你讀paper了嗎?— 關於土壤生態的那些事 (Reading Papers on Soil Biodiversity Together)

<p>(English below) <br />土壤是一個複雜的三度空間結構🍂🌱, <br />有著迷宮般的物理構造、錯綜的化學環境、多樣的食物資源、以及水與氧氣的梯度變化等龐雜因子, <br />這些全都壓縮在土壤這小小的空間裡。 <br />而居住在裡面的生物除了和環境有交互作用外,物種之間之內也有交互作用。 <br />這些過程造就了現今地下生物多樣性與群落結構。🕷🐌🐜 <br /> <br />在這裡我們將聊聊土壤生物多樣性、群落生態與演化。 <br />藉由文獻閱讀來分享土壤生態相關的科學新知,以及聊聊我們自己的研究經歷與想法。 <br /> <br />歡迎各位收聽~ <br />-- <br />Facebook專頁: www.facebook.com/SoilBioDivPaper <br /> <br /> <br />---------- <br />Welcome to listening to the podcast on soil biodiversity! <br />🍂🕷🐌🐜🌱 <br />Soil ecosystem is amazing and is one of the most biodiverse terrestrial habitats. <br />Here we discuss scientific papers on soil biota, community ecology and evolution, together with our own researches and opinions. <br /> <br />The main language is in Mandarin; however, you will be likely to find some episodes in English in the future. Ü <br /> <br />Enjoy listening! <br />-- <br />Facebook page: www.facebook.com/SoilBioDivPaper <br /> <br />Powered by <a href="https://firstory.me">Firstory Hosting</a></p>

🆕 Journal surfing - 05.2021 (part 2): 3.土壤線蟲β多樣性(Xiong et al., J Anim Ecol);4.半翅目的博物館和搖籃(Li et al., Glob Ecol Biogeogr);5.食蟲蝙蝠的功能多樣性(Moir et al., J Biogeogr)

👉 這一集是五月份文章的第二個部分-part 2,我們分享了三篇文章: 3.不同植被類型和營養級下,土壤線蟲β多樣性空間格局和生態驅動因素 doi.org/10.1111/1365-2656.13461 Xiong, D., Wei, C., Wang, X., Xiaotao, L., Fang, S., Li, Y., Wang, X., Liang, W., Han, X., Bezemer, T.M. & Li, Q. (2021)  Spatial patterns and ecological drivers of soil nematode β-diversity in natural grasslands vary among vegetation types and trophic position.  Journal of Animal Ecology, 90, 1367–1378. © 2021 British Ecological Society. 4.山地作為半翅目昆蟲的博物館和搖籃:物種豐富度格局和系統發育結構的證據 doi.org/10.1111/geb.13276 Li, J., Li, Q., Wu, Y., Ye, L., Liu, H., Wei, J. & Huang, X. (2021) Mountains act as museums and cradles for hemipteran insects in China: Evidence from patterns of richness and phylogenetic structure. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30, 1070–1085. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 5.南非食蟲蝙蝠的功能多樣性和性狀過濾與森林的生物地理和破碎化有關 doi.org/10.1111/jbi.14069 Moir, M., Richards, L.R., Rambau, R. V. & Cherry, M.I. (2021) Functional diversity and trait filtering of insectivorous bats relate to forest biogeography and fragmentation in South Africa. Journal of Biogeography, 48, 1170–1182. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. -- 👧 姬俏俏 中國科學院 東北地理與農業生態研究所 博士生 -- 背景音樂:撥接 Instrumental 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰 作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/AsObER?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library -- 小額贊助支持本節目: https://pay.firstory.me/user/soilbiodivpaper 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/story/ckxyuqwy35d210858ibhucoyk?m=comment Powered by Firstory Hosting


🆕 Journal surfing - 05.2021 (part 1): 1.土壤微生物多樣性與生態系統(Yang et al., Funct Ecol);2.鳥類羽毛隔熱結構的趨同變異(Barve et al., Ecography)

👉 這一集是五月份文章的第一個部分-part 1,我們分享了兩篇文章: 1.關鍵物種影響中國亞熱帶地區不同土地利用方式下土壤微生物多樣性與生態系統功能間的關聯性doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.13769 Yang, F., Chen, Q., Zhang, Q., Long, C., Jia, W. & Cheng, X. (2021)  Keystone species affect the relationship between soil microbial diversity and ecosystem function under land use change in subtropical China.  Functional Ecology, 35, 1159–1170. © 2021 British Ecological Society 2.海拔和體型驅動喜馬拉雅山鳥類羽毛隔熱結構的趨同變異 doi.org/10.1111/ecog.05376 Barve, S., Ramesh, V., Dotterer, T.M. & Dove, C.J. (2021)  Elevation and body size drive convergent variation in thermo-insulative feather structure of Himalayan birds.  Ecography, 44, 680–689. © 2021 The Authors. -- 👧 姬俏俏 中國科學院 東北地理與農業生態研究所 博士生 -- 小額贊助支持本節目: https://pay.firstory.me/user/soilbiodivpaper 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/story/ckwmf4wxz247p0862iu5anxhu?m=comment -- 背景音樂:撥接 Instrumental 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰 作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/AsObER?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Powered by Firstory Hosting


🆕 Journal surfing - 04.2021 (part 4): 10.鳥類群落海拔梯度(García-Navas et al., J Biogeogr);11.大山雀腸道微生物(Davidson, Somers et al., J Anim Ecol);12.群落篩選方向性(Bunin, Oikos)

👉 這一集是四月份的最後一個部分-part 4,我們分享了三篇文章: 10.在時間動態下高山鳥類群落沿海拔梯度的空間異質性 doi.org/10.1111/jbi.14045 García-Navas, V., Sattler, T., Schmid, H. & Ozgul, A. (2021) Spatial heterogeneity in temporal dynamics of Alpine bird communities along an elevational gradient. Journal of Biogeography, 48, 886–902. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 11.大山雀腸道微生物區系、雛鳥體重與雛鳥存活率之間的時間延遲 doi.org/10.1111/1365-2656.13428 Davidson, G.L., Somers, S.E., Wiley, N., Johnson, C.N., Reichert, M.S., Ross, R.P., Stanton, C. & Quinn, J.L. (2021) A time-lagged association between the gut microbiome, nestling weight and nestling survival in wild great tits. Journal of Animal Ecology, 90, 989–1003. © 2021 The Authors. 12.方向性與在群落層級上的篩選過程 doi.org/10.1111/oik.07214 Bunin, G. (2021) Directionality and community-level selection. Oikos, 130, 489–500. © 2020 Nordic Society Oikos. -- 👩‍🦰 高梅香 寧波大學 地理與空間信息技術系 教授 👧 姬俏俏 中國科學院 東北地理與農業生態研究所 博士生 -- 背景音樂:撥接 Instrumental 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰 作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/AsObER?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Powered by Firstory Hosting


🆕 Journal surfing - 04.2021 (part 3): 5.浮游生物幾何形狀(Ryabov et al., Ecol Lett);6.食碎屑動物協同作用(Joly et al., Ecology);7.混合林土壤微生物(Lu & Scheu, Soil Biol Biochem);8.全球物種豐富度(Udy et al., Glob Ecol Biogeogr);9.新熱帶糞金龜(Pessôa et al., J Biogeogr)

👉 這一集是四月份的part 3,我們分享了五篇文章,其中有三篇和「生物地理學」有關,兩篇與「土壤生態」有關: 5.形狀很重要:浮游生物細胞的幾何形狀與多樣性之間的關係 doi.org/10.1111/ele.13680 Ryabov, A., Kerimoglu, O., Litchman, E., Olenina, I., Roselli, L., Basset, A., Stanca, E. & Blasius, B. (2021) Shape matters: the relationship between cell geometry and diversity in phytoplankton. Ecology Letters, 24, 847–861. © 2021 The Authors. [土壤] 6.降雨減少時,食碎屑動物間的協同作用會消失 doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3299 Joly, F.X., McAvoy, E. & Subke, J.A. (2021)  Synergistic interactions between detritivores disappear under reduced rainfall. Ecology, 102, e03299. © 2021 The Authors. [土壤] 7.土壤微生物群落對山毛櫸-針葉樹混合林的響應隨著樣地狀況而不同 doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108155 Lu, J.Z. & Scheu, S. (2021) Response of soil microbial communities to mixed beech-conifer forests varies with site conditions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 155, 108155. © 2021 Elsevier Ltd. 8.環境異質性比面積更能預測全球物種豐富度的格局 doi.org/10.1111/geb.13261 Udy, K., Fritsch, M., Meyer, K.M., Grass, I., Hanß, S., Hartig, F., Kneib, T., Kreft, H., Kukunda, C.B., Pe’er, G., Reininghaus, H., Tietjen, B., Tscharntke, T., van Waveren, C.S. & Wiegand, K. (2021) Environmental heterogeneity predicts global species richness patterns better than area. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30, 842–851. © 2021 The Authors. 9.揭示新熱帶地區局域糞金龜物種豐富度的驅動因素 doi.org/10.1111/jbi.14043 Pessôa, M.B., Alves-Martins, F., De Marco Júnior, P. & Hortal, J. (2021) Unveiling the drivers of local dung beetle species richness in the Neotropics. Journal of Biogeography, 48, 861–871. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd -- 👩‍🦰 高梅香 寧波大學 地理與空間信息技術系 教授 👧 姬俏俏 中國科學院 東北地理與農業生態研究所 博士生 -- 背景音樂:撥接 Instrumental 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰 作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/AsObER?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Powered by Firstory Hosting


🆕 Journal surfing - 04.2021 (part 2): 3.風的格局(Kling & Ackerly, PNAS);4.熱帶蜥蜴的海拔形態趨異(Slavenko et al., Journal of Animal Ecology)

👉 這一集是四月份文章的part 2,我們又分享了兩篇和「生物地理學」有關的研究: 3.風的全球格局塑造樹木的遺傳分化、不對稱基因流動和遺傳多樣性 doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2017317118 Kling, M.M. & Ackerly, D.D. (2021) Global wind patterns shape genetic differentiation, asymmetric gene flow, and genetic diversity in trees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118, e2017317118. 4.海拔差異比競爭作用更有效驅動熱帶蜥蜴輻射演化的形態趨異 doi.org/10.1111/1365-2656.13420 Slavenko, A., Allison, A. & Meiri, S. (2021) Elevation is a stronger predictor of morphological trait divergence than competition in a radiation of tropical lizards. Journal of Animal Ecology, 90, 917–930. © 2021 The Authors. -- 👩‍🦰 高梅香 寧波大學 地理與空間信息技術系 教授 👧 姬俏俏 中國科學院 東北地理與農業生態研究所 博士生 -- 背景音樂:撥接 Instrumental 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰 作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/AsObER?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Powered by Firstory Hosting


🆕 Journal surfing - 04.2021 (part 1): 1.蘑菇子實體大小(Bässler et al., Ecology Letters);2.山區生物生存範圍(Mamantov et al., Global Ecology and Biogeography)

👉 這一集是四月份文章的part 1,介紹了兩篇和「生物地理學」有關的研究: 1.全球尺度上蘑菇子實體大小的緯度格局與驅動機制 doi.org/10.1111/ele.13678 Bässler, C., Brandl, R., Müller, J., Krah, F.S., Reinelt, A. & Halbwachs, H. (2021) Global analysis reveals an environmentally driven latitudinal pattern in mushroom size across fungal species. Ecology Letters, 24, 658–667. © 2021 The Authors. 2.山區生物由氣候所驅動的生存範圍改變會隨著海拔而不同 doi.org/10.1111/geb.13246 Mamantov, M.A., Gibson-Reinemer, D.K., Linck, E.B. & Sheldon, K.S. (2021) Climate-driven range shifts of montane species vary with elevation. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30, 784–794. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 我們邀請了 👩‍🦰 高梅香 寧波大學 地理與空間信息技術系 教授 👧 姬俏俏 中國科學院 東北地理與農業生態研究所 博士生 來和我們一起分享~ -- 背景音樂:撥接 Instrumental 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰 作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/AsObER?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Powered by Firstory Hosting


🆕 Journal surfing - 03.2021: 生物多樣性、性狀方法與演化、生物地理

👉 這一集是三月份的文章,介紹了一些生物多樣性、性狀方法與演化、與生物地理的研究: [Trait-based methods] (00:53-04:02) 1.以較平衡的多性狀組合來計算物種間的功能差異 doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.13537 de Bello, F., Botta-Dukát, Z., Lepš, J., & Fibich, P. (2021). Towards a more balanced combination of multiple traits when computing functional differences between species.  Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12(3), 443–448. © 2020 British Ecological Society. (04:04-08:50) 2.印度東喜馬拉雅山海拔梯度天蛾科種內性狀的變異與群落構建 doi.org/10.1002/ece3.7054 Mungee, M., & Athreya, R. (2021). Intraspecific trait variability and community assembly in hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) across an elevational gradient in the eastern Himalayas, India.  Ecology and Evolution, 11, 2471–2487. © 2020 The Authors. (08:52-11:39) 3.種內性狀變異在促進功能生態位維度中的重要性 doi.org/10.1111/ecog.05254 He, D., Biswas, S. R., Xu, M. S., Yang, T. H., You, W. H., & Yan, E. R. (2021). The importance of intraspecific trait variability in promoting functional niche dimensionality.  Ecography, 44(3), 380–390. © 2020 The Authors. [Methods in Biodiversity] (11:59-12:20) 4.測量物種多樣性的概念指南 doi.org/10.1111/oik.07202 Roswell, M., Dushoff, J., & Winfree, R. (2021). A conceptual guide to measuring species diversity. Oikos, 130(3), 321–338. © 2020 The Authors. (12:20-12:49) 5.連接高通量生物多樣性名錄:全球基於樣地基因體架構整合與綜合的良機 doi.org/10.1111/mec.15797 Arribas, P., Andújar, C., Bidartondo, M. I., Bohmann, K., Coissac, É., Creer, S., … Emerson, B. C. (2021). Connecting high-throughput biodiversity inventories: Opportunities for a site-based genomic framework for global integration and synthesis.  Molecular Ecology, 30(5), 1120–1135. © 2020 The Authors. (12:50-13:08) 6.擴散-生態位連續體指數:一種用於量化群落構建過程中擴散與生態位過程相對重要性的新指標 doi.org/10.1111/ecog.05356 Vilmi, A., Gibert, C., Escarguel, G., Happonen, K., Heino, J., Jamoneau, A., … Wang, J. (2021). Dispersal–niche continuum index: a new quantitative metric for assessing the relative importance of dispersal versus niche processes in community assembly. Ecography, 44(3), 370–379. © 2020 The Authors. [Trait evolution] (13:13-13:46) 7.草食和碎屑食性的適應促使淡水魚在其輻射演化中出現大型腹腔的趨同演化(耳鰾派:脂鯉目) doi.org/10.1111/evo.14178 Burns, M. D. (2021). Adaptation to herbivory and detritivory drives the convergent evolution of large abdominal cavities in a diverse freshwater fish radiation (Otophysi: Characiformes). Evolution, 75(3), 688–705. © 2021 The Authors. © 2021 The Society for the Study of Evolution. [Macroecology] (13:47-14:21) 8.演化的時間最佳解釋了現生淡水魚緯度上的多樣性梯度 doi.org/10.1111/geb.13253 Miller, E. C., & Román-Palacios, C. (2021). Evolutionary time best explains the latitudinal diversity gradient of living freshwater fish diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30(3), 749–763. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd -- 背景音樂:撥接 Instrumental 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰 作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/AsObER?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Powered by Firstory Hosting


🆕 Journal surfing - 簡介

👉 大家是怎麼獲得相關領域的最新文章呢?📑📊🔗 👉 是不是覺得有趣的文章太多,怎麼追也追不完呢?🙋‍♀️🙋 在這裡我們藉由閱讀文獻,和各位分享有關土壤生物多樣性、生物地理、群落生態與性狀演化的科學新知 我們也會聊聊自己的研究、想法、與經歷 👉 讓我們每月一起來讀讀這些期刊~ Methods in Ecology and Evolution https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/loi/2041210x Ecography https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/loi/16000587 Journal of Biogeography https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/loi/13652699 Global Ecology and Biogeography https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/loi/14668238 Ecology Letters https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/loi/14610248 Journal of Animal Ecology https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/loi/13652656 Functional Ecology https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/loi/13652435 Molecular Ecology https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/loi/1365294x Journal of Ecology https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/loi/13652745 Evolution https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/loi/15585646 Ecology and Evolution https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/loi/20457758 Oecologia https://link.springer.com/journal/442/volumes-and-issues Oikos https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/loi/16000706 Ecology https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/loi/19399170 Nature Ecology and Evolution https://www.nature.com/natecolevol/volumes Biological Reviews https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/loi/1469185x Soil Biology and Biochemistry https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/soil-biology-and-biochemistry/issues Pedobiologia https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/pedobiologia/issues Applied Soil Ecology https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/applied-soil-ecology/issues Soil Organisms http://soil-organisms.org/index.php/SO/index 🎧 Enjoy reading and listening! -- 背景音樂:撥接 Instrumental 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰 作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/AsObER?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Powered by Firstory Hosting


👧 EP8 [文章] 氣候變遷下新熱帶地區不同海拔的隱翅蟲多樣性與系統發育群落組成 (Dolson et al. 2021)

🗣 Diversity and phylogenetic community structure across elevation during climate change in a family of hyperdiverse neotropical beetles (Staphylinidae) Dolson, S.J., Loewen, E., Jones, K., Jacobs, S.R., Solis, A., Hallwachs, W., Brunke, A.J., Janzen, D.H. & Smith, M.A. Ecography (2021) 44: 740–752 ⛰ 山地系統不同海拔 有用有趣的地方在哪裡? 🐞 隱翅蟲 算是土壤動物吧? (圖示🐞不是隱翅蟲,但剪影是哦) 🍂 十年採樣 這個努力度夠驚人了吧? 📈 群落系統發育指數 又告訴了我們什麼呢? 文章來源: doi.org/10.1111/ecog.05427 作者網頁: www.malexsmith.com (M. Alex Smith) 任何想法歡迎留言與討論: www.facebook.com/SoilBioDivPaper/posts/158680986186512 -- 👧 姬俏俏 中國科學院 東北地理與農業生態研究所 博士生 -- 背景音樂:Chill 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 作曲: terrytyelee, Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/2a5o75?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library 片頭與片尾:撥接 Instrumental 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰 作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/AsObER?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Powered by Firstory Hosting


🆕 EP7 [快訊] (Part 2) 微生物群落構建;性狀演化方法 - Community phylogenetics 02.2021

🆕 Google Scholar - Community phylogenetics - 02.2021 (Part 2) 1. 土壤團聚體中的微生物群落構建:隨機和確定性過程的動態相互作用 doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2021.103911 Microbial community assembly in soil aggregates: A dynamic interplay of stochastic and deterministic processes 2. 在美國德州奧斯汀城市荒野保護區局域空間尺度上微生物群落的功能冗餘顯示其隨機過程 doi.org/10.1093/femsle/fnab010 Functional redundancy in local spatial scale microbial communities suggests stochastic processes at an urban wilderness preserve in Austin, TX, USA 3. 微生物群落對模擬全球變化十年的響應取決於植物群落 doi.org/10.1525/elementa.2021.00124 Microbial community response to a decade of simulated global changes depends on the plant community 4. 基石類群的專特代謝功能維持土壤微生物的穩定性 doi.org/10.1186/s40168-020-00985-9 Specialized metabolic functions of keystone taxa sustain soil microbiome stability 5. 宿主植物的環境過濾影響病徵葉片中真菌的群落構建 doi.org/10.1007/s00442-021-04849-3 Host plant environmental filtering drives foliar fungal community assembly in symptomatic leaves 6. 在亞熱帶生物多樣性實驗中,更多樣化的樹木群落促進葉片真菌病原的多樣性,但降低了每種樹木的侵害率 doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.13620 More diverse tree communities promote foliar fungal pathogen diversity, but decrease infestation rates per tree species, in a subtropical biodiversity experiment 7. 種間競爭調節秀麗隱桿線蟲腸道細菌的群落構建 doi.org/10.1038/s41396-021-00910-4 Interspecies bacterial competition regulates community assembly in the C. elegans intestine 8. 英國鳥類時間上的功能β多樣性與時間上的分類及系統發育β多樣性之間的空間一致性低 doi.org/10.1111/1440-1703.12209 Low spatial congruence between temporal functional β‐diversity and temporal taxonomic and phylogenetic β‐diversity in British avifauna 9. DUALCOR:用來評估特徵與不會演化的外部變量間系統發育相關性的系統發育比較方法 doi.org/10.1111/cla.12450 DUALCOR: a phylogenetic comparative method to evaluate phylogenetic correlation between a character and a non‐evolving external variable -- 背景音樂:Breathe 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: Julia Wu 吳卓源, terrytyelee, C-Infamous 作曲: Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/KsY7Hb?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library 片頭與片尾:撥接 Instrumental 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰 作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/AsObER?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Powered by Firstory Hosting


🆕 EP7 [快訊] (Part 1) 群落系統發育、性狀及性狀演化 - Community phylogenetics 02.2021

🆕 Google Scholar - Community phylogenetics - 02.2021 (Part 1) 1. 通過系統發育比較方法揭示快速演化的線蟲在農業生境裡占主導地位 doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108183 Agricultural habitats are dominated by rapidly evolving nematodes revealed through phylogenetic comparative methods 2. 爪子的系統發育信號顯示生態因子對加勒比海潮間帶節肢動物的影響 doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-83747-3 Testing for phylogenetic signal in claws suggests great influence of ecology on Caribbean intertidal arthropods (Acari, Oribatida) 3. 北美地表甲蟲形態性狀的相關性與系統發育信號 doi.org/10.1101/2021.02.12.431029 Strong trait correlation and phylogenetic signal in North American ground beetle (Carabidae) morphology 4. 氣候變遷下新熱帶地區隱翅蟲多樣性與系統發育群落組成沿海拔的分布 doi.org/10.1111/ecog.05427 Diversity and phylogenetic community structure across elevation during climate change in a family of hyperdiverse neotropical beetles (Staphylinidae) 5. 熱帶地區土地利用改變了甲蟲與鳥類基於性狀的群落構建規則 doi.org/10.1007/s00442-020-04829-z Tropical land-use change alters trait-based community assembly rules for dung beetles and birds 6. 瑞士阿爾卑斯山高海拔鳥類繁殖力及壽命的降低不受系統發育的影響 doi.org/10.1007/s10531-021-02127-5 High elevation bird communities in the Swiss Alps exhibit reduced fecundity and lifespan independently of phylogenetic effects 7. 形態、系統發育與獵物的可獲取性對無尾類群落營養資源分化的影響 doi.org/10.1016/j.baae.2020.11.005 The effects of morphology, phylogeny and prey availability on trophic resource partitioning in an anuran community 8. 物種的適應會降低競爭優勢並改變群落構建過程 doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2020.3133 Adaptation reduces competitive dominance and alters community assembly 9. 以嚴重受災的松樹岩地生態系統顯示系統發育尺度在達爾文歸化謎團中的角色 doi.org/10.1111/ddi.13220 The role of phylogenetic scale in Darwin's naturalization conundrum in the critically imperilled pine rockland ecosystem -- 背景音樂:Better 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源, 陳芳語 編曲: terrytyelee 作曲: terrytyelee, Julia Wu 吳卓源, 陳芳語 製作: terrytyelee 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/kseLhw?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library 片頭與片尾:撥接 Instrumental 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰 作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/AsObER?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Powered by Firstory Hosting


👨‍🎓 EP6 [自推] 作爲性狀的中性脂肪酸在跳蟲演化上的限制 Neutral lipid fatty acid composition as trait and constraint in Collembola evolution (Chen et al. 2017)

👉 功能性狀 👉 中性脂肪酸 👉 跳蟲演化 👉 系統發育保守性與系統發育信號 👨‍🍳🌱🍄🍔 天哪,這到底在說什麼?㊙️ 文章來源: doi.org/10.1002/ece3.3472 留言討論: www.facebook.com/SoilBioDivPaper/posts/124422432945701 -- 背景音樂: Breathe 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: Julia Wu 吳卓源, terrytyelee, C-Infamous 作曲: Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/KsY7Hb?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library 片頭與片尾: 撥接 Instrumental 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰 作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/AsObER?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Powered by Firstory Hosting


🆕 EP5 [快訊] (Part 3) 土壤微生物生態 - Community phylogenetics 01.2021

Google Scholar - Community phylogenetics - 01.2021 (Part 3) [4 土壤微生物生態 SOIL MICROBIAL ECOLOGY] 4-1 真菌α多樣性影響蘋果園土壤團聚體中細菌和真菌群落構建的隨機性 doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2020.103878 Fungal alpha diversity influences stochasticity of bacterial and fungal community assemblies in soil aggregates in an apple orchard 4-2 真菌群落是枯木細菌群落組成重要的決定因素 doi.org/10.1128/mSystems.01017-20 Fungal communities are important determinants of bacterial community composition in deadwood 4-3 稻田土壤甲烷菌的共存模式與甲烷生成和群落構建密切關聯 doi.org/10.1186/s40168-020-00978-8 Coexistence patterns of soil methanogens are closely tied to methane generation and community assembly in rice paddies 4-4 擾動會持續抑制草地土壤微生物群落的隨機擴散過程 doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01452 Disturbances consistently restrain the role of random migration in grassland soil microbial community assembly -- 背景音樂: Breathe 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: Julia Wu 吳卓源, terrytyelee, C-Infamous 作曲: Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/KsY7Hb?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Chill 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 作曲: terrytyelee, Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/2a5o75?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library 片頭與片尾: 撥接 Instrumental 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰 作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/AsObER?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Powered by Firstory Hosting


🆕 EP5 [快訊] (Part 2) 性狀方法與性狀演化 - Community phylogenetics 01.2021

Google Scholar - Community phylogenetics - 01.2021 (Part 2) [3 性狀方法與性狀演化 TRAIT APPROACHES and EVOLUTION] 3-1 基於性狀的群落間不相似性量測之文獻回顧與表現評估 doi.org/10.1101/2021.01.06.425560 Review and performance evaluation of trait-based between-community dissimilarity measures 3-2 基於性狀方法預測微生物入侵物種的群落構建與優勢程度 doi.org/10.1111/oik.07694 A trait‐based approach predicting community assembly and dominance of microbial invasive species 3-3 生長模式與系統發育關聯性對種子萌芽的影響:亞熱帶地區植物的大尺度分析 doi.org/10.1002/ece3.7132 Impacts of growth form and phylogenetic relatedness on seed germination: A large-scale analysis of a subtropical regional flora 3-4 蛇類家域範圍巨觀生態模式的親緣分析 doi.org/10.1007/s00442-020-04832-4 Phylogenetic analysis of macroecological patterns of home range area in snakes 3-5 高山草地植物物種性狀與物候的關聯 doi.org/10.1007/s00442-020-04846-y Linkage between species traits and plant phenology in an alpine meadow -- 背景音樂: Chill 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 作曲: terrytyelee, Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/2a5o75?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library 片頭與片尾: 撥接 Instrumental 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰 作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/AsObER?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Powered by Firstory Hosting


🆕 EP5 [快訊] (Part 1) 多維生物多樣性;群落系統發育 - Community phylogenetics 01.2021

Google Scholar - Community phylogenetics - 01.2021 (Part 1) [1 多維生物多樣性 MULTI-FACETED BIODIVERSITY] 1-1 鳥類的物種、系統發育和功能多樣性對森林棲地破碎化的不同反應 doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-76917-2 Different response of the taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity of birds to forest fragmentation 1-2 城市棲地的破碎化導致開花植物的多樣性降低,並對蜜蜂生物多樣性產生連鎖反應 doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-78736-x Urban fragmentation leads to lower floral diversity, with knock-on impacts on bee biodiversity 1-3 物種與系統發育的組成顯示了酸性滲透濕地的植物群落對外來物種入侵具有抵抗力 doi.org/10.1186/s13717-020-00272-3 Taxonomic and phylogenetic composition show biotic resistance to exotic invasion in acid seep springs 1-4 生態系統復育過程介導的環境改變,改變了非目標類群的群落結構,但對於功能及系統發育多樣性則沒有影響:一個來自鹽鹼環境的實例 doi.org/10.1007/s10750-020-04494-6 Restoration-mediated alteration induces substantial structural changes, but negligible shifts in functional and phylogenetic diversity of a non-target community: a case study from a soda pan 1-5 環境條件、氣候因素和空間過程驅動著氣候異質的山區溪流大型無脊椎動物多面向的β多樣性 doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107407 The role of environmental conditions, climatic factors and spatial processes in driving multiple facets of stream macroinvertebrate beta diversity in a climatically heterogeneous mountain region 1-6 三角嵌合設計有效地顯示跨空間尺度生態的多樣性與過程 doi.org/10.1101/2021.01.15.426868 Fractal triads efficiently sample ecological diversity and processes across spatial scales 1-7 野生動物遺傳與系統發育多樣性的空間格局與保育 doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abd5725 Spatial patterns and conservation of genetic and phylogenetic diversity of wildlife in China [2 群落系統發育 COMMUNITY PHYLOGENETICS] 2-1 歐洲森林植被的系統發育結構 doi.org/10.1111/jbi.14046 Phylogenetic structure of European forest vegetation 2-2 熱帶大西洋森林的系統發育動態 doi.org/10.1007/s10682-020-10094-6 Phylogenetic dynamics of Tropical Atlantic Forests 2-3 蜻蛉目在伊朗中部極端環境中的群落系統發育β多樣性 doi.org/10.1007/s10841-020-00290-8 Phylogenetic beta diversity of Odonata assemblages in the extreme condition of Central Iran -- 背景音樂: Breathe 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: Julia Wu 吳卓源, terrytyelee, C-Infamous 作曲: Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/KsY7Hb?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library 片頭與片尾: 撥接 Instrumental 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰 作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/AsObER?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Powered by Firstory Hosting


👥 EP3 [討論] (Part 3) 除此以外,這篇綜述還給我們什麼樣的啟發、疑問、或指導性建議呢? feat. 高梅香、姬俏俏 (Thakur et al. 2020)

本集是EP3的Part 3,我們會繼續討論Thakur et al. 2020的這篇文章~ 🐣🍡 ...耐心聽完還會有彩蛋哦~ ㊙️ 👉 空間尺度的不同對我們進行土壤生物多樣性的研究時,會是個麻煩,還是是個幫助? 👉 如何設計一個「跨空間尺度」也同時能「跨不同類群」的實驗,來研究土壤生物的交互作用與擴散過程? 討論留言,請至 www.facebook.com/SoilBioDivPaper/posts/114468670607744 -- 👩‍🦰 高梅香  寧波大學 地理與空間信息技術系  教授 👧 姬俏俏  中國科學院 東北地理與農業生態研究所  博士生 -- 🎧 再次收聽: 👨‍🏫 EP1 [綜述] 全面了解土壤生物多樣性 ↓↓↓ open.firstory.me/story/ckjljkht4ie1c0893re8jydzl 🗣 EP3 [討論] Part 1 ↓↓↓ open.firstory.me/story/ckkbdwc07r1g60889m2g372ok 🗣 EP3 [討論] Part 2 ↓↓↓ open.firstory.me/story/ckkbdwsqmr6h00830q3jf1heh -- 📑 文章來源: Thakur et al. (2020) Towards an integrative understanding of soil biodiversity. Biological Reviews, 95: 350-364. doi.org/10.1111/brv.12567 -- 片頭與片尾音樂: 撥接 Instrumental 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰 作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/AsObER?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Powered by Firstory Hosting


🕵 EP4 [科普] 跳蟲 — 遍及全球的跳躍者 Springtails—Worldwide Jumpers (Potapov 2020)

咦? 跳蟲是什麼「蟲」? 牠們是跳蚤嗎? 👀 跳蟲對環境和我們,有什麼幫助呢? 讓 🧔 安東・啵塔啵伕 (Anton Potapov) 寫給你看,我來說給你聽~ Ü 文章來源: doi.org/10.3389/frym.2020.545370 作者網頁: sites.google.com/view/antoncollembola/ (Anton Potapov) 跳蟲資源 : 簡介與美照: www.chaosofdelight.org/collembola-springtails 臉書專屬頁: www.facebook.com/springtails 最詳細網站: www.collembola.org 最會跳的蟲: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qu01EUeE5PM 任何想法歡迎留言與討論: www.facebook.com/SoilBioDivPaper/posts/112661320788479 -- 背景音樂: Breathe 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: Julia Wu 吳卓源, terrytyelee, C-Infamous 作曲: Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/KsY7Hb?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Chill 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 作曲: terrytyelee, Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/2a5o75?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Better 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源, 陳芳語 編曲: terrytyelee 作曲: terrytyelee, Julia Wu 吳卓源, 陳芳語 製作: terrytyelee 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/kseLhw?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library 片頭與片尾: 撥接 Instrumental 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰 作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/AsObER?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Powered by Firstory Hosting


👥 EP3 [討論] (Part 2) 是「擴散限制」,還是是「擴散」,才是群落構建裡的一個過程呢? feat. 高梅香、姬俏俏 (Thakur et al. 2020)

👥 EP3 [討論] - Thakur et al. (2020) - Towards an integrative understanding of soil biodiversity 🗣 Part 2 👉 是「擴散限制」,還是是「擴散」,才是群落構建裡的一個過程呢? 👉 這到底是一個「隨機性」的過程,還是是一個「確定性」的過程呢? -- 文章來源: doi.org/10.1111/brv.12567 任何想法歡迎留言與討論: www.facebook.com/SoilBioDivPaper/posts/110275211027090 -- 👩‍🦰 高梅香 (Meixiang Gao) 寧波大學 地理與空間信息技術系 教授 (lhxy.nbu.edu.cn/info/1259/2693.htm; www.researchgate.net/profile/Meixiang_Gao) 👧‍ 姬俏俏 (Qiaoqiao Ji) 中國科學院 東北地理與農業生態研究所 博士生 -- 片頭與片尾音樂: 撥接 Instrumental 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰 作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/AsObER?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Powered by Firstory Hosting


👥 EP3 [討論] (Part 1) 為什麼要把土壤動物的體型分成「大、中、小」三種呢? feat. 高梅香、姬俏俏 (Thakur et al. 2020)

👥 EP3 [討論] - Thakur et al. (2020) - Towards an integrative understanding of soil biodiversity 這一集的節目中,我們邀請到了兩位科學家, 👩‍🦰 高梅香 和 👧‍ 姬俏俏, 和我們一起聊聊她們的研究,以及聽(讀)完Thakur et al. 這篇文章的感想~ 🗣 Part 1 👉 她們當初是因為什麼樣的契機,開始土壤生態的研究呢? 👉 她們在從原本專業領域進入到土壤生態的過程中,有沒有遇到什麼困難? 👉 我們要如何理解土壤生物多樣性,為什麼要把土壤動物的體型分成「大、中、小」三種呢? -- 👩‍🦰 高梅香 (Meixiang Gao) 寧波大學 地理與空間信息技術系 教授 (lhxy.nbu.edu.cn/info/1259/2693.htm; www.researchgate.net/profile/Meixiang_Gao) 👧 姬俏俏 (Qiaoqiao Ji) 中國科學院 東北地理與農業生態研究所 博士生 -- 文章來源: doi.org/10.1111/brv.12567 任何想法歡迎留言與討論: www.facebook.com/SoilBioDivPaper/posts/110275211027090 -- 片頭與片尾音樂: 撥接 Instrumental 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰 作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/AsObER?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Powered by Firstory Hosting


🆕 EP2 [快訊] (Part 3) 跨不同營養級的交互作用;巨觀生態學;宿主與微生物關係;R分析套件 - Community phylogenetics 12.2020

Google Scholar - Community phylogenetics - 12.2020 (Part 3) [6 跨不同營養級的交互作用 MULTI-TROPHIC INTERACTIONS] 6-1 樹木的系統發育多樣性構成了多重營養層級上的群落 doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.13722 Tree phylogenetic diversity structures multitrophic communities 6-2 植物的揮發物調控了植物和實蠅之間的演化交互作用,並且相較於非揮發性的防禦機制,揮發物在演化上更為不穩定 doi.org/10.1111/1365-2656.13414 Plant volatiles mediate evolutionary interactions between plants and tephritid flies and are evolutionarily more labile than non‐volatile defenses [7 巨觀生態學 MACROECOLOGY] 7-1 被子植物基於遙遠演化歷程的系統發育β多樣性在中國跨地理和生態空間下的分布格局 doi.org/10.1111/jbi.14036 Patterns of phylogenetic beta diversity measured at deep evolutionary histories across geographical and ecological spaces for angiosperms in China 7-2 歐洲山毛櫸森林植物的物種和系統發育轉換隨著氣候的極端化而增加並取決於歷史因素 doi.org/10.1111/jvs.12977 Plant taxonomic and phylogenetic turnovers increase towards climatic extremes and depend on historical factors in European beech forests 7-3 墨西哥南部瓦哈卡州倉鼠的物種和系統發育β多樣性 doi.org/10.1093/jmammal/gyaa128 Taxonomic and phylogenetic beta diversity of cricetid rodents in Oaxaca, southern Mexico 7-4 棕櫚生活史性狀的演化速率在島嶼比在大陸要快 doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-78267-5 Higher evolutionary rates in life-history traits in insular than in mainland palms [8 宿主與微生物關係 HOST-MICROBIOME ASSOCIATIONS] 8-1 生態和演化理論在不同系統中微生物群落動態中的應用 doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2020.2886 Application of ecological and evolutionary theory to microbiome community dynamics across systems 8-2 宿主的形態複雜性影響了海洋微生物的多樣性 doi.org/10.1038/s41396-020-00856-z Morphological complexity affects the diversity of marine microbiomes 8-3 季節變化及意外的環境干擾對自然棲息地中兩棲動物皮膚細菌的影響 doi.org/10.1093/femsec/fiaa248 Seasonal changes and the unexpected impact of environmental disturbance on skin bacteria of individual amphibians in a natural habitat 8-4 華美奧鍬甲雄性與雌性個體間腸道細菌群落的差異 doi.org/10.3390/ani10122352 Divergence in gut bacterial community structure between male and female stag beetles Odontolabis fallaciosa (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) [9 R分析套件] microeco:用來挖掘微生物群落生態數據的R package doi.org/10.1093/femsec/fiaa255 microeco: An R package for data mining in microbial community ecology (完) -- 背景音樂: Breathe 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: Julia Wu 吳卓源, terrytyelee, C-Infamous 作曲: Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/KsY7Hb?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library 片頭與片尾: 撥接 Instrumental 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰 作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW 連結: https://kkbox.fm/AsObER?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library Powered by Firstory Hosting


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