
花十分鐘聽一篇國際時事新聞 學知識、學英文 用輕鬆幽默的創意聯想背單字! 如果有什麼想要跟崔娜分享的 歡迎寄email到我的信箱!❤ 👉 katrinawork1201@gmail.com 崔娜官方ig 👉 https://z-p42.www.instagram.com/trina.news/ 若想表達對崔娜的支持 除了可以按五顆星留評論~ 也可小額贊助🌟 用一杯咖啡的分享, 和崔娜共度美好下午時光, 您的咖啡共同滋養節目更多靈感!☕ 👉 https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

[北非語] Ep49 必學的6個摩洛哥柏柏爾語

今天不教英文,教你柏柏爾語 Tamazight 北非除了埃及、撒哈拉沙漠 還有穴居屋及文化豐富的 Amazigh (柏柏爾人) 阿爾及利亞、突尼西亞、摩洛哥等北非區域都有Amazigh (柏柏爾人) 存在 他們說的語言叫做 Tamazight 崔娜教你用聯想的方式記起6個日常會話 讓你過年時在親戚面前賣弄學問一下! 若想表達對崔娜的支持 除了可以按五顆星留評論~ 也歡迎小額贊助🌟 👉 pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719 官方IG 👉https://www.instagram.com/trina.news/ 崔娜本人IG 👉https://instagram.com/katrinajheng?igshid=NzZlODBkYWE4Ng== (以下是崔娜自己整理Amazigh語言相關YouTube) 1. An Overview of the Amazigh Languages https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FM9zJh3KEM 2. Amazigh 字母教學 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASkEo4Y9IEI ----------------- Hello-> Azul 阿珠勒 How are you?-> mataànit? 媽打你 Thanks-> Tanmmirt 他們沒喝(咳痰聲) Good morning-> Tifawin 體罰我們(台語)~ Good night-> Timensiwin 踢門是我們(台語) Goodbye-> Ar tufat 啊!too fat! My name is…. -> Isem-inu+名字 -----------------------------------------


[中級] Ep48 撒哈拉沙漠的族群

[中級] Ep48 撒哈拉沙漠的族群 北非有一群快被遺忘的族群Amazigh 是在亞洲不太被提起的阿拉伯區域文化 今天帶你深入了解,下一集一起來學他們的語言! 快來聽今天的新聞~ 若想表達對崔娜的支持 除了可以按五顆星留評論~ 也歡迎小額贊助🌟 👉 pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719 崔娜官方IG (歡迎私訊互動) 👉https://www.instagram.com/trina.news/ 崔娜本人IG 👉https://instagram.com/katrinajheng?igshid=NzZlODBkYWE4Ng== 新聞連結 https://minorityrights.org/minorities/berbers/ https://www.thenationalnews.com/opinion/comment/don-t-call-us-berber-we-are-amazigh-1.965334 (以下是崔娜自己整理Amazigh語言相關YouTube) 1. An Overview of the Amazigh Languages https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FM9zJh3KEM 2. Amazigh 字母教學 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASkEo4Y9IEI ----------------- interspersed with sth. (phr.)點綴著……的,分散……的 forests interspersed with meadows and lakes 點綴著零星草地和湖泊的森林 cosmopolitan (adj./n.) 世界各地的; 世界性的; 周遊世界的人 (containing or having experience of people and things from many different parts of the world) New York is a highly cosmopolitan city 紐約是個國際化程度很高的大都市。 ----------------------------------------- Amazighs 說的語言叫做 Tamazight,在這個語言裡他們稱呼自己為 Imazighen 意思是free people indigenous 本土的 connotation 隱含意義 dispersion 分散(正式) hinder 阻礙 emergence 出現 (正式) cosmopolitan 來自世界各地的; 世界性的; 周遊世界的人 intelligible (adj.) 容易理解的 intelligibility (n.) 易懂性 littoral (專有名詞) 海岸的; 潮汐帶 considerable 相當多的;非常可觀的; 相當重要的


[基礎] Ep47 法國巴黎迎奧運

你去過法國巴黎塞納河畔了嗎? 巴黎的塞納河有著綿延三公里長的舊書攤貫穿 左右岸從羅浮宮一路到聖母院 是全世界最大的露天書店 卻因為明年的奧運開幕式要被拆除了! 還沒去過的朋友以後沒機會看到了嗎?! 快來聽今天的新聞~ 若想表達對崔娜的支持 除了可以按五顆星留評論~ 也歡迎小額贊助🌟 👉 pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719 崔娜官方IG (歡迎私訊互動,發英文學習動態) 👉https://www.instagram.com/trina.news/ 崔娜本人IG (分享生活日常及人生) 👉https://instagram.com/katrinajheng?igshid=NzZlODBkYWE4Ng== 新聞連結 https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/threaten-erase-symbol-paris-say-riverside-booksellers-2023-07-29/ ----------------- intangible (adj.) (感覺或性質)難以捉摸的,無法形容的 (An intangible feeling or quality exists but you cannot describe it exactly or prove it.) She has that intangible quality which you might call charisma. 她具有一種難以捉摸的特質,你或許會稱之為個人魅力。 heritage (v.) 遺產(指流傳下來的具有歷史意義的傳統、語言、建築等) (features belonging to the culture of a particular society, such as traditions, languages, or buildings, that were created in the past and still have historical importance) These monuments are a vital part of the cultural heritage of South America. 這些紀念碑是南美文化遺產的重要部分。


[教甄特集] Ep46 崔娜英語教甄第二名分享

又到了考老師的月份了 今天崔娜不教英文,要分享如何考正式老師 當年遇到傳說中十年來最難考的教甄 因為疫情所有縣市都停招只有臺北市招考 在大家都被隔離在家又嚴峻的情況下 考到臺北市英語教甄第二名 崔娜了解過程的辛苦,但也無法回覆每個人的訊息 所以直接做一集分享 希望能幫助到各位愛孩子的老師們 --------------------------- 若想表達對崔娜的支持 除了可以按五顆星留評論~ 也歡迎小額贊助🌟 👉 pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719 崔娜官方IG (歡迎私訊互動) 👉https://www.instagram.com/trina.news/


[基礎] Ep45 大谷翔平職棒傳奇

世界經典棒球賽MVP 大谷翔平 出生於體育世家卻仍嚴以律己,成為百年一遇的經典球員 今天透過新聞,學習簡單棒球相關英文 若想表達對崔娜的支持 除了可以按五顆星留評論~ 也歡迎小額贊助🌟 👉 pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719 崔娜官方IG (歡迎私訊互動) 👉https://www.instagram.com/trina.news/ 新聞連結 https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2023/mar/22/shohei-ohtani-japan-world-baseball-classic ----------------- top-flight (adj.) 頂級的; (職位或體育運動中的) 最高檔次,最高級別 (the highest level in a job or sport) He's one of our top-flight engineers. 他是我們最優秀的工程師之一。 hurl (v.) (通常指憤怒或用力地)拋,扔 (to throw something with a lot of force, usually in an angry or violent way) In a fit of temper he hurled the book across the room. 他一怒之下把書本扔到房間的另一邊。


[基礎] Ep44 農曆新年-初幾要幹嘛?

接續上一集農曆新年主題,這集要介紹傳統上在農曆幾號要做些什麼事 現在就來聽聽農曆年幾個重要的日子要做什麼吧~ 新聞連結 https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/lunar-new-year-2023-illustrated-guide-hnk-intl/index.html 若朋友們感受到崔娜製作每一集的用心 除了按五顆星留評論 也可以一次性小額支持贊助🌟 👉 pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719 或點選連結查看月訂閱支持方案 👉https://www.mbplayer.com/podcast/1458608/membership?from=SponsorLink 崔娜官方IG 👉https://www.instagram.com/trina.news/ ----------------- reunion dinner 團圓飯 zodiac signs 生肖 immediate family 直系親屬 文稿 : January 21 (Lunar New Year’s Eve): The big feast A big family reunion dinner is usually held on Lunar New Year’s Eve, which falls on January 21 this year. The menu is carefully chosen to include dishes associated with luck, including fish (the Chinese word for it sounds like the word for “surplus”), puddings (symbolizes advancement) and foods that look like gold ingots (like dumplings). January 22 (Lunar New Year): Family visits The first few days of the Lunar New Year, especially the first two days, are often a test of one’s stamina, appetite and social skills, as many people have to travel and visit immediate family, other relatives and friends. Bags are stocked with presents and fruits for each of the elders’ and friends’ homes visited, who will shower the visitor with gifts and snacks in return after exchanging conversations over Lunar New Year treats. Married people also have to give out red packets to those who haven’t yet tied the knot – both children and unmarried juniors. January 24: Chi kou/Cek hau, or Red Mouth Day three of the Lunar New Year (which falls on January 24 this year) is named “chi kou/cek hau,” or red mouth. It’s believed that arguments are more likely to happen on this day, so people will visit temples and avoid social interactions. Every year, certain Chinese zodiac signs clash with the stars negatively. A temple visit is a good way to resolve those conflicts and bring peace in the coming months. ----------------------------


[基礎] Ep43 農曆新年-年獸傳說

這次選用CNN的文章介紹農曆新年 讓你在親戚面前秀幾段 分成兩集 第一集 介紹年獸的故事 第二集 介紹傳統上在農曆幾號要做些什麼事 新聞連結 https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/lunar-new-year-2023-illustrated-guide-hnk-intl/index.html 需要中英逐字稿及電子講義嗎? 點選連結查看方案 👉https://www.mbplayer.com/podcast/1458608/membership?from=SponsorLink 若想表達對崔娜的支持 除了可以按五顆星留評論~ 也可小額贊助🌟 👉 pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719 崔娜官方IG 👉https://www.instagram.com/trina.news/ ----------------- Lunar New Year’s Eve除夕夜 auspicious phrases吉祥話 文稿 : There are countless folktales attached to Lunar New Year, but the myth of “Nian” stands out as the most iconic and fun. Legend has it Nian was a ferocious underwater beast with sharp teeth and horns. Every Lunar New Year’s Eve, it crawled onto the land and attacked a nearby village. On one such occasion, as the villagers rushed into hiding, a mysterious old man showed up and insisted on staying in the village despite being warned of impending doom. To the villagers’ surprise, the old man and the village survived utterly unscathed. The man claimed to have scared Nian away by hanging red banners on the door, lighting firecrackers and wearing red clothes.


[中級] Ep42 卡達FIFA世界盃

卡達是阿拉伯國家中第一個辦世界杯足球賽的國家 與西方關係很好還被認為是中等強國 他們在建造場館時也融入非常多環境友善概念 今天就要帶大家來聽卡達世界盃場館有多特別! 需要中英逐字稿及電子講義嗎? 點選連結查看方案 👉https://www.mbplayer.com/podcast/1458608/membership?from=SponsorLink 若想表達對崔娜的支持 除了可以按五顆星留評論~ 也可小額贊助🌟 👉 pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719 崔娜官方IG 👉https://www.instagram.com/trina.news/ 新聞連結 https://www.fifa.com/social-impact/sustainability/news/legacy-in-action-qatars-revolutionary-stadium-cooling-technology ----------------------------- commitment (n.) 忠誠;奉獻;承諾 (a willingness to give your time and energy to something that you believe in, or a promise or firm decision to do something) I felt I did not have to make such a commitment to them. 我覺得我沒有必要對他們作出那樣的承諾。 inauguration (n.) 就職典禮 (the act of officially putting someone into an important position, or the ceremony at which this is done) He watched the inauguration of his country's new president. 他觀看了新總統的就職典禮。


[中級] Ep41 柬埔寨詐騙產業

柬埔寨雖然有著世界奇觀吳哥窟 但經濟發展上位於中南半島五國中後段 政府貪污文化及色情產業毒品問題 導致詐騙產業盛行 今天一起來學習相關英文吧! 需要中英逐字稿及電子講義嗎? 點選連結查看方案 👉https://www.mbplayer.com/podcast/1458608/membership?from=SponsorLink 若想表達對崔娜的支持 除了可以按五顆星留評論~ 也可小額贊助🌟 👉 pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719 崔娜官方IG 👉https://www.instagram.com/trina.news/ 新聞連結 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-62792875 ------------------------ scam (n.) [非正式] 欺詐,詐騙,騙局 (an illegal plan for making money, especially one that involves tricking people) Their scam was selling fake Chinese medicine to old people. 他們的騙局是賣假中藥給老人。 fraud (n.) 騙子;騙人的事物;詐騙(罪) (the crime of getting money by deceiving people; someone who deceives people by saying that they are someone or something that they are not) She was a psychic who was later revealed to be a fraud. 她是一個通靈巫師,後來被發現是個騙子。


[中級] Ep40 都市傳說-遇水之皺(咒)

炎炎夏日最想泡在水中 但為什麼泡在水中久了皮膚就會開始變皺! 科學家發現皺紋還能看出健康狀況 竟然這麼神奇! 快來聽今天的新聞~ 若想表達對崔娜的支持 除了可以按五顆星留評論~ 也可小額贊助🌟 👉 pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719 需要中英逐字稿及電子講義嗎? 點選連結查看方案 👉https://www.mbplayer.com/podcast/1458608/membership?from=SponsorLink 崔娜官方IG 👉https://www.instagram.com/trina.news/ 新聞連結 https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220620-why-humans-evolved-to-have-fingers-that-wrinkle-in-the-bath ----------------------------- immerse (v.) 使浸沒(於) (to put something or someone completely under the surface of a liquid) The shells should be immersed in boiling water for two minutes. 貝類應在沸水中浸上兩分鐘。 wrinkle (n.) (皮膚上的/ 布料上的)皺紋 (a small line in the skin caused by old age/ a small line or fold in cloth) Sunbathing can prematurely age and wrinkle the skin. 日光浴會使皮膚提早老化、產生皺紋。


[初級] Ep39 猴痘是什麼?

Covid還沒結束又有一種傳染病「猴痘」正在蔓延 今天這集分成三段讓大家更了解這是什麼東西 How common is monkeypox? What are the symptoms? How do you catch it? 快一起來聽今天的新聞! 需要中英逐字稿及電子講義嗎? 點選連結查看方案 👉https://www.mbplayer.com/podcast/1458608/membership?from=SponsorLink 若想表達對崔娜的支持 除了可以按五顆星留評論~ 也可小額贊助🌟 👉 pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719 崔娜官方IG 👉https://www.instagram.com/trina.news/ 新聞連結 https://www.bbc.com/news/health-45665821 ----------------- condom(n.) 避孕套,保險套 (a thin rubber covering that a man can wear on his penis during sex to stop a woman becoming pregnant or to protect him or his partner against infectious diseases) Is it proper for government to enhance condom distribution exercise in schools? 政府在學校增加保險套發放練習是適合的嗎? itchy (adj.) 使人發癢的 (having or causing an itch) The dust made me feel itchy all over. 塵土使我渾身發癢。


[初級] Ep38 畢業了! 泰勒絲致詞

又到了鳳凰花開的季節 你還記得畢業典禮時的青澀與感動嗎? 今天要來聽歌手泰勒絲在博士班的畢業生代表致詞 這集的學習重點在聽力練習以及七個重點句子 一起來學習~ 需要中英逐字稿及電子講義嗎? 點選連結查看方案 👉https://www.mbplayer.com/podcast/1458608/membership?from=SponsorLink 若想表達對崔娜的支持 除了可以按五顆星留評論~ 也可小額贊助🌟 👉 pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719 崔娜官方IG 👉https://www.instagram.com/trina.news/ 新聞連結 https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/taylor-swift-nyu-commencement-speech-full-transcript-1235072824/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBG50aoUwlI&t=769s ----------------- cringe (v.) 感到難堪,覺得難爲情 (to feel very embarrassed) I cringed at the sight of my dad dancing. 看到爸爸跳舞我覺得很難爲情 grudge (n.) 怨恨,嫌隙,積怨 (a strong feeling of anger and dislike for a person who you feel has treated you badly, especially one that lasts for a long time) I don't bear any grudge against you. 我對你沒有絲毫怨恨。


[初級] Ep37 維京群島是洗錢天堂?

在中美洲加勒比海區域的維京群島 他們總理被發現販毒及洗錢在美國邁阿密被逮補 英國就想回來接管這個島國 我們快來一起聽今天的新聞! 需要中英逐字稿及電子講義嗎? 點選連結查看方案 👉https://www.mbplayer.com/podcast/1458608/membership?from=SponsorLink 若想表達對崔娜的支持 除了可以按五顆星留評論~ 也可小額贊助🌟 👉 pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719 崔娜官方IG 👉https://www.instagram.com/trina.news/ 新聞連結 https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-61280587 British Virgin Islands profile https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-20211990 ----------------------- trafficker (n.) 做非法買賣的人(尤指毒品販子) (a person who trades in illegal goods, especially drugs, or who buys or sells people or makes money from the work people are forced to do, such as sex work) an international arms trafficker 國際軍火販子 turbulent (adj.) 騷亂的,騷動的;動盪的,混亂的 (involving a lot of sudden changes, arguments, or violence) This has been a turbulent week for the administration. 對政府來講,這是動盪多事的一週。


[初級] Ep36 強尼戴普家暴官司

今天要討論強尼戴普和安柏赫德的家暴官司 透過這篇新聞一起學習法庭上英文! 安柏赫德在2016年控訴強尼戴普家暴導致他事業全毀 而這次的官司主要是強尼戴普要反告 安柏赫德誹謗他 2:00 第一段 8:35 第二段 12:15 第三段 14:29 今日單字 15:00 單字聯想故事 需要中英逐字稿及電子講義嗎? 點選連結查看方案 👉https://www.mbplayer.com/podcast/1458608/membership?from=SponsorLink 若想表達對崔娜的支持 除了可以按五顆星留評論~ 也可小額贊助🌟 👉 pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719 崔娜官方IG 👉https://www.instagram.com/trina.news/ 新聞連結 https://www.vulture.com/2022/04/johnny-depp-defamation-trial-cross-examination.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ wry (adj.) 諷刺的;解嘲的 (showing that you find a bad or difficult situation slightly funny) a wry sense of humour 冷嘲式幽默感 awkward (adj.) 令人尷尬的;使人難堪的 (causing problems, worry, or embarrassment) He seemed a little awkward when I first met him. 我第一次見他時,他有點兒放不開。


[基礎] Ep35 澳洲隱藏版私人國家

其實世界上有非常多微國家 micronation 又稱為私人國家 因為就像超真實版扮家家酒,不被國家所承認的微國家 而今天就要帶你聽位於澳洲的微國家 “Atlantium” 一起來聽今天的新聞! 需要中英逐字稿及電子講義嗎? 點選連結查看方案 👉https://www.mbplayer.com/podcast/1458608/membership?from=SponsorLink 若想表達對崔娜的支持 除了可以按五顆星留評論~ 也可小額贊助🌟 👉 pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719 崔娜官方IG 👉https://www.instagram.com/trina.news/ 新聞連結 https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220407-the-country-that-became-a-micronation-capital ----------------- reign (v.) 為王,為君;當政;統治 (to be the king or queen of a country) his successful reign as manager of the team 他以經理身份對這個小組的成功駕馭 abrupt (adj.) 突然的;意外的 (sudden and unexpected, and often unpleasant) Our conversation came to an abrupt end when George burst into the room. 喬治突然衝進房間裡,我們的談話戛然而止。


[中級] Ep34 斯里蘭卡經濟危機

斯里蘭卡是一個島嶼國家,因為它的形狀就像是淚滴,所以又被稱為印度洋的眼淚 仰賴出口及觀光的國家,面對烏俄戰爭及疫情重挫觀光出口 國債即將到期還不出錢 這篇有許多財經商業英文用法,多益都很常出現 一起來學習這篇新聞! 需要中英逐字稿及電子講義嗎? 點選連結查看方案 👉https://www.mbplayer.com/podcast/1458608/membership?from=SponsorLink 若想表達對崔娜的支持 除了可以按五顆星留評論~ 也可小額贊助🌟 👉 pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719 崔娜官方IG 👉https://www.instagram.com/trina.news/ 新聞連結 https://edition.cnn.com/2022/04/05/asia/sri-lanka-economic-crisis-explainer-intl-hnk/index.html ---------------------------------- demand (n.) 需求 (a need for something to be sold or supplied) Good teachers are always in (great) demand (= are always needed). 社會總是需要(大量的)優秀教師。 supply (n.) 供應量,供給量 (an amount of something that is available for use) In the capital, demand for cheap housing far outstrips supply (= what is provided). 在首都,廉價住房遠遠供不應求。


[初級] Ep33 豬是器官移植的未來嗎?

器官移植最怕的就是排斥反應 hyperacute rejection 就是將器官視為外來物所產生排斥反應 但經過基因改敘的基因工程豬,可以用他們的器官來供應人體器官移植 今天透過兩個臨床經驗來告訴大家異種移植的狀況! 需要中英逐字稿及電子講義嗎? 點選連結查看方案 👉https://www.mbplayer.com/podcast/1458608/membership?from=SponsorLink 若想表達對崔娜的支持 除了可以按五顆星留評論~ 也可小額贊助🌟 👉 pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719 崔娜官方IG 👉https://www.instagram.com/trina.news/ 新聞連結: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-60708120 --------------------------------- implications (n.) 可能的影響;可能的後果 (the effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future) What are the implications of the new law? 這部新法意味著甚麼呢? blunt (adj.) 直率的;生硬的;直截了當的 (saying what you think without trying to be polite or considering other people's feelings) I'll be blunt - that last piece of work you did was terrible. 我就直説了——你創作的最後一件作品糟糕透了。


[中級] Ep32 豬心可做器官移植?!

現在全球的人體器官捐贈的供應缺乏, 醫學家研究出用動物來做器官移植 美國用豬的心臟來做器官移植,結果成功了! 快來聽這篇來自BBC的新聞! 需要中英逐字稿及電子講義嗎? 點選連結查看方案 👉https://www.mbplayer.com/podcast/1458608/membership?from=SponsorLink 若想表達對崔娜的支持 除了可以按五顆星留評論~ 也可小額贊助🌟 👉 pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719 崔娜官方IG 👉https://www.instagram.com/trina.news/ 新聞連結: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-60708120 --------------------------------- recipient (n.) 接受者;領受者;承受者 (a person who receives something) He was a recipient of the Civilian Service Award. 他被授予平民服務獎章。 organ (n.) 器官;機構,機關;管風琴 (a part of the body of an animal or plant that performs a particular job) The heart is one of the body's vital organs. 心臟是人體的重要器官之一。


[中級] Ep31 俄烏戰爭

俄烏戰爭似乎還看不到盡頭,卻屢有消息傳出俄羅斯軍隊投降 還一些俄羅斯軍隊已經集體投降或破壞自己的車輛以避免戰鬥 今天的英文新聞要帶你來學俄烏戰爭相關英文! 需要中英逐字稿及電子講義嗎? 點選連結查看方案 👉https://www.mbplayer.com/podcast/1458608/membership?from=SponsorLink 若想表達對崔娜的支持 除了可以按五顆星留評論~ 也可小額贊助🌟 👉 pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719 崔娜官方IG 👉https://www.instagram.com/trina.news/ 新聞連結: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/01/world/europe/russia-troops-pentagon.html ----------------- inevitable (adj.) 不可避免的;必然發生的 (certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented) The accident was the inevitable consequence/result/outcome of carelessness. 這次意外是粗心導致的必然結果。 assault (adj. / v.) 毆打;襲擊;攻擊 (a violent attack) They launched an assault on the capital yesterday. 昨天他們對首都發起進攻。


[中級] Ep30 印尼遷首都-紅毛猩猩陷危機

在婆羅洲島上有許多豐富生態及雨林,更是瀕危物種紅毛猩猩的家 印尼首都雅加達,因海平面上升被研究指出將在2030年沈沒! 因此未來將要搬遷首都至婆羅洲島的東加里曼丹省 但遷都對原本住在那的紅毛猩猩是一大威脅 透過今天的新聞帶你了解紅毛猩猩現在的處境如何! 需要中英逐字稿及電子講義嗎? 點選連結查看方案 👉https://www.mbplayer.com/podcast/1458608/membership?from=SponsorLink 若想表達對崔娜的支持 除了可以按五顆星留評論~ 也可小額贊助🌟 👉 pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719 崔娜官方IG 👉https://www.instagram.com/trina.news/ 新聞連結: https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/indonesia-new-capital-borneo-orangutans-cmd/index.html


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