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【英语播客】Yeah, Why Not Podcast

Author: 是Ling也是凌

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Yeah, Why Not Podcast 是一个由我(Ling)主持的个人英语播客节目。我会在节目中分享自己对于世界的看法,和大家一起讨论学习。我会经常邀请来自其他国家的朋友们参加节目,一起分享不同的经验和文化,打破刻板印象。正如节目标题Yeah,Why Not,勇敢的去经历因为就算失败也不会太糟。我是Ling希望能和你们一起进步,一起经历。

Yeah, Why Not Podcast is an English podcast program hosted by myself (Ling). I will share my views on the world in the show and discuss and study with you guys. I will invite my friends from other countries to participate in my shows, share different experiences and cultures, and break stereotypes. Just like the title of the show "Yeah, Why Not " Go try things that you wanna do cuz you got nothing to lose. I'm Ling. Hope to become a better person with you.

28 Episodes
Vol.28 | Uncertainty

Vol.28 | Uncertainty


This episode is mindblowing , i shared some of my thoughts about AI technology , hope you guys enjoy it~
评论区告诉我哪一首你们最喜欢!!!1. Sofa King - Royel Otis2. Cherimoya - Jordan Ward3. Danger - Olivia Dean4. iMi - Bon Iver5.Backpack - Samrecks
Music: Prescription by Remi Wolf
Music: Just Say'n by BlxstWe were both sick in this episode so our voice was not in the best condition. But it's a great opportunity for you guys to listen to my sick low voice lol, kidding.  Hope y'all like this one and enjoy~Arina's 小红书: Arina 阿丽娜
最近搬家了,其实也挺突然的之前本来想着再在这个地方住下去,主要是懒得去找房子又累有麻烦(如果有过租房经历你懂我什么意思T-T),所以分享一下这次搬家的一个感受吧,也update一下最近的生活。对啦!!! Arina开了一个小红书账号,大家都去关注! 她平时会发一些日常和她画的画和拍的照片等等自己喜欢的东西。Little Red Book: Arina 阿丽娜
Vol.22 | WE ARE BACK

Vol.22 | WE ARE BACK


Happy to be back! I did this episode with Arina, she recently came to China so we finally made it offline in my little studio. And more interesting episodes are coming. Stay tuned! Don't forget to LIKE SHARE COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE, love y'all~
网易云搜索哈,个别歌在其他音乐平台搜索可能搜不到。1.On My Way-Lord's Child / Madison Ryann Ward / Montell Fish2.Normal people-Joji3.Dramatic-Cat&Camell其中组合成员之一Cat有一个B站频道,也强烈推荐!!!B站:cat雨馨4.Gravity-John Mayer5.The Highs & The Lows-Chance the Rapper / Joey Bada$$
本期节目是硅谷英语真人外教平台Cambly与「Yeah,Why Not Podcast」一起推出的【CHILL TALK】特别企划,特邀Cambly平台来自英美澳加母语外教交流有趣经历,让我们⼀起聆听海外文化,感受世界之声。PS:下文有WHY NOT听友专属免费外教课福利~【WHY NOT 听友福利】1、现在下载Cambly APP 或者登录Cambly网页官网,注册登录后输入WHY NOT的听友专属推荐码【ling2022】,即可直接获得免费20分钟外教体验课时!2、领取后可直接筛选有空时间并且搜索关键词:IELTS\BUSINESS\MOVIE等感兴趣话题匹配外教进行预约对话~也可以采用Cambly才有的功能:即时通话寻找在线外教进行对话练习哦!3、如果感兴趣想要长期订阅外教课的小伙伴可以再用:new2cam这个code进行输入享受月度折扣进行体验~折合一节30分钟课不到45元,可以说是性价比很高了!【Cambly心得】很开心第一次就能跟Cambly进行品牌合作! !试用了Cambly之后,会觉得「啊怎么自己小时候没有这种产品!」可以随时随地(真的是随时随地,手机版很方便) 跟世界各地的英文老师交流练英语口语,就算只有15分钟也能练�外教推荐:
Vol.19 | shower

Vol.19 | shower


Vol.18 | I graduated

Vol.18 | I graduated


Guess who already graduated !Music: Head In The Clouds by Hayd
Music : Self Control - Frank Ocean
Haha No room tour but got two lil pictures of the room for you guys.My thoughts about living alone for the first week. Music : Love you more than myself - Montell fish
 INTRO:Hey, what's up guys?Welcome to my podcast YeahWhyNot. If you like watching right now.Don't forget to subscribe like share and comment.I really appreciate your support and enjoy your episode.MAIN TRANSCRIPT:Hey guys, what's up now?It's the last day of 2021 and tonight I'm going to celebrate the new year with my roommates.Yay actually, Oh my God,I feel kind of tired and It's super cold outside.I don't know what will happen tonight.I hope everything will be fine and tomorrow I need to work.Oh my God but yes,who cares, right? OK, so basically tonight we'll just go to the city center.Probably there will be like,you know, New year party and stuff.I'm not sure if they will have it becausemaybe they canceled it,and because of the pandemic I know and if they have it probably they will have like the countdown eventlike oh like 321 Happy New year! Yeah, and if they have it will just go there do something and then after that we just go to eat hot pot 海底捞and then probably we'll just go back or do something else.I don't know, but we need to be really carefuland I will take care of myself.Wear a mask and do all the things you know.Try to avoid crowds, 'cause it's still kind of dangerous to go out.Actually I feel kinda you know,not sure if everything will work well,like because maybe we can't go out.Everything is canceled. Yeah, let's see if you guys will go out and just have fun with your friends.Celebrate the new year. Make sure you take care of yourself,OK? OK, let's back to today's topic.The previous episode i thought that was,you know, last episode of this year,but I saw a comment said that oh,you should do a new year resolution and I was like Oh yeah,why not like you know I'm gonna do New Year resolutions anyway,because I will do it every year like you know so why not just do it with you guys this year right?I can share my new year resolutions with you guys.That's good right? So let's do it.I'm not sure if you guys have this habit.At the end of every year or the beginning of a new year,you would just write the things that you wantto do for this whole year.Like your new year resolutions,if you have it, you can write it down andshare with us in the comments.If you don't have it.I hope he can do it this year,right? Things you want to do for this whole yearand share with us in the comment.And actually after one year you can come back to thisepisode to check you know what things you did,what things you you know you failed to do?That's that's great, right?I mean making a New Year resolution.I don't know since when maybe afterI went to college it has become something like,you know something as a ritual for me like I will do every year.And it's not like I'm making rules or limits formy this whole year.It's not like I need tofinish all of them if I don't blah blah blah.I'll be really bad. I feel bad something like that.No, it's just like I'm writing them down the thingsI wish myself I can do.And I will check this list.Over and over again to remind myself and push myselfto do them,to improve, to become better.I think it's a good thing,even though I'm at the end,I didn't do anything or I didn't finish all of them.It's still OK. I will just keep doing the next yearright?Doesn't matter and don't think like.For example, you're writing down.I'm do go to gym three times a week.And there's one week you just went to one time.And you'd be like, oh,I already fucked up .I'm not gonna keep with this list.I just, you know, give up.No, it's not like that.OK, this week I just went one one time.It's OK. Next week I'll go three times again andjust keep doing it right.It's not like you fail and you give up.No, just keep doing. Keep pushing yourself.To become better. So it's really a good thing for me.I think for everybody. Yeah,so I wish I can see you guys new yearresolution in the comments.OK alright I'm gonna share my new year resolutions.I have 10 things here.The first one. I remember just one last year Iwrote it to read 10 books.If you checked my. The episode called How Reading is Changing Me.I wrote it. I mentioned it there.I wrote this on my New Year resolutions of this year,yeah To be honest, right now it's the last dayof this year I I think I read my books.Not 10, I didn't read 10 books,but it's still OK. This year I'm going to keepdoing it doesn't matter.Alright, so read 10 books first one.The second one is share Every book I read with you guys.It's like I would just,you know. While reading I would take some reading notesand after that after I finish a book I willjust do one episode about that book.I will share my reading notes,my opinions, and what I've learned in this book.And what's the authors Uh opinion.Something like that with you guys.So if you are interested you can check it later.That's good, right? So this is a new thing.I added to my list for this year.And the third one is start my own video channel.I wanted to do this for a really long time.And actually I tried many times this year,but I failed. I just feel so awkward and unnatural,uncomfortable to speak in front of camera.It's so awkward. Oh my God,I try it like a couple of times.And after that I watched myself in the video.Oh, I'm like you know robot,I don't know how to speak it's really awkward sothat's why I start my podcast because I don't haveto show my face in front of camera.I can just speak. It's much easier for me.But this year, no next year,the new Year. 2022 I wanna try it again.I'm gonna try harder practice more and also my girlfriendwill probably come back.I can do something with her like you know wecan do some things together.Maybe vlog or pranks. Yeah,all those things. And you know if I have someonein my video talk to me.I think it's much easier for me.Yeah I'm not sure alright.The fourth one is for my podcast.I wish for next year the new Year.My podcast can get 10K subscribers.I know it's super hard for me.10K is a lot. But I will keep doing andkeep improving my podcast,but it's still OK if I don't get 10K atend of next year it's alright,but I wish right the fifth one.I will start to learn a new language.Which is Russian. Actually, before I learned Spanish for oneyear and I dropped it because it's really hard.And also I lost my,you know motivation and interest in that language.Spanish is super beautiful. And I love it.Actually, in the beginning my Spanish teacher .She's really good. But later on we changed the teacherand the second teacher.I don't really like her teaching methods and stuff.So I just it's kind of boring for me.I just drop in and I was really busy todo a lot of things.Other things, you know, my studying stuff so I just drop it.Maybe later I'll keep learning it,I don't know. But next year I'm going to learn Russian.Because. You know my girlfriend.She lives in Russia and I wanna talk to her family.They only speak Russian. oh no they speak Russian andArmenian.But yeah, I wanted to know it too.Talk with them a little bit.I'm not saying like in this year I will reach a really high level of this language.No, I'm just going to learn some basic stuff.Hopefully I can speak some,you know, daily conversation. That'll be awesome,right? OK. 6th one is for my personal finance.I'm really interested in investment,so I was watching a lot of videos and learningabout it,but I'm still a beginner.I'm buying stocks right now.So I hope this year I will keep learning howto invest and then my stocks can gain.I don't know 10% profits.I hope. Yeah. Yeah, I just hope that I can,you know, improve my Invest skills.Just this is my wish.And I think everyone as a young people.You need to learn how to invest.I'm not saying you should do it,but you should at least learn how to do it.Learn what is that you should have your own financial plan,how to manage your money and stuff right?I think it's important for you to know when you're at a young age.Because later on you will earn more money and youneed to know how to deal with your money todo different things.It's very good for you.OK, the 7th. Is meditates.I wanna three times a week.I'll do meditation three times a week or something.Yes, three times a week or whenever after nearest.Yeah, I think it's kind of hard.OK the 8th one is go to sleep earlier.This is a huge problem.My sleep problem. Damn my average time to go tosleep in 2021.I think it's around 1:00 AM to.2:00 AM so for trying to time to I wantto go to sleep earlier.Hope I can go to sleep around 12.Yeah. I know it's still late,but it's really hard for me and hopefully I cango to sleep before 12,like around 12. That would be the best.OK, the 9th. Is for my.Workout, go to gym stuff.I want to I hope I can go to doexercise 3 hours every week.Three hours is like. If I go to gym everytime I go to gym,I just go one hour so he's like three times a week.I think it's not hard for me.Alright, the last one is I want to have a family trip.I really missed that part,'cause I don't even remember when is the last time I travel.I go travel with my family with my mom,my sister. I don't know.It's. I don't remember. So for next year I wishwe can go together.And I wish my girlfriend can come with us.We can go traveling together.And I want to win to Rena.Oh my God, that's it's so pretty.I went there. 2019 such a beautiful place in the world.It's like heaven. Oh my God,I love that. So I want to go back thereand eat some food and traveling.Relax. Enjoy the time with my family.OUTRO:OK, that is the 10 things I want to doin my new year.And I hope you guys can share yours in the comment.And happy New Year. I'll see you next time.Take care guys bye bye.
Vol.13 | I AM > i was

Vol.13 | I AM > i was


I AM > i wasINTRO:Hey what’s up guys!!! Welcome back to my podcast YeahWhyNot.  If you like what you hearing right now Don’t forget to subscribe like share and comment.I really appreciate your support.MAIN TRANSCRIPT:I Saw a meme a couple days ago. It’s like a girl with a confused face and a lot question marks and it said that it’s already the end of 2021? I’m telling ya it’s me. Omg it’s so fast ! After a few days it will be 2022. I wanna say an early Happy new year to you guys I wish you all the best ,live a fullfilling life in 2022,achieve your goals and remember i’m here with you. Today this episode will be the last one last episode of 2021.This episode will be like summarize my whole year 2021.This year has been great and at the same time, there’s a lot of tough time for me. It’s kinda stressful but i learned a lot,and i have gained a lot of things i really appreciate everything i have right now. I’m really thankful to all the people including you guys. Yeah so it’s kinda like a year episode related to what i have been thru and what i have learned.And we gotta keep going cuz time will not wait for anyone. Before we start this episode’s topic i wanna talk a little about the title I AM bigger than or stronger than whatever you call it i was. Actually the title i got inspired by an album. It’s an album by 21 savage . He is a great rapper. If you are interested go check him out.Aight first i wanna talk about....    Let me tell you this whole year , this year is much different from last year 2020,even though it’s still in pandemic, there’s a such huge difference between this year and last year like 2020 is a totally blank paper for my memory i literally don’t remember anything except i met my girlfriend last yearit was probably one of the most beautiful and amazing time in my life but other than that nothing else i remember. So it was super fast for me, now when i’m looking back the most things i remember was in 2019. What happened in 2019 seems like just yesterday and my brain just skipped 2020 automaticallycuz for me most of the time i was quarantine at home. And In the end of 2019 i made a lot of friends and we were travelling and hanging out. When i talk with them right now we are like yeah that was really fun i hope to see you guys soon againbut it’s already 2 years ago when i’m thinking about it right now it’s like yesterday not long time ago. Because after that i didn’t do a lot of things and suddenly boom it’s now already the end of 2021. This how i think about this two year. But 2021 is a little bit different it’s not like nothing happened. I can feel myself learned a lot in this year. Especial mentally. The first three months of this year from January to Marchit was probably the worst time in this year cuz i was super anxious and stressed out i feel like every day i was over thinking and worried about a lot of things especially my future. Cuz at that time i was in the last semester before i enter my last year of university. The anxiety controlled my brain i feel like i didn’t learn anything for this whole 3 years,and i’m not good at my major i don’t know what i will do after i graduate and i don’t know what will happen and what to expect,my whole mind was super negative.  It was really tough for me , and also because of this during those time me and my girlfriend were always kinda arguing or we both were not in the mood to talk.And later i calm down a little i just realized that my life was in a mess.My study my relationship and so on ...  So i started to reorganize my life explore my self , i felt the pain i felt the anxiety i felt the fear inside of me,i felt all the emotions. And I don’t know what to do with them. They are making me feel weak and hard to breathe. So i took the advice of my girlfriend to read some books.  i started to read books from March till Now. But now it’s not like before i was reading for like 6 hours probably everyday now i don’t read as much as before ,most of the books i read them from March to June. I was reading books related to self-help ,self-improvement and some spiritual stuff. So that’s where i really calm myself down and feel my emotions. Like just to feel them without judging and analyzing. Observing their existence in my mind. And then i realized that there is no good or bad ones. They are all the same , they are just my feelings. And the feelings that i have right now doesn’t represent anything. For example i feel anxious now it doesn’t mean that the things im anxious about right now will become worse later. So i just moved my focus from my emotions to the things that i was doing at that time. And whenever emotions i have i will just try to feel them first and then just let them go. It actually helped me a lot during those days. When i feel like i’m totally at the moment right now not thinking about something else,everything around me becomes beautiful , i see the trees i hear the birds chriping  people’s talking everything are such pretty things for me and i am really thankful to see and hear them ,i just feel like i’m back to life again. So this is probably one of the most important thing i have learned this year, but it’s not like i’m already a master of controlling my emotions now. Nah still some time i feel my mind my emotions are dominating me. But at least i’m aware of it i’m being conscious when it happens. And i think to reach the level where you can really being conscious about your emotions and feelings and don’t let them affect you. It takes time probably many years i don’t know. But definitely not one year. So after that i felt much easier and i can really focus on something i need to do.  And sometimes i will be reviewing myself, i will rewind my day like the tape so that i can see where i did well where i can do better.   But as i’m getting busy  everyday ,a lot of things like my work my study my personal life. I just can’t find a balance among them. And this is making me feel like my life is in a mess. I don’t know how to balance them they are all important to me. This is also the thing after i grow up i realized that when you are a kid you are innocent naive that is probably the happiest period of your life. All the things that kids need to do is play and study.They don’t worry about nothing .But for me i’m still a student my life mostly is about studying . So if i didn’t do well in my study i will just think i’m a loser i’m bad at everything. I will not have any opportunities to do better in other parts of my life.I don’t know if you guys have this feeling but i do. So i tried to find the balance,i was kinda like brainwash myself that my life is not only about studying,other parts are also really important.i have my friends i have my work i have my girlfriend my family. They all need me ,too.I should deal with all of them in a balance. I believe that a healthy and good lifestyle is a well-balanced lifestyle. Spending some time with myself with my family with my loved ones i might lose some time and energy to work or to do other things but i know in a long term it will give me a good benefit back to my life. Sometimes i’m busy and i just forgot there’s a lot of people love me supporting me and i’m just ignoring them. And to be honest i’m busy it’s just an excuse. Just because i didn’t do well to deal with different things in my life.But it’s not like i will blame myself, no ,everyone will experience this period of time it’s a process where you become more mature from a boy to a grown man, i’m still learning. Sometimes i just need to be more gentle to myself ,don’t push myself too hard ,take a break,and it’s ok if i fucked up here next time i can do better or i can do something else. Okay another thing that i’m happy about in 2021 is thati overcome myself finally start my own podcast.I was really doubting and over thinking about it. I was always put it off. But i did it! Just like my first episode’s title be brave,care less. Actually every episode is a conversation with you guys but also a conversation to myself. I hope you guys can be brave and care less and i hope i can do the same. Every topic is the same. I’m happy that i started it and it’s going much better than i expected. But there’s many times i was checking how many subscribers i have everyday and how many comments likes, and i started to think what i  can do to get more subscribers, what topic i should talk about so people will be interested. To be honest there are some episodes i was already recording but later i stopped cuz i feel like that was not me. The reason i started this podcast is because i wanna share my thoughts my life with people but it should be me not the one i’m pretending or i’m acting. Or sometimes i will be thinking i should create a better content that can deliver some useful information or interesting things. Otherwise i don’t deserve your time on me and stuff. Until one day there’s one comment said that she really likes this kind of form of talking just like a friend , even though most of the time i’m just talking about nonsense. I realized that maybe this is why you guys followed me you guys like my podcast. We are constantly learning things maybe you just wanna come here listen to my podcast to kill time or just to relax not to learn something.And i don’t wanna be like i’m teaching or telling you what is right.Because i’m just like you we are the same. But for whatever your reasons are i’m just gonna remember why i started it and keep doing it keep improving my content. And thank you guys for joining me. Yeah that’s probably my year 2021. Ofc there are much more than that a lot of happy moments and sad moments , what about you guys ? How’s your 2021 tell me in the comment. Use one to three word to describe your 2021. But i wanna say no matter this year has been good or bad for you,it’s already in the past. Look forwards there’s still a long way for us to go to explore. There are still a lot of people that love and support you. Be kind to people around you and
INTRO:What’s up guys! Welcome back to my podcast YWN. If you like what you are hearing right now plz subscribe share comment ,anything helps and enjoy your episode.Main Transaction:Recently here in Ningbo,there are some BI#. Some of the people got BI#.I think It’s  like a town in the north part of Ningbo it’s not in the city center but still the BI#.And my school is closed ,too. We can’t go out.I feel like everyone is kinda nervous about it this time.The number keeps going up. People are wearing BI# again.And all those public places we need to keep one meter BI#. I just hope everything will be fine soon. Cuz you know the winter holiday is coming i gotta go back home.And i don’t want to when i go back home i need to BI# in a hotel room. Damn that’s just terrible i don’t wanna do that.So let’s pray. Let’s pray everything will be fine. And i heard about that BI# came back from Shanghai.And they BI# and stuff. After that it’s kinda like a BI#. After i woke up that day i was checking my Wechat moments and everyone was reposting that BI#. I was like omg really? here? And people are really nervous about it.The last time people are really nervous about it.It’s probably last year. Cuz you know even though there are always some BI# showing up but here it’s the first time after almost two years. So while living here, i almost didn’t feel the BI# going on here. But guys no matter if your cities have it or not. Don’t forget to do all those protections like wearing a mask when you are around people in public, washing your hands before you touch your face and all that. They are really necessary especially like right now it’s really easy to get the flu in winter. Now i’m actually outside. I don’t know where is it. Like i’m in a teaching building now. It’s a corner of my campus. I don’t know where is it. And you know we can’t go out so my roommates are in my dorm and they play games or talking it’s kinda noisy. So i can’t record there.  I just went out and find a quiet place. And finish this episode cuz It’s been a long time since last episode.  Actually the weather here is cloudy. And the sky is kinda gray. I feel like it’s gonna be rainy but it’s not. And it’s cold and winter cloudy depression weather.And i just feel really lazy in this kind of weather.I don’t wanna do anything. For me you know it’s perfect to be lazy at home stay in your cozy bed watching some movies just chill at home. That’s exactly how i felt these days. I don’t have any motivation to do anything . So i decided to rest for a couple days now I’m back,i feel fresh and excited to talk with you guys again!! And today i wanna talk about confidence. You know what It’s kinda funny cuz i don’t think i am a confident person, maybe sometimes when i’m hyped i will be really brave and bold.But most of the time i am not a quote-unquote confident person. I do care about people around me,  i will be thinking like omg if i do this what they will think they might think it’s weird it’s stupid. I’m trying to be a carefree person, but there’s still a long way for me to go.  Ok but why i wanna talk about this topic and i am not even confident hmm it’s a good question and i can genuinely tell you i don’t know i don’t fucking know .Sometimes i’m weird i don’t really know myself, i don’t know what the is going on in my mind,i just feel like wow confidence,people are not confident and this topic sounds cool right? Yeah i’m not confident ,too.Let’s talk about it figure it out right? Maybe we can find a solution just share my opinions. And then here we are we have this episode about confidence.Anyway guys i just feel like confidence is a really important thing for everyone and meanwhile it’s also a problem because a lot of people is lack of it. Confidence is not only to simply be confident . It related to a lot of things like anxiety ,self-esteem,self-love,self-care ,etc. Like all those things. So i wanna share my opinions about how we can be more confident and where dose this confidence come from i  mean it’s just my personal opinions i might be wrong so let’s figure it out today. I always really admire or you can say a little envy those who are super confident inside out, when you are around those people you will feel like they don’t care about anything they don’t give a fuck. And it’s from their personality or maybe not ,we don’t know but some of them they were born like that i feel like. Their self-confidence will radiate on you and affect you. This is really important here’s a quote i’m not sure if you guys heard about it before. It said you will become more and more like who you surround yourself with,because those people are a reflection of you,at the same time you are also a reflection of who you hang out with. Which simply means that if you are around confident people you will be more confident. I can’t say you will be just like them but i’m sure they will affect you to be more confident. But this doesn’t work in any situation. Sometimes it will even make you feel worse if you don’t choose the right people. When i was in high school there’s a guy in my class, i hung out with him really often in the first year of my high school ,he’s like confident and handsome guy. But i feel like he’s not really caring and supportive as a friend so i usually felt kinda bad around him i felt even more insecure i don’t mean that he’s not a good person he’s mean just i don’t feel comfortable in that situation, it’s kinda hard to explain it. If you are in this kind of situation it’s not right,but if your friend is confident and he or she understands your situation like you are not sociable you have insecurities or even inferiority complex.And they understand you and encourage you. Then it will probably work.Cuz it’s a positive influence. So this brings down the first point 1. Choose who you wanna hang out with,if you wanna be this kind of person so hang out with this kind of person.  now im trying to stay with positive people who spread good energy around. Usually they will make you more positive and a good energy guy. They are really cheering they cheer you up whenever you feel down i feel really good around those people. The people around you let’s call it environment. The environment is important it can affect you but it’s not enough to make you confident inside out. Yourself is the root of this confidence system. You need to accept yourself as a imperfect individual,accept your flaws and build your self-love. Truly love yourself,you know one of the reasons of my lack of confidence is that i have so many insecurities. I’m not a tall guy i’m insecure about my height i will be thinking what if they think i’m too short they will not like me or make friends with me, and i am insecure about my face my skin i have some pimples on my face this can cause that im always trying to avoid to look at people’s face while im talking with them because i don’t want them to see my face either. and i am insecure about my teeth ,they are not pretty  and that’s why i don’t usually smile cuz i don’t want people to see my ugly teeth, and i don’t like my body-image blabla...  all those things in my head are stopping me to be confident even be myself. Ok i know i’m in a really bad situation so what should i do,should i just die i have so many problems im so short im so ugly im so this and that , NO,escape from what im going thru now it means i give up i lose .i think i have two choices one is being negative hate myself, dislike all my imperfection.Obviously it’s not my choice,i chose to accept them embrace them and change them. I have skin problems so i went to dermatologist,i don’t like my teeth so i take care of them i went dentist btw guys take care of your teeth it’s soo important and it’s freaking expensive to go to dentist i just planted one tooth i didn’t know that it cost that much money it’s like 13000 yuan i thought at most 5 thousand before since then i started to be really careful about my teeth, oh here i wanna recommend you guys a thing-water flosser It’s such a game changer!!! Omg it’s just soo good ever since i tried it i can’t stop. You know when you are brushing your teeth it’s really hard clean everywhere like some corner or the gaps the brush can’t get those places. So those places after a long time it will be really dirty and then you will cavities in those places.That’s why you feel like i’m brushing my teeth even three times a day i cleaned everywhere but you still get cavities. It’s not your fault it’s just because some of the places is untouchable. But if you are using water flosser,when you direct the water from the flosser tip at your gumline and between your teeth.It’s just perfect after you brush your teeth and use the water flosser to clean gap between your teeth. But careful if it’s your first time to use it adjust the pressure make sure it’s not too harsh for your gumline. Usually i will use the water flosser after i eat something to make sure my teeth is always clean. And it’s not that expensive mine is less than 200 yuan. I think it’s a reasonable price and it works well so far i love it i will not say this brand’s name cuz i don’t want you guys think it’s a sponsored episode. it’s not a promotion im not sponsored by anyone so don’t get me wrong. And here are a lot of brands tho just choose the best one for you but if you wanna know mine ask me in the comment i will tell you guys there. Yeah If you haven’t try it i genuinely recommend you to try it.You will not regret. Alright let’s back the topic what i was talking about ???  Ahhh yeah i have so many insecurities about body. If you have a lot of insecurities like me. Self-care is the solution. I most boys are not taking care of their body like the skin and stuff i remember the first year of my university i was doing a facial mask in my dorm cuz my face was really dry and my roommates were like what you doing ? why you are doing a facial mask it’s a girly thing. So that’s a lot of boys thinking taking care of your body was. It’s
本期节目算是YWN播客一个新的专栏吧,标题叫Everything i know about English, 因为感觉到咋们听众很多想要提高英语,练习口语等等,我尽力给大家分享我知道的。  Enjoy your episode~
和朋友Jordy聊中美的文化差异part 2 来啦,这是上一集的续集哈,part 1 没听的小伙伴感兴趣的话可以去check out 上一期节目。