umbrella. Open your umbrella. Share your umbrella with your friend. Oh, it stops raining. Close your umbrella. 重点字词 umbrella-雨伞 open your umbrella-打开雨伞 close your umbrella-收起雨伞



Alphabet U U! U is for umbrella. It begins to rain. Pick up your umbrella. Open your umbrella. Share your umbrella with your friend. Oh, it stops raining. Close your umbrella. 重点字词 umbrella-雨伞 open your umbrella-打开雨伞 close your umbrella-收起雨伞



Police Officers "I Iost my way! Please, help me!" Don't worry. Police officers help you. "A traffic accident! Please, help us!" Don't worry. Police officers help you.



Alphabet T T! T is for Toy. Welcome to my toy shop. What's your favorite toy? Choose what you want. This is a toy car. This is a toy train. This is a toy plane. This is a teddy bear. 重点字词 boll-球 robot-机器人 toy train-玩具火车 toy car-玩具汽车 toy plane-玩具飞机 teddy bear-泰迪熊 toy horse-玩具马



Alphabet T T! T is for Toy. Welcome to my toy shop. What's your favorite toy? Choose what you want. This is a toy car. This is a toy train. This is a toy plane. This is a teddy bear.



Alphabet S S! S is for Sun. The sun looks at sunflowers. The sun smiles at sunflowers. The sun loves sunflowers. S! S is for Sunflowers. Sunflowers look at the sun. Sunflowers smile at the sun. Sunflowers love the sun. 重点字词 sunflower-向日葵 smile-微笑


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