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Author: 英语主播Emily

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1544 Episodes
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:课程获取10节精品视频课程A: John beat me black and blue yesterday. 约翰昨天把我打的鼻青脸肿。B: Why? 为什么?A: Because I told the teacher about his cheating in the exam. 因为我告诉老师,他考试作弊了。B: He goes too far. 他太过分了。A: I'm determined to pay him back in his own coin.我想以牙还牙。B: You can never do that.你千万别那么样。pay sb back in one's own coin以其人之道还治其人之身;以牙还牙My boyfriend always arrives late. Last night I decided to pay him back in his own coin by keeping him waiting for half an hour.因为我男友约会总是迟到,所以我昨晚决定以牙还牙,让他等了我半个小时。The neighbor always plays loud music at night, so I paid him back in his own coin by having a small party during his nap time. 邻居晚上总是放很大声的音乐,所以我以他的方式回敬,在他午休时举办了一个小型派对My brother took my snack, so I paid him back in his own coin by hiding his video game console. 我哥哥吃了我的零食,所以我以他的方式回敬,藏起了他的游戏机。black and blue遍体鳞伤;青一块紫一块He fell off his bike and was black and blue all over. 他骑自行车摔倒了,全身都是青一块紫一块的。 My brother got into a fight and came home black and blue. 我哥哥打架后回家,全身都是青一块紫一块的。 After the car accident, her legs were black and blue. 车祸之后,她的腿上都是青一块紫一块的。 go too far做的过分;走极端He joked about her weight, but he went too far and hurt her feelings. 他拿她的体重开玩笑,但他说得太过分了,伤害了她的感情。 He exercised every day, but he went too far and injured his knee. 他每天都锻炼,但做得太过分,结果伤了膝盖。 She tried to save money, but she went too far and now she never goes out. 她试图省钱,但做得太过分,现在她从不外出。 
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:课程获取10节精品视频课程A: John beat me black and blue yesterday. 约翰昨天把我打的鼻青脸肿。B: Why? 为什么?A: Because I told the teacher about his cheating in the exam. 因为我告诉老师,他考试作弊了。B: He goes too far. 他太过分了。A: I'm determined to pay him back in his own coin.我想以牙还牙。B: You can never do that.你千万别那么样。
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:课程即可获取10节精品视频课程告别哑巴英语 全面提高听力,发音,口语A: Stay with me, okay? I don't feel like staying here by myself. 留下来陪陪我吧,好吗?我不喜欢自己待在这里。B: Well, okay, if something does turn up, I'll just play it by ear.好吧,如果有事的话,我就只好看情况而定了。A: There's a new movie on campus. Have you heard of it? 我们学校要放映一部新电影,你听说了吗?B: Yes, it's a comedy. Let's go to cinema then.听说了,是个喜剧,那咱们去看电影吧。play it by ear见机行事;随机应变We don't have a fixed plan for the weekend; we'll just play it by ear. 我们周末没有固定的计划,到时候看情况再说。He's not sure if he can make it to the party; he'll play it by ear and let us know later. 他不确定是否能来参加派对,他会视情况而定,稍后告诉我们。The weather is unpredictable today, so we'll play it by ear whether to go for a picnic or not. 今天天气不可预测,所以我们到时候再看是否去野餐。相近表达"play it by ear" 这个短语的意思是根据情况灵活应对,没有事先的计划。以下是一些意思相近的表达:Wing it: 随机应变,即没有准备就即兴发挥。We didn't prepare a speech, so we'll have to wing it.我没有准备演讲,所以只能即兴发挥了。Go with the flow: 随波逐流,顺其自然。We don't have a set plan for the day; we're just going to go with the flow.我们今天没有固定得计划,只能顺其自然。Take things as they come: 接受事情的自然发展,不强求。I try not to worry about the future; I just take things as they come.我尽量不去担心未来。我就接受事情得发展。
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:课程即可获取10节精品视频课程告别哑巴英语 全面提高听力,发音,口语A: Stay with me, okay? I don't feel like staying here by myself. 留下来陪陪我吧,好吗?我不喜欢自己待在这里。B: Well, okay, if something does turn up, I'll just play it by ear.好吧,如果有事的话,我就只好看情况而定了。A: There's a new movie on campus. Have you heard of it? 我们学校要放映一部新电影,你听说了吗?B: Yes, it's a comedy. Let's go to cinema then.听说了,是个喜剧,那咱们去看电影吧。
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:课程即可领取十节精品视频课程全面提高听力,发音,口语A: You're sure to be lagged behind if you rest on your laurels. 如果你满足于现有成绩的话,很快就会被甩在后面了。B: I know what I should do in the future. I'll continue my effort.我知道该怎么办,我会继续努力的。rest/sit on one's laurels安于现状;吃老本;固步自封You can't rest on your laurels if you want to stay ahead in this competitive industry. 如果你想在这个竞争激烈的行业保持领先,就不能躺在过去的荣誉上。The company needs to innovate instead of resting on its laurels if it wants to maintain its market position. 如果这家公司想要保持其市场地位,就需要创新,而不是依赖过去的成就。She decided to pursue further education instead of resting on her laurels from high school. 她决定继深造,而不是依赖过去的成就。lag behind落后;滞后;追不上She felt she was lagging behind her peers in terms of career progression. 她感觉在职业发展方面落后于她的同龄人。The economic development of the region has been lagging behind the national average. 该地区的经济发展一直落后于全国平均水平。If you lag behind in your studies, you'll find it hard to catch up later. 如果你学习上落后了,以后你会发现很难追上来。相近表达Live on past glory: 依靠过去的荣耀生活,不再创造新的成就。例:The team is living on past glory; they haven't won a championship in years.这支球队靠过去的辉煌生活;他们已经好几年没赢过冠军了。Rest upon past achievements: 依赖于过去的成就。例:She refuses to rest upon past achievements and continues to push herself to learn and grow.她拒绝停留在过去的成就上,继续推动自己学习和成长。Bask in past success: 沉浸在过去的成功之中。例: Rather than basking in past success, the entrepreneur is focused on developing new products.这位企业家没有沉浸在过去的成功中,而是专注于开发新产品。
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:课程即可领取十节精品课程全面提高听力,口语,发音技巧A: I've been worried about the examination results all afternoon.我整个下午都为考试结果担心。B: Don't be silly. I think you must have passed.别傻了,你一定会通过的。A: I'm not sure.我没把握。B: You can call the teacher to ask about it and it will put your mind at rest.你可以打电话问问老师,那样的话你就放心了。put one's mind at rest使某人安心、放心The doctor's reassurance put my mind at rest about the surgery. 医生的安慰让我对手术放心。I know you're anxious to hear how your father is doing after the surgery, so let me put your mind at rest. He's going to make a full recovery.我知道你急于想知道你父亲手术后的情况,所以我告诉你,他会完全康复的,这样你会放心了。After installing a home security system, the homeowner was able to put his mind at rest about potential break-ins when he was away on business trips. 在安装了家庭安全系统后,房主能够在出差时放心,不再担心可能的入室盗窃。相近表达Settle someone's nerves - 使某人平静下来例:The warm welcome from the host settled the guests' nerves as they entered the party. 主人热情的欢迎让客人们在进入派对时平静下来。Relieve someone of their worries - 解除某人的忧虑例:The financial advisor relieved the couple of their worries about retirement planning. 财务顾问解除了这对夫妇对退休计划的忧虑。Soothe someone's concerns - 缓解某人的担忧例:The manager soothed the employee's concerns about job security during the company meeting. 经理在公司会议上缓解了员工对工作保障的担忧。Lay someone's fears to rest - 消除某人的恐惧例:The doctor's positive prognosis laid the patient's fears to rest regarding the surgery outcome. 医生乐观的预后消除了病人对手术结果的恐惧。
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:课程即可获取免费10节精品试听课程全面提高口语,发音,听力A: Tom came to my home and talked with me the whole night yesterday. 昨天汤姆到我家和我聊了整整一个晚上。B: What were you talking about?谈了些什么?A: Everything under the sun and he revealed his hand to ask me to help him in the exam at last.无所不谈。最后,他终于表明他的目的,想让我在考试中帮帮他。B: Did you agree? 你答应了吗?A: Of course not.当然没有。reveal one's hand表明计划/意图/想法;漏出底牌The company has been cautious not to reveal its hand too early in the negotiation process.这家公司在谈判过程中一直很谨慎,没有过早地透露自己的计划。The politician revealed her hand by announcing her policy proposals before the election.这位政治家在选举前宣布了她的政策提案,从而透露了她的意图。everything under the sun天南地北:指各种各样的事物,包罗万象They sell everything under the sun at that market.在那个市场上他们卖各种各样的东西。We used to gossip for hours about everything under the sun.我们过去一聊便是数小时,天底下的事无所不谈。"摊牌了"在英语中可以表达为 “show one’s cards” 或 “put one’s cards on the table”。这两个短语都源自扑克牌游戏,用来比喻在某种情况或对话中公开自己的立场、计划或意图。以下是一些例句:例:It’s time to show our cards and tell them what we really think.是时候摊牌了,告诉他们我们真正的想法。例:He decided to put his cards on the table and discuss the real issues.他决定摊牌,讨论真正的问题。例:We need to be transparent and show our cards if we want to move forward with this deal.如果我们想要继续进行这笔交易,我们需要透明一些,摊牌吧。
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:课程即可获取免费10节精品试听课程全面提高口语,发音,听力A: Tom came to my home and talked with me the whole night yesterday. 昨天汤姆到我家和我聊了整整一个晚上。B: What were you talking about?谈了些什么?A: Everything under the sun and he revealed his hand to ask me to help him in the exam at last.无所不谈。最后,他终于表明他的目的,想让我在考试中帮帮他。B: Did you agree? 你答应了吗?A: Of course not.当然没有。
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号回复:课程即可获取10节精品视频课程A: Did you hear the report yesterday? 你昨天去听报告了吗?B: Yeah, the reporter is so young but so successful. 听了,那个人真是年轻有为。A: He must pay a lot of price. 他肯定为此付出了很大的代价。B: Why do you say like that? 你为什么这么说?A: Because there is no royal road to success.因为成功无捷径嘛。
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号回复:课程即可获取10节精品视频课程royal road to...的捷径There is no royal road to success; it requires hard work and dedication. 没有通往成功的捷径;它需要努力和奉献。Many people wish for a royal road to mastery, but true expertise comes from years of practice. 许多人希望有一条通往精通的捷径,但真正的专业技能来自多年的实践。The athlete knows there is no royal road to winning; it takes relentless training and discipline. 这位运动员知道没有通往胜利的捷径;它需要不懈的训练和纪律。pay a price付出代价He knew that pursuing his dream would require him to pay a price.他知道追求梦想需要他付出代价。Many night shift workers pay a price in their health.许多夜班工人在他们的健康上付出了很大的代价。
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:课程获取10节精品课程A: Mom, the teacher asked me what I would like to be when I grow up. 妈妈,老师问我长大以后要做什么。B: How did you answer her? 你怎么说?A: I said I'd set my sights on becoming a writer, and then the teacher told me to read more great books. 我说我打定主意要当一名作家,然后老师告诉我要多读名著。B: That's the best advice.那是最好的忠告。set one's sights on sth/doing sth以...为奋斗目标;决心做到When John graduated from college, he set his sights on starting his own business.约翰大学毕业后,他立志要创办自己的企业。Maria has set her sights on learning a new language before the end of the year.玛丽亚立志要在年底前学会一门新语言。The athlete set his sights on breaking the world record in the next championship.这位运动员立志在下一届锦标赛上打破世界纪录。She set her sights on finishing the marathon in under four hours. 她立志要在四小时内完成马拉松。The company has set its sights on expanding into international markets. 这家公司立志要拓展到国际市场。My brother set his sights on joining the military/army after high school. 我哥哥立志高中毕业后参军。
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复“课程”获取10节精品课程A: Mom, the teacher asked me what I would like to be when I grow up. 妈妈,老师问我长大以后要做什么。B: How did you answer her? 你怎么说?A: I said I'd set my sights on becoming a writer, and then the teacher told me to read more great books. 我说我打定主意要当一名作家,然后老师告诉我要多读名著。B: That's the best advice.那是最好的忠告。
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:课程获取十节免费试听精品课程A: Mom, where's my pencil box? 妈,我的文具盒在哪儿?B: It's on your bookshelf. I told you to get your things ready last night.在你的书架上。我昨天不是告诉你让你把东西都收拾好吗?A: I know, but I can't find my eraser. 知道了,我又找不到橡皮了。B: Forget about it. Shake a leg or you're going to be late.别管它了。你快点吧,要不然上学就迟到了。场景一催促别人行动:当你想要催促某人快点做某事或快点起床时,你可以说“Shake a leg!”。例如,如果你在等朋友准备出门,你可以说:“Come on, shake a leg! We’re going to be late!”场景二开始工作:在早晨开始工作或上学前,家长或同事可能会用这个短语来鼓励大家开始新的一天。例如:“Alright, everyone, shake a leg, we’ve got a lot to do today.”场景三提高速度:在工作场所或团队活动中,如果有人行动迟缓,其他人可能会用这个短语来鼓励他们加快速度。例如:“We need to finish this project by noon. Let’s shake a leg, team!”场景四日常对话:在朋友或家庭成员之间的日常对话中,这个短语可以用来以轻松的方式提醒对方不要拖延。例如:“Shake a leg, we need to leave in 10 minutes if we want to catch the movie on time.”背实用句子NOTICE ANNOUNCEMENTHey, shake a leg! We need to leave in ten minutes if we want to catch the train.嘿,快点!如果我们想要赶上火车,十分钟内就得出发。Dad's waiting in the car, so you'd better shake a leg or he'll be angry.爸爸在车里等着,你最好快点,否则他会生气。Shake a leg, team! We have a lot to accomplish before the day is over.快点,团队!我们有很多事情要在今天完成。
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:课程获取10节系统口语课程试听课 助力海外生活A: How do you plan to spend your holiday? 你打算怎么度过假期?B: I had thought of going to Europe for a month. 我本想到欧洲旅游一个月。A: Good idea.好主意。B: But my fail in the final exam will send everything up in smoke.可我期末考试没及格,一切打算都化为乌有了。send something up in smoke使...化为乌有John have been saving up for years to open his own restaurant. He invested all his savings into the business. But just one month after the grand opening, a fire broke out in the kitchen, destroying the entire place and sending all his hard work and investment up in smoke.约翰为了开自己的餐厅已经存了多年的钱,他把所有的积蓄都投资到了这个生意上。但是开业仅仅一个月后,厨房发生了一场火灾,整个地方都毁灭了。他所有的辛勤工作和投资都化为乌有。save up攒钱savings存款;储蓄金grand opening开业典礼break out(疾病,战争等)爆发例句:The crashed stock market sent his life savings up in smoke.股市崩盘后他毕生的积蓄化为乌有。He sent his savings up in smoke by gambling.他因为赌博把积蓄挥霍一空。He sent his chance of promotion up in smoke by arriving late every day.他每天迟到,把升职机会都弄没了。think of考虑;想着She couldn't think of anything to say during the meeting.她在会议上想不出说什么。I can't think of anyone who would be more suitable for the job.我想不出有谁比他更适合这份工作。When I think of summer, I think of ice cream and the beach.当我想到夏天,我想到冰淇淋和海滩。
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:节目获取电台节目跟读练习A: How do you plan to spend your holiday? 你打算怎么度过假期?B: I had thought of going to Europe for a month. 我本想到欧洲旅游一个月。A: Good idea.好主意。B: But my fail in the final exam will send everything up in smoke.可我期末考试没及格,一切打算都化为乌有了。
欢迎关注微信公众号英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:课程获取系统180节视频课试听(听力,发音,口语)A: Whose English is the best in your class? 谁是你们班级英语最好的?B: James, of course. 当然是詹姆斯。A: Oh?是吗?B: He's good at English, especially he is streets ahead of the rest of the class at reading.他擅长英语,尤其在阅读方面,比其他同学强很多。streets ahead遥遥领先;比...有优势Our team is streets ahead in the competition.我们对在比赛中遥遥领先。Germany is streets ahead in environmental awareness.德国在环保意识方面遥遥领先。Sarah's language skills are streets ahead of the other students.莎拉的语言技能比其他同学强得多。Jane is always streets ahead in fashion choices.简在时尚选择上总是领先别人。小练习:造句:在乒乓球比赛中,中国队遥遥领先日本队。(将你的表达打在留言区哦~~)
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily获取更多学习资料A: Whose English is the best in your class? 谁是你们班级英语最好的?B: James, of course. 当然是詹姆斯。A: Oh?是吗?B: He's good at English, especially he is streets ahead of the rest of the class at reading.他擅长英语,尤其在阅读方面,比其他同学强很多。
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~jㄜㄧㄧ..ㄠ h˙ hmm˙nb. qcyh;n ˙ㄡ ㄥㄑㄣz

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(๑ •ㅂ•) ✧泉 Vicky

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May 20th

ys Pan


Sep 28th