我去芬蘭是為了通過我自己的經歷來體驗最好的教育,以得到我自己的對於芬蘭教育的個人感受。然而,通過我的碩士課程,教育和全球化 (EdGlo),我卻 獲得了個人思維轉變的旅程。 因此,我想邀請那些願意分享自己想法的同學,通過這個節目來跟我們分享他們透過這個碩士學程獲得了怎樣的體悟。 本期節目邀請來自美國的Avery,她本身也在日本有近4年的英語助教工作經驗,來與我們分享她自己的感悟。 I went to Finland to experience the best education through my own experience, in order to have my personal reflection about Finnish education. However, through my master's program, Education and Globalization (EdGlo), I have gained a journey of mindset transformation. Therefore, I would like to invite my classmates who are willing to share their own reflections with us on what kinds of experience they have gained through this master's program. In this episode, I would like to invite Avery who is from the United States. and has nearly 4 years of working experience as an English teaching assistant in Japan, to share her insights with us. Powered by Firstory Hosting
我去芬蘭是為了通過我自己的經歷來體驗最好的教育,以得到我自己的對於芬蘭教育的個人感受。然而,通過我的碩士課程,教育和全球化 (EdGlo),我卻 獲得了個人思維轉變的旅程。 因此,我想邀請那些願意分享自己想法的同學,通過這個節目來跟我們分享他們透過這個碩士學程獲得了怎樣的體悟。 本期節目先邀請來自哥倫比亞的Juan,他本身是在中國有近9年的英語在線教師工作經驗,來與我們分享他自己的感悟。 因為他會說中文,所以這一集中的內容是中英文混合的對話方式。 但在未來,這個系列將以英文為主。 I went to Finland for experiencing the best education through my own experience to have my own realization, but I got a mindset turning journey in return through my Master Program, Education and Globalization (EdGlo). Therefore, I would like to invite my classmates who are willing to share their own thoughts and also told us what they took away through this program. This episode is Juan from Columbia and has almost 9 years of working experience as an English Online teacher in China to share with us his reflection. Because he could speak Chinese, the conversation mixes with Chinese and English within this episode. But in the future, this series will mainly in English. Powered by Firstory Hosting
Laura和我有幸在英國和芬蘭於2020年實際經歷並體驗了英國和芬蘭的遠距教學生活。所以,想要跟大家分享,我們各自在英國和芬蘭歷經遠距教學前中後這段時間的心路歷程。 Laura and I were fortunate enough to actually experience the distance learning life in the UK and Finland in 2020. Therefore, we would like to share with you the journey of our own respective and reflections. Powered by Firstory Hosting
Laura和我有幸在英國和芬蘭於2020年實際經歷並體驗了英國和芬蘭的遠距教學生活。所以,想要跟大家分享,我們各自在英國和芬蘭歷經遠距教學前中後這段時間的心路歷程。 Laura and I were fortunate enough to actually experience the distance learning life in the UK and Finland in 2020. Therefore, we would like to share with you the journey of our own respective and reflections. Powered by Firstory Hosting
家長對孩子求學的影響? Do parents influence their children’s Schooling? 在華人社會,父母總是為自己的孩子做決定,他們相信這對他們的未來有好處。 這幾乎是華人家庭的核心價值。 由於這一核心價值,孩子在做出自己的決定時必須尊重父母的觀點,甚至要考慮父母的感受。 那麼父母如何影響孩子的學業呢?是甚麼造成東西方家長的不同?該如何讓父母放手呢? In Chinese society, parents are always making decisions for their kids, and they believe it is good for their futures. It is almost a core value within the Chinese family. Because of this core value, children have to respect their parents' opinions and even consider their parents' feelings when children are making their own decisions. So how parents' influence their children’s Schooling? What makes the difference between Eastern and Western parents? How to allow parents to let go? Powered by Firstory Hosting
事實證明,在國外,老師的上課時間不能直接代表學分! 它還包括學生在課外獨立學習的時間。 該學生獨立學習的時間因國家/地區而異。 但是,只要學生花費了這麼多的學習時間,是否可以表明學生已經學習了老師要傳達的課程? It turns out that in foreign countries, the teacher's class hours cannot directly represent the credits! It also includes the time for students to study independently outside of class. The time for this student to study independently will vary from country to country. But as long as the student spends so many learning hours, can it represent that the student has learned the lesson that the teacher wants to convey? Powered by Firstory Hosting
在亞洲小島國家長大的我們,Laura和我從自己的經歷中學到了什麼觀察和經驗。我們在英國和芬蘭的教育過程中觀察到什麼? Growing up in a small Asian island country, what do Laura and I learn from our own experiences? What do we observe in the educational process in the UK and Finland? Powered by Firstory Hosting
記得以前台灣的很多教育文章都會羨慕國外的學生考試都是寫申論題,因為寫申論題可以培養建立學生的觀點。 但是建立自己的觀點很容易嗎?也許聽完我對 learning diary的感受,大家會有不一樣的看法!!! Powered by Firstory Hosting