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一心姐姐 tells story
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一心姐姐 tells story

Author: 一心姐姐 tells story

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27 Episodes
左边右边。。左边右边。。哪里去啊? 饼干面条。。饼干面条。。吃哪个好呢? 慢慢鼠不知道怎么做选择。。太烦了!! 小朋友,快进来听听慢慢鼠的烦恼。 . . Left? Right? Left? Right? Which way to go? Cookies? Noodle? Cookies or noodle?  Slowie mice don't know which to choose... Hey kids!! Join in and check out more Slowie Mice's dilemma. . . Fan's page / 粉丝专页: . . Little support and donation at; 赞助与陪伴; . Leave a comment and share your thoughts: Powered by Firstory Hosting
小灰兔和小狐狸们一起玩。 小灰兔很开心地说:“我要跟你们一家做好朋友!“ 狐狸妹妹听了回答:“傻瓜!我们才不跟你做朋友。” “你是我们的晚餐。” 啊!什么?怎么办好呢? 小朋友,快来听听小灰兔这回该怎么办。。 . . Little grey rabbit is so excited that she got new friends. However, little fox warned her that she is just their dinner. Hey kids!! Join me to check out what will little rabbit do? . . For more pictorial and activities, please follow my fan's page. 有关更多图片, 可以追踪粉丝专页: . . Buy me a Soothing Lemon Tea, little support and donation at; 感谢您赞助买材料存款,谢谢陪同一起创作; . Support this show: Leave a comment and share your thoughts: Powered by Firstory Hosting
鼹鼠的黑伞 “鼹鼠先生,下着大雨,你怎么站在雨中?” “这样会着凉的!!” ”快进屋子里去!” 青蛙赶着鼹鼠先生进屋,但是鼹鼠先生不要。 小朋友,快来听听为什么鼹鼠先生站在雨中间不回家!! 。 Mr Mole's Umbrella “Mr Mole, it's raining. Why are you under the rain?” “Go home otherwise you will catch a cold!!” Postman Frog is asking Mr Mole to go home but he won't listen. What is happening? Hi kids, come join me and find out why is Mr Mole doing that!! . . . For more pictorial and activities, please follow my fan's page. 有关更多图片, 可以追踪粉丝专页: . . Buy me a Soothing Lemon Tea, little support and donation at; 感谢您赞助买材料存款,谢谢陪同一起创作; . Support this show: Leave a comment and share your thoughts: Powered by Firstory Hosting
圣诞节礼物  长颈鹿的圣诞愿望到底有实现吗? 来听听大家怎么给长颈鹿惊喜? 简单的故事,让孩子们边听边学习。 学习英文字母。 学习分工合作的精神。 。 。 The Christmas Present  Will giraffe's christmas wish come true? Come join us and find out how everyone surprise giraffe? Simple short stories for kids to learn while listening. Learn english alphabets and learn the spirit of working together. . . For more pictorial and activities, please follow my fan's page. 有关更多图片, 可以追踪粉丝专页: . . Buy me a Soothing Lemon Tea, little support and donation at; 感谢您赞助买材料存款,谢谢陪同一起创作; 。 Support this show: Leave a comment and share your thoughts: Powered by Firstory Hosting
灰灰乌云糖  小松鼠一把抢过了乌云糖大口大口地吃。。 不一会儿,小松鼠晕了过去。 哎呀!这是什么回事呢? 小朋友,快来听听为什么小松鼠晕了过去!! 。 The Grey Candy Little squirrel fainted after having the grey candy. What is happening? Hi kids, come join me and find out what happen to Little squirrel!! . . . For more pictorial and activities, please follow my fan's page. 有关更多图片, 可以追踪粉丝专页: . . Buy me a Soothing Lemon Tea, little support and donation at; 感谢您赞助买材料存款,谢谢陪同一起创作; . Support this show: Leave a comment and share your thoughts: Powered by Firstory Hosting
“呀!这是哪里来的小绵羊啊?” 阿姨家和小美家都出现了一只迷路的绵羊。 原来他们俩失眠了。 小朋友,快进来听听为什么小美和阿姨失眠了。 怎样才能把绵羊送回家呢? 。 。 “Oh dear, where is this sheep come from?" May and Aunty house has both appear a lost sheep. Both of them couldn't sleep well last night.  What happen? Hey kids, come join us and find out why is both Aunty and May can't sleep at night? Check out how they are going to send the sheep home. . . For more pictorial and activities, please follow my fan's page. 有关更多图片, 可以追踪粉丝专页:  . . Buy me a Soothing Lemon Tea, little support and donation at; 感谢您赞助买材料存款,谢谢陪同一起创作; . Leave a comment and share your thoughts: Powered by Firstory Hosting
河边老妖精  村里最近发生了很多奇怪的事。 平时丢进河里的垃圾,现在都送回自己的家里。  到底发生了什么事?  小朋友,快进来听听看。。还可以学英文哦!  .  Goblin by the River  All the rubbish from the river is now back to the villagers’ home.  What is happening?  Hi kids, come join us for more story.  Also learn some English words.  .  For more pictorial and activities, please follow my fan's page.  有关更多图片, 可以追踪粉丝专页:  .  .  Buy me a Soothing Lemon Tea, little support and donation at;  感谢您赞助买材料存款,谢谢陪同一起创作; Leave a comment and share your thoughts: Powered by Firstory Hosting
“这么嫩的小鸡,我要怎么吃掉它好呢?” 黄鼠狼想着想着口水都快流出来了! 小鸡心里很害怕!应该怎么办呢? 小朋友!快来听听小鸡会做什么? 。 “Oh look at this yummy little chick!" Ms Weasel is drooling and thinking how to cook him. Little Chick is so scared. What should he do? Hey kids!! Quick join us to check out what Little Chick is going to do next. Join us for some fun story and learn english alphabets. . . Buy me a Soothing Lemon Tea, little support and donation at; 感谢您赞助买材料存款,谢谢陪同一起创作; . #一心姐姐tellsstory  Powered by Firstory Hosting
果然,过了一会儿, 小熊的肚子真的叮当叮当响起来。 声音很好听,像一支钢琴曲。 小熊是怎么做到的呢?小熊的肚子真的会唱歌? 小朋友, 快进来听故事学学英文字母。 。  Surprisingly, little bear's tummy start singing after awhile. The music is lovely, just like a piano piece. How does little bear do it? Is it true that little bear's tummy can sing? Hey kids!! Come join in for some fun story and learn english alphabets. . . . Buy me a Soothing Lemon Tea, little support and donation at; 感谢您赞助买材料存款,谢谢陪同一起创作; . . Powered by Firstory Hosting
同一个朋友  小黄。。小红。。小绿。。你在哪里啊? 小朋友,快进来听听他们在找谁。 简单故事,让孩子边听边学习。 。 The Same Friend  Little Yellow..Little Red...Little Green..Where are you? Hey kids!! Check out who are they looking for. Simple short story for kids to learn while listen. . . For more pictorial and activities, please follow my fan's page. 有关更多图片, 可以追踪粉丝专页: . . Buy me a Soothing Lemon Tea, little support and donation at; 感谢您赞助买材料存款,谢谢陪同一起创作; . . Powered by Firstory Hosting
Hello everybaby!! 中秋节快乐!!Happy Mid Autumn Festival ! 一心姐姐祝福大家:平平安安,健健康康! #repost  圆圆鸡蛋饼  中秋节,月亮圆又圆。 来听听故事学习月亮的变动。 简单的故事,让孩子们边听边学习。 。 。 Round Omelette It's Mid Autumn Festival. Let's find out how the moon changes. Simple short stories for kids to learn while listening. . . For more pictorial and activities, please follow my fan's page. 有关更多图片, 可以追踪粉丝专页: . Buy me a Soothing Lemon Tea at; 感谢您赞助买材料存款,谢谢陪同一起创作; . Powered by Firstory Hosting
还是睡不着  一只大肥羊, 两只大肥羊,三只大肥羊。 一个水饺, 两个水饺, 三个水饺。 小老鼠总是睡不着。怎么办呢? 来听听小老鼠怎么睡着。 简单故事,边听边学习。 。 I'm Not Sleepy 1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep... 1 dumpling, 2 dumpling, 3 dumpling... Little mice just cant sleep!!  Join me to find out how Little Mice fell asleep. Simple short story for kids to learn while listen. . . For more pictorial and activities, please follow my fan's page. 有关更多图片, 可以追踪粉丝专页: . Buy me a Soothing Lemon Tea at; 感谢您赞助买材料存款,谢谢陪同一起创作; . Powered by Firstory Hosting
救河马妈妈   这下不好了! 河马妈妈快要被狼大王吃掉了。 小朋友,应该怎么办呢? 来听听谁来救河马妈妈! 简单故事,边听边学习。 。 Hippo Mama Rescue Oh no!! The wolf king is going to eat Hippo Mama. What should we do? Join me to find out Hippo Mama Rescue. Simple short story for kids to learn while listen. . . For more pictorial and activities, please follow my fan's page. 有关更多图片, 可以追踪粉丝专页: . Buy me a Soothing Lemon Tea at; 感谢您赞助买材料存款,谢谢陪同一起创作; . Powered by Firstory Hosting
小猴探险记  小猴从动物园逃跑了。 危险的城市,小猴决定去森林。 来听听小猴的探险记。 简单故事,边听边学习。 。 Little Monkey Adventure Little Monkey escaped from the Zoo. Little monkey decided to go into the jungle while city is too dangerous for him. Join me to find out Little Monkey's adventure. Simple short story for kids to learn while listen. . . For more pictorial and activities, please follow my fan's page. 有关更多图片, 可以追踪粉丝专页: . Buy me a Soothing Lemon Tea at; 感谢您赞助买材料存款,谢谢陪同一起创作; Powered by Firstory Hosting
花蛇与爷爷 花花是爷爷的好帮手。 调诐的花花把爷爷的葡萄园弄坏了。 来听听花花做了什么? 简单故事,让孩子边听边学习。 。 Grandpa And Snake  Hua Hua, grandpa's favourite snake. But she broke Grandpa's grape yard. Come join me to check out what happen. Simple short story for kids to learn while listen. . . . For more pictorial and activities, please follow my fan's page. 有关更多图片, 可以追踪粉丝专页: . Donation and support can be done here: 感谢您赞助买材料存款,谢谢陪同一起创作; Powered by Firstory Hosting
苍蝇搓搓脚  差一点点就可以把月亮拉近了。 都是苍蝇的错。 来听听发生了什么事。 短篇故事, 边听边学习。 学习英文字母,学习苍蝇生态。 。 。 The Rubbing Flies We almost have the moon near us. It's all little fly's fault. Come join us to hear what happen. Short stories for kids to learn while listen. Also, learn english alphabet and why flies keep rubbing their hands. . . For more pictorial and fun fact, please follow my fan's page below. 有关更多图片, 可以追踪粉丝专页: 。 Donation and little support can be make at below links; 感谢您的赞助买材料存款,谢谢陪同一起创作; Powered by Firstory Hosting
牙齿不见了  “刷牙真麻烦!讨厌牙膏讨厌牙刷!” 小熊说。 小熊可以不刷牙吗? 小朋友,来听听小熊的经历。 短篇故事,学习保护牙齿,学习英文字母。 。 。 The Missing Tooth  “I don't like brushing my teeth. It's so troublesome." little bear complained. Can Little bear skip his routine? Short stories for kids to learn while listen. Join us and learn english alphabets and importance of brushing teeth. . . For more pictorial and fun fact, please follow my fan's page below. 有关更多图片, 可以追踪粉丝专页: 。 感谢您的赞助买材料存款,谢谢陪同一起创作; Powered by Firstory Hosting
国王的地毯  老虎跑到国王家当地毯。 但是越吃越肥。 这回怎么办呢? 短篇故事, 让孩子们边听边学习。 学习英文字母,学习动物趣闻。 。 。 The King's Rug The tiger ran into the king's palace to become their rug. But he is getting fat day by day. Short stories for kids to learn while listen. Join us to learn english alphabet and animals fun facts. . . For more pictorial and fun fact, please follow my fan's page below. 有关更多图片, 可以追踪粉丝专页: 。 感谢您的赞助买材料存款,谢谢陪同一起创作; Powered by Firstory Hosting
特别的日子 野兔告诉小青蛙今天是非常特别的日子。 但是为什么那么特别? 小青蛙想不起来。 来听听到底是什么日子? 简单的故事,让孩子们边听边学习英文字母。 . It's a Special Day Rabbit told Little frog that today is a special day. But little frog couldn't recall what special day it is. Let's find out from the stories. Short stories for kids to learn while listen. . . For more pictorial and activities, please follow my fan's page. 有关更多图片, 可以追踪粉丝专页: . 感谢您赞助买材料存款,谢谢陪同一起创作; Powered by Firstory Hosting
圆圆鸡蛋饼  贪吃猪的鸡蛋饼一口一口被吃了。 究竟是谁吃了? 简单的故事,让孩子们边听边学习。 学习英文字母。学习月亮的变动。 。 。 Round Omelette Someone ate greedy pig's omelette. Let's find out who had the omelette. Simple short stories for kids to learn while listening. Learn english alphabets and the moon's movements. . . For more pictorial and activities, please follow my fan's page. 有关更多图片, 可以追踪粉丝专页: . 感谢您赞助买材料存款,谢谢陪同一起创作; Powered by Firstory Hosting