
外刊精讲 | 突发!多地寻呼机爆炸,“已致9死约2800伤”,黎巴嫩誓言报复

【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:Do pager-bombs presage escalation between Israel and Hizbullah?Thousands of devices explode in an apparent Israeli attack正文:A man is standing at a cash register when the pager at his waist explodes, hurling him to the ground. Less than a metre away, the cashier panics but seems unhurt. Another man, shopping for green almonds in a market, collapses when smoke bursts from his midriff. Some shoppers run away; others stare in confusion.知识点:hurl v. /hɜːrl/ to throw sth/sb violently in a particular direction猛扔;猛投;猛摔• He hurled a brick through the window.他往窗户⾥扔了块砖。获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。


外刊精讲 | 退休年龄推迟?延迟退休会影响寿命吗?

【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:In China, Retiring as Early as 50 Has Been the Norm. That Is About to Change.正文:Squeezed by an economic downturn and a rapidly aging population, China took a step toward raising its unusually low age benchmarks for when state employees have to retire. China has one of the lowest retirement ages among major economies, letting women retire as early as 50 and men at 60—policies unchanged since the 1950s. Beijing has long said it wants citizens to work longer, but has repeatedly put off any policy changes for fear of social pushback. The urgency has grown as the country confronts a decline in births and a shrinking workforce.知识点:squeeze v. /skwiːz/1. obtain (something) from someone with difficulty (费⼒地)索取,榨出• Councils will want to squeeze as much money out of taxpayers as they can.市政会都会想⽅设法从纳税⼈那⾥榨取尽可能多的钱2. pressurize (someone) in order to obtain something from them<⾮正式>向….施加压⼒(以获取)• She used the opportunity to squeeze him for information.她利⽤这个机会逼他吐露消息。获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。


外刊精讲 | 求职必备:如何写出一份完美简历!

【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:How to write the perfect CVA job applicant walks into a bar正文:Imagine meeting a stranger at a party. What makes for a successful encounter? Lesson one is to heed the wisdom of a shampoo commercial from the 1980s: you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Lesson two is to remember that you do not need to wear a beret or a fur stole in order to stand out. Lesson three is not to forget that what you leave out matters as much as what you say.知识点:make for1. If you make for a place, you move toward it. 前往• He rose from his seat and made for the door. 他起⾝向门⼜⾛去。2. If something makes for another thing, it causes or helps to cause that thing to happen or exist. 促成; 造就• A happy parent makes for a happy child. 幸福的家长造就幸福的孩⼦。获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。


外刊精讲 | 果然,宇宙的尽头是考公,欧美也现考公热?

【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:The New Dream Job Is Working for … the Government?Job stability is more important to young graduates than it used to be, which may be why more of them are looking at careers in the public sector.正文:One of the best parts of being a young college graduate, and naïve to the grim realities of the working world, is being deluded about how great your career will be. Maybe you’ll found the next Nvidia, or win the Nobel Prize in your field, or start a charity that will make the world a better place. Or maybe you’ll take that entry-level job and climb the corporate ladder into middle management.知识点:grim adj./ɡrɪm/unpleasant and depressing令⼈不快的;令⼈沮丧的• grim news令⼈沮丧的消息• The outlook is pretty grim.前景令⼈甚感忧虑。获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。


外刊精读 | 泰勒·斯威夫特支持贺锦丽,马斯克轻浮言论引发争议

【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:The Taylor Swift Way to Defuse a TrollShe doesn’t need her boyfriend’s brawn正文:It was highly anticipated and tautly executed. Taylor Swift signed off with a dig at Donald Trump’s  running mate, J. D. Vance: “With love and hope, Taylor Swift, Childless Cat Lady.” Swift’s endorsement of  Kamala Harris on Tuesday night was not a surprise; the pop star has for years backed Democratic candidates and used social media to encourage her followers to vote. Also perhaps unsurprising was that Elon Musk, supporter and platformer of Trump, took to X shortly after Swift’s announcement to post a juvenile response. “Fine Taylor … you win,” he wrote. “I will give you a child and guard your cats with my life.”知识点:anticipated adj./ænˈtɪsɪˌpeɪtɪd/If an event, especially a cultural event, is eagerly anticipated, people expect that it will be very good, exciting, or interesting. 受期盼的• ...the most eagerly anticipated rock event of the year. ...本年度最受热切期盼的摇滚⽐赛。获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。


外刊精讲 | 见证历史!人类完成首次商业太空行走,亿万富翁在舱外停留10多分钟

【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:Polaris Dawn’s First Private Space Walk Was a Stellar Success正文:It wasn’t a small step—more a clamber, really—but as billionaire entrepreneur Jared Isaacman climbed partway out of a SpaceX Dragon capsule located nearly 740 kilometers above Earth on early Thursday morning, he made a giant leap into spaceflight history. Polaris Dawn had already marked its first historic milestone mere hours after launch when it fired Dragon’s thrusters to raise the spacecraft’s swooping elliptical orbit and reached more than 1,400 kilometers in altitude at its peak. That’s the farthest from Earth any human has ventured since the 1970s, when the last of the Apollo lunar missions left the entire planet in the rearview on the way to the moon.知识点:clamber n./ˈklæmbər/a difficult climb or movement of this sort 艰难的攀爬• a clamber up the cliff path.-次沿着悬崖⼩道艰难的往上爬⾏。获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。


外刊精讲 | 马斯克将成为世界上第一位万亿富翁,网友:财富比我的电话号码都长

【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:Tech billionaire Elon Musk is on track to become the world’s first trillionaire. It’s a sign markets aren’t working正文:Apparently, the world is about to get its first trillionaire. A report from Informa Connect says, at his present rate of wealth accumulation, tech billionaire Elon Musk is on track to be the world’s first trillionaire. If his wealth continues growing at the recent rate of 110% per year, he will hit US$1.195 trillion in 2027. The next trillionaire after Musk should be Indian mining magnate Gautam Adani, followed by Nvidia chief Jensen Huang and Indonesian mining mogul Prajogo Pangestu, all of whom are on track to hit the milestone in 2028.知识点:be about to do sthto be close to doing sth; to be going to do sth very soon即将,⾏将,正要(做某事)• I was just about to ask you the same thing.我刚才正要问你同⼀件事情。获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。


外刊精讲 | 人类首次商业太空行走!SpaceX载人飞船带着四位素人升空了

【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:The Scariest Spacewalk in 50 YearsSpaceflight is entering its cowboy era.正文:Early this morning, four private astronauts blasted into orbit to carry out SpaceX’s most dangerous mission yet. After a few days of circling Earth, the passengers will suit up and open the hatch of their spaceship. All of the precious, breathable air inside their capsule will escape into the cold void. Two of them will venture out, gripping an exterior ladder with their gloved hands as they dangle over the planet. All four will be exposed to the vacuum of space, and they will rely on their spacesuits, which SpaceX has never tested in space before, to keep them alive. It will be the first civilian spacewalk in history—and perhaps the riskiest spacewalk in decades.知识点:blast v./blæst/ 1. to violently destroy or break sth into pieces, using explosives(⽤炸药)炸毁,把…炸成碎⽚;爆破• They blasted a huge crater in the runway.他们在飞机跑道上炸了⼀个⼤坑。• They had to blast a tunnel through the mountain.他们得炸出⼀条穿⼭隧道。2. to direct air, water, etc. at sb/sth with a lot of force向…猛吹;(⽤⽔)向…喷射• Police blasted the demonstrators with water cannons.警察⽤⾼压⽔炮喷射⽰威者。获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。


外刊精讲 | 苹果推出iPhone 16押注人工智能未来

【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:Apple Unveils New iPhones With Built-In Artificial Intelligence正文:The iPhone has grown predictable. Over the past seven years, it has generally looked the same, with incremental improvements to its cameras, processors and battery life. But on Monday, Apple tried to turn the page on that predictability by introducing its first artificially intelligent iPhone.知识点:predictable adj. /prɪˈdɪktəbl/ if sth is predictable , you know in advance that it will happen or what it will be like可预见的;可预料的• a predictable result可预见的结果• The ending of the book was entirely predictable.那本书的结局完全是可以想见的。• In March and April, the weather is much less predictable.三、四⽉份的天⽓⾮常不好预测。获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。


外刊精讲 | 残奥会中国夺金94枚,比第二名多了整整41枚,怎么没人关注?

【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:What should “inclusion” include at the Paralympics?The games make a virtue of their diversity. But there’s still room to grow正文:How inclusive should the Paralympic games be? The question is a tricky one for the organisers of the event, whose very ethos is to offer opportunities to athletes unable to compete in the Olympics. In many ways this year’s games were a testament to the success of that mission. More countries than ever before competed in Paris. Yet a wide range of para-athletes, and particular disabilities, remained absent. There was no room, for example, for blind golfers or amputee footballers, deaf sprinters or swimmers with organ transplants, since the games treat each sport and each disability in distinct fashion. Might these athletes be seen in future competitions?知识点:tricky adj. /ˈtrɪki/ difficult to do or deal with难办的;难对付的• a tricky situation微妙的局势• The equipment can be tricky to install.这设备安装起来可能很费事。获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。


外刊精讲 | 中国不再允许外国人跨国收养,独生子女政策催生的一个时代落幕

【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:China’s One-Child Policy Sent Thousands of Adoptees Overseas. That Era Is Over.Beijing formally ends a program that was propelled by birth restrictions and that had been largely on hold since the pandemic正文:China said it was formally ending almost all international adoptions, shutting down a process that saw tens of thousands of Chinese-born children join families in the U.S. and other countries since the 1990s. International adoptions from China had been declining for years and were largely on hold since the pandemic. Many countries have tightened restrictions on international adoptions, driven in part by concerns over the adoption of children who had been stolen from their parents.知识点:shut sth downto stop a factory, shop/store, etc. from opening for business; to stop a machine from working(使)关张,停业,倒闭,关闭,停⽌运转• The computer system will be shut down over the weekend.计算机系统周末关闭。获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。


外刊精讲 | 泰国的医疗制度到底有多强?

【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:Why is Thai health care so good?The country could become a model for the region.正文:Political turmoil in Thailand is unrelenting. Over the past two decades, 11 different prime ministers have led the country. In the coming weeks that number could increase, as the constitutional court considers dismissing the current leader, Srettha Thavisin, over an allegedly illegal cabinet appointment. Yet amid such instability, one aspect of Thailand’s governance flourishes: its public-health system.知识点:turmoil n. /ˈtɜːrmɔɪl/ a state of great anxiety and confusion动乱;骚动;混乱;焦虑• emotional/mental/political turmoil 纷乱的情绪;精神上的混乱;政治动乱• Her mind was in (a) turmoil. 她⼼乱如⿇。获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。


外刊精讲 | 法国性侵大案震惊全球:女子遭下药侵害,72名男子被控!

【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:Woman in France Testifies Against Husband Accused of Bringing Men to Rape Her正文:If the sight of dozens of men accused of raping her, including her husband of many decades, upset Gisèle Pelicot, she did not let it show. She swept into a packed courtroom on Thursday with steely poise, her face composed, her eyes dry beneath sunglasses. Her adult children trailed behind her.知识点:the sight of sthThe sight of something is the act of seeing it or an occasion on which you see it. 看见• I faint at the sight of blood. 我⼀看见⾎就晕。获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。


外刊精讲 | 兜里没钱、恐婚恐育、佛系摆烂…这届年轻人面临怎样的“青年危机”?

【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:‘I cannot afford to live’: Gen Z is full of financial angst despite inheriting a golden job market正文:Gen Z is coming into the workforce and — in one of the grand traditions of what Millennials cringe-ily called “adulting” — they’re complaining about how much easier older generations had it. Before all the Boomers and Slackers throw their tablets across the room, let me note that Gen Zers — folks born between the late 1990s and early 2010s — are entering adulthood during one of strongest job markets in US history. Compared with Millennials, especially, who entered the workforce in the Dark Ages known as the Great Recession, the Gen Z experience is a dream.知识点:grand adj./ɡrænd/ impressive and large or important壮丽的;堂皇的;重⼤的• It's not a very grand house.这房⼦并不是⼗分富丽堂皇。• The wedding was a very grand occasion.婚礼场⾯⾮常隆重。获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。


外刊精讲 | 官媒痛批、二次销售…网友辣评泡泡玛特:盲盒?韭菜盒子!

【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:Pop Mart’s ‘blind box’ toys attract fans, detractors正文:It’s a toy story that could only be made in China. This particular tale is coming from Pop Mart International Group Ltd., which has found huge success with its trendy series of collectible toys sold from “blind boxes” that don’t reveal their contents until after a buyer opens them following a purchase. Last week, Pop Mart reported stellar results for the first half of 2024, including 62% revenue growth and a near-doubling in its profit, sparking a rally in its shares.知识点:tale n./teɪl/A tale is a story, often involving magic or exciting events. 故事 (常包含神奇的或令⼈激动的事件)• ...a collection of stories, poems and folk tales. …⼀部由故事、诗歌和民间传说构成的作品集获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。


外刊精讲 | 亚洲哪5个城市是你不容错过的美食之都

【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:5 Great Asian Food Cities You Shouldn’t Miss正文:Travelers to Asia often stick to a big-city itinerary, where well-known chefs showcase their culinary skills. The restaurant standards are high, but can be more internationalized than authentic. As a food writer based in Asia for several decades, I discovered that some of the best dining can be found in smaller, lesser-known towns. This is where the local food lovers go—and the offerings easily justify a journey. Here are a selection of some of those places, and an assortment of delicacies to savor.知识点:stick toto continue trying hard to do something difficult 继续努⼒做,坚持⼲• You'll never learn to play the piano if you're not prepared to stick to it. 如果你不打算持之以恒的话,你永远也学不会弹钢琴。获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。


外刊精讲 | 澳大利亚赋予打工人“离线权”,公司违规将罚45万元

【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:Want the legal right to ignore your boss outside working hours? Learn from the French正文:Millions of Australians just got official permission to ignore their bosses outside of working hours, thanks to a new law enshrining their "right to disconnect." The law doesn't strictly prohibit employers from calling or messaging their workers after hours.知识点:enshrine v. /ɪnˈʃraɪn/ to make a law, right, etc. respected or official, especially by stating it in an important written document把(法律、权利等)奉为神圣;把…庄严地载⼊• These rights are enshrined in the country's constitution.这些权利已庄严地载⼊国家宪法。获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。


外刊精讲 | 欧洲人为何如此热爱裸体?

【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:The great cover-up: Europe is losing its penchant for public nudityA columnist bares all in pursuit of the naked truth正文:Man is born naked, but everywhere he is in clothes. Well, nearly everywhere. Visit a sauna in Denmark, bits of public parks in Germany or many a beach in France and clothing becomes as scarce as office workers at the height of August. Mortifying as it may seem to the clothes-minded, Europe is the spiritual home of nudity: a continent where enough people (in some countries more than others) are happy to show off their private parts in public places that it has long since lost the ability to offend. Yet a cloud is hanging over those who eschew bathing costumes.知识点:sauna n. /ˈsɔːnə/ a period of time in which you sit or lie in a small room (also called a sauna ) which has been heated to a very high temperature by burning coal or wood. Some saunas involve the use of steam.桑拿浴;蒸汽浴• a hotel with a swimming pool and sauna带游泳池和桑拿浴室的旅馆• to have/take a sauna 洗桑拿浴获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。


外刊精讲 | 人去世后,留下的网络数据怎么办?

【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:What happens to your data when you die?An individual’s digital footprint will long outlive them. That presents many quandaries正文:Franz kafka died 100 years ago in literary obscurity. He had instructed his friend Max Brod to burn his unpublished works. Fortunately for generations of readers, Brod did not; he believed Kafka to be among the greatest writers of his time and instead edited and published his late friend’s writing. In other words, Brod decided that Kafka’s stories belonged not to the late author, but to the literate public.知识点:footprint n. /ˈfʊtprɪnt/ a mark left on a surface by a person's foot or shoe or by an animal's foot脚印;⾜迹• footprints in the sand沙地⾜迹• muddy footprints on the kitchen floor厨房地板上的泥脚印获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。


外刊精讲 | 数字孪生:黑客帝国照进现实!以后人人都将拥有数字双胞胎

【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:Digital twins are fast becoming part of everyday life正文:When visiting a doctor a few years from now, you can expect to be accompanied by a virtual version of yourself. This so-called digital twin will be a working model of your body that can be summoned onto a physician’s computer screen. Updated with your latest vital signs, it will help the doctor make an accurate diagnosis. It also opens the door for medicines and procedures designed specifically for you, greatly increasing recovery rates.知识点:accompany v./əˈkʌmpənɪ/If you accompany someone, you go somewhere with them. 陪伴• Ken agreed to accompany me on a trip to Africa. 肯同意陪我去⾮洲旅⾏。• She was accompanied by her younger brother. 她由她的弟弟陪着。获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。



嗚嗚 沒有搭配字幕聽不懂

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Good job

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