夢中 ê 情話

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#185 体格 ánchóaⁿ 是好?安盞是 bái?汝交乎仩決定?咱咁會不知好 bái (b_d)?

逐工洗嘴足費氣、咁通一礼拜 ê 額 27 擺做一下洗乎了・:*+.\(( °皿° ))/.:+ Sī ánchóaⁿ ta̍k lâng lóng ài liān sinthé? Sinthé kiānkhong, kiàn kok sêngkong. Sînthé ióngkiāⁿ jînseng chhiaiāⁿ bô teh kā lí hau siâu. Bô liān sinthé ē chhut tāichì lí kám chai!! Chit chip pôe hō͘ lán phòe hangbah~~~~~~~~ Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting


#184 天冬時卜光、choân 心無赶、choan 心無赶 ê 科技恋愛故事

Kā lín kóng, mā hō͘ lín khoàⁿ, hō͘ lín thiaⁿ, mā sī ē ū bô hoattō͘ chúnpī hó, tāichì kap siūⁿ ê choânchoân bô kāng ê sî. M̄koh bô iàukín! Bôkoáⁿ, chitmá kanta sī chitmá, kin'áji̍t mā kannta sī kin'áji̍t, chúnnā hiānchhúsî m̄tio̍h, tán leh kám ē hiônghiông tio̍h sī chin pháiⁿ kóng. Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting


#183 聽候天光 ê 一段(?)故事

Chit pái CALL OUT ChS25 lo̍k! Mā sī thoa tio̍h pài5 chiah hòngsàng po͘ M̄ koh thiaⁿ tiō tio̍h ah~💚 Thiaⁿ bē chhengchhó ê sî iōng hīⁿhóng thiaⁿ🎧 heh! 1 tōaⁿ koanhē ê kiatsok mā ē tàng chiok súi o͘h~~ Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting


#182 天光前 ê 失戀故事

Ū loânài tiō ū sitloân. Thiaⁿ TL45 lâi phòa pak.👍🏽 Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting


#181 聽眾留話 (●°u°●)​ 」

Kóaⁿ sîkan beh hù 24:00 chìnchêng hòngsàng soah po͘ khì, āulâi ū lōngchú hôe thâu ah. Nā lí ū thiaⁿ tio̍h O͘ Khang ê Kò͘sū piáusī lí sī thiⁿkong'á kiáⁿ lah~~~~ 💚2024 nî 8 goe̍h chhe 10 pài6 14:00 O͘ STAR Iâmtiâⁿpo͘: https://www.facebook.com/OmamaTaioan228/posts/pfbid02qmcnBuBdPyvxHjFrTMV98YDP2fb2vyxF3pQmMm7JxJoQauSBYrTSh5vSSo2pLvN1l 👉🏽Tâioânlâng 精神衛生服務使用調查:https://forms.gle/8UvBEy9VGnsPMNgo8?fbclid=IwY2xjawEgfMtleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHVlWrodGjLOhRIrvUwlb1H6WgRvpAtS2rlm3BbN5H84jVdG-kUB03NeJRg_aem_9nbi6YbW3tFSlFgk77k5HQ 👉🏽草地長老 Chháutē Tiúⁿló: Instagram, 面册 Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting


#180 天光前 ê 戀愛故事

Téng lépài tòe leh bih hongthai, ta̍kê ū hósè bô? Thau chia̍h / Hông thau chia̍h / Tē 3 chiá Chit chi̍p m̄ sī tī bāng tiong, loânài ê tāichì sī kóng bē liáu, Ìài ê bô ittēng hó tàutīn, tàutīn ê bô ittēng ū chinsim. Koh kóng kah hiám hiám á beh CALL OUT ah. Púnté sī siūⁿ kóng beh lâi lūn siáⁿmih hōchò koanhē . Kiatkó náchhiūⁿ sī bô sáⁿ koanhē. Tio̍h sī ē ū chiahni̍h hàmkó͘ ê sî, lâi thiaⁿ khòaⁿmāi sī loânài iā sī loānài. Hiānchāi sī hit kang, ióngkám ê Tâioânlâng (? Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting


#179 Hăⁿ?今旦日卜廣 siáⁿ?

Kinájı̍t lán ànsǹg mài ū jīmhô ê ànsǹg. Tōa sêngkong!!!!! Lí ​ chhı̍h loeh thiaⁿ ah! Kionghí! Lán ta̍h chhut hit pō͘ ah! Kionghí! Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting


#178 Básuh 頂出代志(´゚д゚`)

Góa mā bô siáⁿ khaktēng góa tàuté tú tio̍h siáⁿ m̄ koh seng kóng hō͘ lín thiaⁿ lah Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting


#177 来听無想 beh 結婚煞走去結婚 ê 掠貓大師有 siáⁿ 話通講(。ì _ í。)

Po͘ Lia̍h niau tāisu kap te̍kpia̍t lâipin o͘h (?) Chit lépài iū koh sī bān 1 kang Tosiā lín nāisim tánthāi lah~~~~ Kisu̍t būntê káikoat Chitmá chèngkeng ē tàng CALL OUT ah neh Koh khòaⁿ māi Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting


#176 食頭路?是好食歹食?Iā 是悪食 leh?

Bān kàu~~~~~ Chhiáⁿ ta̍kê koài Tn̂gmo͘ ê (?) I ài hūchek siūⁿ chit chi̍p ê miâ soah bē hù seⁿ hō͘ góa po͘ M̄ chaiiáⁿ ta̍kê kám bat chia̍h thâulō͘? Ū hó chia̍h bô? Lán lóng thang chò thâuke neh pò lí chai. Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting


#175 風声放送

tán góa pó͘ lah.. bô tiō khì O͘ MÀMÀ ê fanpage chhōe Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting


#174 汝咁知影汝有外 gâu?Nā 無來講甲汝知!咱人 ê 設計圖 2

Eh chit 集有上 YouTube lah! 緊去捧場!YouTube 版路尾有一卦 PODCAST 無收 ê 話 po͘ 爲着舞 he chit 集「純・Podcast」顛倒慢到小可、多謝逐个耐心等待💚 kóng liáu chiah siūⁿtio̍h ê pó͘chhiong khòaⁿ lāité 🔋góa sī siáng ? ánchóaⁿ pháng? anchóaⁿ sóng? khòaⁿ gōakháu 📽pa̍tlâng sī ánchóaⁿ pháng? kám ū sūn? 📺góa thang énghióng siáⁿ? 🪞chit ê khoânkéng siáⁿkhoán? 🔋sī 1 té khip chio̍h nā chò kahì ê tāichì, lí púnsin tio̍h ē chiâⁿ chò 1 lia̍p khipchio̍h lí ê hoaⁿhì chhàng bē tiâu ta̍k ê ē kahì oá lâi, khòaⁿ lí sī teh sóng siáⁿ lí só͘ "suiáu tútio̍h" ê itchhè só͘ū mā ē lâikàu gánchêng chē kah lí siūⁿ bô ê chē (sóng tio̍hsī siáu sóng ê khíthâu) 📽chaiiáⁿ katī gâu ê sî lí tio̍h ē piàn siáu gâu tinsioh katī ê châichêng kap théla̍t lí chùì siáⁿmih tio̍h ē tī hia khí 1 ê tengthah lí nā chùì Tâibûn, tio̍h ē ū lâng lâi o̍h lí nā kahì kiànkok, tio̍h ē ū lâng ittı̍t phû chhutlâi chhōe tengthah Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting


#173 愛貓人士做 TNR:希望安樂死政策趕緊返来

Pe̍h ê 是愛貓人士。有 teh 做 TNR 不閣反對 TNR。 身軀邊多多朋友 teh 做 TNR。 我煞一直看無 in 到底是抱 siáⁿmih 心情。 Chit 集貓派寢頭 tiō chibai、狗派 chiah 是世界和平 ê 希望。 BTW chitmá 打狗逐禮拜有固定台湾國國民聚會。 固定拜三下晝 3 点塩埕埔、辦 tī 台湾國國民服務處。 地点夭未公開、請送信息来 Instagram 問。 Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting


#172 蕃薯仔鳥行動

💚6/1 拜六 22:00 第 132 回 世界台灣文化論壇(台灣文學欣賞) 主題:BOK 血 Ê 孔嘴 主講人:Chiu Tēng-pang 周定邦 線頂聚會網鍊(MEETING LINK): https://natwa.webex.com/meet/taigi 💚🌱聚會風声放送🚩打狗 5/30 開始、O͘ MÀMÀ 逐礼拜拜四下晡 3 點、chio 逐个來塩埕埔做伙看鹽水大飯店。 會員自由寄付。非會員(仝口灶 or 甲朋友上多 2 人一組)目前一個月 424、歡迎 chio 朋友做伙來(愛講台湾話應該免加講🤩)。 食物涼水 katī 拴、具体地點目前無對外公開、有 beh 来請送信息來 Instagram: Chioaoa6519 問 o͘h! Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting


#171 查埔人一定愛學 Ē 曉照鏡

歹世 chăng 拜三無準時、今旦日燒个鮮个補起来 Chit 集 Tn̂gmo͘ ê 来甲我做伙錄😎 愛水?查埔人?袂曉照鏡? Sī ánchóaⁿ kui sin kiàⁿ tùi chapo͘ lâng chiah iàukín? kín lâi thiaⁿ! 是按盞歸身鏡對查埔人即要緊? Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting


#170 異端 ê 學問——咱人 ê 設計圖

總算不是我一个人 katī 錄 ah lah SÓNG TOP 来甲咱講咱人 ê 設計圖 足久無甲人做伙錄 器材夭 teh 調整 大細声無 kài 穩定 恁 teh 听愛注意 heh 頭前十分鐘卡恐怖小可不閣恁 keng 過 tiō 出頭天 ah 無了解人類設計圖 ê ME mā 是加減听人講過 不閣 tiō 是听無 tiō 是听無 po͘ TOP 講我 chiah 頭一擺感覺我正經听有 ah!! 留話 kā 阮講汝是 ba-teh-lih🔋・投影機📽️・電視📺 iā 是鏡🪞 Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting


#169 恁是 teh 笑 siáⁿ?我想三工==

Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting


#168 刺蔣 424 行動:受難➡️反抗➡️建國

Púnté sinthé teh bô sóngkhoài. Kóng kóng leh ke chiâⁿ ū khùila̍t, tosiā khongtiong ê pêngiú lah! 刺蔣記錄片:https://youtu.be/wOYR7sorYf4?si=WPhBwoP2isUK98ro 鬥陣卡嬴加治拼 lah Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting


#167 水星倒退 lu ē 出代志?咁有影🤩

關心台湾相關 ê 國際大事💚人 siuⁿ 白痴 ē 出代志 4/20 高雄二二八協會講座💚南國精神打死不退報名 Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting


#166 汝咁 mā teh 看野球?運動 kap 人生

Eh chit 集 beh upload ê 時雄雄 hō͘ 網站要求愛開錢升級會員 lol OK 我 tiō 錢開落👌🏽 後擺開始工商服務請逐个 chànchō͘ XDDD Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckifjefpr2sho0972by37df11/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting


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